
Description, characteristics and cost of hair extensions on tresses


Posted by: admin in Hair Care 06/16/2018 0 337 Views

Hair extensions on tresses (tress buildup) is one of the methods that was borrowed from African Americans. Tress extension is done like this: tress is sewn onto a woven pigtail of its own hair.

This extension method is considered the safest of all that currently exist.

For the procedure do not use glue, solutions, high temperature or chemistry. The technology of tress extension gives the basal volume.

  • Training. At this stage, cleaning and preparation for weaving.
  • Braid pigtails. Master creates the basis for mounting tress. The base is a narrow braid, located horizontally.
  • Attachment tress. Attached to the braid and joins it with sewing.
  • Completion. Hair length is adjusted and styled.
  • The safest method of building from all that today offer beauty salons.
  • Hair grown with the help of tress, perfectly tolerate visits to the sea, saunas, baths.
  • When tressovym hair extensions can be dyed and styled.
  • The hair extension process does not use chemicals, high temperatures, glue, mortar or forceps that can damage the hair.
  • The mount does not violate the structure of your hair and does not pull them.
  • Hair attachment points are hidden under your strands.
  • The hair grown on tress does not fall apart into strands.
  • All the work of the master lasts no more than 2-3 hours.
  • Attachment points are invisible when blown with a hairdryer or wind,
  • Correction is carried out without special hair treatment.
  • Tress is easily removed.
  • The length of the tress remains unchanged, even after several corrections.
  • The price of work on hair extensions on tresses is available. It is much lower than other technologies.
  • Hair grows up to 3 volumes. No technology gives such a result.
  • Only positive reviews.

Among the shortcomings are the following:

  • the first time after building braids pulling,
  • hair looks sloppy, if not in time to make a correction.

The hair grown on tresses is very comfortable to wear, but they require constant care. Unlike other methods, hair extension on tresses allows you to choose any hairstyle: tails, styling, pigtails and so on. During the wash you will not notice the difference between washing your own and accrued.

During shampooing masks and balms can be applied to the hair, which is not available with some other methods. Such hair can be dried with a hair dryer and even use a hair straightener at the roots. You can make curls using curlers or curling.

With this you can be sure that nothing will happen to your hair. Hair extensions on tresses are considered the safest method.

  • Before you go outside in windy weather, braid your hair to avoid tangling it. You can put them under a hat. At bedtime, also braid a braid or collect hair into a ponytail.
  • It is better to buy sparing masks and balms.
  • Comb your hair often. More often than you used to do.
  • Despite the fact that this method of extension allows you to use irons and hair dryers, try to use these devices less often.
  • Use a special comb.
  • taking potent antibiotics and hormones
  • Chemotherapy
  • baldness or severe hair loss
  • vegetative dystonia
  • skin sensitivity

How much does hair extension on tresses and customer reviews

The price of this procedure may vary in different salons. The cost of such capacity depends on the length and volume. On average, the price of one volume is 4000-6000.

“I recently made a build-up on tresses. Very happy! I don’t notice the difference with my own. She dreamed of hair extensions for a very long time, but she was afraid, since many methods have many unpleasant consequences. As soon as the tress buildup appeared, I immediately decided to use this opportunity. ”

“I thought for a long time whether to build up or not. Capsular and tape I did not like. And then I heard about the African build-up. I decided to take this step. Much attracted me in this method: safety, volume, the ability to visit the sauna and pool (and I love it very much), invisibility of tresses, you can remove your hair yourself. "

“I will tell you about my experience. I have very thin and sparse hair. I heard about building and saw at the girlfriends. The consequences of capsular buildup scared me. Just a nightmare! I decided that I would never do that.

My mother works in a beauty salon. One day she told me that they had a new master who is building up on tresses. I immediately caught fire with this idea, in my thoughts I already drew myself beautiful, long-haired. Chose the length, color.

A couple of hours and I became exactly the same as imagined before. In the end, did not regret that she decided to build up. "

Characteristics of technology

The first thing you need to figure out what tress. The word tress came from English and means "long curls, strands." In the hairdressing business this word was introduced recently. Tresses are lining of strands of various length woven into one line. With their help, you can give not only length, but also volume.

Weaving can be manual and factory. Hand weaving tress takes a lot of time and effort. To lining not much different, several bundles are woven into each bundle. Products made at the factory, characterized by light weight and thin strands. They have greater reliability, durability and naturalness.

Hair extensions on tresses can be from artificial (synthetic) and natural curls. The best choice is considered natural hair.

How much is the procedure? The price depends on what kind of false hair, where the service is performed and how the tresses are attached. On average, the service will cost 5,000 rubles. Natural hair, which is on the tresses, are not cheap - from 4000 rubles. Artificial hair, attached to the tress, cost from 1000 rubles.

Advantages of this method of lengthening the hair:

  • simplicity and speed of execution,
  • you can count on a different amount
  • reusable
  • the ability to change the length and color, do perm.

Tress build-up has its drawbacks. Some women may wear overhead strands made with tress sewing for a long time. Others from the first application of this method begins to peel off and itchy scalp.

It is better to carry out hair extensions on tresses from the masters of their craft. Otherwise, there is a risk that the hair attached to the tress can detach at the most inconvenient moment.

If the specialist’s services for correction are not addressed in time, the pigtails can be tangled, and the overhead strands will fall. Combing and unraveling them will no longer be possible, and the only way to solve the problem will be to cut off the spikelets. Therefore, the correction procedure cannot be ignored.

Features of the procedure

The entire hair is divided into a horizontal parting, which will be held in the center of the crown. The top strands are secured with a barrette. The bottom layer is braided into pigtails from the temple to the temple. On them hair which are on tresses also will fasten. As many spikelets are braided, so many stripes will be attached.

False hairs on tresses have several ways to attach - using special glue, sewing or with clips. After this stage has passed, the upper locks are released. They will close the seam.

The most common method is to build your own strands with tresses using sewing.

The length of their curls should not be less than 10 cm. Most often it is enough to weave 3 braids. For sewing use a special needle and sewing thread.

Hair, which are on tresses, require periodic correction. It is recommended to make adjustments once a month, and more often if necessary. It all depends on the rate of growth of the roots of their hair.

The correction procedure is as follows. Hair is removed on tress with regrown strands. After this, a new braid is braided, to which old hair is attached, which is on a tress. During the correction it is worth weaving a braid a little lower or higher than the previous place. So the hair is given the opportunity to relax and avoid damage.

False hair does not require special care products. You can use regular shampoos and balms that wash your own strands. They can be combed, curled, twisted on curlers, blow-dry.

In order to not see the difference, their hair and tress on are painted in the same color.

It should be borne in mind that natural tress can not often be subjected to temperature changes. The service life with proper care may be about 3 years. Artificial hair, on the tress, from the constant perms only get better.

Building should not be carried out on tresses, if their strands are thin and weak. They will not be able to bear the extra weight. The procedure can be carried out only after the strengthening and improvement of your own strands. It is forbidden to attach hairs attached to tresses, while taking antibiotics or hormones, with strong hair loss and sensitive skin.

Replacement option

The clip-on hairs of various lengths and thicknesses on the clips include the curls themselves and special mounts representing the clips. You can make such overlays yourself.

Hair clips can be from natural or synthetic strands. Artificial cost much cheaper, but naturalness with them will be harder to achieve.

Even when dyeing, it is impossible to give the head of hair a uniform color, it is more difficult to build a styling.

Hair clips are mounted in stages:

  1. The horizontal parting is done. It is necessary to begin work from the lower half of the occipital region, rising to the top. You should not attach a lot of strips - three partings are enough. The upper half of the hair is removed with a rubber band or barrette.
  2. Clips open, connect with strands and snap into place.
  3. After one line is completed, the seam is closed with native curls, and then a new part is made.

The hair on the clips can be operated for quite a long time, before the attachment mechanism deteriorates. They can be worn constantly or periodically. Correction should be carried out at least once every 2-3 months.

Corrective measures depend on the type of fastening system. Sometimes the hair on the clips is completely removed and reattached. In other cases, the clips simply unfold, rise up along the regrown strands and snap again.

Before you do any procedure, you should consult with a specialist. Perhaps, preparation or other method of extension will be required.

On the essence of the method and its features

The extension is carried out as follows: the tress is attached to a pre-woven thin braid. At the same time, as the tress is sewn, a uniform distribution of the aggregate of the accrued strands along the entire length of the mentioned pigtail is carried out, therefore, no separate disintegrating strands will be visible. And since the places where each tress is attached to the pigtail are hidden under the curls, they will not be noticeable when exposed to gusts of wind and blow-blow.

The most significant advantage, which the buildup on tresses has, consists in their resistance to staining (i.e. it is possible to paint strands without fear), and to the effects of temperatures (hence, the sauna and solarium are not prohibited). Correction is carried out every 2-3 months, strands can be reused.

On the properties of extended strands

The curls that have increased on tress are very comfortable and completely unpretentious. The only thing they require is ordinary care. Those. you just need to follow the strands as if they are natural. At the same time, the existing tress in no way limits the girl in choosing a hairstyle, therefore, as reviews say, she can wear, for example, a high tail or various types of styling.

As for washing, even in this issue there are advantages that characterize the build-up on tresses: you can safely put all kinds of masks and balsams on the hair roots.

Resistant to tress and to the effects of hot air, which allows you to safely use a hair dryer. Also strands on tresses can be straightened with an iron, even near the root zone. Finally, such strands are quietly wound on curlers and curling.

Order build

As already noted, hair extensions on tresses imply such a sewing process, when each tress (i.e. false hair) is attached to the thinnest braided pigtails in a special way. This method allows you to get the expected volume of hair, their thickness, avoiding chemical or thermal effects on the girl's own curls.

The procedure by which the build-up on tresses is carried out is organized in such a way as to prevent the tearing of one's own strands: the weight of the hair to be sewn is evenly distributed, taking into account the density of the girl's curls.

It should be noted that the extension can significantly increase the volume of hair (almost tripled), as well as lengthen them (it is possible to do this up to a length of 70 cm). The resulting long strands look absolutely natural, as confirmed by the numerous reviews of girls.

Tress, with the help of which the extension takes place, is made individually, for a specific girl. Then it is cut into pieces, which are sewn one by one to the woven pigtail. One pigtail is one row. On average, about 3-5 rows are sewn for one build-up, depending on the thickness of the girl’s hair and the type of haircut.

Of course, the natural curls that cover tress, do not stop their growth. That is why the procedure is important correction hair. In the course of this procedure, the strands that have been sewn are carefully removed, and the braids that serve as the basis are unwound. After this, new braids are usually braided so that they fit snugly to the head. These braids again sew tress.

Basic tips

At the end of the article we will give a few basic tips that highlight the reviews of girls who used the build-up on tresses:

  • First of all, reviews recommend always to braid the braids or to put curls under the headdress in windy weather. This action has one goal: to prevent tangling of hair. Similar actions are recommended and before each bedtime,
  • Often use different kinds of masks, gentle action balms,
  • Increase the frequency of daily brushing, say reviews,
  • Despite the heat resistance of hair extensions, try to avoid frequent exposure to heat treatment products.

Types of tress

Tress are:

  • artificial: made of synthetic materials. Low quality, inexpensive (about 1 thousand rubles for a pack of 10 strands),
  • natural: created from human donor curls. High quality and expensive (about 6,800 rubles).

Note, the production of such material are engaged in various countries: European, Slavic region, India and China. The best are the Slavic and European samples.

Features of the procedure

In comparison with other types, hair extension on tresses is the most gentle method. It does not use chemical compounds (except for bonding), thermal effects and other manipulations that could harm the native hair.

Price depends on the volume and origin of the material. European strands 40 cm long can cost 8,800 rubles per 100 grams, and 250 grams is 22 thousand. The same strands of the Slavic type will cost 13,300 and 33,250 rubles, respectively.

Hair tress - what is it?

The word tressy may seem unknown to many, but its meaning is simple and clear. In other words, these are overhead strands, which are used to increase the length and density of their hair. Most of these strands are represented by different lengths in the range from 10 to 75-80 cm. Hair in tresses is fixed on a special ribbon and has hairpins at certain sites. The width of the strand is determined by its purpose: for example, wide segments are used for laying on the back of the head, and narrow ones are simply indispensable for giving volume and length along the sides.

The cost of such material for extension is determined by the quality of the hair, their origin, length and type of fixation. Thus, the hairs can be zigzagged on a tape or fixed on a polymer tape (the second method is more expensive and allows you to prevent active combing).

Tresses can be used both for building up for a short time (for example, for some event - in this case, they are fixed with hairpins), and for longer wear (in this situation, the tape is sewn to the rest of the hair using a specific method).

Types of hair on tresses and their photos

Overhead strands can vary in different ways, ranging from length to country of origin. All these parameters are of great importance in organizing the process of building up - they determine the specific method and cost of the procedure as a whole. All the nuances must be clarified with the master in advance, so that the result turned out exactly as needed.

Tress on hair clips from natural hair

Natural hair is best suited for extensions and the reasons for this are clear - with the right selection of color, they look most harmoniously in the total mass and without detailed consideration it is almost impossible to recognize the presence of overhead strands. It is quite simple to care for them, they do not require any special procedures.

Natural hairs differ in their origin:

  • Asian hair is the most affordable and common option. They have their own characteristics -
  • high rigidity and dark shades
  • European cuts - the structure is also tough and requires special care,
  • Slavic hair is considered the highest quality, as it is the softest and often light shades. This type is most appreciated in the world, which explains the high cost.

We should also note the length of such strands. Obviously, it is extremely difficult to find very long models, since to create them you need to use a large length of material from a donor, which is rare.

Artificial hair tress

The name of this type of strands speaks for itself - they are created artificially and have nothing to do with living donors. Of course, this approach has its advantages: for example, during production you can create a canvas of any length and give it any desired color. However, the carrying has its difficulties.

Artificial hair does not look like their own, and if you look closely, it will be noticeable (especially in the sun). There are also significant limitations in the care: they can not be painted, need special products for washing, can not be subjected to thermal effects during installation. Only one kind of artificial hair can be twisted - protein tressy, but the temperature should not exceed 180 degrees. Although these options are much cheaper, they quickly lose their appearance.

Pros and cons of building on tresses

Tress method of building has both positive and negative sides. So, resorting to such a procedure, you can take advantage of its benefits:

  • This is the safest known hair extension method.
  • greater volume and length provide the ability to create on the head a variety of hairstyles, without limiting the imagination,
  • There are no restrictions regarding visits to baths, saunas and marine recreation,
  • during the procedure, no chemistry and heat treatment are used,
  • the hairs on the tape do not break up into separate strands when worn,
  • the extension procedure does not take too long
  • tape attachment points are hidden by your hair,
  • if desired, tresses can be easily removed,
  • This way you can get the largest amount.

There are few minuses of such technology, and they can be called conditional. So, when building up for a long time, braces-fastenings can pull the first time a little, and the untimely correction spoils the appearance of the hair. Before going out in windy weather, it is advisable to collect hair in a ponytail or braid, and do the same at night to avoid entanglement.

Technology of sewing hair by the stress method

Placement of tresses on the hair can be removable and not removable. In the first case, the procedure can be carried out independently at home for a specific purpose, and then remove the tape on the hairpins. Non-removable build-up is done in the salon by a master and has a long wearing period. Hollywood building is implemented by sewing tress, which ensures reliable fastening of tapes for a long time. The procedure involves the following steps:

  • on the client’s head, there are levels at which the tress will be attached in the future,
  • in each place for the location of tress braid a small transverse pigtail in the technique of a spikelet (usually only 2-3 braids are missing),
  • False hair is applied close to the braid and sewn to it with a thick rounded needle.

After all tapes are sewn and the desired volume is reached, the procedure can be considered complete.

Can I dye my hair and how to care for them?

The question of the possibility of dyeing hair on tresses is determined by their origin. So, if the strands are artificial, then they can not be subjected to this procedure - it simply will not give effect. If natural material was used for extension, care for it does not differ from care for your own hair - you can not only change the color, but also style it by any method. As a result, no transition and the difference between your own hairs and hairs will not be noticeable, which determines the comfort of wearing this particular variety.

Given that the procedure for building natural strands is quite expensive, you should not dive into independent experiments with color. The best solution would be to contact a professional hairdresser, who will be able to paint with all the features of your hair.

Video: how to attach strands on their own hairpins

The result of such a quick “build-up” depends on how correctly the tresses were applied and fixed on the hair. Even with a short haircut, you can pamper yourself with long hair - for this you will need a set of overhead strands. How exactly to fasten them is shown in detail in this video tutorial.

Tress reviews

Anya: I was added to the length of the wedding for a hairstyle with a few tresses. The hair was artificial and the master pre-wound them. Everything looked great, there was no contrast between my hair and false hair, so I was pleased with everything.

Yanina: For a long time I go with extended tresses on pigtails. I have natural hair strands and are quite long, of course, I donated a lot for them, but it's worth it.

Ira: I have a set of tress on barrettes (a pair of side and one wide back), I use to give a thick hair. I have been using it for a long time, but not often, so they are well preserved. Hairpins do not spoil the hair, and the strands are held tightly.

Definition of the word "tressy"

Many of the readers of this article could use the services of hair extensions and, therefore, do not understand the meaning of the word "Tressy"or maybe they did not even hear about it, they paid attention to the word "tress".

Without knowing the meaning of this word, some people could absolutely incredibly miss the meaning of the procedure of tressovy (African) hair extensions. Hair tress - what is it?

Therefore, it is necessary to explain that hair on tresses - these are false hair strands. They are different lengths, ranging from a modest ten centimeters and ending with almost meter-long tails. Hair tress - how to attach?

Their main advantage is that, by attaching these strands, they can be relatively easily removed, which means that they can be used more than once. As you can immediately understand, hair extensions by sewing on tress compares favorably with the rest of their cost and practicality.

Share tress on two kinds by origin:

  • hair tress artificialwhich are made, as can be understood from the title, from synthetic materials. They are not very expensive, about a thousand rubles per pack to ten strands,
  • hair tress natural, they are usually cut from people, and then sewn into strands. Of course, they will cost much more, because of the need to pay to the person who gave them, and also because of their greater demands for care. There are such tress from two to three thousand rubles per pack.

Advantages and disadvantages

Afronarasshivanie hair - the safest way to grow hair, as well as the most environmentally-friendly. When using this method, you do not need to use different adhesives, solutions, hot tongs and all that could ruin your hair or even break it.

This method is also the most effective when increasing the volume at the very roots.

With hair extensions using the stress method, your hair will not fall apart into strands, and no one will be able to notice the tresses themselves with the naked eye even during the wind, when your hair flutters.

Also, this method is resistant to various temperature extremes, as well as to paint. Consequently, you can go to the sauna or dye your hair in absolutely any color you want, without fear of spoiling your hair.

Tress hair extensions do not limit the choice of hair styling. With tresses it is allowed to do the same procedures that are allowed for real, natural hair.

Permitted use of various masks and balms for the scalp and hair. Contrary to the effects of these substances, the hairstyle will not fall apart.
There are almost no drawbacks to this method, except for the fact that if the correction is not made in time, your hair will not look very nice from the outside.
Also, you will have to comb your hair much more carefully so as not to tear the false part of the hair.

You may still seem quite uncomfortable tight pigtailsthat will have to braid.

Usually, people who have done this procedure, get used to these feelings for two or three days.

It is worth considering the likelihood that your reaction will be different. In this case, it all depends on the personal characteristics and characteristics of each person.

It may also be a problem to get into correct tone hair. Some colors avoid classification. As a result, problems in choosing a really suitable shade.

Or the color you need is simply not available. Sometimes a real professional will not be able to cope with such a serious problem.

And of course, any procedures with hair do not remain without consequences. Typically, customers do not complain about any bad consequences, but with your hair, especially if they are very sensitive, it may be completely different: the hair may begin to thin and even fall out. Now you know all the pros and cons of this method.

How is building up?

So, hair extension with tresses goes like this: the whole head is divided into different zones, the number of which directly depends on how many strands you want to grow.

Then you are braided on each of the zones thin and small, but rather tight pigtails, to which are then attached curls of artificial or natural false hair. This is done with the help of special very thin threads, with which the patch curl is literally sewn to the pigtail.

After the procedure, the sewn curls completely disappear under your hair, create volume, but do not reveal its unnatural origin.

It also means that you will get the volume you want so much without affecting your real hair yourself.

Next happens correction The resulting hairstyle, in which the hair is stacked, as well as clipping excess.

Just an expert spends on each client no more than two hours. Other types of extensions take a longer period: up to a full working day.

After the hairs on the tresses to build up the “base”, that is, the pigtails, grow at least a centimeter, you will need to twist the hair, otherwise your hair will look very messy, as if you didn’t comb it several days.

Issue price

Tress hair extensions - the average price for a service varies from five to ten thousand in salons Moscow, approximately the same price will be demanded from you and in the city St. Petersburge.

In smaller cities, hair extensions on tresses - the price can be from 3-7 thousand rubles. However, as in the cities above, it can be completely different.

Hair on tresses - the price depends on the quality of the service, the conditions on which the service will be held, additional services, the level and popularity of the institution,

Should you refrain from this procedure?

African hair extensions, like many others, are not without risk and contraindications. There are certain categories of people who do not want to do this extension with their hair.

First, these are the ladies who have extremely rare hair cover on the head. It looks rather ugly: the tress will be visible.

It can seriously affect your health.

Photo before and after afar

This procedure really looks spectacular on different girls, except, perhaps, those that were described above. As you can see in the images below, this method is suitable for any types and shades of hair, as well as a wide variety of hairstyles.

Now you are visually acquainted with the hair extension: photo before and after.

Care for tress

For care You can use ordinary shampoos, conditioners, varnishes for the applied hairs on tress barrettes.

No need to rub, comb or unscrew wet tressy. This is the main reason for the loss of former quality in the overhead curls.

To give your hair a nice, natural shine, you should use various by aerosols.

With the observance of all procedures, as well as upon receipt of hair extension services - only by a qualified specialist, your hair will become incredibly voluminous, beautiful and silky.

Tressa hair extension technology

The very method of building on tresses is quite simple. The simplicity lies in the minimum set of tools and time-consuming wizard. However, the sewing specialist must be very experienced. From his professionalism depends on the quality of performance and long-term wearing hair.

This type of building otherwise also called African American.This is due to the fact that the progenitors of this technique were black girls who simply dreamed of straight and long hair, like in European women, but could not afford it due to racial characteristics. They are the first who came up with the use of additional and processed strands, attaching them to the roots of the head, thereby extending their hair.

Hair extensions using ribbons can be in two ways. It depends on the performance and for which purposes you purchased the patch bundles. First, it can be tress on barrettes. Most often, these curls are fastened independently with the help of special scallops. This device is very convenient for reusable use. When purchasing such strands, it is better to give preference to tresses of natural hair.

Only in this case, you have the opportunity to use them for a long time and perform various manipulations of dyeing, straightening or curling with them.

And used in the manufacture of mainly Slavic or Asian hair. They are fastened with the help of special mechanisms or strung individually by the manual method. In the latter embodiment, the quality is noticeably higher, but the cost of such hair on hairpins (tresses) increases significantly.

The second option is processed and stitched tapes, which are mounted in a special way. Here, without a specialist in the implementation of this procedure can not do.

The method of such hair extensions (method of sewing tress) makes this procedure safe when compared with the hot method.

It lies in the fact that, to begin with, the entire volume of your hair is divided into zones by layers. Their number depends on the amount of stackable strands. Then, on each such row, special very tight micro-braids are woven. After that, with the help of special threads and a curved needle, the expandable strands are literally sewn onto such a previously prepared braid.

The final step is the selection of the length of the tress and its installation. That is why the fastening of such hair is called sewing on tress. Due to the fact that the weaving is very tight to the head, the elongation is almost negligible. And also it allows you to purchase additional basal volume. And it can be increased to three. And the maximum length can vary within 70 cm. New hair due to this technology is evenly distributed throughout the head, which primarily looks natural.

Such a procedure for building up in everyday life is often also called ecological. In this case, there is no thermal or chemical effect on the scalp. Do not stick any capsules for which you need to constantly monitor. Thus, the harm that can be done to their healthy hair is minimal.

This option of acquiring additional length of hair is quite inexpensive. This results from the fact that time of the master is spent much less, than at any other types of building. On average, from 30 minutes to 2 hours (compare with 6 hours capsular).

The undeniable advantage of using hair on tresses is the durability of socks. You can use them repeatedly, literally with each correction, remove and sew again. The need for correction occurs less frequently than with other methods of extension. And it is due to the individual growth rate of the hair of each person.

When a couple of centimeters grow, a pigtail or a braid, as it is otherwise called, needs to be interlaced, because it is weakened, and the tape keeps it from worse.

Hair tressa very easy to remove. For this, it is not necessary to run to your master. You can perform this procedure at home or independently, but you will have to exert maximum effort, either with the help of a friend or husband.

Even if you accidentally pull the tress, while combing or unraveling the hair, then you should not expect anything terrible, such as, for example, during capsule extension. Here the maximum of pigtails is loosened, and a slight hairstyle shift may occur, but nothing happens to the native hair.

With such an accumulated mop, you can not limit yourself to almost nothing. Feel free to visit the pool or bath, pamper your hair with various shampoos and balms. Create different hairstyles using a hair dryer, ironing or curling. Coloring in this case is also not forbidden.

The negative aspects of this method of building

However, like every procedure associated with artificial hair acquisition, even such a technology as sewing on tress has its negative aspects. Of course, they are an order of magnitude smaller than the rest, but still they are.

First, it is necessary to refuse high hairstyles, tails, otherwise tresses can be seen.

Secondly, combing your hair becomes a complicated procedure. To do this, you need to separately comb through a part of your hair, then expanded ones, and after that, the remaining part of your own hair under the sewn tresses.

Third, the perceived discomfort that tight braided braids bring. However, customers get used to it within two to three days.

Fourth, it is necessary to very clearly and correctly choose the color and number of extensible tapes. And if there are no problems with the amount, then not all experienced specialists can get into the color gamut.

Such hair must be protected from any tangles. Even going outside in windy weather, they need to be stabbed or twisted under a headscarf. The same principle applies when going to bed. The probability of hair getting tangled during sleep from a pillow is even higher than outside in the wind.

And fifth, any increase in volume is the applied external effect that causes stress to the hair. As a result, they can be depleted, fall out and break. After any hair extensions, it is necessary to nourish and restore hair. And this is, you see, additional financial costs. And, of course, as with any buildup, you should wear tresses at intervals. It is necessary to give the head a chance to rest and recuperate.

Building techniques

Hair extension tress divided into several types:

  • afronaschivanie hair (it is Hollywood and French). Curls sewn on pigtails,
  • Japanese - strands are sewn on the prepared rings,
  • bonding - building with a special glue.


The procedure for building capacity:

  1. Carefully washed and dried strands on the head are collected in a bun and fastened with a hairpin. The area on the back of the head, which will be used in the work of the first, remains.
  2. The master weaves a special French braid horizontally. It is worth making sure that it was tight, located close to the roots, but did not cause discomfort to its owner.
  3. How to fix tressy. After the braid is ready, with the help of a needle and thread, the master applies an artificial strand to it. Then stitches connect the braid and the tress itself.
  4. Further African hair extensions occur on the same principle. In this case, the rule is observed: one tress - one pigtail.
  5. After all the strands are attached (the master does not touch the top of the head), the hairstyle is corrected: styling, haircut.

Similar to hair extensions on a pigtail, only here, instead of a braid, rings are used:

  1. Washed and dried curls are divided into areas: the back of the head, temples, marginal zones. In this form, they are collected in bunches and fastened with a barrette.
  2. Starting from the neck, the master takes a thin strand of native hairs and a thread of about 30 cm, which covers the resulting mini-tuft.
  3. The ends of the thread are threaded into a special ring and tensioned so that the strand extends into the ring and to the very roots.
  4. The ring is clamped with forceps closer to the scalp.
  5. By the same principle, other strands are formed in a row at a distance of 1 cm from each other.
  6. As soon as the required number of rings is reached (about 9–11 pieces of the lower row), tress is sewn to them.
  7. The next row is created at a distance of 4–5 cm from the previous one.

Unlike other methods, glue is present here. The work takes place in several steps:

  1. The hairy part of the head is divided into horizontal zones. The first is approximately at a distance slightly higher than the earlobes.
  2. Glue is applied on tress at the junction of hairs.
  3. The prepared strand is pressed against the first (occipital) zone for a few seconds.
  4. Thus, all zones are glued.

Consider the methods of correction depending on the method of building. What is the correction of hair extensions, how often you need to do, read in detail on our website.

Who should refrain from wearing tress

However, not everyone, this form of extension is suitable. For owners with sparse hair, there is a high probability that the tress will be visible. The same applies to fair-haired girls.

For those clients who have problems with the scalp, it can be a strong sensitivity and irritation, such an addition should also be avoided. Tight braids and an external irritant in the form of sewn tress, even if made of natural hair, will only aggravate the problems you already have.

For owners of short haircuts, hair extensions on tresses will not work either. It will be extremely difficult to hide them. The most optimal length for such an extension is the average. Beneficial tressy look on wavy hair. In this case, the transition becomes completely not noticeable.

For medical reasons, this attachment is not recommended for women suffering from high blood pressure.

How is build-up on tresses?

Hair extensions on tresses - the ability to effortlessly get a great result.

A specialist who has the appropriate training will increase hair on tresses in two hours.

And other types of capacity will be longer. Sometimes the master may take a whole working day for them.

The procedure of building up on tresses is as follows:

  1. The master divides the whole head into such a number of sections that corresponds to the number of strands of hair for extension.
  2. In each selected zone, rather tight, but very small and thin braids are braided.
  3. Curls of braided special thin threads sewn curls of false hair. How this happens can be seen in the photo.
  4. After all the curls are sewn, they are carefully hidden under the hair. As a result, false hair creates a completely natural volume. It is very important that the volume invoice hairstyle is obtained without any harmful effects on the client's real hair.
  5. After that, the hairstyle is adjusted: the hair is stacked, and the excess is clipped.

Building on tresses: BEFORE and AFTER

The need to correct hairstyles

To make your hair look neat, from time to time they need to be corrected. It will have to be done every time the hair on which the tresses are held grow at least one centimeter. For this, each braid is intertwined.

If you do not do it in time, the hair will look messy, as if they were not combed and, moreover, did not stack for several days.


Not recommended build-up on tresses women with very rare natural hair. In the opposite case, the tress will be visible to the naked eye.

However, there is a strict medical ban. It is forbidden to do to anyone with:

  • high blood pressure
  • sensitive surface of the scalp.

Otherwise, it can have extremely negative consequences and even health problems.

Care after the procedure

When using African or Japanese hair extensions, the treatment remains the same. One rule - native hair combed separately from the sewn. All other procedures can be done: dyeing, laying, curling, and so on.

We recommend to learn how to care for hair extensions on our website.

Attention! When bonding should avoid saunas, swimming pools. You can not paint and make highlights.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedures

African hair extensions, like Japanese tressovogo, has many advantages.


  • afronaschivanie hair and Japanese - a method without chemical and thermal effects, and therefore does not cause harm to the native hair,
  • care remains the same as it was before the procedure
  • long lasting result
  • Suitable for all hair types,
  • you can use false strands many times
  • the procedure is performed quickly (0.5–2 hours),
  • removal can be done independently (if it is African hair extensions),
  • price,
  • possibility to increase the hair style by 3 volumes. Other techniques do not give such a result.


  • in the first days there is discomfort,
  • need special combing,
  • not suitable for short haircuts less than 20 cm long,
  • You can not do high hair,
  • untimely correction can lead to the formation of tangles in places braided "spikelets" and they will have to be cut off,
  • need to protect from entanglement. When the wind is better to braid braid or hide the hair under a hat. At night, too, braid a dead pigtail.

Bonding advantages:

  • can be done at home,
  • quick procedure - up to 2 hours
  • can be laid and curled without touching the glued area,
  • accrued strands are not combed out.


  • you can not paint and go to the bath,
  • allergic reactions are possible,
  • need frequent correction
  • You can not do high hair.

Hair tress choose many of the fair sex. Particularly relevant hair extensions on the pigtail. After all, with its help you can become the owner of a thick and long hair quickly and without harm to native strands.

Hair extensions - the easiest way to realize the dream of long curls. Learn more about the process thanks to the following articles:

Useful videos

Hair extension tress.

Training in hair extension tress.


Watch the video: Unprocessed Virgin Hair Weave 100% Human hair weft Straight hairstyle 100g per bundle can be dyed (July 2024).