
The best ointments and creams for psoriasis of the scalp


Ointments for psoriasis on the head are made on the basis of various ingredients that have a certain effect on this disease. The first group consists of non-hormonal drugs, shown for treatment in the early stages. These include antiseptic ointments and pastes that have salicylic acid and boric acid, zinc or sulfur. Birch tar with psoriasis, which is a part of ointments, is also effective - it has a disinfecting effect.

The second group includes hormones that are considered “heavy artillery” in the treatment of head psoriasis. Such drugs are more effective, but their main drawback is the gradual addiction to the components. In addition, the number of side effects is very large. The main components of such ointments against psoriasis are triamcinolone, which reduces inflammation and itching, flumethasone, which has anti-allergic effects. The composition also often includes clobetasol, hydrocortisone, betamethasone - anti-inflammatory substances.

How to treat psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease that is not characterized by a complete cure: you can only alleviate the condition, getting rid of the symptoms of the disease. The therapy in this case depends entirely on the stage of development of the pathology, therefore the drugs and procedures are selected individually:

  1. It is characterized by the absence of new lesions, so the patients do not complain about anything.
  2. Peeling and irritation of the skin appear, and itching complements it.
  3. Symptoms include inflammation, cracking and abrasions with wounds.
  4. Instead of peeling on the skin appear thickening and coarsening.
  5. Large, reddened plaques with scales are noted, which are then peeled off and replaced with grayish particles that hit the entire head and extend beyond the hairline.

In the early stages, you can stop the development of the disease with diet and vitamins. All this must be combined with sedatives, i.e. soothing preparations. In addition, it is recommended to use shampoo, balm or spray for hair growth to stop their loss. Effective for psoriasis are Aleran brand products. As the disease progresses, more serious methods have to be connected: first, non-hormonal ointments, and then hormonal ones.

Psoriasis treatment with medication

The stage of drug treatment for psoriasis is included in the so-called “therapeutic intervention ladder”. This system consists in selecting a list of drugs depending on the severity of the disease of each patient. Local treatment of psoriasis is an effect on the affected areas with special creams and ointments and precedes more serious procedures.

What should be the psoriasis ointment

The nature of psoriasis has not been fully studied by physicians. Experts can not come to an unequivocal answer, what provokes the development of diseases.

Among the reasons are:

  • hormonal changes (especially at a young age and during pregnancy),
  • autoimmune disruptions associated with the transmission of serious infectious diseases,
  • constant stress and nervous shocks,
  • development of fungus on the scalp,
  • violation of metabolic processes,
  • genetic predisposition
  • unhealthy diet, in particular rigid diets,
  • and some other factors.

Therefore, the elimination of the original source will help get rid of the disease forever. But to clean the scalp of horny scales, relieve inflammation or overcome the fungus just need to use special gels, ointments and creams, rubbed into the dermis of the hair.

Interesting to know: The division of normal cells takes 28-30 days. With psoriasis, the immune system perceives the cells as foreign, therefore their accelerated regeneration occurs - in just 4–5 days. Due to the strong layering in certain areas, in particular on the scalp, plaques are formed - some foci on which the skin is very coarse and flaky.

To date, in the country's pharmacies to combat psoriasis, there are two options for cosmetics:

  • Non-hormonal active ingredients of which are plant extracts, zinc, salicylic and boric acid, sulfur. Such tools are suitable for those who have observed psoriatic changes in the scalp at the initial stage. Due to its harmless composition, almost all types of such cosmetics are suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers, small children and people with severe liver and kidney diseases.

  • Hormonal drugs. These suspensions are much faster from their natural precursors to relieve the disease (within a few weeks). But, unfortunately, many can cause allergic reactions, and their track record of contraindications is impressive.

Thus, it is better to entrust the selection of means for the local therapy of psoriasis to a dermatologist or trichologist. Highly specialized doctors will prescribe the delivery of several tests, determine the stage of the disease, and select the best and effective drugs, the active components of which will not enter into a confrontation between themselves and your body.

The composition of the paste and ointments of hormonal preparations includes triamycinolone, the strength of which is aimed at eliminating inflammation and itching, flumethasone, which is struggling with allergic manifestations, clobetasol, betamethasone and many other components of the antibacterial effect. Thanks to chemicals synthesized by the chemical industry, after 3-4 applications, you will notice a significant reduction in redness and complete itching.

As a rule, in the early stages of the disease, when there is redness, itching and peeling, you can drink a vitamin complex, go on a diet and resort to sedatives with a sedative effect.

An important point! If you notice the formation of a crust and an increase in the number of lesions, then first use non-hormonal therapy, and then resort to steroid cosmetics.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of ointments that eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis:

  • contributes to the elimination of inflammatory processes and the establishment of regeneration of the skin,
  • provides a local effect (unlike tablets, the aggressive components of ointments practically do not enter the bloodstream, which minimizes the impact on the work of individual organs and systems of our body),
  • eliminates contact with eyes and causing burns of mucous membranes, as creams and ointments are applied directly to the plaques,
  • prevents further spread of papules, as well as the occurrence of an allergic reaction,
  • are relatively inexpensive and easy to use.

Disadvantages creams, gels, pastes and ointments can be attributed to the overdrying of the skin, the need to rinse off with water (otherwise there is a strong oily sheen), as well as the possibility of developing some side effects.


Non-steroidal drugs should be used with caution, especially if you often suffer from allergies. You can smear a healthy area of ​​skin on the wrist and leave the ointment to activate for half an hour. If itching, urticaria, edema are absent, the curative suspension can be used on the affected areas of the dermis.

Always carefully read the instructions, because some creams are contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children up to a certain age.

Hormonal ointments, which belong to the group of glucocorticosteroids, suppress the production of hormones, therefore, are prohibited during pregnancy, menstruation and breastfeeding.

They have the following list of negative consequences:

  • can produce kidney stones,
  • form cholesterol plaques, worsening the vascular permeability,
  • provide addictive skin to the drug,
  • aggravate the dermatological problem (skin atrophy, formation of pigment spots, dermatitis, etc.,
  • adversely affect immunity (contraindicated for people with HIV and those who have had serious illnesses),
  • can aggravate the situation in the presence of malignant tumors,
  • and some other negative manifestations.

Should notice As soon as you stop using steroids, the hormones stabilize again.

For psoriasis, it is best to get tested by a dermatologist. After some studies, a competent specialist will prescribe a comprehensive course of treatment, which will include a vitamin complex, diet, ointments and lotions for local use. Remember, some components of the medical paste may be incompatible with other drugs. Therefore, do not engage in self-treatment, and entrust your hair specialist.

In case of ingestion of any hormonal agents in the digestive tract, it is necessary to induce vomiting and rinse the stomach. Doctors also recommend taking absorbents, for example, activated carbon.

Rules of application

Unfortunately, you cannot fully recover from psoriasis with the help of ointments, paste, gels, creams, because these drugs only relieve symptoms and relieve the patient's condition.

Follow these guidelines:

  1. Before applying the product, moisten the scalp with warm water. This will make it possible to eliminate sebum and pollution, ensuring direct contact of the dermis with the active substances.
  2. Carefully read the instructions, because some ointments should be applied with a thick, and some with a thin layer.
  3. After the product has been distributed on the scalp, gently massage and rub in the curative suspension. After completing the procedure, be sure to wash your hands, or pre-protect them with cellophane gloves.
  4. Soak up the ointment term, stated by the manufacturer (as a rule, 20-30 minutes).
  5. Rinse off with water, in some cases, you need a good wash when using shampoo.

The course of therapy is purely individual. If these are non-hormonal drugs, they should be used 1-2 months before the symptoms are eliminated. Strong steroid products are not allowed to use for more than 7 days. In most cases, the procedure is carried out twice a day (in the morning and in the evening).

Overview of the most popular tools

What is to smear your head with psoriasis? This question is asked almost every person who wants to get rid of unpleasant itching, unaesthetic areas on the dermis of the head, as well as other complications associated with the disease.

When choosing a quality cosmetics should focus on:

  • antifungal and antibacterial effects of the drug,
  • ability to improve skin microcirculation and ensure epithelium renewal,
  • the presence of components that are designed to relieve inflammation,
  • side effects, as well as your tendency to allergic reactions,
  • stage of illness (initial stage, remission or exacerbation),
  • cost of funds and its effectiveness.

Very often, psoriasis is confused with a fungal infection triggered by a microorganism of the genus Candida. The spread of candida may also be associated with a weakened immune system caused by psoriasis itself. Therefore, you need to purchase complex ointments and creams, which also fight against the fungus.

Non-hormonal drugs

  • Cream "Dawn" on the basis of floralisin improves metabolic processes at the cellular level, perfectly moisturizes the skin and heals the cracks formed. Use the tool 2 times a day, applying a thin layer on the affected areas. The course of therapy is until complete healing. The cost of the drug is low, only 100 rubles.

  • "Antipsoriasis" or otherwise Ivanov ointment. This remedy based on petrolatum, grease, flax and chitin has a fungicidal (antifungal) effect on the dermis of the head. In addition, it perfectly soothes and heals wounds, and also improves the regeneration of the skin. The course of treatment is from 10 days to 4 weeks. The price of ointment starts from 850 rubles per tube of 120 ml.

  • "Kartalin". This healing suspension on the basis of bee honey and grease with the addition of chamomile decoction, eucalyptus leaves, leaves and salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect. When using the drug, it should not be deeply rubbed into scaly plaques, but only need to be applied twice a day on their surface with a thin layer. Therapy lasts 10 days. The price of Kartalin varies in the range of 890–1000 rubles.

  • "Naftaderm". The tool is prepared on the basis of oil, emulsified wax and alcohol. It has a peeling of cornified particles, disinfects the place of application, eliminates itching and reduces redness. On the dermis of the head should be applied with a thin layer. Naftaderm will empty your wallet for 550 rubles.

Hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs can affect the endocrine system, reducing the production of certain hormones. It is possible that the active use of such cosmetics can lead to a number of side effects. That is why experts recommend using these products for no more than 7 days.

Interesting to know: Dermatologists divide steroids against psoriatic papules into 4 categories: from the weakest to the most potent. First, the doctor prescribes ointment from 1-2 categories. If the medicinal suspension does not provide the desired effect, resort to stronger drugs 3-4 groups (for example, celestoderm, flucinar).

  • "Candide". It has a wide range of actions. It is primarily an anti-fungal drug. Shown in color lichen and eczema. Not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and during menstruation. Prices for the miracle ointment start from 200 rubles.

  • "Belosalik". The ointment on the basis of betamethasone and salicylic acid already after 2-3 weeks is taken to eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis. It removes inflammation, improves the lipid balance of the scalp, eliminates allergies. This product of domestic production will cost you 400 rubles.

  • "Daybovet" from Denmark. As in the previous ointment, betamethasone acts as a key component. But paraffin and calcipotriol are added to the main components. To eliminate inflammation, it is necessary to apply the remedy only once a day. For a tube of cream in 15 grams you will have to pay 1100 rubles.

  • "Prednisolone". It has anti-inflammatory effect and eliminates itching. Put a creamy suspension on the localization of papules. The cost of a 5 milliliter tuba is 100 rubles.

  • "Hydrocortisone". The key component is hydrocortisone acetate. Removes the inflammatory process, eliminates puffiness, prevents further development of psoriatic papules. A tube in 10 ml is sold in pharmacies for only 35 rubles.

  • "Celestoderm". The drug belongs to the category of potent, because it reduces the permeability of blood vessels adjacent to the skin of the head. The active substance is betamethasone, which quickly and easily relieves inflammation. In addition, the tool prevents allergic manifestations on the skin. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 2 times a day. The cost per tube in 15 ml is 300 rubles.

  • "King of Skin". Chinese cosmetics based on ketoconazole and clobetasol removes redness and itching, and also has anti-mycotic effect. Promotes the fastest recovery of the skin. It will cost only 250 rubles.

  • Flucinere. It belongs to the category of strong cosmetics. It is used no more than 2 times a day during the week.To improve the treatment procedure, the manufacturer recommends applying a sterile gauze dressing on top of the ointment. The average price for a tube, with a capacity of 15 g, is 240 rubles.

Anti-inflammatory ointment

In the period of remission or in the initial stages of psoriasis, you can try other means that rather quickly eliminate inflammatory processes. These include:

  • sulfur-salicylic ointment that kills microbes (the cost of a tube starts from 30 rubles),

  • Vishnevsky ointment, serving as an excellent antiseptic and improves blood circulation (you will pay about 40 rubles for a small tube),

  • zinc ointment, which will dry the affected areas, as well as be able to relieve itching (will cost 50 rubles),

  • paste and ointment Sulsen, normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands and regeneration of the epidermis (costs about 85-100 rubles).

As you can see, an abundance of funds in the fight against psoriasis is striking in its scale. Almost all of them are sold in pharmacies across the country without a prescription.

Home Cooking Recipes

It is not necessary to lay out a tidy sum for the purchase of foreign ointment. You can use some of the ingredients from the category of traditional medicine and prepare the ointment at home. Here are some of the most popular and effective recipes:

  1. On the basis of grease. You need to mix 100 g of grease, 10 g of dry celandine, 30 g of crushed oak bark. In the resulting slurry, enter the egg white. Insist a few hours. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. After each use, be sure to wash off the mask with barely warm water.
  2. Combine 10% of synthomycin liniment with propolis tincture in the ratio of 3 to 1. The resulting slurry is used 1 time per day until the symptoms of psoriasis disappear.
  3. Dampen your head with warm water, spread on top of the finely chopped onion (brought almost to the state of gruel). Perform an active massage of the dermis and, wrapped in hair with polyethylene and then with a towel, leave to be activated on the head of hair for 30-40 minutes. Flush pulp need tar soap.

Thus, when choosing ointments and creams that combat the symptoms of psoriasis, it is best to consult a dermatologist or trichologist. Today, in pharmacies of the country, you can purchase products based on natural ingredients that practically do not cause side effects and do not affect the functioning of organs and systems.

If you intend to recover quickly, then you need to acquire potent suspensions that can quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and improve the regeneration of the skin.

Useful videos

Psoriasis ointment that really helps.

How I beat psoriasis.

Basic principles of therapy

The main condition for the effective control of psoriasis is the complex approach to its organization. So, traditionally used:

  1. Pharmacy and home formulations for external use (for the treatment of psoriasis on the head using ointments, creams, shampoos, sprays, rinses based on decoctions of medicinal plants),
  2. Systemic drugs
  3. Physiotherapy and spa therapy.

Medication for psoriasis of the scalp:

  • Sedatives (sedatives),
  • Hyposensitizing (anesthetic) compounds,
  • Antihistamine (antiallergic) tablets or injections,
  • Immunosuppressants (drugs that suppress the body’s defenses),
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes,
  • Systemic retinoids (drugs that regulate the sebaceous glands),
  • Cytostatics (drugs that prevent the malignancy of abnormal cells of the epidermis),
  • Corticosteroids (hormones),
  • Hemodez solution (intravenous injections that help clear the blood),
  • Calcified autologous blood.

The most common systemic drugs used in the treatment of psoriasis of VCG include:

  • Reamberin. Solution for intravenous drip. Fights symptoms of intoxication, has a regenerating effect. The active ingredient is succinic acid with a pronounced antioxidant effect, which is responsible for the supply of oxygen to the affected cells.
  • Methotrexate. It is used in severe forms of scalp psoriasis in order to slow down the process of dividing abnormal cells. The drug is prescribed in the form of intravenous injections or tablets.
  • Diprospan. Hormone remedy, which is advisable to use only in case of complicated course of the disease (it has a lot of contraindications and side effects).

Combined therapy of psoriasis of the HCV involves the use of psychotropic drugs. These drugs are designed to simultaneously cope with several medical tasks:

  • Eliminate depressive states, anxiety, social phobia associated with the chronic course of the disease,
  • Increase patient's stress tolerance,
  • Reduce the likelihood of recurrence of psoriasis due to nervous overstrain,
  • Overcome insomnia
  • Reduce the intensity of itching.

So, in the treatment of psoriasis, the VCG uses such medicinal groups of psychotropic drugs:

  • Antidepressants
  • Antipsychotics
  • Anxiolytics,
  • Mood stabilizers.

Local treatment of the disease

External remedies for psoriasis of the scalp:

  • Keratoplastic ointments (have a peeling, regenerating, sedative effect). Among these pharmaceutical compositions should be noted Naftalan, sulfur-tar, salicylic ointment for the treatment of psoriasis on the head.
  • Glucocorticoid (hormonal) local drugs - quickly relieve the inflammatory process on the skin, but at the same time have a number of side effects and are addictive. Such drugs are prescribed for psoriasis of VCG extremely rarely.

Consider the most effective ointment for the treatment of psoriasis on the head in more detail:

  • Naftaderm. This external agent demonstrates anesthetic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The composition helps relieve itchy scalp. The main component of the ointment is naphthalan oil. Means process the affected areas of the dermis once a day for 5 weeks.
  • Salicylic ointment. A mixture based on the same acid. Hypoallergenic, does not cause side effects, and therefore is used, including in the treatment of psoriasis, VCG in children. The composition is applied to psoriatic plaques once a day - patients report an instantaneous decrease in the intensity of itching and peeling of the skin.
  • Dayvoneks. Effective ointment based on calcipotriol. It is a transparent thick mixture with a viscous consistency. The drug is applied to the scalp daily for 8 weeks.

Pharmaceutical lotions are also used to combat the symptoms of scalp psoriasis. Consider the most popular and effective means:

  • Belosalik. Hormonal drug based on betamethasone and salicylic acid. Suitable for sensitive scalp. It has antipruritic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. Lotion process VCG twice a day for 3 weeks.
  • Diprosalik. This tool has a composition similar to Belosalik, it is applied to problem areas of the skin in the morning and evening. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the individual characteristics of the course of psoriasis of the scalp in each patient.
  • Calamine. Natural Zinc Lotion. Relieves itching and inflammation, has a cooling effect. The composition is applied to psoriatic plaques 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is a month.

Another remedy for psoriasis on the head, without which no course of treatment can do, is shampoo. Positive reviews have earned these drugs:

  • Friderm Tar,
  • Friederm Zinc,
  • Aloe vera,
  • Tegrin,
  • Neutrogena T / Gel,
  • Tar shampoos: Lush, Alphosyl,
  • Compositions with ketoconazole: Nizoral, Ketozoral, Sebozol,
  • Medical and cosmetic products for children: I and Mom, Karapuz.

Not the last place in the structure of therapy for psoriasis of VCG is taken by vitamins - they take part in metabolic processes, are responsible for the regeneration of damaged cells of the epidermis, nourish, moisturize the skin. The necessary vitamins for patients with this form of the disease are:

  • Tocopherol (E) is a natural antioxidant.
  • Retinol (A) - improves skin elasticity, regulates the sebaceous glands.
  • Calciferol (D) - prevents softening of bone tissue in psoriasis.
  • Vitamins of groups C and B. They prevent the further spread of psoriatic plaques throughout the body, inhibit their growth, and have a positive effect on the general condition of the body and the patient's well-being.

Folk remedies for psoriasis VCG

Broths from the roots and flowers of celandine, as well as aloe extract help to cope with the symptoms of the disease. In the first case, it is recommended to drink 250 ml of the product (1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water) once a day before meals and apply the broth directly to the psoriatic plaques. As for aloe, the therapeutic gel, which contains this active ingredient, can be purchased at the pharmacy. This tool is enough to handle the damaged areas of the skin VCG once a day.

At home, you can make this treatment mask:

  • 3 tbsp. l avocado oils and olives,
  • 1 tbsp. l liquid honey and yogurt.

These components are thoroughly mixed and neat massage movements spread over the dermis of the head. Keep the mask for at least an hour, then wash off with regular shampoo. The procedure is repeated no more than 1 time per week.

Amaranth oil is another effective remedy that helps relieve the symptoms of psoriasis of the HBV. The composition is applied to the damaged areas of the dermis twice a day.

As with the treatment of any other form of the disease, combating psoriasis with VCG involves following a strict diet. So, experts recommend to exclude from the diet of such patients fried, fatty, over-salty, peppered food, as well as sweet carbonated alcohol. The basis of the therapeutic diet for psoriasis - cereals, fruits and vegetables, sour milk drinks, fresh juices and herbal teas.

What is psoriasis on the head and how does it appear

As a result of various reasons, the main of which are violations of the normal functioning of human immunity, disruptions in the body's metabolic processes, as well as factors such as heredity, red spots in the form of papules and plaques covered with whitish scales may appear on the human body. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by isolated manifestations, but over time the number of lesions increases, accompanied by a strong feeling of itching, burning and discomfort. On the head, the disease can affect the area of ​​hair growth, as well as the skin of the forehead, ears, neck.

In the non-acute stage of psoriasis, doctors prescribe a means for external application, which are available in various forms. Ointments for psoriasis on the head have a different composition, both synthetic and natural, and are quite successfully used in practice.

Types of ointments for psoriasis

For getting rid of psoriasis, creams and ointments are quite important and are an integral part of the complex treatment of the disease. The fact is that human skin is the largest and most important organ responsible for body defense and heat transfer. Psoriasis leads to the violation of these functions, which often leads to serious complications. The use of ointments provides restoration of the protective functions of the skin, and contributes to the establishment of the heat exchange process. All means for external use can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Hormonal agents.
  2. Non-hormonal drugs.

Next, consider in more detail the drugs included in each of the groups.

Hormonal ointment

Medications of this type are most often prescribed by a doctor for acute psoriasis, in order to quickly eliminate the symptoms and arrest the further spread of the rash. With the help of these tools can quickly reduce the feeling of itching, burning, discomfort. Hormonal drugs can be administered exclusively by a qualified specialist, taking into account all the features of the disease.

These funds often cause a number of side effects, which manifest themselves in the form of dryness, irritability of the skin, the general deterioration of the patient's condition. In addition, hormonal ointments can be addictive, and abrupt cancellation of some drugs can provoke an aggravation of the pathology. Given these characteristics, doctors use hormone-based drugs for a short period with a clear adherence to doses of medication. The most popular ointments of this type include the following drugs:

  1. A group of creams that can relieve inflammation, itching, have antiallergic effect. This includes drugs kenalog, triacort.
  2. Drugs with antiexudative, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic actions. These are such means as lorinden, flucinar.
  3. Ointments to reduce and normalize the pathological proliferation of skin cells and reduce the allergic reaction. This includes drugs with hydrocortisone, corteid, latecort.
  4. Means that relieve itching, inflammation, promote normal synthesis and cell division of the dermis - acriderm, diprospan.

Ointment for psoriasis of the scalp on a hormonal basis should be applied with all the recommendations of the doctor. Excess dose, irregular use, as well as self-withdrawal of the drug may adversely affect human health.

Non-hormonal ointment

These funds can be administered as an independent medication, and in conjunction with hormonal drugs and other drugs. Non-hormonal creams have both advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of the absence of restrictions on the timing of use and a minimum of side effects, the disadvantages include the fact that the result does not occur immediately, but 5-6 days after the start of treatment. The following drugs can be considered as non-hormonal ointments:

  1. Creams with anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. This is a magnispore, cytopsor.
  2. The use of salicylic ointment helps to exfoliate dead skin particles, soften and restore it.
  3. Zinc ointment is also widely used in the treatment of scalp psoriasis. It dries, relieves inflammation and fights germs.
  4. Often used in medical practice and ointment on a natural basis. These are drugs such as anti-spores, kartalin. Such creams are able to establish natural metabolic processes at the cellular level, soften and have an antiseptic effect.

Dawn cream with psoriasis

The composition of this tool is floralisin, so that the cream Dawn has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and regenerating effect in psoriasis. This drug is non-toxic, so it is actively used in the treatment of the disease, both in adults and in children. It is enough to apply it on the affected areas 2 times a day. You can purchase Dawn's device at an average price of 30 UAH. or 85 rubles. This is one of the cheapest drugs for skin diseases.

Super Psori Cream

One of the best remedies for skin diseases in the pharmacology market is Super Psori Cream due to its natural composition. It includes the following components: sea buckthorn oil, birch tar, extracts of licorice, sage, eucalyptus and mint. Vaseline, lanolin and grease make the structure delicate. Due to such a rich composition Super Psori Cream has such an effect on the affected skin:

  • moisturizing
  • removal of inflammation and itching
  • elimination of peeling
  • saturation with vitamins and other beneficial substances
  • antiseptic action.

This tool should be applied to the affected areas of the skin.For a quicker result, the places treated with the tool should be fixed with a plaster. Buy Super Psori cream at an average cost of 170 UAH. or 800 rubles.

Pikladol psoriasis cream

The effectiveness of this drug is quite high, both in the early stages of the disease and in advanced cases. After a month of regular use of the disease will not remain a trace. This is due to the natural ingredients that make up the medicine. Psoriasis psoriasis cream contains celandine, birch tar and essential oils of coniferous trees, due to which it quickly relieves unpleasant sensations, such as itching, severe peeling, and skin tightening. Treat sick areas with this tool should be 3 times a day. The average price of this drug is 200 rubles. and 80 UAH.

Psorimilk psoriasis cream

This tool is widely used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, because it has such an effect on the disease:

  • softens and gently removes dead skin particles,
  • nourishes the skin with beneficial substances
  • relieves itching, skin becomes not so tight
  • has antibacterial and disinfectant action.

Apply Psorimilk cream for psoriasis should be on clean skin 2 times a day. It consists of ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the skin, namely: lotus, honeysuckle, burdock, forsythia, shea butter, celandine, propolis. Buy this tool can be approximately 1000 rubles. or 350 UAH.

Side Effects of Hormonal Ointments

What side effects can cause hormonal ointment?

  1. Addiction to the remedy and the need to increase the dose. In this case, you must urgently cancel the ointment (strictly under the supervision of a doctor!)
  2. Increased itching and irritation of the skin.
  3. The occurrence of boils and pimples.
  4. Increased flaking, dead skin can literally fall off in chunks.
  5. Side effects from the liver - its increase and deterioration of function.
  6. The weakening of the kidneys, calcium metabolism.

To avoid such phenomena, it is necessary to apply the ointment only under the supervision of a physician, and to follow the general principles of proper nutrition and drink more pure water.

How to smear your head with psoriasis: effective means

As for non-hormonal drugs for the treatment of the scalp, then, of course, their use will not cause such side effects. The only negative of these funds - the effect comes at least after a week of regular use.

If there is no need to urgently relieve itching, inflammation or burning, then doctors prefer ointments without hormones in the composition. They do not affect the work of the kidneys, liver and other important organs.

What is to smear psoriasis on the head, if there is no need to use hormonal drugs?

Mass options, we give some of them.

Salicylic ointment

This ointment is very often used in the treatment of psoriasis on the head and on the skin of the body. The composition includes salicylic acid, which effectively fights various skin inflammations. The disadvantage of this ointment is that it can also be addictive and the effect will be gone.

Of the side effects can be identified increased desquamation, the appearance of pimples. As a rule, salicylic ointment in the treatment of psoriasis on the head is used exclusively as part of an integrated approach. Its cost is low - usually it does not exceed 150 rubles.

Solid ointment

Rather strong means having accumulative effect. That is, the result can be seen 2-3 weeks after the start of the course. The composition of the ointment includes components such as boric acid, petrolatum, rosin and others. Despite the slightly awesome components of modern man, the ointment has good efficacy.

There are some restrictions in use, for example, you can not take a bath more than 2 times a week during treatment. In addition, the tool can not be used for pregnant, lactating, as well as people with impaired renal function.

Cartaline ointment

The very rich composition of this tool allows you to get a fairly good effect. The drug is made on the basis of grease, with the addition of such components as lavender oil and eucalyptus, vitamins A and D, honey, extracts of the train and chamomile. Persistent effect occurs after a monthly course. There are no specific contraindications, except for allergies to specific components of the ointment, for example, honey.

Ointment and cream based on tar

Such funds quickly have anti-inflammatory effect, as well as contribute to the restoration of the skin. Different concentrations of tar allow you to choose an ointment or cream for each specific case.

There are only a few rules. For example, the drug should not be exposed to sunlight. Therefore, sunbathing after application is impossible, it can cause burns and even the growth of malignant tumors. Another BUT is that it is not possible to use such agents for people with kidney disease, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.

Creams with a synthetic analogue of vitamin D

The positive effect of this vitamin on the skin has long been proven. Therefore, funds were created with a synthetic analogue of this substance. Assign these creams for a long time - from a month to a year. From side effects can be distinguished exacerbation of psoriasis, as well as an overdose of calcium.

Sulfuric ointment

The drug is available in two different concentrations - 10 percent and 33. It has an antiseptic, regenerating effect. In addition, the tool relieves itching. There are no special contraindications and side effects, because of this sulfur ointment has been used for many years in the treatment of not only psoriasis, but also other skin diseases.

Popular non-hormonal ointments

When used regularly, hormone-free ointments are an effective way to get rid of the symptoms of psoriasis. Despite the relative safety, they can be used only after consulting with a specialist. Depending on the stage of the disease, treatment is carried out in stages. Non-hormonal ointment prescribed in the initial stages. As a rule, they contain one active component (in rare cases - two), which determines the spectrum of action of the ointment.

Side effects

In some cases, local application of salicylic acid provokes undesirable effects:

  • increased itching, burning,
  • hyperemia in the treated area
  • allergic reaction

Ointment should not be applied to warts, birthmarks, face, genital area. When treating psoriasis in children, it is not recommended to treat several areas simultaneously with the drug.

The price of 25 g of this non-hormonal ointment is approximately 15-25 rubles.

Zinc ointment

This drug has an astringent, drying, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, adsorbing effect. In psoriasis, reduces itching, irritation, exudation, eliminates areas of inflammation, protects against external stimuli by creating an external barrier.


  • The ointment is not intended for the treatment of psoriasis on the face.
  • Dayvonex is not recommended to apply on large areas of the skin (more than 30% of the entire surface of the skin). In severe forms of psoriasis, the drug is used extremely rarely (due to the increased risk of hypercalcemia), and the level of calcium in the urine and blood is continuously monitored.
  • During treatment, exposure to sunlight or artificial UV radiation on the skin should be limited. The use of Dayvoneks in combination with PUVA or UV therapy is possible only when absolutely necessary.

Buy 30 g of ointment can be for 900-1200 rubles.

The therapeutic effect is due to the properties of the components in the ointment:

Naftalan - has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, antibacterial, desensitizing effect, improves skin trophism, contributes to the normalization of microcirculation and metabolic processes.

Urea - effectively moisturizes the skin, relieves itching, irritation, improves the absorption of other components of the ointment. It has a peeling, keratolytic, wound-healing and bacteriostatic action.

Salicylic acid - has an antiseptic, wound healing, keratolytic action.

D-panthenol, or provitamin B5 - accelerates the regeneration of the skin, improves cellular metabolism, reduces inflammation.

Sophora Japanese extract - increases the strength of the walls of blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits the proliferation of keratocytes, thereby reducing peeling.

Almond oil - contains valuable vitamins and fatty acids. Regulates the water and lipid balance, stimulates the process of skin regeneration, has a softening, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect.

Types of medications

An effective ointment for the treatment of psoriasis on the hair can be purchased at the pharmacy, ordered at a certified online pharmacy or in a store of medical cosmetics. Analysis of prices shows that the purchase in large pharmacy chains or via the Internet is cheaper by an average of 3-7%. Below are the most popular ointments and their characteristic features.

An integrated approach to the treatment of psoriasis on the head

Treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist allows you to adjust the doctor's prescription by the reaction that the body gives. Guaranteed effective drugs do not exist, since psoriasis of the scalp largely has an individual course. With an integrated approach, the doctor should select combinations of drugs. According to the reviews, the use of the following groups of drugs gives a stable result and remission:

  1. Keratolytic ointments: sulfuric, sulfur-salicylic, mercury-salicylic, ichthyol, tar, resorcinol. 2-3 ointments may be used at the same time if approved by the doctor.
  2. Glucocorticoid ointment. The targeted effect of hormonal ointments quickly heals the skin. Excellent reviews have drugs such as Belosalik or Beloderm. Remission of psoriasis on the scalp requires a short course strictly under the control of a dermatologist. To treat skin disease with such powerful tools can not be alone.
  3. Vitamin D and dithranol lotions, shampoos, tar soap. This is a relatively inexpensive medical cosmetics, which almost always complement the treatment with ointments. Smear the skin after washing the head.

In addition to drugs, psoriasis can be treated with home-made ointments, formulations based on medicinal plants, tar, grease or seaweed.

Simple and effective homemade recipes.

High-quality raw materials for home remedies for psoriasis of the scalp can be purchased at pharmacies inexpensively. Convalescent patients say that the following treatment brings good results:

  1. Take one five-liter pack of dogrose branches and burn. Leave the ashes, mix it with petroleum jelly. Apply the mixture to the skin. Store ointment in the refrigerator.
  2. Mix egg white with petrolatum, add about 250 g of grease, about 20 g of linden honey and about 20 g of dry celandine. Apply immediately after preparation of the composition, do not store for a long time.
  3. Squeeze Kalanchoe juice (about 10 ml), mix with a glass of honey, add 30g of eucalyptus oil. Means can be stored only in the refrigerator no more than 1 week.
  4. Blue clay (sold in a pharmacy) mixed with water, the consistency of the composition should be thick, like sour cream. Add 50 g of tar (best of all birch) and about 50 crushed Ascorutin tablets. This medicine costs a penny and is sold in every pharmacy. Ointment perfectly relieves itching and irritation in psoriasis of the scalp, does not cause addiction or allergies.

There will be no result from such treatment, no specialist can predict. The advantages of traditional methods are that they are inexpensive and the cost of the experiment on the wallet does not exactly hit. Dermatologists confirm that with a diet, it is possible to achieve an improvement by popular methods. But with severe psoriasis, especially with erythema, it makes no sense to smear your head, you need to switch to systemic drugs. It is necessary to treat psoriasis with injections or tablets if the use of external agents does not give results within 3-6 months. The components that make up the folk remedies are contained in conventional ointments for psoriasis of the scalp. The only difference is in price and bioavailability.

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King of skin

Chinese drug for the treatment of psoriasis. The cream contains the following components:

  • ketoconazole
  • clobetasol,
  • sandalwood
  • basil,
  • neomycin sulfate,
  • turmeric,
  • licorice extract
  • Melia Persian,
  • kapoor kachari.

The drug eliminates redness and itching, contributes to the rapid recovery of the skin. It has antifungal, nourishing and antiseptic effect. The cream should be applied with a thin layer on previously cleansed scalp 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-30 days.

It is contraindicated to use the drug in:

  • hypersensitivity to substances that are part of the drug,
  • infection of the skin with bacteria and viruses,
  • the presence of acne,
  • carrying a child.

In addition, the drug is not used in children under 1 year.


For the treatment of psoriasis, hormonal and non-hormonal ointments can be used. External remedies effectively eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that occur in psoriasis.

However, before using any drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since many drugs have a systemic effect and have limitations to use.


Watch the video: What is Psoriasis and the Best Psoriasis Treatment at Mayo Clinic (July 2024).