
Seborrhea of ​​the scalp: home treatment


Seborrhea is a specific disease that occurs in the majority of the population. Pathology does not pose a particular danger to human health or life, however, dandruff is a significant aesthetic problem. The disease manifests itself at almost any age and can cause not only aesthetic, but also physical discomfort. If we are talking about the scalp, the skin here eventually begins to itch severely, and later pathology leads to pain. Therefore, it is recommended as soon as possible to understand how to treat seborrhea.

Scalp ceborea

According to recent studies, seborrhea is caused by fungi. If, for certain reasons, the sebaceous glands are not working properly, the fungi begin to actively proliferate. This leads to the fact that the hair in a short time becomes greasy and stick together with each other, the scalp is covered with small particles resembling dandruff.

In more severe situations, baldness is observed. You can cope with this disease at home. To do this, it is enough to use simple and effective ways.

Seborrhea is caused by the reproduction of fungi.

Treatment with proper nutrition

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home will be successful, if you improve your overall health, improve the complexion. The cause of this problem most often become hormonal disorders, diseases of the nervous system and weakened immunity. In this situation, a well-designed diet will help.

If you have seborrhea, then you will have to follow the diet constantly, and not only during the exacerbation. Remember a few basic rules of nutrition:

  1. Discard products containing dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers.
  2. Do not abuse spices and spices. For this reason, banned are semifinished products.
  3. Limit spicy, fried and pickled foods as much as possible.
  4. Pastry can be consumed only in exceptional cases. You should not indulge yourself with sweets more than once every two weeks.
  5. The use of alcoholic beverages and various snacks, such as chips and crackers, is prohibited.
  6. Nuts, coffee, mushrooms, caviar, citrus fruits, honey and strawberries can aggravate the course of the disease. They should be eaten with extreme caution.
  7. Try to give preference to healthy foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Natural fermented milk products will help to adjust the digestion.
  8. In the diet must be present animal protein. Choose low-fat meats, fish and poultry. It is best to bake or steam them.
  9. A variety of cereals and cereals can help fill the body with fiber. Pay special attention to buckwheat and oatmeal.

Compliance with the simple rules of nutrition will help you to forget about seborrheic dermatitis. Your hair will become beautiful and healthy.

In your diet should be as much as possible vegetables and fruits.

Homemade ointment

It is also possible to treat seborrhea of ​​the scalp with homemade ointments. Such tools are carefully rubbed into the scalp. Among the most effective recipes are the following:

  1. Use a mortar and pestle to grind a few hazelnut kernels. Add some water to get a smooth paste. This tool should be applied on the scalp 2 times every week.
  2. Mix two teaspoons of ripe lemon juice with one teaspoon of natural olive oil. Rub the tool with fingertips with smooth massaging circular movements.
  3. Separate the egg yolk from the protein. Whisk it thoroughly. The resulting tool is rubbed into a slightly moisturized scalp.
  4. Five teaspoons of calendula tincture on alcohol mix with one teaspoon of castor oil. This tool should be rubbed in the morning and evening for one week.
  5. Hypericum juice evaporated until its volume is not halved. On one part of the prepared juice, add four parts of melted butter. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and refrigerate for half an hour.

Such ointments effectively combat the manifestations of seborrhea. The key to success will be their regular use.

Other popular recipes

Specialists of folk medicine developed other recipes with which you can heal the scalp, make your hair strong and well-groomed. Among them are:

  1. Turn a teaspoon of parsley seeds into a powder with a coffee grinder. Mix the powder with a spoonful of alcohol and two spoons of castor oil. This tool should be rubbed on the parting once every two days.
  2. Prepare the juice of one small onion. Moisten a cotton wool tampon in it and treat your scalp. After the skin dries, rub aloe juice into it. After this treatment, rinse the head well with a yarrow decoction with the addition of nettle.
  3. In a teaspoon of soda, enter the same amount of medical glycerin. Pour boiling water into the mixture. Stir the mixture until uniform. Apply in small portions to hair and scalp. Rinse your head with clean water.
  4. Freshly harvested nettle leaves in the amount of 100 grams, lock with half a liter of boiling water. Insist two hours. Enter into the composition of 100 ml of apple cider vinegar. On fire, bring to a boil. Strain the obtained product and apply on hair. No need to flush.
  5. Wash your head with a familiar shampoo. While the hair is still wet, treat the scalp with medium-sized grinding salt. Massage in circular motions. This tool will help stop hair loss and increase blood circulation in the problem area.
  6. Seborrhea can be cured with tar soap. Wet your hair. Soap rub in hands. The resulting foam walk through the hair and scalp. Leave for 7 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly.
  7. Apply 5% vinegar to a swab or sponge. Spread it over the scalp. Hold for 20 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water.
  8. Mix 50 ml of water and alcohol. Enter 30 drops of tea tree oil into the composition. Distribute such a remedy to the hair roots at bedtime three times a week.

Seborrhea is an unpleasant complex disease. Get rid of it is quite possible with simple home methods.

What is seborrhea: types of disease

Let us clarify the definition of seborrhea, and define its types. This will help us determine the ways to treat this disease.

Scalorrhea of ​​the scalp is a dermatological disease that is marked by increased sebaceous excretions from the sebaceous glands. The literal translation of this term from Latin into Russian means "current fat." Another name for this disease is seborrheic eczema or dermatitis.

There are three types of seborrhea:

Each of these species has its own causes, and needs special treatment. Now we will dwell on each of them.

Oily seborrhea head

A distinctive feature of oily seborrhea is a very large amount of excreted subcutaneous fat. This gives the impression that the head is oiled. Hair sticks together in bundles of strands, and dandruff, characteristic yellow scales, is formed on the head, severe itching may occur.

In addition, there is a change in the structure of subcutaneous fat, which adversely affects the protective abilities, and favors the spread of infections.

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp is the most common type of the disease.

Dry seborrhea skin

Not much better effect on the body dry seborrhea. In contrast to fat, it, on the contrary, is marked by the release of fat from the glands in an amount less than the norm.

The main features of this type of the disease are peeling of the skin, fine dandruff, fragility and dryness of the hair, which leads to loss.

Causes of seborrhea

The disease is caused by an error in the functionality of the sebaceous glands. This is due to various reasons:

A common cause of this disease is hormonal disorders, increased levels of androgens. This phenomenon can be caused by both heredity and comorbidities, such as multiple tumors.

These factors lead to increased separation of fat from the sebaceous glands, which stimulates the development of yeast-like fungus Pityrosporumovale. The vital activity of this organism leads to the appearance of those negative symptoms that we see during the development of seborrheic dermatitis.

This fungus is available on healthy skin about 90% of the representatives of the population of the Earth, and does not externally manifest itself. But, if the living conditions for it become more acceptable, which is associated with excessive secretion of fat by the glands, this will positively affect the rate of reproduction, which will lead to the manifestation of symptoms of the disease.

The cause of this skin disease is a number of interrelated factors. Owing to a specific cause (nervous breakdown, heredity), there is an increased release of fat by the glands of the scalp, which stimulates the development of the fungus, the result of which is the disease.

The main symptoms of the disease

Consider the symptoms of seborrhea. These include the following phenomena:

Of course, each of these factors may be a symptom of a completely different disease, but a combination of several suggests that you have signs of seborrhea on the head.

Running seborrheic dermatitis, without conducting timely treatment, you can generally remain without hair.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the head

Now let's find out how to treat seborrhea of ​​the scalp. She is treated with medical methods under the supervision of a doctor, and at home using traditional methods.

It is recommended to give preference to the first option, but there are cases when, under certain circumstances, it is impossible to resort to the help of a doctor.

Thus, treatment can be divided into two methods: medical and folk.

Medical treatment by a specialist

A visit to a specialist - a dermatologist or cosmetologist - this is the most correct thing that a person who has seborrheic dermatitis can do. A professional should prescribe a drug treatment for seborrhea.

Prescribed drugs

The doctor prescribes procedures, injections and pills for scalp seborrhea for each person individually, depending on the characteristics of his body and the course of the disease. In the most difficult cases, corticosteroids are administered by injection or for oral administration.

With the favorable development of the disease, a doctor's prescription may be limited to a special vitamin diet, as well as the elimination of the root cause of the disease.

Seborrhea Shampoo

In almost all cases, the doctor prescribes shampoo for seborrhea. Unlike conventional means for washing the head, it not only does not provoke the development of the fungus, but, on the contrary, contributes to its death.

One of the most effective means is considered a special shampoo with zinc from seborrhea. It gives the most stable result. Therapeutic shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis are very important as an addition to drugs that are used internally.

Elimination of the root causes of the disease

The primary task in the treatment of seborrhea is to establish and eliminate the root cause of the disease. If this is not done, then all other treatment efforts will be in vain.

If nervous disorders have provoked seborrhoeic eczema, a sedative is prescribed, if problems with the digestive system are such drugs as Festal, Mezim, etc.

It is important to adhere to the prescribed diet, and to exclude from your diet foods such as honey, nuts, oranges and other citrus fruits.

It is strictly forbidden to eat foods that contain a large amount of preservatives.

It is very important to monitor the hygiene of the hair, since it is not least how fast it will be possible to overcome the ailment.

If you have recently taken some kind of medication before the onset of the disease, then try to give them up, especially if these medicines contain components that can provoke seborrhea.

Only by eliminating the root cause of the disease can we expect a positive effect from the treatment complex.

Medical remedy for the treatment of dry seborrhea

There are some differences in the treatment of various types of seborrheic eczema. Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp is carried out using sulfur ointment. This is the main means of modern medicine. The whole process lasts 8 days.

Rubbing ointment into the hair roots daily. The duration of the procedure is from three to five minutes. On the ninth day they take a break, and on the tenth day they wash the hair thoroughly, using a dry seborrhea shampoo.

To consolidate the result, after the procedure with sulfuric ointment, on the eleventh day, boric acid is applied to the affected areas for three days. If necessary, the treatment of dry seborrhea is repeated.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry-type seborrhea at home

Treatment of seborrhea at home is a rather complicated and risky process. There are cases when only this method is available.

Traditional medicine advises to treat dry seborrheic eczema with a decoction of nettle, burdock, onion or calendula. But, the frequency of this procedure is different, and it depends on the specific type of decoction. If a decoction of nettle need to rub daily, then the medicine of burdock can be applied a couple of times a week.

Treatment of the scalp at home lasts about three months.

Treatment of oily seborrhea

Now we will understand how to treat seborrhea fatty species. As well as in the treatment of dry seborrheic dermatitis, here you can also apply two methods - medical and folk.

If you go to a doctor, he will most likely prescribe such drugs as salicylic acid, sodium thiosulfate, and Sulsen paste. These are all sulfur-containing medications. The course of treatment often lasts about a month.

To fix the result you need, using a shampoo for oily seborrhea. The use of conventional detergents for the head is strictly not recommended.

Traditional methods also offer their means of treatment. As in the case of dry seborrhea, for this you can use a decoction of calendula. In addition, apply tincture on alcohol from onion juice. But just do not confuse the tincture with onion decoction, which is used during dry seborrheic dermatitis.

Another treatment option for this disease is the use of vinegar. It can also be replaced by lemon juice. The essence of this method is that seborrhea causes an alkaline reaction in the environment of the head, and vinegar or lemon juice contributes to its stabilization. Therefore, after shampooing, it is recommended to rinse the hair with slightly acidified water.

Seborrhea in children

Quite often, seborrheic dermatitis can be found in babies. It has slightly different reasons than adults. First of all, it is connected with the formation of the organism.

The immune system is still too weak, therefore not able to actively resist the fungus, and the metabolism between the layers of the skin is not established. But the cause may also be the inappropriate diet of a nursing mother (eating citrus fruits, nuts).

As a rule, special treatment is not necessary, since the disease in children in most cases passes by itself with age. But hygiene requirements must be observed.

A child needs to be bathed every day, and after taking a bath, comb his hair with a comb, thereby stripping the products of the activity of seborrheic fungus.Even better, before bathing, lubricate the baby’s head with baby oil.

Do not start seborrheic dermatitis, and begin a course of treatment at the first signs of its occurrence.

As you can see, seborrhea in adulthood is a serious problem, despite the fact that many people look at it through their fingers. Careless treatment of this disease will lead to hair loss, and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, at the first signs of seborrheic dermatitis, you need to begin a course of treatment. Consultation with a doctor will never hurt.

What may cause seborrhea

Seborrhea is a pathology that is most often manifested if the patient ignores the need to treat dandruff. But it is worth noting that in some people and in some cases the disease is independent. That is, the scalp is immediately covered with fatty rashes.

In both cases, the causative agent is the same parasite. This is a yeast called Pityrosporum. These microorganisms parasitize and develop in human skin throughout life. Get rid of them forever impossible. But the fungus is in a latent state, until favorable conditions for its development appear. These factors should be considered in more detail. The process is simple - in favorable conditions, Pityrosporum begins to actively multiply, which leads to the formation of seborrhea.

1. Seborrhea with oily skin or hair

Both factors are the result of poor scalp care. Additional possible causes - the wrong selection of soap and cleaning products. Shampoos and conditioners, like face creams, must be selected based on the type and characteristics of the skin.

The increased fat content of the head leads to the fact that the fungi combine into whole colonies. This necessarily leads to the development of unpleasant dermatological pathologies. Initially to dry seborrhea, which eventually evolves into fat.

2. Seborrhea in men

It is noteworthy that the male pathology manifests itself more often than women. Given this fact, we can conclude that the development of Pityrosporum is closely related to the large number of male androgen hormones. Also, the appearance of dandruff and seborrhea due to the fact that in the scalp in men there are much more sebaceous glands. Namely, they live fungus. The glands contain nutrients that are needed by the fungus. This means that insufficient care for the skin can be a significant reason for the development of pathology.

3. Seborrhea due to improper exposure to hair detergent

The condition of the scalp depends largely on the scalp itself. So, dandruff and even oily seborrhea can lead to irregular washing of the head. In summer, the hair oiliness increases, so most users wash their hair daily. This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin if the product is suitable for its type. In winter, the situation is not that simple. Therefore, in cold time, the development of seborrhea is fixed in patients more often. Frequent use of alkaline agents can also lead to such consequences. They are really more effective in cleaning, but the result can be deplorable.

4. Seborrhea in middle-aged people

According to statistics, dry and fatty types of pathology are more common in patients older than thirty years. The risk zone includes people of any gender up to fifty-five years. It is in this group that dandruff is most often developed. Moreover, the problem can manifest itself even in people who take good care of the scalp.

In this case, a weakened immune system leads to the development of the disease. The organism at this age is rebuilt. Immunity weakens, moreover, the hormonal rhythm is disturbed for a while. This is favorable conditions for the development of fungus.

5. Seborrhea due to disturbances in the nervous system

Psycho-emotional stress affects the entire human body, including the endocrine system. People who in one way or another manifest diseases associated with the nervous system, are more susceptible to dermatological diseases. Try to avoid stress and depression. This will help keep in order not only the hairy coat, but also other areas of the skin.

6. Additional causes of seborrhea on the head

  • Disorders in the endocrine system. Pathology is closely related to the sebaceous glands. With their activation in the scalp, the risk of manifestation of the disease is greatly increased.
  • Unstable digestive system. Regular consumption of junk food leads to an increase in the amount of secreted sebum.
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins in the human body is often manifested externally. For example, in pimples on the face or seborrhea on the head.
  • Genetic predisposition. If your parents often have seborrhea, your likelihood increases.
  • Contamination of the body. Slags and toxins cause malfunctioning of various body systems.
  • Weakened immune system. This problem, unfortunately, occurs in people not only middle-aged, but also of any age. For example, even a disease such as acute respiratory infections can weaken the immune system. In this case, the fungus can begin to develop, if the body is prone to seborrhea.
  • Individual features of the body. Pathology can be activated, for example, with poor metabolism. In principle, each person is predisposed to it. Carefully monitor the condition of the whole body to protect yourself from unpleasant diseases.

1. Dry seborrhea

The main feature of the dry type is peeling of the skin in the hairy part. As a consequence, the main symptom is dandruff. The cells of the epidermis die off much more actively. On the skin visible clusters, which may have a white, yellow or silver hue. From the physical sensations can be identified itching. Over time, the hair begins to get fat much faster than with healthy scalp. If untreated, the symptoms intensify, as cell death in the epidermis accelerates. Hair bulbs with dry seborrhea are poorly fed, so hair loss is possible.

  • Possible effects of dry seborrhea

Dry seborrhea can have several forms. With a complex form, it is almost impossible to avoid hair loss, so they need to be treated additionally. Persistent itching and burning of the scalp can lead to psychological distress. The nervous system becomes unstable, which, as mentioned above, can lead to even worse consequences. Including the fatty mind.

Often patients have a permanent depressed state. You can deal with psychological problems yourself, using special preparations. But it is better to contact the experts to maintain in order the nervous system during the treatment of the skin. The doctor will prescribe a special course of treatment.

2. Oily seborrhea

  • Symptoms of Liquid Oily Seborrhea

First of all, the skin suffers, but the pathology affects the hair. In the absence of proper treatment of seborrhea of ​​the head, an unhealthy shine of the hair and a faint, but peculiar smell appear. Even if the patient washes his head with suitable means several times a day, an unhealthy shine appears within a few hours. And within a day the hair begins to stick together in the characteristic strands.

Liquid seborrhea is manifested in the thin layer of fatty dead epidermal cells. Unlike the dry form, here the cells are peeled off not one by one, but whole layers, the diameter of which can reach one centimeter. Over time, if the patient does not cure the pathology, clumps of cells disappear along with the hair follicles. On the head, balding areas appear rather quickly.

The next step is the formation of sebaceous cysts - specific formations of white color, resembling pustules by external signs. There is severe itching and pain. The last stage in the development of pathology is the formation of purulent inflammations. Here we are talking about a complex form of pathology, which is very difficult to get rid of. It is necessary to treat several separate abnormalities simultaneously.

  • Symptoms of thick oily seborrhea

In some respects, this is the complete opposite of the previous form of the disease. The skin, on the contrary, becomes less elastic. Hair is hard, while the fat content of the skin and hair is still noticeable. The skin takes an unhealthy gray color. The sebaceous glands are greatly enlarged, which also affects the diameter of the pores on the head. A peculiar rash may form, which eventually begins to peel.

Increasing the amount of male hormones leads to a change in the concentration and consistency of the sebaceous secretions. As a result, the fat content of the skin increases. The dermis becomes combined. That is, at high humidity, exfoliation of dead cells of the epidermis abundantly passes. The problem is that in their place do not have time to come updated particles. So, with a thick form of oily seborrhea, other dermatological diseases may develop. For example, acne and acne appear on the skin of the face. Especially in the forehead area.

This type of pathology is the cause of epidermal cysts on the scalp. The so-called atheromas are formed if you have not figured out in time how to treat oily seborrhea, and did not proceed to the main actions.

1. Sulfuric ointment - a proven universal remedy for seborrhea head

The tool is often used to treat a variety of dermatological pathologies. The main active ingredient in this product is sulfur. Vaseline and lard oil act as the base providing the desired consistency to the product. After reviewing the composition of the ointment, you can make certain conclusions about the cost of the product. Many users are afraid to use this substance because of the "suspiciously low" cost. In fact, the whole reason is that the ointment consists of the most simple, but no less effective components, which help eliminate problems in the skin.

It is known that the drug is often used to treat pediculosis or scabies. The causative agent of this pathology is a subcutaneous tick. The parasite that develops inside the dermis also leads to the formation of seborrhea. The ointment has a strong antibacterial property, which allows it to get rid of these diseases. The concentration of the active substance in the composition is only 10%, so you need to use the drug according to a specific instruction:

  • Wash hands and head thoroughly before use.
  • A small amount of ointment with your fingers rubbed into the scalp.
  • Try to distribute the drug to all affected areas.
  • Use circular massage movements to better absorb the product into the skin.
  • Rub the ointment for five minutes.
  • Leave on the head for another five minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The consistency of the drug is quite viscous, so applying it on the skin under long hair is difficult. The remains remain on the curls and, it is necessary to recognize, sulfur does not in the best way affect the condition of the hair. The tool is more suitable for people with short hair.

Sulfuric ointment can act as a preparatory preparation for the main course of treatment. In this case, the procedure described above is repeated daily for 7-8 days. Then a break is taken for at least 24 hours, after which it is necessary to immediately begin treatment of seborrhea with a special medical shampoo.

2. The use of salt for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

This is not about a complex cosmetological preparation with an identical name, but about ordinary sea salt. This is the so-called folk method, which in recent years has gained immense popularity. The reason is that most of the products proposed by cosmetology developers are not as effective as this simple method. But on one condition - large sea salt for the treatment of seborrhea should be used according to specific instructions and strictly follow the recommendations of experts in this regard.

Before the procedure, the affected areas need to be prepared. Take a shampoo that can be used during seborrhea and thoroughly wash your head to rid the skin of even the slightest dirt. Wait for the hair to dry naturally, take large particles of sea salt and begin to actively rub them into the skin with massage movements. Do not overdo it with the force of pressure. Just gently rub the affected areas with massage movements until the particles are dissolved. Carry out the procedure carefully, so as not to damage and so is not the most healthy skin.

It takes 3-4 minutes of massage to salt began to actively affect seborrhea. It destroys harmful microorganisms and gradually puts in order the efficiency of the scalp, including the sebaceous glands. This makes it possible to use salt to treat all types of seborrhea. Procedures are performed throughout the duration of the pathology treatment, depending on the additional drugs.

How exactly salt affects the scalp:

  • It provokes enhanced blood circulation, due to which the skin receives nutrients and oxygen much more actively.
  • The method is safe, since the salt itself is gradually melting away from moisture. The main thing is to correctly calculate the power with which you are massaging your head.
  • Salt acts as a scrub, thanks to which dead cells of the epidermis are more actively exfoliated. Most importantly, in their place come new particles, which accelerates the healing of the skin.
  • The substance enhances the hair follicles and can stop or at least slow down hair loss with dry or oily seborrhea.

Consider salt as the main drug for getting rid of this pathology is not in every case. Still, modern remedies with proper selection help to cope with seborrhea much faster. But sea salt is an excellent supplement to help improve the overall condition of the scalp and hair during the treatment period. Doctors often recommend carrying out such procedures at home.

3. Apple cider vinegar for treating seborrhea

Vinegar should be just apple with a concentration of 6%. This is a strict requirement that you must follow in order not to harm your own health. The product is effective due to its good chemical properties, which positively affect the hair and scalp. Among them are:

  • A large amount of B vitamins in the composition, carotene and ascorbic acid.
  • The tool perfectly cleans the head from harmful microorganisms, dust and the dead cells of the epidermis. In addition, it is noted that the liquid helps to restore the already damaged skin. Skin regeneration is greatly accelerated with proper use of this drug.
  • Liquid contains many useful substances that are in the apples themselves. The most pronounced among them is pectin.

Apple cider vinegar has been used for a long time as a hair care product. And the goals can be very diverse. Dandruff is one of the most common causes of the use of liquid to treat the head. In this tool is effective due to the increase in acid-base balance on the surface of the skin.

3 ways to use apple cider vinegar:

  1. Applying 5% liquid to the skin. It takes place in two stages. First, vinegar is applied to a clean sponge, which is processed dermis. The product should be left on the skin for 20 minutes, and then thoroughly rinse the head and hair with plain warm water. A full course of treatment with this method is 30 days, but the period may be reduced, depending on the use of additional drugs.
  2. Mask of apple cider vinegar for hair. Also used a tool with a concentration of 5%.Two tablespoons of the liquid is diluted in 250 grams of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. The resulting mixture is added decoction of herbs useful for the skin - chamomile, calendula or sage. To enhance the positive effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the mask. The tool is applied to the affected areas and covered with a towel or plastic wrap. Within a minute you need to warm up the mask with a hair dryer. The drug is aged for an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water without additional soap products. Treatment of seborrhea with this mask also takes place within one month.
  3. Rinse for hair from apple cider vinegar. 4 tablespoons of the liquid diluted in a glass of water. The resulting liquid rinsed hair. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times to achieve the best effect. The tool has a disinfecting function that will be very useful for the scalp during the development of seborrhea.

Why does seborrhea develop?

The true causes of seborrhea are still not well understood.

Currently, the fundamental cause of seborrheic dermatitis is a violation of hormone production, which can occur at any age due to various physiological and external factors. Also important in the formation of seborrhea various neuropsychiatric disorders.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of seborrheic dermatitis:

  1. Gynecological and urological diseases.
  2. Acceptance of steroid drugs.
  3. Diseases of the adrenal glands and pancreas.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).
  5. Hereditary predisposition, manifested in reduced or increased salivation.
  6. Neurological diseases: CNS infections, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy.
  7. Some malignant and benign tumors and neoplasms, especially those associated with the gynecological field (for example, polycystic).
  8. Hormonal imbalance. It has been observed that women with seborrhea have significantly reduced the amount of the female sex hormone estrogen, while their progesterone levels, on the contrary, are elevated.

The cause of seborrhea often are physiological hormonal changes associated with puberty. In this case, the disease passes on its own along with the normalization of their production.


The disease is divided into several types:

  • Dry seborrhea. With this form, sebum production is reduced. The skin begins to peel off, dandruff is formed. Hair becomes brittle, ends splitting. After washing the head there is a feeling of tightness. The skin is covered with reddish-pink spots strewn with small scales. The patient may suffer from severe itching.
  • Oily seborrhea. Appears on the background of intensive work of the sebaceous glands and increased production of sebum. One of the defining symptoms is copious dandruff. Horny scales flake off and when a mixture of different fats is released, they stick together in large flakes. Hair becomes very fat, thin, fall out.
  • Mixed Combines the symptoms of both previous forms, manifested in different parts of the head.

As a rule, hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, a passive lifestyle, poor nutrition, as well as non-compliance with the recommendations of nutritionists can affect the development of seborrhea. For the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis can be applied various methods, including traditional medicine and folk. But in order to increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is desirable to combine several methods simultaneously.

How to treat seborrhea on the head?

Combined therapy is based on a number of characteristic therapeutic measures:

  1. Physiotherapy: cryotherapy, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, massage.
  2. The use of herbal medicine.
  3. Providing optimal nutrition.
  4. The appointment of hormonal agents in advanced and complicated forms of the disease.
  5. Exercise (walking, hardening), combined with fresh air and swimming.
  6. Treatment of the main diseases that provoke seborrhea, or background diseases that develop in parallel and can enhance skin pathology.
  7. Conducting vitamin therapy with a focus on vitamins A, B, D, E, as well as the use of products based on sulfur and zinc.
  8. Normalization of the functions of the autonomic nervous system with the help of appropriate preparations.

During treatment it is important to ensure proper nutrition. The following products are excluded from use: animal fats, pickles, spicy seasonings, fatty dishes, sweets, canned food, spices, pickles, alcohol. In the diet should add fruits, vegetables, dairy products, oatmeal.

Drug treatment of seborrhea

In order to treat scalp seborrhea with medicines, use drugs with zinc, selenium, salicylic acid or medical tar. They are added to shampoos, ointments, creams and lotions. Each of these substances acts in its own way.

Internal treatment uses drugs of three groups:

  • Vitamins, minerals - improve metabolism.
  • Antiallergic (loratadine) - relieve itching and skin irritation.
  • Anti-inflammatory and detoxifying (calcium chloride and sodium thiosulfate) - reduce the area of ​​redness and flaking scales.
  • Antibacterial (mostly externally - doxcycline) - limit the activity of microbes (bacteria and fungi).

Zinc and selenium limit the reproduction of the pathological fungus, which often occurs on the secretions of sebaceous pores. Tar does not affect the reproduction of fungi and bacteria, but limits their number. Salicylic acid neutralizes and cleans pores of scales. It is believed that salicyl disrupts the sebaceous gland and causes dry skin. Therefore, inflammation and redness of the skin may be a side effect of such treatment.

Antifungal agents are also used. They are applied topically in the composition of lotions, ointments, balms, shampoos.

Non-hormonal creams and ointments

For the treatment of seborrhea smooth skin, various external preparations are used, which reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands:

  • Eplan cream: antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly eliminates peeling,
  • Cream Solcoseryl: wound healing and reparative effect. Improves the appearance of the skin,
  • Cream Exoderil: antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps to eliminate not only the effects of seborrhea, but also inflammatory elements,
  • Ointment Randevit: antipruritic, softening and anti-inflammatory effect. Slowing down keratinization processes of the skin, increasing the barrier functions of the skin,
  • Dexpanthenol and analogues (Bepanten, Panthenol, Pantoderm): regenerating effect. This drug can be used to treat seborrhea in children and pregnant women,
  • Cream Tsinokap or Skin-Kap: antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly eliminates skin irritation and is also used to treat children.


When seborrhea hair shows cryomassage, normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands, darsonvalization, which stimulates hair growth, has a mild drying effect, and ozone therapy, providing a disinfectant effect. Against the background of these procedures, itching is significantly reduced, which has a positive effect on the course of the disease (excluding scratching) and on the general condition of the patient.

Sulfuric baths, prescribed by a course of 10-12 procedures, give a good effect.

Power Rules

The following foods are excluded or limited in the diet:

  • flavor enhancers, food colors,
  • spices, spices,
  • salted, smoked, pickled and spicy dishes,
  • semi-finished products
  • citrus, strawberry,
  • mushrooms,
  • caviar.
  • chocolate, coffee, cocoa,
  • preservatives,
  • honey, nuts,

The daily diet should include:

  • greens, raw vegetables, fresh fruits,
  • boiled meat, eggs, fish,
  • seafood (squid, seaweed, mussels, etc.),
  • buckwheat and oatmeal,
  • vegetable oils,
  • bran, cereal products,
  • lactic acid products, especially enriched with bifidobacteria.

Favorably the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp is influenced by products that improve the digestive process and are rich in vitamins and trace elements.

Preventive measures

It is difficult to argue with the fact that it will be easier to prevent the occurrence of seborrhea than to cure it. Preventive measures, first of all, include personal hygiene. It is about the use of various face lotions and regular washing. To prevent oily seborrhea, it is necessary to treat the scalp with special alcohol preparations.

Ultraviolet also has a positive effect on the skin, preventing the development of fungal bacteria. But it can be useful only in moderation. Do not forget about carrots, which contains many different vitamins, in particular, vitamin A, which is very useful for human skin.

Folk remedies for treating oily seborrhea head

1 tbsp. l onion juice is mixed with 2 tbsp. l vodka. Every time before washing the head, rub this tool. The course of treatment of oily seborrhea with onions - 4 months. The effect of treatment will increase if you rinse your head with an infusion of onion peel after washing your hair (50 g per liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes). Onions - one of the best folk remedies for this disease.

Calendula very well regulates the sebaceous glands, is successfully used to treat oily and dry seborrhea, is included in many shampoos for oily hair. At home, use this recipe: 1 tbsp. l dry flowers pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, rubbed into the hair roots daily. This folk remedy also strengthens the hair, so it is recommended to use it if the disease is accompanied by hair loss. The effect of treatment will be greatly enhanced if the infusion of calendula combined with a strong decoction of burdock root.

Folk treatment of seborrhea vinegar
Due to the fact that with seborrhea, the scalp is alkaline rather than acidic, it is useful to acidify the skin with vinegar or lemon juice. After washing the head, it is advisable to rinse the hair with slightly acidified water (1 tablespoon. 9% vinegar to 1 liter of water). Every day, before bedtime, it is advisable to moisten the head with infusion of nettle with vinegar (100 g of fresh nettle leaves or 15 g of dry leaves, add 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, add 0.5 liters. 6% of vinegar and bring to the boil again, store in the refrigerator )

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry seborrhea head

2 tbsp. l crushed dried nettle leaves pour 300 g of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Daily rubbed into the scalp with dry seborrhea.

2 tbsp. l chopped dry burdock roots pour 300 g of boiling water, boil over low heat until the original volume is halved. Strain, add 50 g of melted lard and simmer in a water bath for 1.5-2 hours. The resulting ointment to rub into the scalp with dry seborrhea 1-2 times a week. The course is 3 months.

Bow from seborrhea
Onions will help to cure seborrhea of ​​the head, if seborrhea is dry, then castor or burdock oil should be added to the juice of onions. The recipe for treatment is as follows: 2 tbsp. l vodka mixed with 1 tbsp. l onion juice and 1 tbsp. l oils. Rub the mixture 1 hour before shampooing.

As with oily seborrhea, calendula helps with dry seborrhea of ​​the head, but again with the addition of oil. For treatment, they take no longer an infusion, but a tincture of calendula, add castor oil 1: 1, rub it into the hair roots every other day.

(HLS 2008 No. 19, pp. 26-27, from an interview with Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Herbal Medicine prof. Korsun VF)

An integrated approach to the treatment of seborrhea.
The man had oily seborrhea of ​​the head. To cure seborrhea, various medical and folk remedies were used, but they did not help much. Then, having carefully studied the causes of skin diseases, they decided to strengthen the nerves: A man began to drink infusions of valerian, motherwort, mint. The man took a haircut, washed his head only with tar soap and once a week he made compresses with henna and basma, after a compress he rinsed his head with diluted apple cider vinegar or hydrogen peroxide (1 liter of water - 1 tsp. Of peroxide), or celandine decoction. The treatment was long and regular. As a result, the man still managed to cure seborrhea. (HLS 2006 №5, p. 11.)

How to cure seborrhea quickly - yolk ointment
A man suffered from oily seborrhea of ​​his head for many years, his hair constantly had an untidy, oily appearance with dandruff flakes, he was chased by head itching. He applied various hormonal ointments, which were prescribed to him by dermatologists, but the effect was short-lived. Someone gave him a popular recipe - he used it only once, and for 12 years now there has been no seborrhea. Here is this recipe - 2 yolks, juice 1/2 lemon, 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil. Beat, rub into the scalp, on top of the polyethylene and a warm scarf. Hold 40 minutes. After three days the procedure can be repeated. (2006 # 8, p. 6)

The woman had a strong seborrhea - day and night itched her head, her hair was greasy and stuck together. Doctors prescribed serosalicin ointment, but it did not help. Knowing that soda dissolves fat, I decided to wash my hair with soda, my hair was well washed, itching became less. Then she moistened the soda with water and put this gruel on the scalp, tied polyethylene, then a handkerchief. After 40 minutes, washed her hair. 3 years have passed since then, seborrhea has not resumed. (HLS 2006 №8, p. 30.)

Mustard Treatment
A man of 4 years unsuccessfully struggled with seborrhea folk remedies and with the help of the means prescribed by dermatologists. But they brought only a temporary cosmetic effect. He noticed that seborrhea exacerbated after taking sweet, then he decided to treat seborrhea of ​​the head for the reverse - taking bitterness - began to take mustard with food - 2-3 tsp. a day, sometimes I forgot about mustard, but the result did not keep myself waiting - seborrhea was completely gone, my head was cleansed, there was no itching and reluctance. During the treatment of seborrhea (before the use of mustard) he was especially helped by the dandruff shampoo “Panthenol” and daily washing of the head with soda - for a while the dandruff disappeared

Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the head
For two weeks, the following recipe helped to cure dry seborrhea of ​​the head: mix 10 g of 10% sulfuric ointment, naphthalan ointment, petroleum jelly, lanolin and castorhex. During the first week, rub into the scalp every other day. Then once a week for the night. Wash your head during this treatment once a week. Course one and a half months. The woman applied this remedy two weeks every other day, seborrhea has passed and has not appeared for 35 years. (HLS 2005 No. 22, p. 32)

The 18-year-old boy had seborrhea, complicated by a yeast fungus. Cured one's urine helped cure seborrhea of ​​the head: collect urine in a day, add a handful of nettle, boil until 1/4 of the volume remains. Every day, rub into the head at night, then polyethylene and a wool cap. Hold for 1 hour. After a month and a half, the head became clean, the hair stopped falling out. (HLS 2004 No. 19, p. 27)

German shampoo from seborrhea
If you have oily seborrhea of ​​the head and dandruff, then the old German remedy will help to cure this ailment. Mix 1 tsp. baking soda and 1 tsp. glycerin, pour 1 cup boiling water, stirring to wait until the mixture has cooled to the temperature limit. Slowly pour a mixture of your head over a teaspoon and rub the mixture into your skin with your fingertips. Then rinse the head using no more than a glass of water. After four days, repeat the procedure. After 3-4 procedures, the disease disappears. (2002 # 21, p. 30)

4. Popular anti-seborrhea remedies

  • Tar soap

Simple and budget option, but not the most inefficient. Birch tar is still considered one of the most effective means to combat dandruff and severe forms of seborrhea of ​​the head. The reason is an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.It is also noted that the substance acts on microorganisms that trigger the development of pathology in the scalp. This makes it a universal remedy.

Birch tar is only 10% of the total number of components in the composition of the soap. But, as practice shows, this is quite enough for the tool to show excellent results in treatment. Instructions for the use of tar soap for the treatment of seborrhea is as simple as possible:

The product is moistened with ordinary warm water and applied to the hands, where it is actively pounded. Foam is formed, which must be immediately applied to the affected scalp. Within seven minutes, the drug is absorbed into the hair and skin, and then washed off with plain water.

  • Sulsena

Specialized medicine often used to treat seborrhea. It has two forms of release - pasta and shampoo. The concentration of active substances is 2%. Forms are almost identical in composition, with the exception of auxiliary components that affect the consistency of the drug. Both options are suitable for the treatment of this particular pathology, so you can choose what you think is more convenient in your case.

The main task of Sulsena is simple - the destruction of the fungus that caused the development of seborrhea in the body. There are additional positive functions, including the removal of inflammation and adjustment of the sebaceous glands to an optimal level. Exfoliation of dead epidermal cells slows down under the influence of a paste or shampoo, which improves the overall condition of the scalp during the development of the disease.

If you want to learn more about how to treat scalp seborrhea, be sure to look at an excerpt from one of the popular medical programs on this topic:

Treatment of seborrhea is not the easiest and most lengthy process. But, choosing the right ways to combat pathology, you will definitely achieve the desired result. Most importantly, remember that only a specialist can find the best methods for you to eliminate the disease.


Watch the video: Quick and Easy Home Remedies For Dandruff (May 2024).