Tools and facilities

Banana Fruit


My dear readers, how often do you make banana facial masks?

I have been doing this regularly lately, at least once a week, and I really like the effect they have on the skin.

In this article, I tried to collect the most effective recipes for "banana" skin care.

If you're interested, read on.

From this article you will learn:

The chemical composition of banana

First of all, an exotic fruit is enriched with vitamins that have a positive effect on the skin, namely:

  • ascorbic acid prolongs youth and eliminates wrinkles,
  • good condition of the skin and hair is impossible without B vitamins,
  • vitamin E slows down the aging process
  • the structure of the product does not irritate the skin and helps to make incredibly useful nourishing masks out of it.

Focusing on all this attention, we can conclude that with a simple banana you can provide high-quality skin care.

Who shows banana face masks?

A similar product should be used:

  • with dry skin
  • presence of age spots,
  • people with oily skin prone to shine and greasiness,
  • as moistening with excessive dryness.

Taking into account the wide range of such procedures, we can conclude that they are multifunctional.

Banana face masks - cooking recipes

  • Banana mask and egg

Mix one-second banana and yolk eggs with olive oil.

Apply the mixture on your face for about fifteen minutes, then wash thoroughly with warm water.

  • Cosmetic mix of banana and sour cream

Take one second fruit and mix the pulp with two large spoons of sour cream.

The mask is applied, as in the previous case, at the same time, but washed off with cooler water.

  • Banana moisturizing face mask

Take two raw yolks and mix them with two large spoons of banana pulp.

Before you apply the mixture on your face, you need to add one small spoonful of olive oil.

  • An effective recipe for banana acne mask

Stir two large spoons of banana and yogurt using a kitchen blender. Apply by analogy with previous recipes.

  • Mask with banana and curd for face

To prepare this mixture, you will need cottage cheese and a banana. Make a mashed ½ of fruit and add cottage cheese 2 large spoons.

Soak for about twenty minutes and wash with cool water. Use with regularity three times a week.

  • Banana mask for smoothing wrinkles around the eyes

Cook the mashed potatoes, as in the previous case.

Add a small spoon of goat milk to it.

Apply for ten minutes, remove with a tonic. Apply two to three times a week.

Banana and starch - mask for dry skin

Take the fruit (1pc), the yolk of the egg (1pc), a small spoonful of olive oil and mix all the ingredients with two large spoons of starch.

Apply this mixture for ten minutes.

Wash with boiled water at a warm temperature. It is recommended to do in a day.

  • Mix with banana and oatmeal for face skin

Prepare one banana, half cooked oatmeal, a small spoonful of honey and an egg yolk. Apply for fifteen minutes.

Wash with cool water. Use every other day.

  • Face mask with banana and kefir

Take half the fruit, two large spoons of kefir, a small spoon of liquid honey and a large spoon of oatmeal flour.

All products must be mixed together to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

Apply to face for about twenty minutes, then wash with warm water.

Apply every other day.

Terms of use banana for cosmetic purposes

There is nothing difficult in applying masks from banana pulp.

After you notice the amazing effect of applying these masks, you will feel like after a visit to an expensive beauty salon.

But in order to succeed, and the result really pleased you, you must follow the rules of application:

  • When you buy fruit, focus on their ripeness. It is necessary to avoid both greenish and overripe fruits and choose yellow bananas,
  • for the preparation of the mixture should use peeled pulp, crushed with a fork to air condition,
  • if the mask contains other ingredients or lumps, you can use a blender,
  • Products should be selected in which you are fully confident, it is better to give preference to home,
  • when the mixture is prepared, apply it on the skin for a test test and observe the reaction for 15 minutes. If the appearance of the skin does not change, then you can safely make masks based on a banana,
  • Before applying the product to the skin, it is recommended to pre-steam it and use a scrub,
  • apply the mixture with rotational movements, avoiding the area around the eyes,
  • after using the mixture, it is better to take a horizontal position and relax,
  • wash only with purified water or a decoction of herbs. You can use regular milk for this purpose.
  • at the end of the procedure they apply a cream
  • you can go out only after an hour,
  • the finished composition does not need to be saved; it will no longer be useful.

As you can see, everything is elementary and simple.

Remember that only with maximum observance of all the rules you will achieve the desired results.

You should not experiment, sacrificing your own beauty and youth.

Who can not use cosmetic masks from a banana?

Despite the enormous benefits that the masks bring, it is impossible to call them safe for health. Possible intolerance to the product, which is manifested by allergies.

But this happens very rarely, because many women can get the maximum benefit from the banana.

You can not apply a mask if you have inflammation and open wounds on the skin. Also one of the contraindications is acne.

In all other cases there are no restrictions on the use of masks.

Do not stop at the preparation of masks for the skin of the face, because a banana can be used as an effective product for hair.

Effective Banana Skin Mask Recipes

even more recipes here

Use masks from banana for skin care and be beautiful!

With you was Alyona Yasneva, bye all!


Banana paradise for hair - salvation from breakage, dryness, split ends! Lovers of delicious smelling masks - come in, this is for you!

Hello dear girls! So many tips on our beloved Airek, that just the eyes fled !! And what I just did not try. And she applied nicotinic acid to her long-suffering head, and mustard (almost no hair left!), And onion juice, and slept in oils! But I stubbornly came across and came across information about the miraculous banana, as a super remedy for dry and brittle hair !! Well, look, one heading is worth it !! Banana hair mask - salvation from dryness, brittleness and split ends !! link

But for some reason on Ireke I met just a couple of uncertain reviews. in which it was said somehow between the lines that yes, moisturizing, shine, but. impossible to pick a banana out of your hair!

I also heard a lot of accolades for avocados, as an equally miraculous means for moisturizing and shining hair! But. Everywhere there was one little pimp - whip blender. well, or type, if not, then. then there were options - rub on a grater, mash with a fork, scroll in a meat grinder! Damn, there was no blender, but how I wanted to try this exotic on my hair. And the same day came when I scrolled an avocado in a meat grinder and put it on my doche's hair. A. This day will long remain in our memory. As we then picked out this "exotic miracle" from the drain and hair, that the promised shine and moisturizing were left somehow unnoticed !! In general, I decided. all lie on the Internet !! And with a banana, I did not conduct a similar operation !!

But this summer (.) Appeared in my life HE -blender !! The first thing I did was a cocktail of milk, ice cream and banana. Divinely delicious !! But the main discovery was that I saw with my own eyes how a banana scatters into fine dust and only a taste remains, no lumps. What do you think, what I did the following? Right. Banana hair mask.

1 banana (I previously rubbed it on a grater)

1 egg (yolk and white)

1 table.l. sour cream

1 table. l linseed oil

For three minutes, the whole bunch turned into such a single, delicious-smelling, creamy contents!

Without a single lump. The consistency is like a good purchase mask! Thick, not flowing, beautifully applied !! It was immediately applied to dry dirty before washing your hair!

Already during the flushing, I felt how soft my hair had become.

(Prehistory - I dried them with henna. I held them for three hours every month until I noticed that, with all my efforts, the length turns into fluff.)

After they dried, they became really incredibly smooth, without a hint of dry fluffiness and with a glossy shine!

The tips after 4 masks! Fully restored!

I advise, I recommend. If you don't have a blender - buy !! We spend a lot of money on essential and other oils, my blender is not expensive - only 800 rubles, but it does an excellent job with its task!

P.S. Girls, who know, I pass a course of onion masks (to the roots), I made 40 of 40 declared ones, updated and completed my review-experiment!

By the way, there was a lot of one whole banana (take a half) and the mask, for all my generosity, still remained in the application! By the way, it is beautifully stored in the refrigerator, not stratifying and not darkening. I collected it here in such a separate jar, put some essential oil in it and will now put it on my face!

Update Review 12.02.2016

Girls, avocado does not give such effect at all! After the mask with avocado pulp my hair became hard, dry and dull. So - only BANAN!

About the magical transformation of hair under the action of a banana

No need to doubt that the composition of the banana is not a lot of nutrients compared to other products, based on which you can make homemade hair masks. But the banana is also more valuable because the concentration of the necessary elements in this fruit is maximum, which means that it can be used in a rather narrow direction - to moisten the strands. Each substance performs a specific function: penetrating into the scalp inside the structure of each hair at different depths, they normalize the metabolic processes, strengthen the root follicles and contribute to their more intensive growth. Each element performs a specific task, and in general, then the hair blooms after such a complex, almost healing effect.

  • Tocopherol (vitamin of beauty and youth - E) improves the condition of tired, lifeless dull curls that do not want to reanimate the most expensive means, restores almost any microdamages in the hair structure - effectively heals brittle strands and split ends, as well as hair that has suffered as a result of chemical waving or intense staining, synthesizes collagen and elastin in the cells - substances responsible for elasticity, strength, shiny appearance of curls,
  • Vitamin C (immunopositive vitamin C) reduces the damage that external atmospheric influences cause to strands (abundant ultraviolet radiation, a surplus of salty sea water, polluted air, etc.), and also normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat by the head glands, so banana hair masks can be safely use to moisturize the fatty strands,
  • A whole group of vitamins B has a therapeutic effect and helps to eliminate the painful manifestations associated with the scalp and diseased locks: folic acid (known as vitamin B9, or folate) helps ascorbike to strengthen the immune system and repel harmful attacks from the outside, pantothenic acid (this is vitamin B5) slows down the beginning aging processes in cells, keeping young hair elasticity and vitality for a long time, thanks to this vitamin, banana masks are used as an excellent remedy for premature graying, pyridoxine (Vitamin B6 very useful for hair) has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties and treats any form of seborrhea: after healing banana masks, dandruff will be much less,
  • Niacin (vitamin is known under different encodings - PP, B3) is considered the best vitamin for hair growth and against hair loss, it also, like pyridoxine, does not allow hair to turn into gray hair,
  • Of the minerals in bananas, the most potassiumwhich, getting inside the hair and scalp, regulates the level of moisture that is necessary for the normal functioning of cells - the condition of the most drained, thinned, brittle strands will improve with it.

The rich vitamin content of the banana makes it an invaluable product for making homemade hair masks. It has another very valuable advantage - it does not irritate the skin, because it has a fibrous structure. Therefore, the banana hair mask is soft and soft in its action.

However, the result will largely depend on how correctly the masks were applied.

Beer will add shine and silkiness to hair. Find out why beer is good for hair and what kind of mask you can do:

Egg shampoos and hair masks - natural care, effective nutrition and cleansing. Learn about hair masks >>

How to properly apply banana hair masks

Often, a banana hair mask made by our own means causes only negative feelings and a storm of negative emotions. This is due to the fact that many, ignoring the recommendations of experts, can in no way wash it off from their hair. Indeed, a soft banana puree is sweet, viscous and sticky: if used improperly, it will make the strands the same. Therefore, first of all, familiarize yourself with the little female tricks that allow you to enjoy banana hair masks, rather than cry from an unsuccessful experiment.

  1. Do not use for the preparation of home masks too overripe, blackened, as well as immature, green fruit. They should be light yellow, elastic, without stains.. After peeling a banana, remove another thin layer from it: often it creates a tackiness sensation.
  2. If for a face skin a banana can be stretched with a usual fork, then this method of grinding is inappropriate for hair. It is after such kneading that the banana puree is not washed off with the strands, because it goes lumpy. If you do not want such difficulties, be sure to use a blender. And let the mask be liquid, not thick: this will allow you to quickly remove it from the hair. The first time, use a blender to turn the banana into a puree, and the second - to mix all the ingredients in the mask.
  3. If the mask contains cosmetic oils, kefir or honey, they can be slightly heated in a water bath. But be careful with their temperature regime, if in addition to them even essential oils are included in the mixture (they cannot be useful at high temperatures) or eggs (they quickly collapse).
  4. No matter how you get used to the banana as a native fruit, do not forget that it is still exotic, which came from the tropics. therefore do not forget when testing a new mask every time to check it for the presence of allergens for your skin. To do this, it is enough to smear the wrist with the prepared mixture (the skin near the ear or the elbow bend is internal), wash off after a while and evaluate your own feelings. Pruritus, spots, burning, discomfort indicate that you should refrain from this mask and find any other.
  5. Gently rub the mixture into the scalp, trying not to ruffle your hair too much. After that, the mask is distributed by comb along the strands. The head should be dirty and slightly damp.
  6. If it is very scary that the banana does not drain out of the hair afterwards, add olive oil to each mask (1 tablespoon will be enough).
  7. Heat compress will enhance the action of the remedytherefore, a plastic cap should be worn over a treated hair with a shower or ordinary cellophane. Terry towel completes the greenhouse effect and creates an optimal procedure for the rapid flow of all processes in the scalp.
  8. The time of action is 20–30 minutes, no more, since if you let the banana dry on your hair, it will not want to be washed off.
  9. The latter is the most difficult stage of this procedure for many beauties looking for an answer to the question of how to wash bananas off their hair easily and quickly. There is nothing complicated about it. Do not rush to lower your head under the stream of water immediately. First, apply shampoo or balsam-rinse directly on the mask (the latter is even preferable), make a foam. If the mass is too thick and will not be whipped, lightly moisten your palms. And only after such a massage, you can wash off the banana mask under a strong stream of water at room temperature. Then, if necessary, you can comb your hair right in the water to remove the last pieces of banana stuck in the strands. The final stage is rinsing the head with an extract of chamomile or nettle - any medicinal herb useful for the hair.
  10. Frequency - once a week will not be enough, the duration of treatment is 8-10 masks. Return to the banana will be in a couple of weeks.

Using the experience of those who have already brought their hair with this fruit in order, you can enjoy its cosmetic effect. Moreover, apart from individual intolerance, there are no contraindications for these drugs. Use, as they say, on health and make no mistake in the choice, which is quite wide with regard to banana masks.

Your chosen hair mask from a banana will be effective only if you include in its composition long-known and accessible products at any time. After all, the regularity of the use of such funds - the key to their maximum efficiency. In its pure form, a banana in masks is practically not used, as additional ingredients contribute to easy washing of the composition from the hair. In addition, they inform the masks of various functions, enhancing one or another property of the banana. Most often in the recipes indicated approximate dosage - for the average length of hair, so vary these figures in accordance with your hair.

Shake homemade raw egg in a blender with 4 tablespoons of banana puree.

Peel the avocados, mash them in a puree, mix three tablespoons of avocado and banana puree, mix them in a blender, add a raw egg and 2 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil.

  • Firming mask against hair loss banana + yolk + essential oil

Blend 4 tablespoons of banana puree, 2 raw yolks in a blender, add 4–5 drops of basil (essential oil).

  • Repairing mask for split ends banana + mayonnaise + olive oil

Mix carefully 4 tablespoons of banana puree, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of unrefined olive oil.

4 tablespoons of banana puree mix with 1 tablespoon of warm honey, 100 ml of rich sour cream and 1 raw yolk.

In a blender, mix 4 tablespoons of banana puree, 2 tablespoons of warmed honey and 2 tablespoons of warm wheat germ oil.

Blender mix 4 tablespoons of banana puree, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 raw egg whites.

Mix 4 tablespoons of banana puree with 1 tablespoon of sea salt. For a thinner consistency, it is recommended to dilute with unrefined olive oil. This mask is rubbed only in the roots: the hair itself is not applied.

Full care for any type of curls and timely treatment of sick and lifeless hair - this is what these home remedies are capable of from the all-beloved exotic fruit called banana.

I tried a banana mask, did not like it! It is badly washed off, after tow on the head! All natural masks for not dyed hair (

Fragrant banana mask for damaged hair

The secret of the benefits of hair masks with banana is hidden in its rich composition. Like any other fruit, it contains a large amount of vitamins, which are known to nourish curls from the roots, have antioxidant properties and generally have a positive effect on the body. In addition, the banana is rich in microelements, which are not found in such quantities in all products.

On a more specific consideration, it can be noted that the following substances are most valuable for the care of hair, which are found in a significant amount in banana pulp:

  • potassium - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is responsible for the preservation of moisture in the cells, due to which it helps to moisturize the hair for a long time, saving them from dryness and brittleness, section of the ends,
  • Vitamin C is famous for its antioxidant properties, which helps to resist negative external influences - this is important for hair,
  • B vitamins - have similar properties, in addition, make hair stronger, prevent their loss,
  • Vitamin E - makes the scalp and hair more elastic, promotes regeneration, thanks to him the structure of the hair is restored, they cease to split, split,
  • Vitamin P - intensifies metabolic processes in the body, because of this, hair growth accelerates, they grow stronger and healthier.

So, if used properly, banana masks at home should have an effect comparable to salon procedures.

Pros and cons of banana hair mask

On the Internet, you can find a lot of video recipes for banana masks, followed by comments from those who tried to repeat the procedure at home - with different results.

Some users inspired by the conviction that the effect of the use of the tool was amazing: according to them, a banana hair mask has an effect on them that is similar to an expensive conditioner. In other words, the hair became smooth, shiny, silky and acquired a delicate fragrance.
Others angrily object that they received only negative emotions from the use of the product, as they spent a tremendous amount of time and effort trying to comb the fruit pieces out of their hair.

Carefully reading those and other reviews, we can come to the conclusion: a negative experience with the use of a banana hair mask is associated with a violation of the instructions for its use. When used correctly, the tool is effective and does not cause problems with its use.

Rules for making and applying banana masks at home

The following recommendations will help to avoid difficulties and to get a positive effect from using a mask with a banana for hair:

  • For the preparation of masks at home are suitable only ripe bananas, ideally - overripe.
  • It is necessary to grind them to such an extent that not the slightest lumps remain. Make a fork is unreal.
  • You must use a blender, and if not, wipe the pulp through a fine sieve.
  • A banana is not a very well-known allergen; nevertheless, it is necessary to carry out a test for the perception of a drug, especially if it contains other components..
  • Keep the mask on the hair should be at least 15 minutes (otherwise there will be no benefit), but not more than 40 minutes to prevent it from drying out.
  • To enhance the effect and prevent the mask from drying out, it is necessary to create the effect of a “sauna” by putting a plastic hat on the head and wrapping it with a towel.
  • Before you use shampoo to wash off the mask, you should apply a balm on your hair and, under a stream of water, comb a banana mass out of your hair - this should not take a long time if all other items of the instructions are not violated. Only after this should use shampoo.
  • The effect will appear only with regular use: a month later, if the procedure is carried out once or twice a week.

Recipes for the best banana hair care masks

Making sure that bananas are an excellent hair care product, it remains to learn the recipes of the best homemade masks based on it.

    Mask with banana and kefir
    Both products have a moisturizing effect, enhancing the properties of each other. For one banana enough three tablespoons of fermented milk product. The mask is more suitable for oily hair. After its use, they acquire a healthy shine and silkiness, do not become dirty so quickly.

Owners of dry hair in the composition is better to add a teaspoon of olive oil and the same melted honey. If you have burned hair, be sure to use a mask for the treatment of dried hair. Intensively moisturizing hair mask: banana plus avocado
A banana and avocado hair mask is the best remedy for dry and brittle hair of any type. For its preparation you will need one banana, one avocado, one egg yolk, half a teaspoon of olive oil.

Ingredients are carefully crushed, mixed, and then applied to the hair. Smoothness and attractive shine curls after its use acquire a long time. Mask of eggs and banana to strengthen and grow hair
A duet of two products - eggs and a banana - is a great tool for restoring the hair structure and improving their growth. The mask from the pulp of one banana, the yolk of one chicken egg, a teaspoon of melted honey and a tablespoon of sour cream is a salvation for dry and weak hair.

Similar properties have a mask of banana and eggs for hair with basil: the pulp of one fruit, egg and basil oil (4 drops). A mask with a banana and an egg is sufficiently effective without the use of additional ingredients.

Banana mask with honey for hair restoration
To restore damaged dry hair at home, you can make a mask of a banana, two big spoons of honey and a small spoon of wheat germ oil.

For oily hair with split ends, a remedy from a banana, a large spoonful of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey is suitable. Do not forget that oily hair must be properly washed. Read here how to do this.

The benefits of bananas for hair

Banana products have a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp due to its valuable composition, which includes:

  • vitamin A,
  • folic acid,
  • niacin
  • tocopherol,
  • vitamin C,
  • potassium.

These nutrients are in a banana in the maximum possible concentration, which ensures an effective effect on the hair, expressed in:

  • wetting the strands and providing them with essential nutrients
  • giving the curls elasticity, gloss and smoothness,
  • restoration of damaged and dry strands,
  • strengthening the hair follicles and improving the scalp,
  • adjustment of sebum production,
  • restoration of cell regeneration,
  • protection of curls from negative environmental factors or exposure to chemicals and styling products,
  • accelerating hair growth.

Pros and cons of using banana masks

A banana hair mask has a number of advantages:

  • Price. Self-made means will not hit your wallet, because bananas and other additional ingredients are inexpensive.
  • Availability. Despite the fact that bananas do not grow in Russia, you can buy them at any grocery store all year round.
  • Pleasant sensations. The mask leaves on the hair not only a trace of health and grooming, but also a wonderful fragrance that will stay on the curls for 2-3 days.
  • Security. Natural masks will not harm the hair, moreover, a banana rarely causes allergic reactions.

It is worth mentioning one important disadvantage of using a banana hair mask.

It is associated with difficulties when removing the mask. Not too well chopped banana from the hair to wash is very difficult. Also, difficulties will arise if the composition dries. The following actions will allow to avoid unpleasant situations:

  • grind a banana with a blender,
  • add a teaspoon of olive oil to the composition,
  • observe the time of exposure of the mask to the skin and curls (usually not more than 20 minutes).

Useful tips on making a mask

To make a banana mask at home correctly, follow these guidelines:

  • use enough ripe bananas with no signs of rotting,
  • too hard fruit can be frozen and thawed, then it will become softer,
  • Apply the product to unwashed hair, which pre-sprinkle with water,
  • begin to distribute the composition from the roots to the ends, using a comb with rare teeth,
  • after applying the head can be wrapped with plastic film and a towel with a terry towel for better effect,
  • wash off the composition with warm water using shampoo, then rinse the curls with chamomile or nettle decoction to secure the effect,
  • make a mask every three days for a month, then let your hair rest for 2 weeks and renew the procedure.

A hair mask that includes a banana will help get rid of many problems. We offer to get acquainted with the most famous and proven options.

For greasy hair

To stabilize the sebaceous glands and absorb excess fat will help a tool from banana, lemon and milk. The pulp of the fruit should be mixed with two tablespoons of lemon juice and applied to the hair, pre-moistened with milk. Keep the composition on the hair for half an hour.

For dry hair

Honey banana mask helps moisturize curls and restore their structure. For its preparation should be three tablespoons of banana puree mixed with two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of chopped germinated wheat grains. Apply on strands for 15 minutes.

To overcome the fragility of the curl will help a mixture of banana and avocado. Fruits mix in a blender, you can add a yolk and a spoonful of burdock oil to a better effect. Apply for a quarter of an hour on the curls, wrap your head with polyethylene and a towel or warm hat, wash off the composition with shampoo and rinse the head with chamomile or nettle decoction.

For rapid growth

To grow a braid, you need to mix a ripe banana with a tablespoon of sea salt and rub into the hair roots for half an hour, and then rinse the hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Any woman can use banana for hair as a part of masks. Tropical fruit will help solve many problems of hair and give a pleasant aroma. However, to ensure a 100% result can only exact adherence to the formulation and recommendations for the application of masks. Care for your curls correctly and dazzle all those around you with radiant and healthy hair!

What is a banana good for hair?

The problems of dullness and brittle hair worried every girl at least once. Improper diet, inactive lifestyle, tobacco and alcohol use and, first of all, a lack of vitamins ー all this affects the beauty and health of our locks.

It is equally important to maintain the condition of the hair. not only inside but outside, and homemade masks based on the most delicious and healthy fruits filled with vitamins, which are especially lacking in winter, will help to cope with this. Please your hair with a nourishing banana mask, they will remain exact thanks to you!

No one doubts that a banana is a tasty and healthy delicacy, but not everyone guesses that in addition to the obvious, it has other advantages: a banana is capable of incredibly nourishing and moisturizing hair, as well as fighting split ends.

The main advantage of home banana masks is that they have not a cosmetic, but a cumulative and therapeutic effect.

And, unlike other store masks, the healing result of this will not leave at the first shampooing, but will remain with you for a long time.

Here is a storehouse of useful elements hidden in this yellow fruit:

  • Potassium ー scientists have long noticed a direct link between baldness and potassium deficiency. Experts are sure that the loss of our hair is connected with the lack of this mineral.
  • B vitamins В essential vitamins for hair beauty. Due to the lack of this component, the scalp gets fat, the ends break off and abundant hair loss begins.
  • Vitamin E (Tocopherol) ー equips hair follicles with oxygen, prevents their early aging and dying, envelops each hair, protecting it from cross-section and fragility.
  • Vitamin PP ー or nicotinic acid ー supports the life of the hair follicles, protects their diseases, infections and death. It is the lack of nicotinic acid that leads to baldness.

The composition shows us that banana masks are really able to help with the “hair fall”, as well as moisturize the curls.

Also, due to its delicate structure, the banana has a calming effect on the scalp. Therefore, those who suffer from itching at the hair roots or irritation ー banana masks will be doubly useful!

Necessary ingredients and materials

The banana is an incredibly useful fruit, but it cannot do without helpers in a mask.


  1. Banana ー half large, or one small banana.
  2. Milk ー 1 tablespoon.
  3. Sour cream ー 1 tablespoon.
  4. Honey ー 1 tablespoon.
  5. Peach oil ー a few drops (in the absence, you can replace it with any other).

We will use milk in a mask to make a banana-milk mash based on it. The product assists with dandruff and itching of the head, moisturizes the hair, fights cross-section and brittleness, and also helps to wash the paint off the hair. As part of the mask milk acts as a connecting element between the banana and other components of the mask.

You can use any milk, any fat content - if your hair is dry and brittle, then it is necessary to dilute the yeast in fat milk (3,5%+)and if the curls are copiously oily, then it is better to take 1,5% milk.

Sour cream restores the length, moisturizing it abundantly, giving it a silky and well-groomed appearance. Also, sour cream mask can wash unwanted dye from hair.

Sour cream can also take any. Of course, the most useful in the village, but the store is full of utilities. Sour cream should be chosen in a similar way: the drier the hair, the fatter the sour cream.

Honey is able to restore hair even from the “dead” state itself, in its composition it is practically 500 beneficial trace elements and vitaminsHoney is useful for both hair length and roots. It fights strand loss, helps to eliminate itchy scalp, and also envelops each hair, saturating it with vitamins, “rebuilding” the structure and depriving the curls of the section and breakage.

Honey combines perfectly with a banana, both in taste and in the presence of vitamins, and honey in the mask acts as a “thickener”. Classic bee honey is suitable for the mask, but if the nectar is too sugary, it should be melted beforehand.

The masked oil acts to provide instant care for the length of the hair and to moisten the tips, but this ingredient is not deprived of its accumulative effect.

Butter is the final ingredient in a banana mask and will need very little of it - just a few drops.

How to choose a banana for a mask?

Usually, when choosing this bright fruit, we are guided by its appearance: more bright, more careful and more beautiful привыч these are the usual selection criteria. But when buying a banana for a mask it is worth doing the exact opposite! Fruit must be selected as black as possible, overripe.

The more beautiful the banana looks on the outside ー the stronger and firmer it is inside, and it is not suitable for making mashed banana as part of a mask. And the old, blackened fruit inside is very soft and easier to chop, leaving many times less hard lumps, which are so difficult then to get out of your hair!

Method 1: Fork

  • Step 1 Cut the banana into rings.

  • Step # 2 Chop the sliced ​​banana as fine as possible until small pieces are formed.

  • Step # 3 Put the banana on a flat surface and carefully mash with a fork until the banana turns into a kind of gruel, try to crush all the pieces and leave no clots.

If during the cooking banana darkens, do not worry! It will not affect its healing properties.

  • Step # 4 Put the gruel into the bowl, add the milk and again carefully stir the fork, trying to achieve a more or less homogeneous structure of the mixture.

Method 2: Blender

  • Step 1 Cut the banana into rings.

  • Step # 2 Immerse the banana in a rather deep container for your blender model (a glass is best suited).

  • Step # 3 Grind a banana to form a uniform structure (the grinding time depends on the power of your blender). Add milk and whisk again with a blender. The resulting mixture should resemble a thick kefir consistency.

It is best to use the second method, because, as seen in the photo, the blender crushed the banana much better, but the fork left behind a lot of lumps, which can then dry in your hair and you will experience big problems trying to get rid of them.

If you still decide to use the first option, you will have to buy a ripe, soft banana as much as possible, reduce the mask intake time and then wash your hair more thoroughly!


  • Step # 4 Add honey to the mask and stir it, trying to avoid the formation of “candied” pieces of syrup. Honey should be completely dissolved in the mask.

  • Step # 5 add sour cream to the mixture and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous structure is formed.
  • Step # 6 Add a few drops of oil to the mask and again shake everything thoroughly with a blender (fork), you need to stir and dissolve each lump of the mask, because the simplicity of applying and washing the mask depends on it.

The resulting mask should be moderately thick, resemble sour cream in consistency.


  • In order to open the pores of the scalp, it is necessary to make a warming massage at the roots of the hair.
  • It is most convenient to apply the mask with a brush for dyeing, and the process itself should also resemble hair coloring. Carefully promezhte hair roots, because it is on the scalp, hair follicles, directed the main action of the mask.
  • Spread the rest of the mask over the entire length of the hair, trying to blot each strand, and do not forget to pay particular attention to the tips.
  • Wrap your head with cling film (you can replace the shower cap), this is done so that the mask does not stick to your hair and is easily washed off.
  • Wear a winter hat or terry towel over the warming effect.
  • For the effect it is necessary to keep the mask for at least an hour, but not more than 3 hours, otherwise the mixture may dry out on the hair.
  • Carefully wash off the mask and see if all the pieces of bananas have left your hair.

Frequency of use: Mask must be done 2 times a week for 2 months.

Banana mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the hair, but do not expect a magical result after the first application. This, like any other mask, must be done with courses, and only then will your hair be completely cured of all ailments. In this case, do not forget about the right lifestyle and healthy nutrition, because all the beauty comes from the inside, and we only help the body with masks to cope with external problems.

Banana hair benefits

Some will be skeptical about the use of such a fruit in cosmetics, but this is the essence, the composition of the fruit is not rich, but all substances have a greater concentration. Thanks to the harmonious work of all components of the hair come to life on the eyes.

Each substance performs its functions, penetrating to a different depth of the curl:

  1. They normalize the metabolism,
  2. Make the follicles stronger
  3. Improve growth.

Rich in vitamins:

  • E - revives dull curls devoid of shine, restores the structure of the rod that is important for split ends, promotes the synthesis of elastin and collagen,
  • C - protects against the harmful effects of the environment, regulates the function of the external secretion glands,
  • B9 - strengthens the immune system
  • B5 - keeps hair young, prevents the appearance of early gray hair,
  • B6 - relieves inflammation, kills fungi, treats any type of dandruff,
  • B3 - thanks to him, bananas are valuable for hair growth and stopping alopecia,
  • Potassium - getting on the head moisturizes the hair.

This composition makes the effect of banana on the hair priceless, but it has another positive quality - due to the fibrous structure does not irritate the skin.

Important editorial advice

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Banana shampoo

Fruit shampoos have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp. The substances in the fruit effectively cleanse the head and regulate sebum production, so the hair stays clean longer. As a rule, banana hair is mainly used in the composition of the masks, but home banana shampoo will be no less effective. A banana is suitable for dry hair and oily hair, therefore, such washing of hair can be done without bothering to find out your type and studying popular recipes. The recipe for homemade hair shampoo is very simple, it is easy to prepare at home with your own hands, having everything you need at your fingertips.

Consider 3 different shampoos that can replace store hair products.

Beneficial features

What is so useful banana hair? Compositions based on this fruit deeply moisturize curls, making them smooth and docile. Banana contains a lot of nutrients that penetrate the hair and strengthen them.

Banana hair masks contain healing elements:

  • Vitamin Eprosto is necessary for weakened, dull, damaged by color and curl curls, it is able to restore damaged strands better than expensive cosmetics. Tocopherol helps to heal microtraumas, revives broken ends and brittle hair. Vitamin helps to produce collagen, which makes the curls elastic, elastic and strong.
  • Vitamin C supports immunity, reduces the damage that curls get from ultraviolet radiation, wind, polluted environment, salty sea water. In addition, ascorbic acid helps to normalize the production of subcutaneous fat. Thanks to this element, a banana hair mask is suitable for the care of greasy curls.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) rejuvenates the skin and curls at the intracellular level, providing the strength of youth and elasticity. With this vitamin, banana hair masks prevent premature graying of hair.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is known to kill the fungus and stop the inflammatory processes. It helps in the treatment of dandruff and seborrhea, the fight against gray hair.

  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) stimulates and accelerates hair growth, struggles with their loss, premature graying.
  • Potassium regulates the amount of moisture in the cells and intensively moisturizes dry and thinning curls.
  • The banana mask has a mild effect, does not irritate the delicate scalp and leaves a pleasant aroma on the curls.

    Best recipes

    Miraculous banana can be supplemented with various ingredients that enhance its impact.

    1. Banana and avocado have excellent moisturizing properties. Dry and brittle hair will remove such a mixture: take a medium-ripeness banana and avocado, chop thoroughly in a blender until smooth. To make the mask more fluid and easier to wash off, add a beaten egg and a spoonful of olive oil.
    2. Yolk. Loose and loose hair can be strengthened with a nourishing mask. Crush the banana, add the yolk to it. If the hair is oily, take the whole egg. Stir in the ingredients and drip some basil oil.
    3. Honey and kefir. Crush half a banana in mashed potatoes, add half a cup of low-fat kefir or yogurt, 3 tablespoons of honey. Blender mix until smooth, add to the mixture a little lemon juice.
    4. Sour cream and honey. To crushed banana in mashed potatoes add 2 tablespoons of sour cream, the same amount of olive oil and one spoon of honey and lemon juice. This composition contains many vitamins and nutrients.

    Banana hair masks will turn dry and brittle curls into a cascade of silk. In order for the tool to leave only positive impressions, you must follow the rules for the preparation, application and removal of the mask.


    Watch the video: Top 10 Health Benefits of Bananas (July 2024).