
The advantage of natural hair and 10 ways to restore their natural color after dyeing


Well, who among us has not experimented with hair color? In search of their ideal image, girls are capable of much. That's just not always these innovations end successfully. Sometimes you can’t guess with a touch, but sometimes it happens that you just get tired of constantly tinting the endlessly growing tips ...

Regain beauty

The spectacle is not the most pleasant thing: the grown roots not only make our image sloppy and sloppy, but also add age.

Today we will share with you these tips that will help you grow your hair and look gorgeous at the same time!

From blonde to brunette

This method is considered one of the easiest, because dark hair easily falls on dark paint. But those who are determined to let go of their color will help staining the amber.


This option will remove a sharp transition between hair color. So, you can gradually grow natural hair color and look stylish at the same time!

The same principle applies in this case. In addition, bright colors are still relevant!

If you do not want any color transitions, then you can use a special tool to neutralize resistant colors. Red and black shades are the most resistant, before dyeing your hair in color, you need to maximize the bright pigment. So you quickly get the desired result.

For this, amber or balayaz is the best option. Keep your hair healthy and make a sharp transition between colors invisible.

It is much simpler to return a fair-haired hair shade, than a light blond. One way or another, will have to lighten the hair. We all know how destructive it is for the structure of the hair.


To minimize their injury, use a professional paint remover. It is not cheap, but your hair will remain healthy.

Also, coloring will be suitable for natural blondes, so your natural color will return in a few procedures.

If there are separate bright, colored strands in your hair, you will have to apply a corrector. This procedure is best done by contacting professionals.

  • to get rid of the annoying shade - it is enough to wash your hair as often as possible, because the composition of the tint balms is not as aggressive as that of chemical dyes,
  • To speed up this process, use homemade masks from kefir, lemon juice or ground cinnamon. Cinnamon in combination with honey brightens hairwhile maintaining a lasting fragrance that remains even after washing the hair.

Stay beautiful and don't be afraid to experiment! The main thing to do it competently and with taste.)

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What determines the hair color, the benefits of natural color curls

Hair color depends on the natural pigments or melanins that are contained in the cells of the cortical layer of hair:

  • pheomelanin responsible for the yellow-red color of the hair,
  • Eumelanin, which is responsible for the black-brown color of the strand.

Various combinations of pigments give the entire palette of natural shades of strands. Synthesis of staining components occurs due to special cells melanocytes. How many pigments will be contained in the hair, in what concentration and ratio depends on the genetic program of the body.

Its natural hair color is always preferable to colored strands. Paints, despite the high cost and warranty of manufacturers, contain artificial components that are harmful to the body. The advantages of a natural shade of curls:

  1. easy combing
  2. there is no tip section,
  3. preserved rich shine
  4. strands do not dry out, retain the natural structure,
  5. hair does not break off when combing and styling.

Tip! Coloring strands makes sense only when the appearance of gray hair, especially when it comes to a young woman or girl. In all other cases, changing the tone of the hair is following fashion trends or your own desires.

How to restore the natural color of the curls

The procedure that allows you to restore the natural color and shade of hair is called decolorization. It uses special tools that are not recommended for use at home. To restore the shade of the strands, it is better to use a technique in which they are dyed in a tone close to the natural one. The technology is gentle, but takes a lot of time, as it is carried out gradually, over several staining sessions.

Before restoring the natural tone of the hair you should consider the situation from all sides, evaluate all the disadvantages and advantages. The recovery procedure is best carried out in the salon, relying on an experienced master hairdresser. This is especially the case when the natural shade of the strand is radically different from the one that turned out after dyeing.

Restoration of natural hair color after dyeing in the salon

A professional professional from a beauty salon can restore a natural shade to hair. To do this, he uses special washes or correctors to remove pigmentation of colored curls. The strength of the compositions are superficial and deep.

  • The first - more gentle, are used to adjust or align the tone. They penetrate shallowly into the hair structure, remove only the surface layer of the pigment.
  • Deep wash washes are effective and quickly give the desired result. Their only and significant disadvantage is that they contain highly concentrated chemical oxidizers, which cause significant damage to hair.

The most popular correctors: post-clarification tools and other options.

Proofreaders produce many brands, the most popular are the following tools:

  • Estel Color Off is the best option for removing permanent shades, does not contain ammonia, gently washes away any pigmentation. In addition to the sparing action has another weighty advantage. After using the wash, the curls can be immediately painted in a new color.

  • Color Off from the Italian brand Farmen - a unique means of sparing impact. Its patented formula gently removes artificial pigments, while preserving the natural structure of the strands. The corrector is not suitable for cases when strong clarification is needed, but it will perfectly highlight the rich dark pigmentation on a couple of tones.

  • Brelil's Colorianne Color System is used to partially correct the shade, it will not be able to completely wash away too saturated tone, but will make it more natural and muffled.

  • Hair Light Remake Color is a universal option to fully or partially adjust the tone of the strands. There is no ammonia and peroxide in its formula; it perfectly washes out intensive dark and rich shades, removing the artificial pigment and not affecting the natural one.

Proofreaders have proven their effectiveness, but to return the natural color of the hair you will need to repeat the washing procedure at least 2-3 times.

5 effective ways to wash the paint off black and gray hair with home remedies

In order to return to natural dark or natural light hair color after dyeing, it is worth using traditional methods for washing the dye.

  • A gentle way is to use butter: castor, olive, sunflower or flaxseed. To do this, take 200-250 ml of oil, add 30-35 g of pork fat, the components are mixed and slightly heated in a water bath. After this, the composition is smeared with curls and left for 35-40 minutes, then the head is thoroughly washed with shampoo until the oil is completely washed out.

How to return your hair color: Method number 1. Use the wash.

Washing or emulsion to remove permanent hair dyes is the most effective way to restore the natural color. In case of emergency use of the wash, when a short time passed after the unsuccessful dyeing, 2-3 procedures may suffice to completely wash off the paint. If for several years you have been painted in dark colors and suddenly wanted to return to your natural blond, it may take from 5 to 10 sessions with breaks of 1-2 days.

Do not be surprised if the hair color, which will be obtained after the final removal of the paint, will not much resemble your natural one. The fact is that the effect of chemical dyes takes place in two stages:

Elimination of the natural pigment to create the basis for subsequent dyeing,

Applying a cosmetic pigment to the hair.

After the removal of the natural pigment, the hair becomes pale yellow to red. You will see one of these shades after washing. Next, you need to dye your hair in the color as close as possible to the natural and seriously engage in restoring the health of your hair, which significantly spoil the above procedure. Be ready for this.

Method number 2. Dye your hair in color close to natural

This method is more suitable for blondes, who in the “past life” were brunettes or brown-haired women. If you belong to this group of girls, ... do not rush to run for the paint. First, consult with professionals who advise you the appropriate tone. Uncontrolled coloring can lead to unexpected consequences, and instead of a perfect light brown you will get a cheerful green color. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to paint more than once, because on blond hair the paint is quickly washed off.

For those girls who want to transform from a brunette to a blonde, an additional step is required - lightening the hair. This procedure is quite aggressive and killing effect on the hair, so it is better to use the remover or method number 3.

Method number 3. Make highlighting or coloring.

The gradual return of the natural color by highlighting or coloring is equally suitable for "former" brunettes and blondes. Paint the individual strands in a darker color or brighten them and toned under a natural shade. This method affects the hair less detrimental and gives time to think about whether to return the natural hair color. In addition, the coloring techniques, which provide for a combination of dark and light shades (ombre, shatush, balayazh), today at the peak of popularity. So feel free to go to the salon and get ready to appear in public in a new trendy look.

How to return your hair color: Method number 4. Try to use folk remedies.

While humanity has not invented dyes and washes, girls all over the world changed their hair color with the help of improvised means. For example, in order to lighten the hair, they rinsed with a solution of lemon juice, and in order to give them a red tint - they used baths with beetroot. You can also use folk remedies, but do not count on an instant and dramatic result. If the dye is firmly ingrained in your hair, kefir masks and honey wraps will not help, but still such procedures will clearly benefit your health. Here are some recipes:

Kefir mask for lightening hair:warm the kefir slightly and put it on your hair, put a shower cap on top and wrap your head with a towel. After 2-3 hours, wash your hair with shampoo.

Honey wrap: Melt 200 grams of honey in a water bath, condemn a little and apply to your hair along the entire length. Put on your shower cap, wrap your head with a towel and go to bed. The next day, wash your hair with shampoo.

After washing, rinse hair with a decoction of chamomile or lemon juice solution. This will help lighten the hair a bit.

Rinsing with tomato juice - This is in case, during the experiments, your hair acquired a green tint.

Some sources talk about such means of restoring a natural color, such as applying a mask based on soda and salt or washing your hair with laundry soap. Such methods are only suitable for very oily hair and do not guarantee a result at all. Dry hair or normal hair does more harm than good. So be careful.

Method number 5. Think about a short haircut.

This method is the most cardinal, but at the same time the cheapest and fastest. It is not necessary to have a haircut "under the hedgehog." Today there are so many options for short haircuts that are easy to style and go to many girls. Perhaps you are one of them. Talk to your girlfriends, stylists, try to model a new image using the hairstyle tool on Maybe a short haircut, this is exactly what you need. In addition, there is an opinion that the hair keeps the negative energy that the ill-wishers send us, therefore, from time to time it is necessary to shear them.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. It is possible that in the fight for natural hair color you will have to use several methods. The main thing is not to give up and confidently go to the goal!

From red to brown

The same principle applies in this case. In addition, bright colors are still relevant!

If you do not want any color transitions, then you can use a special tool to neutralize resistant colors. Red and black shades are the most resistant, before dyeing your hair in color, you need to maximize the bright pigment. So you quickly get the desired result.

From brunette to blonde

It is much simpler to return a fair-haired hair shade, than a light blond. One way or another, will have to lighten the hair. We all know how destructive it is for the structure of the hair.


To minimize their injury, use a professional paint remover. It is not cheap, but your hair will remain healthy.

Also, coloring will be suitable for natural blondes, so your natural color will return in a few procedures.

If there are separate bright, colored strands in your hair, you will have to apply a corrector. This procedure is best done by contacting professionals.

Wash off the tint balm:

  • to get rid of the annoying shade - it is enough to wash your hair as often as possible, because the composition of the tint balms is not as aggressive as that of chemical dyes,
  • To speed up this process, use homemade masks from kefir, lemon juice or ground cinnamon. Cinnamon in combination with honey brightens hairwhile maintaining a lasting fragrance that remains even after washing the hair.

Stay beautiful and don't be afraid to experiment! The main thing to do it competently and with taste.)


Watch the video: 10 Tips for Healthy Color Treated Hair. Bri Hall (June 2024).