
How to explain to the hairdresser what you want, so that later you don’t cry in front of the mirror


TOP-3 men:

  1. Shaved whiskey.
  2. Beard (as well as all the procedures for the care and coloring).
  3. Extra long male hairstyles (often combined with shaved temples).

TOP-3 women:

  1. Asymmetric bob (hairstyle "under Buzov").
  2. "Bob" (in all sorts of variations).
  3. Long hair (natural styling).

Advice from the hairdresser: in any case, whether you choose one of the fashion trends for yourself or prefer the classics, it is better to consult the master as to whether this or that option is right for you, your type of face.

Translation from "human" to "hairdresser":

What does the customer say

What does this mean in the language of the hairdresser

“Add me a volume, make a“ ladder ”.

Graduation - cascading, stepped haircut of different lengths, which, in the end, creates volume.

"I want a fashionable highlighting."

Balayazh - this is the name of fashionable nowadays highlighting of hair ends.

"Make me a slanting whiskey."

Poiting - This is a haircut at a certain angle so that there is no smooth edge.

"Make a ragged haircut."

Filirovka - a technique that allows you to thin the hair, while creating the illusion of volume and natural look.

“I want my hair to look like it burned out”

Highlight - Brightening the hair of individual arbitrary strands, creating the effect of burnt hair.

"I want a lot of colors, with a smooth transition."

Coloring - coloring, in which the master applies from 2 to 15 shades, as a rule, close in tone to each other.

"I want a square of the same length, even."

Monolithic haircutin which the hair is cut at the same length.

"Make a ragged edge."

Picket - a technique in which a strand of hair looks ragged, similar to a fringe.

"Make a pile, but not so that then not to comb."

Putty - easy hair combing.

Although in fact the master will understand you even if you say everything in your own words.

“Just don’t need to say“ make me beautiful, ”asks Marina. - This is certainly too vague concept, and everyone understands the beauty in their own way.

From the life of a hairdresser

In the work of the hairdresser there are funny moments. Marina Belush told about some of them:

- A well-groomed aged woman came to the salon and asked ... to shave her head bald. It was not possible to dissuade. It turned out that on this day the woman turned 60 years old, and she finally decided to fulfill her childhood dream.

The man was in a hurry and immediately after the haircut, he ran out into the street in a peignoir (a white cloth cape to protect the clothes from falling hair). When he was caught up at the crossroads, he laughed, then asked what the name was, what he was, he was shy and asked: “Don't tell anyone that I was here in your peignoir.”

I'm shorter

With this phrase it is worth being careful, but it is better not to pronounce it at all. Because shorter for you and shorter for a hairdresser - the concepts are different. Also do not say: "Trim centimeters 5, 6", because you don't quite understand how hair cut to such lengths can lie. Show with your hands where you want your hair to end, this is the best way to explain the desired length.

Make me beautiful

Of course, it's great that you trust the master, but his ideas about style and beauty may not coincide with yours. Therefore, better bring photos.

Well, if this is your own picture with a successful hairstyle that you want to repeat again. But if you want something new, look for a photo of a star or model on the Internet. Now it's easy to make it simple.

When choosing a photo, look for a model with similar data, including the type and structure of hair, skin and eye color (this is important for dyeing).

If, for example, you have naturally curly hair, and you are showing a photo of a brunette with smooth, heavy hair, the hairdresser may not argue with you and do as you like, but you can never repeat your hair at home by yourself.

But even if you bring a not too realistic image, it is better than nothing. Because you can rely on the photo and think out your image with the master.

Do not be silent

Once again, the masters are not psychics and do not know how to read minds. If you feel that something is going wrong, stop the master, explain again, do not hesitate and do not be afraid to seem too annoying, it is better than to be upset. You can even ask to dry hair, it is easier to see what is happening.

Tell us more about your hair

Remember the best hairstyle you have ever had. What exactly did you like about her? Also tell us about problems with hair: they break, are too thin, curl, dry and naughty, heavy and do not hold volume. All this is important to know in advance to choose the right hairstyle.

Do not come to the salon with dirty hair, trimmed in the tail

Come with a hairstyle that you do every day. The master needs to understand how your hair usually lies and how you style it.


Koment for cons, who should.

I remember my clients here :(

Maybe the master just has a lot of clients, and not everyone has a good memory for faces, and then all the same you see every day, and probably only once a month. You tell the master something about yourself during the haircut, that it would be easier to remember you, and then when there are a lot of customers, they all become faceless, especially if they don’t talk, or just the person is not memorable by himself.

But the tip is a good thing!

Well, here we are. Tips for doctors, tips for hairdressers, tips for air pilots, tips for president. Well, what, just work well, you have to show it to them, right? Let's all profession in a row to teach to tip.

Yes, and I do not like to chat. Especially when someone is spinning around my head with a sharp object in my hands: D But there are signs on my head, according to which, sooner or later, in the process of work, they still remember me.

Well, in general, some conversations while working do not interfere, it depends on the person, and someone like you does not like to chat. Everything can always be exactly a couple of phrases to spread nothing terrible. But if you don’t want to talk then you don’t need to force yourself, for the master the main thing is to make you comfortable!

You may not worry about a sharp object, cases of injuries are rare, especially if the master is experienced and she has already cut your hair, that is, he knows the peculiarities of the head, even if he speaks, he will do everything exactly well (because he remembers and knows what to do)

I, too, can not remember the face of the client, but as soon as he sits in the chair and I look at his hair, I remember that he had already cut it, just as a barber I pay most attention to the hair and only then to everything else. Usually, if a person goes to me constantly for at least half a year, I eventually remember everything exactly with time. So maybe then your master will remember you. Instead of a tip, you can give some unusual small gift, then you will most likely be remembered, it is usually remembered better.

I think the "hot" this post is guaranteed. He will solve the problems of lovers whining over a bad haircut. At least they can change the reason.

I really hope that the post will help people constantly dissatisfied with their haircut! And then all the hairdressers because of this is considered Krivorukov.

I ptushnitsa I can. Moreover, I still can not fix anything.

So my guy told me to write about the girl. He is smart, I studied at the institute! And when I post sawed it was not at home, who was not to check my spelling. Now he has come, together they have re-read the post, they laughed at my mistakes. I laughed to tears in one place. In my defense, I want to say that I did fasting late at night and made a lot of mistakes because of lack of sleep.

Well, they are there. in abundance

Mows one at 10 years old. The only hairstyles that know this "as usual" and "as usual shorter" (for the summer)

I haven't been to the hairdresser for a quarter of a century.

My relationship with hairdressers is sad.

find your hairdresser. yep and what they got every time for 4-6 haircuts from the same one, the hairdresser manages to spoil everything?

and so every time! then they fool more than they asked, they will crooked bangs, they will start milling, when I initially asked not to. then they just cut the crooked! then decide that the back (I have a bob with an elongation) will certainly not have a smooth canvas, and ruffle everything!

Yes, I have a complex head structure, idiotic hair growth and the hair itself is very thin, soft and LOTS of them! but the first few times the hairdressers cut their hair normally, which is why I do not understand why everything deteriorates. karma probably.

and about cheap salons - strongly disagree.

disfigured me in cheap and pretentious salons.

Each haircut is at least a little bit different from the previous one, even if you were shaved by the same hairdresser. Especially if it is a different wizard, each cuts in his own way. Since a person is not a conveyor or a machine, he cannot always do it completely the same, and cannot copy someone else’s work completely. You always try to do better, strive for perfection. Everyone has their own vision of what the result should be. This vision may change, as your and master.

Maybe it depends more on your mood, you just need to change the wizard every 4-6 haircuts. Especially if you have this tendency, and this has happened more than three times already, perhaps the problem is not in hairdressers but in you. You can form a negative attitude, and for 6 haircuts you will wait for a bad result, look for flaws even if they are not there.

Regarding the problem of the head, this is a controversial thing, some people tend to exaggerate shortcomings. In my experience, complex hair is a long thick curls, hard to fight with them. Softer hair is usually still amenable to correction. Much depends on the installation, on how you are used to laying them at home. Also, hair can change over time, season, age, your health, hair care, stress, again, and many other factors. All growth, thickness, structure and even color can change (hair grows faster in the summer, burn out in the sun) The changes are certainly not significant and you may not be noticeable, but they all play a role. All this will also affect the final appearance of the haircut. After the haircut, the hair may first lie badly simply because it is not used to the form, and requires styling.

You see, what's the matter.

I do not expect any miracles and understand perfectly what haircut and styling is. Daily hair washing and styling!

I would have thrown you a photo. would look.

Yes, even in the current situation, when from the left behind and cut more than the right and the form suffers, although before that everything was fine!

Really kinte photo. To understand what is at stake.


If you are not ready to pay attention to your hair every day, do not know how to style them, do not know what curling is and why you need all sorts of sprays for styling, tell about it. What is the use of complex hair, if you can not put it.

Of course, everyone wants to just wash their hair and comb their hair, but the reality is that for 95% of women it is impossible. And here it is important to find a compromise. What are you really capable of doing every day and what not. Short structural haircuts require more frequent visits to the salon, and with long hair you can appear in the salon no more than 4 times a year.

Photos to help

Stock up on photos of the desired haircut, and not one! The picture from one angle is not very informative, believe me. Therefore, arm yourself with a bunch of photos, even if it shocks your master. As Martin Duff, creative director of Sassoon, says, photography is an excellent starting point for dialogue. Images of hairstyles, haircuts, shapes and textures that inspire a client can tell a lot about his wishes.

When choosing the desired hairstyle, focus on the hair, similar to your type, density, texture, length and even color! If you have thick curly hair, and you bring a photo of a smooth-haired beauty, it is strange to expect a good result.

Important! If you have found a favorite among numerous stars and are guided by her image, do not limit yourself to photos from the Red carpet, because a whole team of stylists has worked on the celebrity's head! It is better to become a real detective and see how this haircut looks in ordinary life when a star does not think about styling.

Take care of "beatings"

Not literally, of course, but demonstrate how long you want your hair. This is a very important point that many overlook. Having asked the hairdresser to cut off a “couple of centimeters”, we often lose a good part of the hair. Yes, everyone has a different eye, and your master may have a completely different concept of this notorious "couple of centimeters."

Important!Do not forget to point out which way you usually curl your hair, especially if you want to make a V-shaped haircut.


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