
The character of a man for a haircut - reveal secrets


Men's haircuts, like women, have many varieties that change over time and modernized. An example of a classic, not losing its popularity - hair Canadian. Almost every year, new fashionable trends in hairdressing, new haircuts and styling are developed on its basis.

The history of male haircuts Canadian

Canadian really came to Russia from Canada. In the 1970s, the Canadian national hockey team came to the USSR for the match. The players of the national team wore a haircut that was unusual for the Soviet Union - short-cropped temples and the top of the head and long voluminous hair on the crown and in the area of ​​the fringe.

Soviet hockey players then massively adopted this hairstyle. From them she already went "to the people". Currently, one or another kind of it is worn by men of all ages at different parts of the world. With such a hairstyle, Ronaldo’s football and pop singer Justin Bieber was spotted.

Pros haircuts

Canadian haircut is simple and elegant. It has many advantages:

  • Depending on the styling, the classic Canadian can be either creative (if, for example, pulling the bang) or elegant. Therefore, it is suitable for any suit, both for office dress code and for a party,
  • Its easy to do. With minimal skills, almost everyone can do it at home,
  • Shorn quickly. Do not have to spend a lot of time in the cabin
  • Easy to fit
  • To create it does not require significant hair length.

Almost every man currently wears this or that kind of Canadian. Whiskey can be shaved off, the fringe extended, etc., but the basis of even creative haircuts is Canadian.

Short-cut whiskey and nape

Perhaps the most common hairstyle among the stronger sex. In fact, this is the choice of a real macho. In addition, this haircut produces jealous. This hairstyle is often chosen by charismatic, accustomed to the adoration of men who have a very good sense of humor.

Long hair

This hairstyle speaks of creativity and courage, and a kind of rebellion. If your man has long hair, then you probably know that you definitely will not get bored with him. However, keep in mind that he can not tolerate competition.

Center hair cut

This hairstyle is chosen by hardworking, persistent and patient men. The representatives of the stronger sex, having such a hairstyle, prefer to go about their business more than show off in front of others.

Medium length hair with bangs to the side

Real romance! Owners of such haircuts have not only a romantic mood, but also clear organizational skills. If you do not like competition, then bear in mind - such men like women, and they are using this advantage with might and main.


Canadian really came to Russia from Canada. In the 1970s, the Canadian national hockey team came to the USSR for the match. The players of the national team wore a haircut that was unusual for the Soviet Union - short-cropped temples and the top of the head and long voluminous hair on the crown and in the area of ​​the fringe.

Soviet hockey players then massively adopted this hairstyle. From them she already went "to the people". Currently, one or another kind of it is worn by men of all ages at different parts of the world. With such a hairstyle, Ronaldo’s football and pop singer Justin Bieber was spotted.

PLUSES haircuts

Canadian haircut is simple and elegant. It has many advantages:

  • Depending on the styling, the classic Canadian can be either creative (if, for example, pulling the bang) or elegant. Therefore, it is suitable for any suit, both for office dress code and for a party,
  • Its easy to do. With minimal skills, almost everyone can do it at home,
  • Shorn quickly. Do not have to spend a lot of time in the cabin
  • Easy to fit
  • To create it does not require significant hair length.

Almost every man currently wears this or that kind of Canadian. Whiskey can be shaved off, the fringe extended, etc., but the basis of even creative haircuts is Canadian.


Men's haircut Canadian in one or another of its varieties fits almost everything. Holders of an elongated face and high forehead are not recommended to unduly raise hair on the crown and bangs during styling. May be shorter. If the face is narrow at the temples, more hair remains.

With a broad face, temples are sometimes shaved off with a machine. A lot of hair remains in the upper part so that they can be laid high. Holders of large heads fit short haircut. Owners of a small head can leave longer strands to create volume when laying.


The classic technique involves a short (but not under the typewriter) haircut temples and neck. At the same time in the frontal and parietal parts of the head remain elongated.

Transitions are gradual and smooth. The shortest length in the lower part of the nape and near the ears. The maximum at a bang is closer to a forehead. Smooth transitions provide the ability to create a classic office styling.


The process of cutting Canadian is shown in more detail in the video. Depending on the type of haircut, it is different.


Sports Canadian has some differences from the classic. It has a shorter length and styling features. Long Canadian requires a rather complicated installation. Sports does not require it at all. She can be disheveled.

Whiskey shorn machine. At the same time, the tips change from 1 mm at the ears, up to 3 mm closer to the crown. It also coats the back of the head. This is done from bottom to top. Nozzles vary from 2 to 6 mm. The parietal part and bangs are trimmed manually with scissors, but the areas should remain relatively short.

How does a haircut on curly hair?

On curly and strongly curly hair, short Canadian will look better. But not excessively. Need to cut on wet hair. The minimum length of the longest strand in this state is 3–4 cm. This will correct errors and inaccuracies after drying.

Cut such hair adhering to several rules:

  1. Only wet
  2. Do not use the machine,
  3. When shearing the hair is divided into thin strands.

This will help create the perfect haircut. On such hair the average length of strands looks bad. Should prefer short or long Canadian.


Canadian haircut scheme is simple. In short, the first third of the neck (from the neck) and the first third of the temples (above the ears) are cut off. Gradually, the length increases by the second third of the temples and the occiput. The parietal part is cut by hand with scissors. The length increases towards the bangs and hair in the frontal region. There curls can be quite long.


Laying is varied. Short sports haircut can be laid gel. Strands should be disheveled. If the hair is of medium length, and you still want disheveled styling in the style of a keg, then the strands should be structured with the help of wax.

The creative option is obtained if you dry the hair on one side. The same option is good for curly hair with a long haircut. A popular retro style will help create a bang in a bang to give maximum volume.


Modern technology to perform Canadian haircut has nuances. She harder. Masters resort to asymmetric options.

Canadian can be a modern hairstyle

The temple will be shaved off by a nozzle of 1 mm, or vice versa, elongated. At the same time, the bangs are oblique and long. Other options are possible.

How to find out the character of a man by his haircut

Men are more free to choose haircuts, women weeks, because in modern society it is absolutely normal to walk with long hair or completely bald. By the choice of a man, one can safely judge his character.

You can learn character in a variety of ways, but the first thing we pay attention to when dealing with a person is his haircut, shoes and style in general. Men are very scrupulous about their haircut and often follow their convictions all his life, without changing the length of the hair and the way of styling. The location of the parting plays a big role, which is also worth noting.

Unusual haircut or styling

This may be a mohawk, a pigtail with shaved temples, dyed hair. Anything can be done with hair, but all this will indicate that you have a very brave man, and, most importantly, self-confident. Most likely, the person in front of you is very diplomatic and he has developed empathy, that is, compassion. This is an accomplished person who is not afraid of criticism. If such a person sees that someone is being offended aimlessly, he will stand up for this person. Society condemns these guys and men, but this is fundamentally wrong.

Side Bangs, average hair length

Most likely, in front of you is a womanizer or a man who appreciates the attention of women. Such men love romance and know how to impress women, but not all. Someone from the ladies thinks such an image is too "slobbering." From the truly positive aspects of such a man, one can note the high level of internal stability and organization in general.

Medium back hair

Pull back hair like those who adore attention. Most likely, with such a man’s sense of humor, everything is in perfect order. These are very erudite personalities and often incredibly talented. The direction of development is difficult to guess, however, it can be not only art, but also sport. The nature of these men for the most part is soft, but at the right time, everything becomes exactly the opposite.

Parting in the middle

With a middle parting, there are men who, because of their character traits, love logic and follow the rules. Intuition for them is a bit of an overkill. Particularly strong thinking are those who have such a parting from birth. Such men do not like to look for difficult ways to solve problems - they strive to find the shortest algorithm for solving any problem. Among such people there are many writers, mathematicians, programmers, teachers, scientists. The sense of humor is dulled, the creative potential is also small, but there is a great love for work.

Without hair, or very short haircut

If a man has no hair on his head at all or his haircut is very short, and the reason for this is not old age or illness, then his character is very stable and truly strong. Of the strengths of such men, loyalty, willpower, craving for alcohol, the ability to relax and the ability to properly spend time with any people are worth noting. Often these men are smiling and open, and also physically strong.

Standard haircut

A short regular haircut says that the character of this man is severe. Such people know how to make an impression, have a good sense of humor and try to follow the rules in everything. Such men never forgive betrayal of their wives and girls, raise children in severity. With this hairstyle often live introverts.

How to choose a haircut on the shape of the face

The first thing to do is decide on your face shape. Come to the mirror, remove your hair if you have bangs, and determine the shape. The main forms of a man's face are: round, oval, square, heart-shaped, triangular or rhomboid. Next, we analyze each face shape separately.

Oval face shape

The oval face shape is considered ideal. For this type of face, short classic haircuts are suitable: short on the sides and slightly longer than the top, or simply folded hair on one side. The challenge is to remove the hair back, and not on the forehead, in order to avoid the roundness of your face. Creating angles and volume at the crown can sharpen a face a little. I would even add that the male bun looks great with an oval face. Also with long hair, at least in theory.

For the oval type of face are suitable haircuts such as:

  • Anderkat (undercut), she is "British".
  • With sweep bangs back, if the hair is long. Haircut "Canadian".
  • Haircuts with bangs.
  • Haircuts "Boxing" or "Poluboks".

Canadian history

Initially, the haircut was called “cable car”, because the smooth contours of its edging were performed as if by a rope.

The first wave of popularity of this male hairstyle for short hair came in the early seventies of the last century, when the Canadian hockey team first arrived in the Soviet Union. All the players of this team impressed the fans with the irresistible elegance of their hair. In an effort to be like their idols, hockey fans soon also got similar haircuts, not forgetting to rename the “cable car” to “Canadian”. "She belongs to the category of male haircuts with shaved temples.

Main advantages

Canadian strengths are:

  • The simplicity of technology. Her performance on the shoulder even inexperienced stylist.
  • The speed of execution. As is the case with boxing and semi-boxing hairstyles, an experienced master copes with a Canadian in 10-15 minutes.
  • Easy styling. The classic version of the Canadian does not need constant styling, but a young man who wants to look stylish and modern can style his hair with the help of modern styling: foam, gels and mousses. For laying down a canadian, as well as cutting bob on short hair, about which more detailed information is presented here, you just need to tangle the hair with your hands, on which a small amount of styling product is applied.
  • Versatility. Canadian as a men's hairstyle under the cap has no age limit. It can be worn by teenagers, mature men, and even old men.
  • Many faces. With a Canadian on his head, a man can afford any image: from a respectable businessman and a refined dandy to a brutal hooligan. It all depends on the nature of hair styling.

Who is the “Canadian” for?

The universality of the Canadian is that it looks equally good on both straight, and wavy, and curly curls. The density of hair for her too unimportant. Some importance is the shape of the face.

  • Men can recommend this haircut,Oval and round face. Any version of the haircut for an oval face would be acceptable, but for round faces a modification with oblique elongated bangs or styling of dark hair, raised with a strong fixation gel, would be perfect. This method of laying will help to visually lengthen the face.
  • Correcting the angular features of the face will help the variation of the Canadian, having a short bangs and strands casually falling on the face.
  • After reviewing the photo kandaki, we can conclude that the young men prefer asymmetrical variation with the most elongated strands in the parietal zone of the head and ultrashort hair at the back of the head and temples.
  • Mature and elegant men choose the classic version with a smooth transition from elongated strands to short hair (with a slight difference in length). You can read more about the men's classic haircut in our article.

For owners of rectangular faces, the Canadian is not suitable: they should choose a hairstyle with bangs, since the elongated strands of the parietal area of ​​the head will contribute to the visual lengthening of an already elongated facial shape.

If there is no time for laying the Canadian, you should choose men's hairstyles with shaved temples.

Technique of the classic version of hairstyles

Technology male model haircut Canadian extremely simple.The master will need scissors (regular and thinning), a comb and a machine (equipped with a nozzle No. 2). Applied techniques: haircut "on the fingers", shading, haircut machine. Customer's hair must be clean and moist.

  • Having combed his hair, the master divides them with a parting system: one - horizontal - goes from one ear to the other through the crown. The other two - vertical - stretch from the temples to the horizontal parting.
  • On the forehead (at the very border of hair growth), the stylist separates a small (5 mm wide) test strip, pulls it off at an angle of 90 degrees and shears off, leaving 3 cm of length. In the same way, all hair in the parietal region of the head is clipped. The length of the strands all the time is verified using the control curl.
  • Hair cutting at the temples is done in the same way. Pulling off the strands at an angle of 90 degrees, the master performs a neat edging of the temples and above the ears.
  • After treatment of the crown and temples, the remaining mass of hair is divided by a horizontal part into two zones.
  • Separating the control strand (located in the center of the convergence of two horizontal partings) in the upper occipital zone, the master cuts it with an oblique cut method.
  • Next is the haircut located in the upper region of the neck. The technique of cutting is similar to the one used for treating the hair on the crown and temples: pulling off the strands at a right angle, the stylist shears them, focusing on the length of the control strand.
  • Hair in the lower part of the neck is cut as short as possible. Armed with a typewriter, the barber achieves a smooth transition from shortened strands in the lower part of the occipital zone to longer hair at the very top of the nape. Rising through the hair, the stylist increases the angle of his typewriter.
  • Having combed trimmed hair, the master carries out their thinning and corrects a hairstyle.

Sports Canadian Performance Technique

This variation of the Canadian is extremely popular among athletes (especially football players), who appreciate it for its effectiveness and practicality. In recent years, young men have also begun to give preference to the very sporty variation of this popular hairstyle, since it is performed extremely quickly and suits almost everyone. You can watch videos of sports haircuts here

Sports Canad perform a machine on clean moisturized hair.

Some stylists who prefer to work "wet", use a sprayer. The technique of performing a sports hairstyle is virtually identical to that performed with scissors, but there are a number of differences:

  • Hair cutting at the temples is performed first with a 3 mm nozzle, and for final adjustment they take a 1 mm nozzle.
  • The nape is treated with movements directed from the bottom up (towards the parietal zone of the head), while using different nozzles, taking care of the smoothness of the transition from the crown to the hair located on the temples, the nape and near the ears.
  • Beware of burning the machine, stylists prefer to cut the hair on the top of the head with scissors, since most men have too stiff and thick hair.
  • The master performs the edging either with scissors or with a machine: here the client’s desire is the determining factor.

But the children can fit the Canadian or hair on its side for boys.

Features haircut for heavily curly hair

  • Haircut curly curls - not an easy task, because even wet strands can not be given the same length. So rebellious hair is cut only with scissors, dividing it into extremely thin strands.
  • The minimum length of the cut wavy strands is 3-4 cm. This length allows for a final correction of the hairstyle a little later.
  • The edging on wavy hair looks unpresentable, so it is not performed.
  • The machine for heavily curly hair is contraindicated: it is only sometimes used to create smooth transitions.
  • On curly hair often make multi-layered haircuts, but it is the Canadian that looks best if the length of the strands will be minimal.

Scheme and video tutorials canadian hair can be easily found on the Internet. If you look at the graphic, you will see that the largest volume is left for the strands growing in the forehead and crown. The hair of the head, temporal and occipital zones is cut very short.

For the Canadian, a smooth transition from elongated locks at the crown of the head to an extremely short one at the back of the head and temples is characteristic. This effect is achieved through the use of technology "information to no."

Styling rules

The secret of the incredible popularity of the Canadian is that this hairstyle, like the short male Mohawk, offers the possibility of a wide variety of styling options, thanks to which a man will look differently each time.

Classic haircut can not be laid at all: cleanly washed hair will already lie perfectly.

Some men only slightly spray their hair with hairspray. And how can the owners of the Canadian who are looking to look stylish and original can put their hair on?

  • Blocked strands. Applying a small amount of gel on the comb, parietal locks pull up. At the same time, one should strive for natural styling, and not try to raise them up with all our might and leave them hanging around like a cola. Hair can be laid on its side, fixed with gel and dried with a hairdryer.
  • Elegant image. Carefully combing the bangs back (using a drop of gel) and not pinching it at the same time, you can take on the appearance of an elegant and self-confident man. This set should not be very lush.
  • The most natural way. You can create it by blow-drying your hair with foam applied on them. With this type of installation, side parting is allowed.
  • Laying in retro style. The hairstyle will turn out to be voluminous, if, after making lightly bristling of the fringe, tilt it back and fix it with the gel.
  • Hairstyle for curly hair. Having dried the rebellious cap of curls with the help of a hair dryer, they are casually beaten with the palms slightly greased with gel. Long wavy bangs can be combed back and fixed with varnish.

Modern versions of the legendary hairstyle

The usual image of the legendary Canadian has undergone some changes in our days:

  • A large variety of bangs began to differ: in the youth environment, hairstyles with an elongated or asymmetrical strand on the crown of the head are in demand.
  • Whiskey is also processed in different ways: we can meet variations of hairstyles and with elongated temples, and with reduced to "no".
  • You can often see an asymmetrical version of the canadian youth, in which the elongated hair on one side of the head is combined with shorter locks of the other half..
  • On curly curls, stylists can perform an original and spectacular three-layer haircut.

For lovers of shorter hairstyles, hair cut half boxes.

The patterned design of the temples is another innovation made in the traditional male hairstyle.

Let us sum up some results: having acquired modern features (new contours, ways of styling, use of new styling products), the unfading Canadian remains to this day in leading positions in the ranking of popular men's hairstyles.

3. Without hair. At all

Very smart and far-sighted men. Seeing that they are balding, they made the right decision. Now women are blinded not only by a smile, but also by the highlights of the sun. But seriously, then this hairstyle is chosen by men who wanted to spit on all your newfangled things. In addition, these men are very true.

6. Medium length hair with bangs on the side.

Romance to the bone. Here you look at this hairstyle and imagine yourself at the stern of the ship, next to this handsome. In life, to achieve such an effect, a man spends quite a lot of time. This suggests that such a person knows a lot about organizations, well, at least for his life for sure. Well, this type of women is very attractive. And they use it.

Does this haircut suit everyone?

Canadian hairstyle is suitable for all types of hair, as if hard or soft, wavy or even, it all depends on the styling and, of course, the type of haircut. Naturally, the choice must take into account the type of person.

For example, men with elongated faces are not recommended to leave too large and long locks on their foreheads; here it is best to leave a bang. But for owners of the oval type of face any kind of hairstyle will do.

Men with a round face fit haircut with strands, they will visually make an oval face. Very good, this hairstyle looks men with wavy hair. Of course, the necessary good resistant styling, so that the hair was not disheveled. If you take into account all the characteristics of your type of person, then you will be able to choose the version of the Canadian that suits you best. Especially this haircut will be to face men who adhere to the business and sports style.

Haircut Canadian for men has no age limit, it is suitable for both teenagers and for respectable men. The only thing is that young guys tend to more modern options, and men prefer the classics.

Which celebrity haircut Canadian?

As mentioned above, this hairstyle is so versatile that it is suitable for both boys and aged men. Back in the 2000s, it suggests longer hair and symmetrical fringe. This haircut becomes the most popular in the world of Hollywood. Of the Canadian celebrities, it was Justin Bieber, Enerike Iglesias, David Beckham and other famous Hollywood stars who, with their appearance, captured the eyes of many women. She becomes the raisin of the male image. But in the 70's and 80's, almost all hockey players wore it.

Technology and Canadian hairstyle features

If at least a little to imagine what this desired hairstyle looks like, you just need to combine all the above-mentioned features into one, namely the clipped head and sides, as well as a large amount in the forehead area. Typically, this haircut is done with scissors, rather than a machine. Then it is possible to achieve the final result.

The main technology for doing haircut Canadian:

  • comb your hair and make small strands all over your head,
  • to separate the main strand in the amount of 8 mm, which will be the basis of this hairstyle. Then cut 3 cm at the level of the head and starting from the back of the head to level all other strands,
  • the sides correctly determine the level, while doing a horizontal device and separate the main strand from the neck to the ear. Hair is cut at a slight slope, the closer to the back of the head, the shorter. Again, you only need to focus on the main strand,
  • on the back of the nape, the hair is very short cut off, gradually raising it with a comb up,
  • At the final stage, the hair is milled.

Haircut sports Canadian was created exclusively for athletes, so that the hair does not interfere with sports. To date, these sports hairstyles began to make ordinary men, as they are not only comfortable, but also very stylish. They are suitable for both sports and everyday life. Such a Canadian is very simple to perform, relevant among young people and suits almost everyone, regardless of age.

Unusual styling options

Surprisingly, tousled strands lend a natural touch to a male Canadian haircut. In order to make the desired styling effect, it is necessary to use hair gel and, of course, a hairdryer.

Very stylish and elegant look will bang combed to the side or back. But the main thing here is not to overdo it - do not need to lick the bang too much or make it lush. Basic styling can be done with a hair dryer, while using mousse for good durability. But for the party fit retro styling, which can be done with the help of gel and pile. Wavy hair in this hairstyle will look careless, it is best to fix them with varnish or short haircut, but this is everyone's business.

Based on this, we can conclude that the Canadian hairstyle is very simple and diverse in styling. The most common ways of styling is considered to be combing the bangs up and back, and for a more classic version, hair trimming to the side is suitable.

The main criterion for the hairstyle to look good and curb the attention of others is the simple rule - clean and well-groomed hair. This is the key to the success of any haircut.


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