What's better

What distinguishes highlighting from coloring? Features, technology description and reviews


The beauty industry does not stand still, and every day more and more new techniques of coloring appear. There are technologies that give even a dim and thin strands an attractive appearance. To make hair more voluminous, girls use highlighting or coloring. The main difference between these two techniques lies in the method of conducting: highlighting is the straightening of the strands, and coloring is the coloring in several shades.

Features of highlighting

Highlighting is a procedure that brightens several strands. Technique involves the use of only one shade. For correction, only the roots are clarified. Ideal for dyeing gray hair.

Girls with dark curls should not perform highlighting themselves, because It is difficult to choose colors so that the difference between them does not stand out. The width, the number of straightened strands is adjusted depending on the wishes of the client. Hue changes up to 8 tones.

The video shows how highlighting is performed:

There are several types of highlighting. Discoloration of only the tips of the locks is called balayaz. This technique is advised to perform women who have a short haircut. Highlighting is applied:

  1. Mazhimesh. Provides application of the composition with beeswax, which allows you to create the effect of golden highlights.
  2. Naturel. Emphasizes the natural color of the ends of blond hair.
  3. American highlights. It assumes a soft contrast in relation to the natural shade of the curls.
  4. Pastel. When coloring strands combine natural color with a colder one.

The highlighting technique is performed in different ways. To make it easier to get individual hair for the procedure, wear a special cap.

The shade lasts longer when the painted curls are temporarily wrapped in foil.

If the strands are very thin, a comb with fine teeth is applied to achieve color. Manual composition is applied when the hair is not straight, but curly. The technique of highlighting involves the use of more than 10 variations of shades, among them ashy, golden beige, honey, pearl, caramel.

  • hair color does not change, individual strands are lightened (1-8 tones),
  • it is undesirable to highlight black hair,
  • There is no abrupt transition from one color to another.

Prestige hair dye can be found here.


Coloring is a complex technique, which involves saturating individual strands with different colors that differ from the base one, and can include up to 10 shades. Salon masters use 2 variants of applying the coloring composition - vertically or horizontally, dividing the curls into zones.

In the video it will be clear how much the coloring is different from the highlighting due to the complexity of the implementation:

With gentle toning applied funds in which there is no ammonia. When intensive form paints are used with oxidizing agents. In the light version, balsams, mascara, crayons are used. Find the right shade will help paint Olia.

The main difference between coloring and highlighting is a sharp change in colors and complexity of the technique.

  • dye strands can be in any color
  • is popular with girls under 25 (when highlighting is also relevant for girls over 40),
  • Coloring is difficult to do at home, so it is recommended to contact the salon for the procedure,
  • possible a sharp transition from one tone to another, a combination of different colors and shades,
  • Coloring can be done after highlighting.

What is better: the main differences, pros and cons of articles

Pick up the technique of coloring, taking into account the type of hair, their shade, the expected effect. Each of the methods has its advantages, but also has disadvantages.

Highlighting helps to give volume to thin hair, masks the emerging gray hair. After the procedure, the color is adjusted independently.

The technique in which the natural shade smoothly turns into the tone created, helps to look younger, but dark hair must be lightened before highlighting.

To create an unusual and interesting image helps coloring, thanks to which you can get accents, give a beautiful volume to thin curls. When using equipment, the gray hair is completely removed. The procedure is suitable for women with any hair color.

The Loreal Majirel palette can be found here.

Among the disadvantages:

  • the complexity of the procedures: it is recommended to contact the salon, to achieve the desired result, because home staining may not give the desired effect,
  • as hair regrowth correction is required.

What to choose for a short haircut and bangs

For long curls difficult to care for. Not every woman has enough time to do the styling, braid hair in her hair. Active girls are more likely to have a short haircut (such as a bob or bob) - in which only tips and bangs are painted. Blondes are advised to choose a wheat, ashen, golden mother-of-pearl shade.

Coloring features

The master in the cabin should advise what is more suitable for a woman: coloring or clarification. In the second case, it is important to choose a lightening paint without yellowness. If curls are medium in length, professionals recommend Californian coloring.

Natural dark shade blends perfectly with chestnut or red. Red hair successfully combined with light or chocolate strands. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the palettes of red hues in this material.

Women with long curls, you can choose any options for fashionable painting.

Staining effect

The master of the salon can choose the shades that are in harmony with the skin color and facial features.

Neon staining is suitable for extravagant girls who like to stand out among friends. Several bright tones are used at once.

In the pearlescent form of coloring, colors are selected that vary depending on the lighting.

In the Californian version, shades are applied from dark at the roots to light at the ends, and the effect of burnt hair on dark hair is obtained.

Unusually, but interestingly, buds, figures, and prints that are created using stencils in a patterned form of coloring look on strands.

Multicolour coloring involves the use of not one, but several similar or different shades. This option is suitable for girls with problematic curls, but the tone is better to choose close to the natural color, which helps to increase the volume. Hair dye Pallet will help make this coloring.

Performing fashionable painting at home

For highlighting you will need clamps, rubber gloves, a comb. The dye is mixed with the same amount of funds for lightening hair. Curls need to comb and separate from the neck a thin layer. On the remaining strands, departing from the root, apply the composition with a brush, which is fixed for half an hour. Hair is thoroughly washed under a tap.

Olin paint palette is available here.

To perform the coloring it is necessary to purchase several types of paint and oxidant. The procedure is carried out in stages and takes about 3 hours:

  1. The foil is crushed in the form of long strips.
  2. Gently combed curls.
  3. The hair is separated into zones.
  4. Starting from the back of the head, the strands are greased with the compound and wrapped in foil.

In this way, all the hair is dyed, the tool is fixed for about 40 minutes. To properly comb the strands while washing, apply a balm conditioner.

Care for dyed hair

After coloring with the use of perhydrol and chemical compounds, you need to constantly take care of your curls. It is not recommended to dry them with a hair dryer, to iron with an iron, to wash your hair every day. To restore the structure, it is necessary to put nutrient masks on the strands, rinse the hair once a week with infusions prepared from burdock root, hop cones, chamomile, nettle.

Going to the sea or sunbathing on the river, it is necessary to protect the hair with a hat. Wash curls need special shampoos.

You can not do staining often, the optimal period between procedures is 3 months.

Hair highlights

Highlighting is a procedure in which a hairdresser selects several strands from the total mass of hair and brightens them. If you do not want drastic changes, or you just need to hide gray hair, then this method of coloring will suit you.

You can choose on your own how many strands will be lightened, how wide they will be and how much they will contrast with the rest of the hair. Highlighting fits any hair color other than black, since in this case the result looks ugly.

If we are talking about the difference between highlighting and coloring of hair, we need to highlight the main features of each procedure. After that you will choose for yourself what suits you. So, features of highlighting:

  • Spinning does not change color, but just lighten.
  • It is possible to choose strands of any width and lighten by a tone or several.
  • On the black color highlighting is undesirable.
  • Highlighting is suitable for people of all ages.
  • The highlighting procedure is easy, you can do it yourself at home.
  • There will be no abrupt transition from one color to another.

So, if you want to conduct an experiment with your image, but do not dare to make drastic changes, then highlighting will suit you. Now let's talk about coloring.

Highlighting: dyeing technique

As noted above, highlighting can be done at home. Technique of the procedure is as follows:

  • Divide hair into several sections.
  • Separate the strand of the desired width from the total weight of the hair and apply brightener on it.
  • Wrap the order in foil, then hold for the required amount of time. It usually takes 10-15 minutes.
  • Work in the same way all the desired strands.
  • Wash out the clarifier.
  • Apply to the hair treatment mask or balm.

Thus, the technique is simple, does not require additional effort.

Reviews of professional hairdressers

Specialists who have repeatedly done each of these procedures, believe that any manipulation of the hair itself is undesirable. This can lead to unpredictable consequences. Perhaps after that you will have to restore the hair for a long time using expensive means. Therefore, it is better to immediately pay a certain amount of money to a hairdresser than to spend even more on the treatment of curls.

In addition, hairdressers strongly recommend after hair dyeing hair, using balsams, conditioners, masks and even folk remedies. This will protect them from the harmful effects of paint.

Coloring, brondirovanie, highlighting hair - these are procedures that will change your appearance for the better, if you know for sure that you are ready for a change.

Useful tips

So, if you do not want drastic changes, but you are already tired of your image, then highlighting will suit you. You can make and coloring, but choose calm, natural colors.

After any procedure, do not forget to care for your hair so that it radiates health and vitality. Without this, any technique is useless.

And remember, this is just your image. If you understand the difference between coloring and hair dyeing, if you are sure that you want to change the hairstyle, then go to your goal.

Highlighting and coloring: distinctive features

Highlighting involves selecting individual strands and further clarifying them into several tones. The strands do not have to be the same: so that they successfully combine with the base color, they try to hide the borders and make the transition softer.

Feature of the procedure:

  • As a rule, bleaching of 40% of curls implies
  • It does not fit black hair, because it turns out an unnatural image, and it is very hard to lighten the naturally dark strands,
  • there are no sharp transitions, because the contrast is not in fashion now,
  • a mandatory attribute of highlighting is lightening with an oxygenant,
  • is very simple, but requires a lot of effort, especially if you have to paint most of the hair,
  • perfectly hides the gray hair, which is just beginning to manifest itself.

Highlighting will go to those girls who are trying to grow curls and are not inclined to dramatic changes.

Note, If you want to look younger than your age, then this technique is for you. Due to the fact that the light colors on the hair drag attention to themselves, the problem areas of the skin with the characteristic features of age-related changes become less noticeable. Thus, highlighting is a kind of distracting maneuver that makes you younger.

Coloring is a very complicated procedure, which is designed to enrich individual strands with bright colors. But do not assume that using this technique, you will look bold and extravagant. It is quite possible to choose a color that will add a natural note to your look.

Features of coloring:

  • more suitable for girls under 25,
  • You can paint the curls in any color you like,
  • hard to do at home, so you need the help of professional craftsmen,
  • can be carried out on pre-streaked strands,
  • there is an opportunity to make “bindings” of various colors, while the hairstyle will look as harmonious as possible,
  • works well for haircuts, or asymmetrical hairstyles.

Staining effect

In the modern world of the salon industry, in fulfilling the highlighting, one important rule is followed: proximity to naturalness. To make the image harmonious, choose the following shades:

Basically, they are trying to achieve the effect of solar kisses, when it seems as if a little sun bunny touched your hair and drowned in them.

The task of coloring is a game of contrast. In this regard, the master selects colors that are radically different from the main one. At the exit should get an extravagant image.

With the help of similar shades, you can visually add volume to even thin curls. If you have a haircut on the type of asymmetry, then the coloring will help you to successfully place accents.

Women aged need to carefully approach the choice of shades for kolorage. If you take a chance and paint your hair in very bright strands, it may turn out to be too colorful or even vulgar.

Cost of treatments

It should be noted that full-color coloring costs 20–30% more than highlighting. This results from the fact that the master needs to pick up several options of dyes, and also to use the clarifier (for dark and brown curls).

The cost of the procedure affects:

  • the chosen dyeing technique (of course, several motley strands will cost you much less than dyeing the whole head of hair),
  • novelty hairstyles
  • the length of your hair,
  • option professional painting composition
  • the prestige of the salon and the experience of the master,
  • additional services (restoring mask, color prewash, keratin or vitamin complex for nourishing curls).

Thus, coloring will cost about 4000-10000 rubles. Highlighting will cost you 3000–8000 rubles, because in any case only part of the hair is colored (up to 40%) and you can get by with one color option, successfully interlacing it with natural curls.

At home, painting in the stated techniques is much cheaper, because the cost of the oxidizer starts from 250 rubles, and the paint - about 450 rubles.

Need to understand when you make a colorage using several colors, a dye may remain. Well, if you wish, and continue to walk with the same way. And what if you want to change the image, then the rest of the paint will simply disappear.

Perform at home

Why don't you do coloring or highlighting at home?

For highlighting you need to arm:

  • clarifier and dye, which are mixed in certain proportions,
  • comb with a sharp end,
  • a pair of gloves
  • clamps
  • 2 hours of free time.

The technique of performing French highlighting involves drying directly in fresh air, so put aside a plastic bag or foil.


  1. Well combed curls and divide them into zones.
  2. We begin to work from the back of the head: we select a thin layer of hair that we will not touch. We divide the next layer into small strands of various thickness and apply a dye on them. Let them on their natural layer.
  3. In the similar way all head of hair is painted. Be sure to make a slight indent from the roots. Smears are made randomly with a brush, on some strands you can make a feather color.
  4. After 30–40 minutes, the curls are washed, and a conditioner balm is applied.

Council of Professionals. If you want the procedure to be harmless, then use non-ammonia dyes that stay on the hair for no more than 1.5 months.

For the procedure of coloring you need:

  • oxidizer and several paint options,
  • foil,
  • clips for fixing curls,
  • comb with a spike
  • a couple of hours of free time.


  1. Comb the curls and prepare the dye. Cut the foil into strips, a little more than the length of your hair.
  2. Dividing the hair into zones, we start to start from the back of the head. We select the strands, we put a foil under them, we carefully coat it with dye and wrap it in aluminum material.
  3. Similarly, doing with all the hair.
  4. We stand 40-50 minutes.
  5. We wash off the paint and use a balm conditioner.

As you can see, in the considered techniques there is nothing difficult.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both techniques have both advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of highlighting:

  • allows you to give curls dynamism and volume,
  • essentially young
  • does not require frequent tinting of curls due to the creation of smooth transitions between natural color and lightened strands,
  • gives volume
  • beautifully paints over gray hair, which is just beginning to appear,
  • is very simple, but you have to tinker with the selection of strands.

The advantages of coloring:

  • makes an image unusual and refined,
  • fits almost all hair, including very dark,
  • creates interesting accents and makes it possible to vary the color when changing the way of laying,
  • fits even completely to gray-haired women (of course, with full coloring of the hair),
  • gives volume to curls.

But even without the drawbacks of the techniques we are considering, we cannot do. The most obvious of them are:

  • injured colored curls, because in most cases, permanent permanent dyes and clarifiers are used,
  • It’s hard to guess the color, especially in color painting (therefore, it’s better to rely on experienced craftsmen),
  • since when coloring, as a rule, vertical staining of the locks from the roots occurs, frequent refreshment of the hairstyle is required, and you are unlikely to succeed in choosing the right color shades,
  • both techniques are time consuming, but coloring is more
  • Both coloring and highlighting are quite expensive procedures.

An important point! Comparing these two techniques, you should understand that highlighting is a universal hairstyle that fits all. The only thing that on blondes she can be invisible, and on brunettes the contrast will be too visible. When coloring, pay attention to age - if you are over 50, do not take risks, but give up bright accents.

These painting options are contraindicated in the case of:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • waving (less than a month),
  • prior staining with henna, basma and other natural pigments,
  • allergic reactions that occur on the skin.

How to care for painted strands

As you already understood, it is difficult to call these types of painting gentle. If you used permanent dyes and perhydrol, then get ready to regularly take care of your hair. For this:

  • use hair dryer, curling iron and iron in rare cases
  • trim the split ends from time to time,
  • apply a restorative mask, you can homemade,
  • don't often wash your hair, otherwise you risk quickly washing the artificial pigment,
  • use shampoos from the special series "For melirovannye", "For kolorovannyh", "For colored hair",
  • exclude mechanical damage to the hair (do not brush your wet head and do not rub it with a towel), as well as the harmful effects of UV rays (always wear a hat in the sun),
  • at least once a week, rinse the curls after washing with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, burdock or nettle.

Remember, the following coloring is allowed to be carried out not earlier than in 3 months.

Thus, to make highlighting or coloring - you decide. It all depends on individual preferences based on the style, image, mood, and inner state of the soul.

We have prepared fresh and fashionable hair coloring techniques:

What it is?

By the method of applying the coloring is divided into two types:

When the longitudinal composition is applied to the entire length of the strand. Transverse coloring creates a gradient effect: hair is divided horizontally into zones.

By the use of shades can be distinguished:

  • multicolor
  • neon
  • mother of pearl,
  • Californian
  • patterned coloring.

A little bit about each form:


Coloring using a large number of shades that are close to each other or completely different.

Implies the use of multiple tones, but they are all the brightest and most saturated colors.


It implies the creation of the effect of sun-bleached hair. From the roots to the tips, the color changes from darker to lighter shades. The smoother the transition, the more natural the effect looks.

The most courageous. The hair is dyed with various complex patterns using a stencil. You can put animal prints, flowers and geometric shapes - it all depends on the imagination.

Staining recommendations

Coloring is suitable for everyone, you only need to decide on the view. The choice of the type of coloring depends not only on personal wishes, but also on the length and color of the hair.

Dyeing recommendations for different hair lengths:

  • For short hairstyles often produce painting only tips and bangs. For owners of light curls suitable pearl coloring.
  • On the hair of medium length, almost every type of dyeing looks good, but Californian and multicolor coloring is especially recommended.
  • Owners of long hair can choose any version you like, based on recommendations for color and achieve your desired goals.

Tips for coloring according to hair color:

  • Dark hair should choose shades of red, chestnut or red.
  • Blondes have the widest range of colors and types of coloring available. If the hair shade is cold, then ashy or pearlescent coloring looks beautiful. For warm shades, wheat, honey and golden shades should be used.
  • On red hair to refresh the image, you can use deep chocolate shades or light blond strands.
  • For light brown hair, cool shades of light, the effect of burnt hair or warm chocolate are well suited.

We offer to see a useful video on how coloring is done.


Toning - hair coloring with sparing means. This type of coloring is not persistent, but it helps to update the image and refresh the appearance of the hairstyle.

Types of toning:

  • Intensive toning using semi-permanent paints, which include oxidizing ingredients. Holds up to several months.
  • Gentle toning is carried out with ammonia-free paints and tonics. Color lasts from a couple of weeks to a month.
  • Easy toning - applying pigment with crayons, ink, natural dyes or balms. Holds to the first shampooing.

Toning is suitable for everyone, because it is very gentle, and good tonics contain many beneficial moisturizers. Once a week it is recommended to render toning to those who made highlighting.

What is the difference?

Let's summarize the main features of the coloring procedure that distinguish this type of staining from others.

In the procedure of coloring, as a rule, apply from 3 shades. Skilled wizards can use more than 20 tones to make the hairstyle structural and voluminous. Depending on the wishes of the client, either shades close to their color or completely achromatic can be used.

In the coloring almost do not use clarifiers, because transitions make smooth. Also this coloring can be not only vertical, but also horizontal. It all depends on the wishes.

Below are examples of coloring and other types of hair coloring for comparison. These photos will help you understand the difference between coloring, highlighting and toning hair.

How to choose a procedure?

  • In general, it is worth relying when choosing only your own preferences.
  • Also the master will help you decide on the type of procedure, but it is important to choose a good professional who is able to make complex multicolor coloring.
  • Light highlighting can be done independently.

A variety of types of coloring and options for their implementation on the one hand allow you to effectively update your image, but on the other hand create a serious problem of choice. Highlighting and coloring are one of the most popular procedures that allow you to make your hair shine, vividness and volume without a fundamental change in image. The main thing - to choose a proven professional, not to be disappointed.

The difference between these techniques and the similarities

To begin with, let's see what these procedures are.

Highlighting is a hair dye technique that is a bleaching of some strands.. As a rule, this is not a complete change of image, but only an addition to a new image. This technology can be implemented absolutely on any type of scalp. The process is carried out with the help of special clarifying compositions.

Highlighting is very easy to do at home, and with the correction of problems will not arise, because it is enough just to refresh the root area of ​​the hair. This procedure will easily refresh the image, giving the strands a natural look. Highlighting is performed with only one shade.

Dark-haired ladies, who decided to resort to this technology to change the image, the procedure should not be carried out independently, but by a qualified specialist., since the difference in color will look unnatural with the inexperience of the master.

Coloring is a technology that implies the processing of the coloring composition as individual curls, and the whole hair in general. This process is much more complex and interesting than the above mentioned highlighting, because not one shade is involved in it, but at least 2-3!

An experienced master can combine about 20 shades, while the transitions will look very natural. The coloring technique can be carried out both on natural hair color and on previously colored curls.

Coloring can rightly be called a masterpiece of parikhmer artAfter all, this method allows you to completely change the image, as well as to add a zest to the most unremarkable appearance.

These methods of staining also differ in types and technique of implementation, so they have practically no similarities.


  • Balayazh. It implies a soft discoloration of only the tips of the strands. Ideal for short hair.
  • Natyurel. Emphasizes the natural color of the tips of the curls. Especially popular among women of fashion with a light shade of hair.
  • Pastel. Interesting coloring, the essence of which lies in the slight dimming of the natural color of the strands with hues of the cold type.
  • Mazhimesh. It is used to create soft golden highlights. It has a unique composition, which contains beeswax.
  • American highlights. It creates a soft contrast with natural hair color, and therefore is considered ideal for owners of dark-haired hair.


  • Mother of pearl. Unique in that purple and pink alternate. The result is a beautiful iridescent shade.
  • Stencil. Allows you to create amazing drawing on the head of hair from various lines down to small images.
  • Multicolor. This method uses mostly bright non-natural colors. With properly selected transitions will be a lifeline for rare and thin strands.
  • Neon. Here such shades as blue, green, turquoise are in priority. The main task is to create a bright and unusual image. Suitable for any type of hair.

Choosing the right technique

A clear recommendation is not here. It is necessary to choose the coloring technique on the basis of individual preferences and the type of hair. For women of fashion who have dark color of curls, it is preferable to choose coloring, since highlighting in this case is a multistage process and due to this worsens the state of hair.

In addition, highlighting on dark curls looks less impressive and interesting. Coloring also gives the headpiece a visual volume, therefore, making its appearance more well-groomed, lively and luxurious. This method is suitable for young girls who want to make notes of originality in their image.

Highlighting the more versatile methoddesigned to emphasize the natural shade of the hair. It is suitable, as well as the young seductress, and the ladies of middle age. This technique is better to implement the owners of chestnut and blond curls.

But blondes better resort to the previous method, as highlighting in this color is almost imperceptible. This technology has a significant advantage - it can be easily implemented at home.

Usually, highlighting lasts for three months, coloring - two months.

The combination of staining

Many young ladies wonder if it is possible to combine both of these techniques? Yes it is possible. It is important to choose the right colors for coloring. Ideal to carry out the conceived idea on medium and long hair. In short strands, the process is more complicated.

It is worth remembering that for the process of highlighting it is necessary to select shades that differ by 2 colors from the natural hair color. For coloring - on 3 tones.

To suit

Since the basic process in highlighting is clarification, this method of coloring is not suitable for blondes. The effect becomes noticeable on light brown and darker hair.

It is not necessary to highlight the hair of burning brunettes - the contrast between the base tone and bleached locks will be too strong. In addition, very dark hair often when whitening acquire a strange yellow shade, from which it is almost impossible to get rid of.

Hair length does not play a special role.Equally good highlighting looks on an elongated car, cascade or mischievous pixie. Partially the effect is leveled on too small curls. After all, they are already voluminous, and bleached locks on short curly hair can make their owner look like a dandelion. But in flowing long curls, they look just great.

Properly done highlighting perfectly hides the early gray hair. But it is very important to choose the right tone. If cold shades are obtained during clarification, they can even add a few extra years.

So women after 35 with this type of staining should be more careful. They may have to adjust the color with tint balsams.

Fundamental differences

As you can see, the main difference between highlighting and coloring is in the multicolor of the latter. This provides great opportunities for creating both classical and avant-garde images. The main thing - do not overdo it.

Some masters manage to impose simultaneously 6-8 contrasting colors, and then even the hairstyle becomes similar to the plumage of a tropical parrot. But with the right choice of gamma and moderation, coloring always looks stylish and expensive.

The table below illustrates well the difference between highlighting and coloring:


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