
Pin-up hairstyles


The pin-up hairstyle is smooth and carefully laid wavy hair tied with bright and contrasting shawls, framed by flirty headbands. All sorts of buns, haircuts and just high haircuts in the photo below are also components of the pin-up style.

To achieve the image of one hairstyle, of course, is not enough. Bright red lipstick, thick black eyelashes, wide arrows and neat eyebrows are decent pin-up hair style companions.

Who is a pin-up hairstyle?

This hairstyle is suitable for all girls who love to stand out from the crowd, shock their brightness and attract admiring glances. These hairstyles are perfectly combined with flirty summer dresses, swimsuits and denim suits.

This hairstyle can complete the evening look, arm yourself for a stylish party and just complement the casual style. Hair length varies from the line of the ears to the shoulder blades, curly hair will not be difficult to straighten, and straight - curl into soft waves.

Types of hairstyles in pin-up style

Many of these styling, of course, require the hands of the master, but there are also options that are easy to do at home:

Hairstyle with bandage. Curl hair and tie a bandage so that the top of the ears is covered. Leave a few strands on the forehead. You can leave your hair to subside, and you can twist them in a bun - the choice is yours.

High neat bun with bow. At the top twist the bundle (using a donut) and decorate it from behind with a flirty bow of medium size.

High tail with false bangs. Separate rather voluminous front hair strand. The bulk of the hair to remove the high tail and curl in soft waves. Split a strand of hair into a roller and blow it with varnish - this will be a false bang. A polka-dotted scarf, tied between a bang and a tail, adds coquettishness.

Classic pin-up hairstyle. Collect a bunch on the top and make a false bang. Decorate with a handkerchief.

Pin-up hairstyle with bangs on the basis of shells. Twist the shell, and from a raised bangs to create a wave or spiral.

Pin-up hairstyle for short hair. The crown can be lifted up, twisting hair in a spiral or roller. The lower strands comb back with foam and mousse, fix with varnish.

What should be the hairstyle?

Full copying of the style is used quite rarely, it can only be photo shoots, creative events. In everyday life, the image and details, rather, more stylized as a pin-up. Initially it was believed that to create a haircut, the length of the hair is required strictly up to the shoulders, and styling should be done in large curls. Now the main idea of ​​a pin-up hairstyle is a combination of femininity and creativity. Hair does not necessarily collect strictly up, they can be of any length and do not always have to be twisted on a curling iron or hair curlers of large diameter. First of all, the curls should be very well maintained. Waves and curls of any length and color are welcome. Also relevant are lush thick short bangs, fleeces, decorations in the form of flowers, bows - everything should speak about femininity. At the present time, you can see fashionistas just with her hair loose, and it also looks great.

As it was said, the hair color can be any, but if you prefer pink or red shades of clothing, then they will look more effective with black hair. Pin-up-style implies the importance of different little things in the image, including in the hair. So do not forget about cute details, bows and other playful things.

Hairstyles with pin-up bandana

The simplest and most feminine hairstyle in this style is neatly curled locks and a colored bandage, worn over the hair. Laying in such a style can add zest and make any casual look fashionable. In the modern interpretation of the pin-up image there are three options for using a scarf. The first is to tie it over loose hair and slightly twisted hair. The node should be positioned in such a way as to cover part of the forehead. The second option is to fold the kerchief or handkerchief so that it framed the hairstyle gathered upwards, opening the forehead and ideally laid bangs. The bow can be located either at the bottom, under the curls, or at the top of the stack. And the third - tie an accessory on the type of turban or turban. Hair at the same time can be both dismissed and collected. A pin-up hairstyle with a handkerchief is especially comfortable in the summer. It allows you to hide your hair from the scorching sun and at the same time give a tender, feminine image.

How to get fancy curls?

Waves and curls are the hallmark of style. In order to make them, you need tweezers or curlers. It is more convenient to use curling iron. Curlers - although a gentle option, but do not give an elastic curl, rather, a light wave and volume. Therefore, if the hair is below the shoulders, use forceps. The laying technique is simple, and with proper training it is done very quickly. So:

  • wind the hair from the face, do not forget to process each strand with spray or mousse,
  • Pin-up hairstyles imply smoothness and shine, therefore, armed with a natural bristle brush, gently comb the curls, forming waves with your hands,
  • tighten the bangs, fix it with varnish. Lightweight bouffant is welcome from its inside,
  • Finally, spray the resulting form with varnish and spray for shine.

Evening look

This is the perfect option for modern hairstyle for an evening for girls who want to emphasize facial features and leave the forehead and cheekbones completely open. Pin-up hairstyle should start with bangs. Carefully comb it and put it in a straw. If there are no bangs, select a strand from the face and form a curl from it and also fix it, imitating the bang. Hair on the top nasheshite and secure studs. At the back of the head, you can tie up the tail, after beating it up and sprinkling it with varnish. And twist it into a neat shell. Fix all the studs and apply a spray gloss.

Experimenting with pin-up styling, you will favorably emphasize your originality and sensuality. Do not forget to complement the image with bright colors, headbands and other accessories, then you will be stylish and fashionable.

Original pin-up

Themed hairstyles were truly gorgeous, they had everything: an incredible amount, and impressive bouffant, and flirty curls, and perfect styling.

The bangs curled and rose with a roller over the forehead, the curls also formed a single whole, and on the top of the head there was an incredible pile. The face was open at the same time, only slightly bangs fell slightly below the forehead. The side hairs were set aside by the ears and fixed with pins, so they didn’t cover the face at all.

Another option bangs - the division into two equal halves, each of which, again, wrapped like a roller. Both halves of bangs were perfectly symmetrical and curled to the middle of the forehead.

Hair in the direction of "pin-up" were allowed in different lengths, and even the longest hair was welcomed in that direction. They were curled into luxurious waves that flow freely over their shoulders. Sometimes they were divided into two parts, with curls on each shoulder, and sometimes they were taken only for one shoulder.

Bright polka-dot shawls wrapped around the head in a certain way are considered to be a symbol of the pin-up direction. The knot must be placed right on top of it so that it can be seen. Tying a knot for this style is a whole art. The tips should be fun bristling, not sluggish to fall down, and the knot should be neat and small.

Such a shawl not only adorns, but also holds back hair, so that they do not interfere and do not stand out from the general system. Then you can show bright and flawless makeup, because nothing covers your face.

Bangs wrapped not only in the roller, but also a charming curl. We tried to achieve a gap in the curl so that it was completely visible. Of course, without a large amount of hairspray or other fixing means, such a curl will not last long.

Often hairstyles in the direction of pin-up copied the style of the forties, when symmetrical rollers were high on the top of the head. This style was called Victory Rolls. Large rollers were lifted from the upper strands and fastened with pins, and the remaining curls diligently curled and dissolved. Sometimes a roller on the back of his head was also made from the back hair.

Important advice from the publisher.

Stop damaging your hair with harmful shampoos!

A recent study of hair care products revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos spoil our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals penetrate the blood through the pores, and are spread through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommends discarding these shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the company Mulsan Cosmetic. Products meet all standards and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend to visit the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics do not have a shelf life of more than one year of storage.

Pin-up now

Hairstyles in this style are quite complex, they require curling curls, and also require long stacking. Therefore, for everyday life, this option is not very suitable. But for a retro party or for a walk on a weekend, pin-up is very relevant.

This direction is surprising. If you usually wear straight hair, then thanks to the curl and volume you will be able to shock others. They will be delighted to see you in an unusual style.

Pin-up can be imitated both completely and partially. You either carefully and in alphabetical way repeat one of the classic hairstyles of this direction, or simply form a charming curl of bangs, reminiscent of a pin-up.

Making Victory Rolls

The hairstyle begins with the creation of curls that can be curled either by curlers or by curling. On one side take a section consisting of side and top strands. Lift, scoop it up and sprinkle with varnish. The tips begin to turn into a ring, dropping lower and lower to the head, and then fasten with studs. Fasten only the base of the roller so that its upper part freely heaves above your head. Smooth the outer side of the roller so that not a single hair is bristled, use a styling agent. On the other hand, repeat the same actions, only with the effect of symmetry, so that the two resulting rollers “look at each other”. Roll the rollers from the outside to the middle of the head. Spread the rest of your hair with your fingers, giving them as much volume as possible.

If you wish, you can decorate your hair with an accessory in the direction of pin-up: a wide bandage with polka dots or a large flower.

Making a bumper bang

Bumper Bang is a variant of the bang, which is wrapped in a neat cushion with a lumen above the forehead. This is an integral part of the pin-up image, which consists entirely of rollers and curls.

Since the main focus of this hairstyle is bangs, we pay more attention to it.It is important that the bangs be sufficiently thick and wide, then it would make a full roll. To begin with, we collect all the bangs in one strand, apply the styling agent onto it and wind it on a special device, forming a circle - a kind of bundle of bangs. Secure the tips with pins, try to hide the support roller as much as possible. Curl the rest of your hair with a curler or curler.

Decorate the hair with a handkerchief in the direction of pin-up, tying it from bottom to top: the ends of the handkerchief should be tied at the top, at the crown. Fix a scarf on his head so that he does not change his position, not blown away by the wind.

Making the Hair of Marilyn Monroe

The world has forever remembered this actress and singer, an incredibly beautiful and sexy woman. Many tend to imitate her even now, and her hairstyle also inspires artists in the direction of pin-up. How to repeat these air waves that so beautifully frame the face?

First you need to prepare the hair for styling - sprinkle them with a special tool. Divide them into a deep side parting, sending the bang in the right direction and dividing it into two strands. Each of them curl on curling iron, wrap in a roller and secure with a clip. Do the same with the two top strands. In the end, all your strands should take shape in the same form: a roller of curls, fixed clip. Spray the hair with a fixing spray so that the hair “remembers” its position, and then release the curls from the clips. Spread them with your fingers, giving them volume and directing them in the right direction. Comb bangs up from the bottom, holding it vertically. Scrub it and spray it with varnish. Next, using a brush to form the main part of this hairstyle - curl on the forehead. It should rise high enough and beautifully fall on the forehead, then again twisting up. Pin the curl at the tip to prevent it from moving.

To give the hairstyle the effect of asymmetry, press the side strands on one side to the head and fix with hairpins.

Modern stars in the direction of pin-up

This style is eternal, because there are always famous and simple women who are crazy about the bright girls in the pictures and tend to imitate them. In show business, the pin-up direction is invariably on the crest of a wave, and many stars at least once tried on a similar image. And some stars never go out of this style at all.

Dita Von Teese

The real pin-up symbol, the embodiment of this direction, the inimitable Dita, seems to live in this image. Her hair is invariably packed in soft waves that fall below the shoulders. Each hair is laid perfectly. Dita is a pin-up sample, and if you want to learn about this style in a modern version, admire it. In her own words, she will never leave the house without styling and makeup, because every day she wants to look at height.

Christina Aguilera

The diva with an incredibly strong voice went through many different stages of its development, and its brightest period was the imitation of pin-up. She put her blonde hair in a hairstyle like Marilyn Monroe, copying it in the smallest detail.

Katy Perry

A bright singer often appears at concerts and ceremonies in the direction of pin-up. Her bangs are made in the style of Marilyn Monroe or bumper bang. Her hair is curled into tight, elastic curls. To complement the image of the singer uses accessories that are characteristic of this direction.

Gwen Stefani

A bright singer, who is always faithful to bright red lipstick and blond hair, often changes her hairstyle. She is cute retro style, as can be judged by her numerous images in this direction. She often curls her hair into flirty rollers or curls that are characteristic of pin-up. Similar hairstyles in combination with bright makeup are very blonde, who gladly uses it.

Natasha Koroleva

Our Natasha is also not lagging behind the West.Sometimes on her head, we see backfits, curls and curls characteristic of the pin-up direction. The singer lifts the bang, one part of which falls on the forehead, as in the spirit of pin-up.

So, the pin-up style is the direction of the weekend or holiday. This is a great opportunity to surprise your friends by drastically changing the image for at least one day. If you miss the brightness, are tired of the dullness of everyday life, become a girl in the direction of pin-up!

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Video - how to make laying Victoria Rolls

Making curls with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You will need a certain amount of hairpins, curling tongs, hair spray and hairbrushes.

Step one. Let's start with the separation of hair into two equal parts, parting and separation of bangs. Bang the prick with a clip to return to its installation later.

Step two. Behind the line of the bang we make two parallel partings, separating the wide rectangular zone on the crown. We pin up her hairpin.

Step three. We take a curling iron of large diameter and begin to wind wide strands. When the whole mass of hair is curled, go to the top zone. Remove the hairpin. We do a pile and carefully twist the strands on the crown in the direction away from the face.

Step Four. We put the bangs. Will again need curling. Curl the tips of the bangs in tight curls, tucking them inside. Combing all the bangs fine hairbrush. Spray varnish.

Step five. Parse the curls on the head with your fingers and smooth with a brush. Again, we divide the hair into two parts in equal parts and from the parting on the right and left we select one wide strand of hair (we draw a line from the parting to the ear). It is from these strands that we will form Victory Rolls. Raise each of the steps up, we make a pile, sprinkle with varnish and curl curling tight curls. Putting a curl on the right and left in the ringlet, twisting on the finger. Invisibles fix them on both sides of the head.

Now you can well sprinkle your hair with lacquer and start makeup!

Pin Up hairstyles - charm and femininity bordering on audacity and challenge!

Pin-up hair styles: retro charm

As we all remember, fashion is cyclical, and everything new is well forgotten old. Fashion for retro hairstyles periodically returns, and it should be noted hairstyles in pin-up style - unique in their beauty and grace.

Pin-up hairstyles were especially popular in the 30s of the last century. Such high styling with large curls strongly influenced fashion in general, and now again many lovers of all beautiful and unusual turn their eyes in the direction of these decisions.

What is a pin-up hairstyle?

  • Perfectly laid hair
  • Beams
  • Wool
  • Soft waves
  • Accessories - scarves, headbands, hairpins

There are many options for hairstyles in the style of pin-up, but it should be especially highlighted types with bangs and without bangs. Of course, the twisted bangs will add to the image of retro-mood, but you can go the other way, separating the top strand and twisting it into a roller, or simply lay the spectacular waves on its side.

Pin-up hairstyles for short hair

Short hair, of course, gives less opportunity, but pin up hairstyles with them look no less impressive.

The advantage here is that the creation of such a hairstyle on short hair takes much less time than in previous cases, and the main focus should be on makeup and accessories.

Pin up hair style

It is not enough to create a hairstyle in this style - it is important that all the components of the image are in perfect harmony with each other. Usually such an image includes:

  • Bright makeup,
  • Retro clothing - dresses in peas, plaid shirts, flared skirts to the knee.
  • Additional accessories in this style.

It is very important that when creating such an image you have a heightened sense of proportion - it is very easy to overdo it, and pin-up does not allow for vulgarity and excessive swagger.

2018 Retro hairstyles in the style of Pin Up 30 photos step by step instructions

Pin-up style - bright, strong, sexy. A girl in such a retro look will by no means be left without attention. Pin-up hairstyles are simply impossible not to find out or to confuse with others. Cold waves, rolls of tight curls, necessarily twisted bangs, plus bright decorations: scarves, bandanas, ribbons, flowers - these are all pin-up components without which no hairstyle will do.

Practically everyone can afford a pin-up haircut, even for short hair there are interesting options. The main thing is to combine it with clothes, make-up, accessories. Pin-up style is filled with coquetry. Clothing style - seductive, make-up calling.

Pin up hairstyles for short hair

Most of the options for pin-up hairstyles suggest the presence of hair of sufficient length. But also to owners of short haircuts there is something to pay attention to. Short-haired coquettes just have to beautifully lay the bangs with curls and tie a trendy bandana on their head or alternatively wear a playful hat.

You can also follow the example of Marilyn Monroe and her perky curls.

Pin-up hairstyles for medium length hair

Medium-length curls can either be picked up or left uncool simply by twisting. In general, the length and color of hair is not as important in pin-up hairstyles as the clarity of the hairstyle and the depth of color.

No one such installation will not do without curling and varnish. Make a pin-up hair on the average length of the hair itself is quite real.

The main thing is not in a hurry, follow step-by-step instructions and not be afraid to make your own adjustments.

  • Hair must be well combed,
  • Spray varnish
  • Separate bangs
  • To form a pair of ringlets from the bangs with the help of a curling iron and to lay them neatly,
  • Tie a scarf to the top,
  • The tips of the hair can be twisted away,
  • Once again fix all varnish.
  • We twist curls curling forming such tubules
  • In the same way, doing bangs, you can smoothly, but you can add more coquetry by shifting it to one side,
  • Secure with varnish.

As an accessory, a large flower will be relevant here.

For everyday pin-up style, you can use a regular beam. Here the main thing is to properly arrange the bangs and pick up a bright bandage.

Pin up hairstyles for long hair

For long hair, the options for pin-up styling are the most and the view is significantly impressive. Since the twisted long curls themselves are elegant and charming. For everyday walking, a bundle, a tail, a shell will fit perfectly. In pin-up style, these well-known simple hairstyles are made exclusively on twisted hair and tied with a scarf or bandana.

Pin-up styling is generally not imaginable without curls, curls from the bangs of its main components.

Gorgeous styling with tail in pin-up style

This hairstyle is good for owners of curly hair. They just need to collect a high tail and beautifully arrange the bangs with pipes. But those who by nature are still waiting for the process of twisting all the curls.

A bundle of cold waves or of soft curls - does not matter. Indeed, in any case, such a package has an incredibly seductive look. Such a pin-up hairstyle is good for special occasions and will be fine with evening dresses.

Step by step instructions how to make an interesting pin up styling for long hair

Rolls - the main chip styling pin up. We are learning how to spin the rolls along with the video master class, and your pin-up installation will be irresistible.

Pin-up hairstyles are quite versatile. They are relevant both for every day and for a special occasion. It will be enough to make some choices and just change accessories - the attention of others and enthusiastic views of the opposite sex are guaranteed.

Pin-Up and Pop-Art hairstyle: for long and short hair. How to make a hair pin-up with a scarf, bandana?

Styles Pin-up and Pop-Art in hairstyles appeared in the 30s of the last century. Epatage, originality, beauty, sexuality and femininity - all this is Pin-Up and Pop-Art.

Style Pin-up hairstyles appeared in the 30s in the United States. Then this wave of stylish and luxuriously styled hair has come to other countries. Pop art appeared 20 years later (in the 50s) in England, and immediately this style became popular in the USA.

In the middle of the 20th century, the beauties of the United States of America surprised men with their unique hairstyles - Pin-Up and Pop-Art, which today can be found on modern fashionistas in different countries of the world.

  • Pin-up is not just a hairstyle. This is well-groomed hair with a beautiful shine. Beautiful styling adds to the image of femininity and sexuality
  • Bundles, bouffant, styling with a rim, scarf, bright hairpins or a flower are all signs of Pin-Up. The most popular version of this hairstyle is medium-length hair, arranged in the form of large, soft waves or in the form of a roller.
  • In another image - pop art, there should be bright details, but it is not hoops or red lipstick, as in the image of Pin-up. Hair is painted in rich colors: pink, coral, red, blue and other unexpected shades that attract attention
  • Laying Pop-Art - is high beams and bouffant. If your hair is combed smoothly, then it should be bright white, pink and even yellow.

How to make stylish hairstyles Pin-up or Pop Art and not overdo it with bright colors? How to make a styling, adhering to these unique styles of the mid-20th century?

Pin-up style for long hair: photo

The pin-up style girl is a graceful, mischievous and sensual coquette. It is not necessary to change your character, do your hair, creating soft curls and easy bouffant.

This style does not allow vulgarity and swagger - everything in moderation. Pin-up style haircut for long hair was worn by many famous movie divas, and modern celebrities are trying to imitate the style icons of the time. Here is a photo of pin-up styled hair — amazing and feminine:

Great hairstyle for a party or a walk with girlfriends - fun and unique.

Pin-up style for long hair: photo

Such hairstyles loved the village girls in the 50s. A woman should look 100% always and everywhere!

Pin-up hairstyle for long hair

Cute, romantic and feminine - this style of female image will surely appeal to any man.

Pin-up hairstyle: photo

An example of an evening look and hair-style Pin-up. Red lipstick, massive earrings are also Pin-Up style.

Hairdo for the evening in the style of pin-up for long hair: photo

The bright image of this brunette is achieved by the Pin-Up hairstyle, red lipstick and bright earrings. Spectacular and properly styled hair speaks about the woman's grooming.

Pin-up hairstyle

Beauties with such a hairstyle are rarely seen on the street in our time, but for the theme party in retro style - this is a suitable styling.

Pin-up long hair hairstyle for a theme party

Pin-up hairstyles for short hair: photos

As mentioned above, Pin-Up is easy to do on medium-length hair. But on short hair beauties manage to try on this style. Even Marilyn Monroe did not change this style in her time.

Beautiful pin-up hairstyles for short hair - photo:

The mischief of the girl is seen in her image. A tied handkerchief on her head speaks of her agitation, the main thing is that the image should not be vulgar.

Pin-up hairstyles for short hair: photos

Glamor beauty with a hair-dress in the style of Pin-Up - romantic and attractive.

Pin-up hairstyles for short hair

Hairstyle emphasizes perfect facial features and beautiful makeup. Such bright lipstick fits to blue eyes, but not red, but of carrot color.

Pin-up hairstyles for dark short hair: photos

Pin-up hairstyles were worn even by men. Although in our time you can meet guys dressed in this style.

Pin-up hairstyles for short hair in men

Pin-up hairstyle with a scarf

From the photographs that are located above, one can see that the Pin-Up hairstyle is not only styled curls, but also hair-made rollers. Ready hairstyle decorated with a scarf.

Pin-up hairstyle with a scarf

Step-by-step instructions for performing a hair-style in the style of pin-up with a scarf:

  • Divide the hair into strands from the forehead to the top (width of one strand is 5-7 cm)
  • Collect the resulting curls in the tail, twist into bundles and fix with hairpins
  • The rest of the hair gather in the tail on the back of the head. When you fix the tail with an elastic band, do not pull the hair completely out of the elastic on the last turn, but only half. Wrap the loop that resulted from this manipulation around the tail to form a bundle. Fix it with stealth
  • Strands that were fixed on the crown, dissolve and curl with the help of curling. Make curls in the form of a roller. Secure them invisible, and spray varnish on the rollers
  • Now take a handkerchief, put it under the bottom of the head, and tie the ends on the crown or on the side - the Pin-Up style hairstyle is ready

How to make this hairstyle, can be clearly seen in this video. The girl came up with an easy and interesting version of the hair-style Pin-Up.

Video: Retro hairstyle for short hair)

Another option is to make a stylish pin-up hairstyle with a scarf.

How to tie a scarf in the style of pin-up?

To achieve a romantic and more feminine image, the beauties of the 50s tied a scarf in combination with a Pin-Up hairstyle. It turned out stylish and original. At the same time, everyone had different color scarves, and each girl tied this accessory in her own way.

How to tie a scarf in the style of pin-up? The scarf can be folded to make a ribbon of a small width in the form of a rim, or vice versa, to straighten it, to wrap the head, tying it from above or from the side.

See how the girl in the video does it.

Video: How to tie a scarf in the style of pin-up or retro? | DIY # 1

| DIY # 1

Bandana is an essential accessory of modern beauties. With its help it is easy to create a hair-style in the style of pin-up. It turns out luxurious and original. With such a haircut, boldly go to the club for a theme evening, or take part in a retro competition or just surprise your friends.

How to make hair with a bandana?

How to make hair with a bandana? Perform the following steps:

  • Lay the hair in a Pin-Up style using any of the methods described above.
  • Bandana can be folded as a rim or straightened by making a triangle.
  • Stretch this accessory under the bottom of the head and tie at the top or side. Straighten the ends and fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

In the following video, a girl made a pin-up hairstyle for short hair with a bandana.

Video: Haircut with a scarf for short hair Retro Bandana hair

The style that was created in the 50s, today appears bright flashes on fashion catwalks and even on the streets of different countries of the world. Pop art style adds outrageous and unique effect to the image. This is a real explosion of refinement, modernity and perfection.

Pop-art style in hairstyles for long and short hair - photo:

Such images try on on themselves, mostly young people who are only looking for themselves in life. With this style, they can declare themselves as an extraordinary and interesting person.

Pop art style in hairstyles for long and short hair: photos

Incredibly high bouffant impossible not to notice. But, because Pop Art is designed to ensure that a person is always in the spotlight.

Style Pop Art Hairstyles for Long Hair: Photos

Bright highlighting of different colors on dark hair looks great. Shocking and a bit shocking.

Style Pop art in hairstyles for short hair: photo

The hairstyle is made in a restrained style, but it indicates the style of Pop Art with its extravagance and defiant appearance.

Pop art style in hairstyles for long and short hair

Pop art in a hairstyle for a true blonde - juicy, radiant and extraordinary!

Style pop art in hairstyles on white and short hair: photo

Pop Art style can be called a fantasy style for his crazy idea to create something incredibly original and stylish.

Pop art style in hairstyles for long dark hair: photos

Do not be afraid to be different. This will help to find its own "flavor", and create a dazzling, beautiful image, even for every day!

How to choose a hair pin Pin Up?

If you have thick long hair, and at the same time they also curl, then the creative style of such a design is perfect for you. Add to your haircut original hairs, unusual curls and attractive bright ribbons and bows. More effective will look haircut, repeating the design in retro style of the sixties of the last century. Pin-up design is erotic, attractive and unusual.

The style is clearly expressed by medium and long strands, with very lush hair, and large curls. However, modern hairdressing also uses haircuts for short strands. This style of hairstyle fits a large number of girls, but the only problem in some cases may be excessively curly hair. Although with proper desire, this hairstyle will be easily smoothed using ordinary devices in the form of an ironing and curling.

Color in the case of this hairstyle is completely unimportant, it is equally suitable for blondes, brunettes, brown-haired and red-haired girls. A characteristic feature of the style is also a long, pronounced bang, which often twists into a semblance of a tubule. Often there are haircuts, where the bang completely absent.

If you want to give your appearance original and unusual, then in the design of hair, you can use the following techniques:

  1. Bright and unusual prints and patterns should prevail in your clothing style. The best fit polka dots, cell, strip, the image of flowers.
  2. Shades are preferable to choose blue, yellow and red.
  3. From the wardrobe, preference is better to give a variety of dresses and skirts with a high level of waist. Use tight corsets, frank, open beacons or dresses like a case.
  4. Mandatory element when wearing hairstyles by type of Pin Up are lace, tights and stockings.
  5. Shoe must necessarily be with a high heel, stud or on the platform. A good option would be Labutenes.
  6. Large black sunglasses, various colored bows, ribbons, rims, belts and small round bags are used as a supplement to the hairstyle.
  7. Apply bright colors of makeup, red lipstick, high-quality manicure, large, long eyelashes and arrows on the eyes.

Laying in the direction of Pin Up

In the forties of the last century, many female celebrities were specially filmed in numerous magazines, posed for posters, using exactly the hairstyles in this style.

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Speaking of this, you should immediately remember the famous sexual images of Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable, Rita Hayworth and many other beauties of that amazing time. However, this style is popular in modern hairdressing. Girls in this style can often be seen on modern calendars, posters and music videos.

How to make Pin Up alone at home?

Such hair styling is now considered a trend in retro style. And it is because of this that it attracts numerous fashionistas around the globe. It fits perfectly with any wardrobe, regardless of a person’s personal preferences in clothing. This haircut can be worn for holidays and parties, and as a hairstyle for every day. And at the same time it will not be difficult to make it; you will not need an experienced stylist, designer or hairdresser. Let's take a closer look at how to do the styling along with the hair in this style.
This styling is done exclusively on long hair, and quite quickly and easily.

This styling is done as follows:

  1. It all starts with the formation of the side parting, for this we separate several strands near the right ear.
  2. To give your hair an extra volume, you will create a fleece in the root zone.
  3. The strand must be twisted in such a way as to make a not tight flagellum, then it is fixed to the rest of the hair with the help of hairpins or invisible hair.
  4. On the other hand, it is necessary to attach a decorative or real flower so that there are several strands between it and the rest of the face.
  5. All remaining hair should be slightly twisted and combed back, then fix, spinning them around the flower on the head.
  6. On the other hand, we select several curls and we pin them on one side.

How to make a haircut Pin Up with a scarf?

In addition to a scarf, you can also use an ordinary kerchief. To begin with form on your head a parting on the diagonal, separating the large curls on the bangs. The bulk of the strands must be combed back. A scarf or a scarf folded into a ribbon and tied, clasping your head with the tips of the sides in a fancy knot. Those hairs from which you previously had to twist a small flagellum, form into a small tuft at the bottom of the head. Using a comb with frequent and fine teeth, make several separate locks of your bangs.

Fix them with a few invisible hairpins so that the tips of the strands are invisible to the eyes. Such an unusual haircut in combination with a handkerchief will certainly amaze all of your friends.
As an alternative to long hair, you can use Pin Up curls in combination with unusual hair. But before you start working with hair, you need to apply a fixative in the form of a gel, mousse or foam on your head. Strands on the forehead back and wrap into medium-sized or large-sized curlers. The same must be repeated on the sides. Take out the curlers, and fix the obtained curls with hairpins or hairpins invisible. Apply a lacquering agent over the hair. All remaining loose strands need to be collected in a long ponytail. As an alternative, you can lift them with hairpins or bows.

Pin Up with a scarf and bang in the form of a roller

This style is considered to be strict and elegant at the same time. To do this, you will need a classic women's scarf, a large brush with small and frequent teeth, and a standard curling iron. The first step is to curl the curls, forming a small bunch of them in the back of the head.

Thick bangs with a brush, brush and curl using curling. The formed roller of hair is fixed with hairpins and secured with a lacquer.The next step is to tie a handkerchief, lift the beam, and skip the tips of the hair between the resulting roller on the bangs and your own crown. As a conclusion, it is necessary to tie this scarf in the form of a bow on one side of the head.

All the above options are quite simple, and make them at home will not be difficult, because laying in such a retro style will be able to perform absolutely any young fashionista. To make your look as effective as possible, add to your stunning hairstyle a suitable dress, decorated in the style of the sixties, make up your eyes, use bright lipstick and get ready to impress others.

Do not forget about the basic rules for the implementation of such hairstyles.

  1. Qualitatively, you can make such a hair only for well-dried and clean hair.
  2. If you want to get additional volume and attractive thickness, use the added back or on one side.
  3. To fix the hairstyle, you can apply the funds in the form of gels, foams or varnish.
  4. In order to get cute curls and cute curls, use a quality curling iron or hair curlers of the desired size.
  5. If you decide to use a scarf or kerchief, you should only wrap it around your head from the bottom up, and the knots are tied strictly at the top or side.
  6. If you wish, you can combine these different types of curls, undulating strands and beautiful hairs between each other.
  7. In order to better fix the individual strands, use different studs and barrettes.

Author: Y. Belyaev

Tips for creating pin-up packs

When creating hairstyles in this very bright style, you need to take into account several important tips.

Tip 1. Hair should be clean and completely dry.

Tip 2. It is more convenient to do styling on wavy hair.

Tip 3. To curls and curls kept as long as possible, apply a spray or fixing mousse on the strands. And do not forget to spray the finished version with varnish.

Tip 4. Give a curl volume will help easy bouffant.

Tip 5. A wide part of the scarf should be laid down, and the ends tied at the temple or on the forehead.

Tip 6. In one such hairstyle you can safely create curls, bouffant and roller. Full freedom of action!

Who is this style for?

These cool hairstyles, and at the same time the style itself, are ideal for those who like to stand out from the dark and gray mass. They can be combined with jeans and a summer top, retro style swimsuit or a flirty dress. However, you can recreate the evening look in this very bright style. To do this, make curls like Merlin Monroe.

Types of pin-up hairstyles

Many pin-up styling is available only to masters, but there are many options that can be made without the participation of a stylist. Here are just a few of them:

  • Hairstyles with bandages,
  • High beam decorated with bow
  • Horse tail with false bangs,
  • Loose curls with rolls near the face,
  • Hairstyle based on shells.

Curly tail for pin-up

One of the most simple and beautiful options. It can be created on strands of any length - in each case, the hairstyle will have a different look.

1. Comb back. Take a strand of medium thickness near the forehead - this is a future bang. That it does not interfere, pinch her with a clip.

2. Tie the rest of the hair into a tight tail.

3. Gently smooth the strands with a fine comb.

4. Spray them with varnish.

5. Separate one very thin curl from the tail.

6. Screw it with curling iron.

7. Screw the whole tail.

8. Throw it forward and secure with studs.

9. Lower the tail back and gently comb.

10. Release the bang from the clamp.

11. Divide it in half and top it at the roots.

12. Smooth the comb.

13. Screw the bangs curling.

14. Lay the bang on the side.

15. Hold your second free hand in the middle of your forehead.

16. Wrap the hair around your fingers.

17. Pull them out of the finished ring and pin it down with studs.

18.Decorate your hair with a bright bandage or thin scarf.

19. Sprinkle again varnish.

Pin-up hairstyle for every day

This romantic styling is perfect for dates, parties or walking on the beach. It fits perfectly both on long hair and on medium length.

This rigorous option, in which pin-up elements are viewed, can be made to work.

1. Comb it back.

2. Tie a smooth tail.

3. Do not pull the tips completely, but form a loop.

4. Make it bigger by pulling slightly.

5. Stretch it with your hands to form a roller.

6. Pin him with invisibility right at the head.

7. Twist the tips of the tail and hide it inside the roller. Also secure with a stud.

8. Sprinkle with varnish.

9. Decorate the back with a hairpin with a bow.

Pin-up with a scarf

How to make a fashionable hairstyle with false bangs and kerchief? For this you need only a few minutes and a very simple set - a brush, studs and decor. By the way, it can be done on curly hair.

  1. Separate for a bang a wide lock.
  2. Holding your hair with your left hand, with your right hand, twist them into a volume ring.
  3. Carefully pin it down with studs.
  4. The rest of the hair collect in a low tail.
  5. Spin it into the shell, hiding the tips inside.
  6. Decorate your hair with a bandage or a summer scarf, folded several times.

Rolls with flowing hair

The photo of this luxurious styling speaks for itself! Believe me, with her you will definitely not be left without attention of others! 1. Make a parting and carefully comb.

2. Twist the two strands on either side of the parting. Secure them with a clip.

3. Divide the rest of the hair into thin strands, apply a spray on them to fix the styling and wind it on the curling iron.

4. Unscrew the curl, twist it on your finger and fix it with a clip to cool completely.

5. Unscrew the harnesses near the forehead, separate them with a side parting and curl with a flat iron.

6. Lightly comb the comb.

7. Form the first roll, wrapping the curl from bottom to top. Secure it securely.

8. The curl for the second roll is divided into two parts - wide and thinner. First wrap the one that will be bigger. Then the one that will be thinner, lay down to the first strand, slightly shifting it on the forehead.

9. Unscrew the rings from behind, sprinkle the curls with lacquer and lightly brush.

Malvinka style pin-up

This fashionable hairstyle for medium hair will suit girls with bangs. It looks very beautiful and summer-like perk.

1. Comb the hair by parting the side. Wind the curler, curling or ironing. Take a small strand on the right side of the parting.

2. Scale it well.

3. On the left side, take exactly that.

4. Also nesheshite it.

5. Evenly distribute the comb and smooth the upper layer.

6. Grab it in the hand in the middle and lift it up.

7-9. Brush easily the top layer of this hair.

8-9. Pull the strands up.

10. Lower them back to form a large fan.

11-12. kill it with a crab.

13. Sprinkle hair with lacquer.

14. Smoothly comb your bangs.

15. Decorate your hairstyle with a bright colorful “solocha” bandage, twisting the tips at the top.

How do you like that?

Hollywood hairstyle is now available to everyone! With her you will be gorgeous!

  1. Part on the side.
  2. Separate on one side of the parting a small part of the hair. Wind it with a curling iron towards the face.
  3. Next to the first, separate another strand of hair and also curl it.
  4. Continue the process in a circle.
  5. Brush the finished curls.

Curly bun with a scarf

Such a dressing with a handkerchief is a classic pin-up, without which this style cannot be imagined. To create this hairstyle, you will need hairpins, a bright narrow scarf, a lacquer and a hair curler.

1. Separate the strand for bangs and temporarily tighten.

2. Collect the rest of the hair on the horse's tail.

3. Separate one thin strand from him.

4. Screw it with curling.

5. Lay around the base of the tail in random order and secure with a pin.

6. Repeat the procedure with the remaining hair.

7. When all the curls are placed in a bun, dissolve the strand for bangs.

8. Screw it curling, tucking inward.

9. Carefully unwind and twist on your fingers, forming a smooth roller.

10. Cover it up with invisible and spray the roller with varnish.

11. Fold the scarf into a ribbon and tie it around your head.

12. Position the knot over the bangs, slightly shifting it sideways.

Curls for medium hair

A great option for the holidays you can do yourself literally in half an hour! This hairstyle looks very light and romantic, and is suitable for curly or docile hair.

1. Make a deep side parting.

2. Wind the curler.

3. Unwind the curls.

4. Lightly comb with a comb and sprinkle with strong varnish.

5. With a smaller side of the parting, take away a small part of the hair from the face. Twist it once around its axis and pinpoint the invisible.

6. Repeat the process on the other hand, putting the bang on the forehead.

7. Securely fasten it.

8. Go back to the first part.

9. Attach loose curls to it.

10. Form a light harness and fasten securely.

11. Connect his hairpin with the hair of the second part.

Another beautiful and elegant hairstyle:

Simple pin-up style bundle

Anyone can handle this quick and easy installation! A universal version for every day will allow to diversify the image and make some bright notes in it.

  1. Comb all back.
  2. Tie the tail at the crown.
  3. Place a pencil or a Chinese wand in the center of the tail.
  4. Wrap the strands around it.
  5. Carefully remove the pencil and secure the bundle with the studs.
  6. You can also sprinkle with varnish.
  7. Wrap your head with a bandage or a wide ribbon.

At one time, pin-up hairstyles were very popular among dudes, so you can find the MK on them in our other article. Follow the link and continue to create a unique fashionable image.

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And now answer the question: does it suit you? Is overweight can tolerate? Fortunately, there is one time-tested tool that has helped thousands of girls around the world burn fat without any effort!

Read more about how to apply it.

Pin-up hairstyles for long, medium, short hair with a bandana, a scarf and a ribbon

Pin-Up style was developed in America in the 30s of the XX century. Clothing with a distinct waist, polka-dot dresses, corsets, bright accents in makeup - red lipstick, fluffy eyelashes, neat eyebrows, arrows and, of course, high hairstyles with curls, curls, decorated with scarves - all this forms the basis of this style.

Particular attention should be paid to hair-style pin-up, because they complete the image of a woman. At that time, ladies wore hairstyles with curls or small curls. Still made different high bouffant. Ticks curled in the form of a roller or laid back. Finished hairstyles were decorated with bandanas, shawls or ribbons.

This article will offer two workshops on the implementation of pin-up hairstyles for long hair. It will also be described how you can perform hairstyles in this style using bandanas, shawls, ribbons. Let's start with a photo collection.

Long hair

Below will be offered two master classes, thanks to which it will be possible to figure out how to make stylized hairstyles to yourself for long hair.

The first workshop will describe how to model a classic hairstyle.

  1. First of all, on clean, damp hair should be applied any styling means with the effect of thermal protection.
  2. Then, with the help of a horizontal parting, it is necessary to separate the strands of hair on the back of the head and curl them with the help of a curling iron in the direction from the face. Then it is necessary to separate the following strands and screw them too. Thus it is necessary to curl all the hair, and then comb them.
  3. Next, you need to separate the curls with the center parting.
  4. After that, it is necessary to separate the strands of hair on the sides from the ear to the crown, wind each of them on a round comb and fix the formed curls with invisible so that they are symmetrical.
  5. The finished hair should be fixed with lacquer.

In the second master class will be considered how to perform a side hairstyle with your own hands.

  1. First, the hair should be separated using the side parting.
  2. Then it is necessary to separate the strand of hair from the parting to the right ear and comb it to give volume.
  3. Then the separated strand must be twisted in the form of a rope and laid in the direction of the side parting. The strand must be secured with stealth.
  4. Next, on the other hand, you can attach a large flower of bright color.
  5. After that, it is necessary to separate the strand from the face and slightly twist it, then wrap it around the base of the color and fix it on the back of the head.
  6. Next, you need to separate the thin strands and fix them on the back of your head, so that you get a side styling.

With the use of bandanas (for medium hair)

Pin-Up hairstyle can be done with a bandana.

  1. First, the hair should be collected in a low tail.
  2. Then strands of tail should be twisted in the form of a shell and secure it with pins.
  3. The end of the strands is not necessary to hide under the shell, because of them then formed volumetric bangs.
  4. Then the bandanna must be folded in half to form a triangle. Bandanu need to lay on the back of his head, and tie the ends on the top of the knot. Under the knot formed, the third corner of the bandana should be hidden, and the sides should be straightened.
  5. If you have your own bangs, you need to twist it; if there are no bangs, you need to twist the ends of the tail strands.
  6. The resulting curls should be laid back in the form of rings and fix stealth and varnish.

This hairstyle is perfect for medium hair.

  1. The first step is to separate the strands of hair from the forehead to the crown, the width of the strands should be from one mid-eyebrow to another. Strands should be collected in the tail, twist into a bun and fix on the crown.
  2. Then the rest of the hair should be collected in the tail at the back of the head, but on the last turn of the elastic band, the tail strands should not be pulled out completely, but only half. The resulting loop must be wrapped around the base of the tail to form a bundle in the form of a cone. The bundle must be fixed invisible.
  3. After that, the strands on the crown should be dissolved and curled with a roller in the shape of a roller. The roller should be fixed invisible inside and secure with varnish.
  4. The scarf must be laid under the lower part of the head, and the ends must be tied at the crown or side.

Below will be presented step-by-step instructions with photos, which will show how to perform hairstyles with ribbon in the same technique.

For courageous and creative girls - Pin Up hairstyles: step-by-step diagrams and trendy styling options with photos

Fans of bold experiments and original styling will surely come to taste in Pin Up hair style. Sexy, strong image will make you turn around after you, admiringly consider every detail of styling.

Create an interesting retro hairstyle at home. Without complex adaptations and special skills you will effectively lay curls for a celebration or a romantic date. If you like bright images, feel free to choose creative hairstyles in the fashionable style of Pin Up.

general information

See the photo gallery. Agree, it is difficult to look away from such a girl. How originally curls are highlighted! How well completes the laying of a scarf, bandana, a bright flower!

Interesting styling looks great on dark and blond hair. More important is not the color, but its depth.

Spectacular blonde with hair Pin Up on hair of medium length.

Luxurious brunette with pin-up styling on long curls.

Pin Up style does not accept dullness, usual forms, clear lines. Popular combination of soft curls with curled bangs, original rolls of hair with tufts on the back of the head or the crown. If you collect hair of any length under a bandana, be sure to leave a piece of strands near the forehead area.

After the rebirth, the original style became so popular that even brides make styling with beautiful rolls, interesting accessories. Veil is rarely used for this image.

Wedding hairstyle for long hair with a bright flower.

The spectacular image of the bride with styling from the collected strands.

Many people compare the style dudes and Pin Up. In many ways, the retro-images are similar, but Pin Up is more seductive, spectacular. Mandatory red lipstick, dresses, skirts, tops, emphasizing the perfect body lines.

Clothes should be no less bright and stylish, emphasize the dignity of the figure. If you have accumulated extra pounds, for now, pay attention to other options.

Retro images in a bold style - not necessarily for young models, but certainly for slim, self-confident girls and women. Style suggests a lot of bright accents.

The image of the girl-coquette complement:

  • a polka dot dress or a fabric with a cute floral pattern,
  • bright scarf or bandana in the form of a bandage on the hair,
  • corset, fluffy skirt, top, short shorts, beautiful shoes, original accessories,
  • popular colors are red, white, black, orange, a combination of red with white or black,
  • spectacular makeup - lips, underlined red lipstick, lush eyelashes, trendy arrows,
  • rich color of curls.

Learn all about popular hair thermal protectors.

How to use cyanocobalamin for hair? The answer is on this page.

Options for creating hairstyles in the style of Pin Up

Choose two or three photos, consider whether you can create this option with your length. Most images require medium and long hair.

Tip! If you really want to be in the trend, but you have a short square or bob, a bandana or a handkerchief will help. Curl strands in front, create large rolls (rings), put on a bandana, tie up the ends at the top, beautifully lay the bangs. Be sure to sprinkle elastic rings with lacquer.

Side hairstyle

  • wash the hair, dry, apply styling composition, separate the side parting,
  • from the parting to the ear, separate the narrow band, add, twist the tourniquet, tuck in the direction of the parting, fix it with stealth,
  • take a bright flower, attach the other side,
  • separate the strand again, but already near the accessory, curl a little, wrap the base of the flower, fasten well in the back of the head,
  • separate the other strands in turn, fix on the back of your head,
  • after all the manipulations you will get a luxurious side styling with original decor,
  • sprinkle hair with a strong varnish.

Fashionable styling for long hair

Healthy, shiny curls of rich color - an ideal basis for bold styling.

Stop on flirty curls or soft curls depending on the mood and quality of the hair.

A great addition - a scarf of juicy color, tied like a bezel. The hair behind can be dismissed, create a low or lateral tail closer to the back of the head. Stock up on a strong varnish: you will have to securely fix spectacular rolls.

  • wash your hair, dry the strands, apply a little foam or mousse,
  • curling or using curlers to create curls large or medium size,
  • make a radical pile in the middle part of the head of hair,
  • Secure the puffy strands with a bright hairpin closer to the back of the head. Make sure the parting is not visible,
  • the rest of the curls beautifully lay,
  • This hairstyle looks great on strands of length just below the shoulders or shoulder blades.

Find out the best recipes for cocoa and kefir hair masks.

Recipes masks for quick hair growth on this page.

For the address, read about the use of sweet orange oil for hair.

  • on a clean head of hair put a high-quality styling composition with thermal protection for your type of curls,
  • separate with a horizontal part a narrow strand near the back of the head, curl under the bottom with a curling iron,
  • similarly wind the entire head of hair, gradually moving towards the top of the head,
  • Allow the curled locks to cool well, sprinkle lightly with varnish, then comb it with a soft brush,
  • divide the hair evenly parted
  • separate narrow locks from the sides, each curl with a hair dryer and a round brush,
  • create rolls (straight rings from strands), secure stealth,
  • check whether symmetric rings have turned out,
  • Sprinkle styling with a strong spray fix.

Note! Stylish hairstyle has several variations. Change the width of the rings, their volume, located closer to the zone of the forehead or the top of the head. Every time you get a new image. Are the hairs rather thin, do not hold volume well? After curling, add locks at the roots, drizzle with varnish.

Original image with a beam

To create the original image you will need a high-quality styling composition, curling iron or hair curlers, tonal-style dressing. Be sure to buy a strong hold lacquer to preserve the shape of elastic curls.

  • clean the curls thoroughly, treat with gel, foam or mousse. It is advisable to choose a tool with a thermal protection function,
  • near the forehead, separate a fairly wide crescent-shaped strand, slaughter or rezinochkoy,
  • pick up the main body of hair, create a high tail on the top of your head,
  • your task is to create spectacular rings or rolls from the tail, as stylists call elastic curls for this type of hairstyle,
  • the more strips you separate, the more beautiful the curls will be. Too “thick” rings keep their shape worse,
  • create rolls easy: put ready curls on the fingers, fasten stealth. Place the resulting rings as you like, keeping to the shape of a circle.
  • from a distance of 20–30 cm treat the spectacular rolls with varnish,
  • It remains beautiful to lay the bangs. In which direction to curl - decide for yourself. Twist the strands underneath, up, on the left or right side,
  • curl curling iron, wait until it cools completely,
  • gently straighten the strands, with your fingers, create a large roll, invisible, secure the structure,
  • sprinkle a spectacular ring with varnish
  • Looks interesting styling with a bandage. Choose a plain fabric or use bright polka dot material. Width - any, but the finished dressing should not be very narrow,
  • tie the accessory upwards, straighten the ends beautifully.

Take note:

  • for such a spectacular hairstyle need no less bright makeup. Apply to the eyelashes a thick layer of mascara, draw wide curved arrows on the upper eyelid in the style of 40-50 years,
  • mandatory red lipstick. The perfect complement is a light powder, emphasizing the whiteness of the skin,
  • a bold, bold, very sexy image,
  • If you are not ready for increased attention, choose a quieter retro hairstyle, make, for example, babette.

Tip! If you are embarrassed to immediately go out with a spectacular Pin Up styling, hit your husband or your boyfriend in an original way. Surely, he will like the stylish, seductive beauty.

An idea with a bandana for medium-length hair

A great option for short and medium hair. Choose an accessory of bright colors, mixed with synthetics, so that the design bends well and keeps its shape.

  • 8–10 cm wide front strands should be separated from the total weight of the hair, fasten with a clip or rubber band,
  • make an ordinary shell, fasten well with pins, if necessary - with invisible ones,
  • bandana fold in a triangle shape,
  • tie, like in the photo, with the ends up, to the crown, flatten the resulting knot,
  • correct the sides, hide the third corner on the bundle,
  • twist the front strands, put the rings, secure stealth,
  • To preserve the shape of large curls, sprinkle them with varnish.

Tip! If you do not wear bangs, curl your hair in front, remove most of it under the bandana, be sure to leave a magnificent piece. Do not stretch the fabric on the forehead: a bandana should "sit" closer to the crown.

Are you interested in a trendy retro style? Take another look at the photo, think about which option suits you best. Throw boredom away, look for original styling options. Creative hairstyle Pin Up - the perfect recipe for a bad mood. With luxurious rolls, bright accessories you will not stay in the shade.

The following video version of the creation of hair styles in the style of Pin Up with a bandana:

Attention! Only today!

Modern stylists are increasingly looking to find inspiration in the past. One of the brightest representatives of the retro style is the pin-up hairstyle.

  1. Style features
  2. How to do?
  3. Shawl pouch
  4. Laying with curls and pile
  5. Gentle curls with side parting
  6. Retro curls
  7. Original image with a beam
  8. Few secrets

Hairstyles and clothes a la pin up became popular in the 30s of the last century. It was originally presented in vivid pictures of slender, sexy girls. These postcards were so to the liking of the strong sex that very soon many girls began to try to recreate the image from the pictures.

Style features

Pin ups are characterized by fitted dresses, puffy skirts, deep cleavage, bright red lipstick, eyes strongly attached.

As for styling, the retrostyle cannot be imagined without the elegantly laid-up hair. It:

  • bang, swirling roller,
  • high pile styling
  • curvy curls.

Complement hairstyle a la pin up flashy jewelry: shawl, bandage, headband.

In general, the pin-up direction is notable for playfulness and flirtatiousness, mystery and mystery. As a result, the girl looks light, open, bright, very sensual, but not vulgar. Pin-up hairstyles can be done on hair of any length: short, long, medium.

As for the shade of the hair, it is also unimportant. The condition of the strands matters: they must be well-groomed and look beautiful. Thick bangs that can be stacked in different ways are welcome.

The key is the shape. An indispensable attribute of pin-up is mischievous curls, lush curls, playful curls. Hair while you can leave flowing or create intricate beams.

Headbands, hairpins with lush bows, bright ribbons help to make the image complete, sensual, flirty. To choose these cute accessories you need to be very careful not to end up with a tasteless or vulgar image.

How to do?

Looking at the intricate pictures of girls whose hair is arranged in waves, the question of how to make a hair up pin involuntarily arises.

Also look at the Chicago style hairstyle photo and retro hairstyle photo.

Consider whether you can make a haircut in the direction of pin-up at home. You will need desire, some patience and some hairdressing tools.

Shawl pouch

If you want to look stylish, elegant and sexy at the same time, then you definitely need to try your hair with a scarf. You will need:

  • thin shawl suitable colors
  • round brush,
  • invisible,
  • elastic,
  • curling iron

Let's get down to doing it:

  1. If you do not have bangs, separate the small strand in the forehead area, pin it with a hairpin.
  2. From the rest of the hair make a high tail, intercept it with a rubber band.
  3. Treat the strands with foam and divide them into 8-10 pieces.
  4. Curl each strand curling. Must make cute rings.
  5. Arrange the rings in a circle in the order that you like. Fix them invisible.
  6. Now it is the turn of bangs. Scramble it, curl with a round brush. You should have a roller, fix it with varnish.
  7. Tie a head with a scarf, and from its ends form a bow, placing its ends between the bangs and the crown.

Laying with curls and pile

This pin-up hairstyle is perfect for long hair. It allows you to recreate a gentle, romantic look for an evening out. You will need:

  • big diameter curlers
  • invisible,
  • styling products.

  1. Apply mousse to the strands.
  2. Buff up with a comb in the root area to make the styling look voluminous.
  3. Divide the hair into a straight parting, select the strand near the forehead, twist it on the curler in the direction of the face.
  4. Similarly curl the side strands near the temples.
  5. Curl the rest of the hair on the curlers.
  6. Once you remove the curlers, make the backing on the sides again.
  7. Fix the rollers around the forehead and at the temples, fasten them with stealth.
  8. Carefully place the remaining strands in curls and leave them free.
  9. Spray your hair with lacquer.

To better understand how to perform such a hairstyle, look at the step by step photos.

Gentle curls with side parting

With this hair, you can emphasize femininity, fragility, tenderness, and a bright decoration with a large flower will attract attention to the hair of medium length. So let's get started:

  1. If you have straight hair, twist it beforehand on a curling iron or hair curlers to make light waves.
  2. Divide the hair into two parts, making the side parting on the left side, comb.
  3. Separate one strand (from parting to the right ear), peg it.
  4. Wrap the strand with a harness. Twist in the direction of the parting. Secure harness stealth.
  5. On the left side attach a beautiful hairpin in the form of a flower.
  6. Separate the strand on the left side near the face, wind it up a little, wrap it around the flower, secure it with invisibility.
  7. Please fix the style with hair spray.

By the way, this pin-up hairstyle is also suitable for short hair.

Retro curls

Lovely curls will be the perfect complement to the gentle, romantic pin-up image. To create it, you will only need curling and stealth, and you can see the result of the hairstyle in the photo.

  1. Divide the front of the hair into thin strands, each curl.
  2. Each curl fix stealth.
  3. Similarly, screw the remaining hair.
  4. Sprinkle the locks with lacquer.
  5. Carefully remove the studs to avoid damaging the curls.
  6. Slightly straighten the curls, carefully lay them.

Few secrets

As you can see, a pin-up haircut can be done easily on short or long hair, you just need to put some patience. Do not forget about the corresponding make-up, and also take into account the following recommendations:

  • do it only on clean, well-dried hair,
  • To make the curls more voluminous, use a comb,
  • for fixing use foams, varnishes, gels, mousses,
  • Curl curls can be using curlers or curling,
  • if you decorate your head with a handkerchief, wrap it around your head from the bottom up, and tie the bundle on top or side,
  • You can combine small curls and large waves with a pile,
  • for mounting rolls use studs and stealth.

The current season is notable for the fact that it is very supportive of retro motifs both in clothes and hairstyles. Caret, bob, bob-caret, cascade, page, sesun, which were at the peak of popularity in different years of the last century, returned in updated versions and promise to become incredibly fashionable in the next season.

In addition to haircuts who have received a new life, there is another type of hairstyle that will take a second wind due to the incredible femininity and sexuality. This, of course, is about fashionable pin-up styling, which came to us from the distant 30-50s of the twentieth century.

Bright dresses in peas, heels, stockings, scarlet lipstick, stressed eyebrows, thickly painted eyelashes and unusual intricate creative styling - these are the signs of this seductive style.

Pin-up hairstyles will suit almost everyone: brunettes, blondes, and red hair, as long as the hair length allows you to complete your plans.The easiest way to do this retro-styling is the naturally wavy hair, and you have to tinker a little longer with straight lines. The only representatives of the fair sex who will not be easy to perform their favorite option - girls with very small tight curls, because such hair will first have to be forced to straighten.

Distinctive features of pin-up hairstyles are large neat curls or waves, high styling with elegant beautiful bouffant and bunches. The bangs can be twisted inside so as to reach only the middle of the forehead, or laid in a horizontal cushion. An interesting and bold technique - hair is twisted into vertical or horizontal tubes on either side of the parting.

In addition to the hairpins and stealth, sometimes just necessary for the execution of styling, various additional accessories are welcome: scarves, bright bandages, ribbons, scarves.

Every fashionista who is attracted by this style can try a new look, creating a cute stylish haircut on her own at home.

To do this, absolutely no need for any complex devices, just a curler or curling iron of large diameter, brushing, fixing means for laying, thin elastic bands and invisible - everything that is used almost constantly.

Consider two options that can be performed without much effort. The most popular of them is a hairstyle with a handkerchief that looks provocative, flirty and stylish.

To begin with, we select a handkerchief that will be in harmony with our outfit, fold it in the form of a bandage and grasp the hair at the bottom, tying the ends at the crown. The bangs and several strands are left free.

Then we perform bouffant on the back of the head, collect the hair in a big bun, trying to make it as neat as possible, fix the result with hairpins.

We twist the free strands into tight curls, twist the fringe down - the hair is ready, it remains to spray it with varnish.

For an evening out, you can recommend to twist the bangs down or, if you do not wear bangs, tighten one strand in the form of a roller above your forehead.

The remaining hair is divided into two parts: the crown and occipital. The hairs on the top are combed and twisted into two locks that need to be fixed with the help of hairpins. From the hair on the back of the head are falling curls. This masterpiece is fixed with studs and varnish.

No desire to do bouffant? Just tuck the bangs with a brush and hair dryer or curling, and twist the other strands so that you get tight curls. Catch them with a handkerchief or ribbon - and you are irresistible.

Do not be afraid to experiment - pin up it approves: combine backing, boucle, waves, tie tails, twist shells and rollers, try to tie a scarf or bandage in different ways. Remember - the main thing is not to be bored, and, of course, do not forget that this hairstyle should be accompanied by the appropriate outfit and appropriate makeup.

Pin-up hairstyle for long medium short hair step by step: photo, how to make

Modern stylists are increasingly looking to find inspiration in the past. One of the brightest representatives of the retro style is the pin-up hairstyle.

Hairstyles and clothes a la pin up became popular in the 30s of the last century. It was originally presented in vivid pictures of slender, sexy girls. These postcards were so to the liking of the strong sex that very soon many girls began to try to recreate the image from the pictures.

Pin Up Hairstyles: 8 Chic Styles Pin Up Photo Video

We are learning how to make extraordinarily beautiful pin-up hairstyles.

Hi girls! I completely decided to devote today's post to pin up retro culture. Or rather, pin-up style chic hairstyles. But first, let's see what this culture is and what it is connected with.

As you know, pi up style was born at the very beginning of the 20th century and was originally associated with vivid pictures that depicted beautiful slender girls. In a word - sexy. So, these illustrations were so popular with the male population that soon many Western girls began to try to resemble girls with pin-up pictures.

They tried to be fashionable and at the same time look very bright (in the sense of producing effect). They had perfect makeup and simply gorgeous hairstyles, with all kinds of buns and haircuts, and perfect styling, of course.

To date, there are two areas of pin-up is a classic (as I call it) and mixed with rock culture.

Hairstyles pin up: stars

As we have said, the stars still adore this style, and some just live in these images: let's remember Katy Perry or Christina Aguilera. Well, the most important representative of the classic pin up culture is the magnificent Dita Von Teese.

I suggest you look just gorgeous styling and hair pin-up. And, perhaps, you will take something on your note)))

Main features of pin-up style

Hair is one of the most important elements of pin-up style. In the classic version it is medium-length hair, laid with lush waves or large curls. However, in modern interpretation, pin up hairstyles can be made on long and even short hair.

For such hairstyles, hair color is not important. The main components are large curls and feminine curls. Pin-ups are characterized by bangs twisted into an elegant tube. Although some options bangs do not suggest.

And if you stick to the chosen style to the end, then in addition to the hairstyle, it is better to complement the image with the following elements:

  • In the clothing should give preference to light flowing fabrics with bright prints (peas, cell, strip, flowers), blue, yellow and red colors. Skirts and high-waisted dresses, tight corsets, revealing tops, sheath dresses will suit the styles. Stockings and lace underwear should be a mandatory element of clothing.
  • Shoes must necessarily be high heels, stilettos, platform or wedges.
  • From the accessories fit sunglasses in large frames, bows, ribbons, belts, and square or slightly rounded shape bags.
  • Make-up should be expressive, with bright lipstick, manicure, fluffy eyelashes and arrows on the eyes.

Pin-up in the images of celebrities

In the 40s, actresses, singers and fashion models posed for pictures in magazines, posters and calendars in the pin-up style. The most vivid and skillful illustrations of this style are still considered photos of Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable, Rita Hayworth and other famous beauties.

Elements of this style are used in modern fashion. With the participation of girls in pin-up style, clips are shot, calendars are printed, and used in stage images by Hollywood celebrities.

Pin up without the help of a hairdresser

Nowadays, pin-up hairstyles are referred to as retro fashion. However, this romantic image is very popular among modern fashionistas. It is stylish and harmoniously complements the wardrobe of a woman. You can use this hairstyle as a holiday option, and every day. After all, to make it quite capable of itself, without the help of a stylist.

Pin-up with pile

This very feminine styling is done on long hair rather quickly and simply.

  1. Make a side parting. Separate a strand of hair over the right ear.
  2. To add volume to the strands at the roots, a pile is made.
  3. The pile with the pile curls upward in a not tight harness, and is fastened with pins.
  4. A flower is pinned on the opposite side so that between it and the face there is a strand of hair.
  5. The strand remaining on the face, slightly twist, and stab back, making a round around the flower.
  6. Sequentially separate the strands on one side and pin them to one side.

Pin-up hairstyle using a scarf

For this hairstyle, you can use a kerchief or bandanna.

  1. Make a diagonal parting, separating a large strand of bangs. The bulk of the hair combed back.
  2. To fold a kerchief, giving it the form of a tape. Tie side ends around the head in a beautiful knot.
  3. From the hair, twisted into a bundle to make a low bun.
  4. From bangs with a comb to form a curl. Secure invisible so that the ends of the strands were not visible.

Large curls pin up and pile

Before you start creating hair, put mousse on your hair.

  1. Strand from the forehead to comb and wind on large curlers. Do the same with the side strands.
  2. Hair curlers gently remove, and the rollers secure stealth and fix varnish.
  3. The remaining curled locks can be collected in a free tail or raised with a barrette or bow.

Retro curls

For this hairstyle should stock up on studs and stealth in sufficient quantities.

  1. Long hair is divided into thin strands.
  2. Alternately scroll curling and fixed at the base of the invisible or hairpin.
  3. When the curls are ready all over the head, fix it with varnish.
  4. Carefully remove the studs and stealth.

A few general rules for creating pin-up hairstyles

  • Hairstyle is done on clean, well-dried hair.
  • The volume of curls is achieved by using a pile.
  • Gels, foams and varnishes are used to fix the styling.
  • For curling curls, you can use curling iron or large curlers.
  • If a scarf is used for the hairstyle, then it is wrapped around the head from bottom to top. The knot is tied on top or side of the head.
  • In the hair, it is allowed to combine curls and waves with a fleece.
  • To secure the strands used studs and stealth.

Have you ever tried on pin up style? Try it, maybe it will become your favorite style. A better start, of course, with a hairstyle. And it is not at all necessary to copy exactly the images of famous models, you can safely experiment.

And, who knows, maybe you will succeed in surpassing even world-famous beauties in elegance and attractiveness.

Pin-up hairstyles, create a gorgeous styling with your own hands

Nowadays, retro style has gained immense popularity. This style has spread in almost all areas of life, he has not passed and fashion. Clothing designers and stylists are increasingly drawing on the ideas of their collections from the past.

For example, in recent years it has become fashionable to use in its appearance elements of clothing and hairstyles from the 60s of the last century. In particular, pin-up style has become a popular direction of retro style. Hairstyles pin-up, appropriate makeup and clothes have found a second life due to their inherent flirtatiousness, playfulness, femininity and frivolity.

The silhouette of clothes, emphasizing the waist as clearly as possible, make-up with brightly highlighted eyes and carefully whitened skin, sexy lips, elegant fabrics - all these are distinctive features of this style. In addition, the pin up hairstyles are an essential attribute of such a fashion.

Many pop, television and film stars use pin-up hairstyles to create their own original style, city style lovers like such styling.

Features hairstyles in the style of pin up

Pin-up hairstyles are different from other styles, mainly due to the presence of feminine curls and curls. Often, pin-up hairstyles are characterized by the presence of straight bangs, playfully twisted into a tube. At the same time, some pin-up styling bangs do not suggest.

The key is given to the form of styling, rather than hair color. The scheme of creating styling is suitable for a brown-haired woman, a blonde, and a brunette. The only type of hair that pin-up hairstyles do not fit is strongly curly hair with small curls.

Such hair will have to be smoothed out with the help of special cosmetics and ironing.

Varieties of pin-up hairstyles

One of the most popular, current and simple at the moment can be called a pin up hairstyle with a scarf. The shawl itself is an accessory reminiscent of the glorious sixties, when it was especially important for women to emphasize their own sexuality.

The great advantage of such a pin up styling is its simplicity - any young lady will be able to build such a styling on her own at home. You can tie a scarf in different ways: placing the knot under the chin, around the neck, completely covering the head with it or making a bandage from it.

Instructions on how to use a scarf can be found in the specialized literature.

If the option with a scarf seems unsuitable to you, it is worth exploring pin-up hairstyles that you can do with your own hands without using it.

How to make a pin-up hairstyle without using a scarf and create a stylish retro look? First of all, it is worth stocking up diligence and understand that all work should be done step by step.

If you do everything right and try your best, the result will be a lot of compliments and significantly raised self-esteem.

As already mentioned, work with styling is performed in stages.

  1. First of all, bangs are processed. It is placed on the brushing and carefully dried with a hairdryer, trying to put the hair in a tube.
  2. Then the bang needs to be fixed with strong hold hairspray.
  3. The rest of the hair can be combed up or to the side. The tips of the strands would be good to twist in the letter or large curls.

Casual pin-up styling can be done in a simpler way. However, this type of styling requires serious treatment with styling agents, and if the hair is sufficiently liquid, cosmetics cannot be dispensed with at all.

  1. Treat the hair with mousse and smoothly comb it back.
  2. To add volume to the back of the hair, you can use hairpieces or fleece.
  3. For the resulting wave of hair, you can grab the rim or a beautiful shawl. For these purposes, you can also use a wide satin ribbon.
  4. If the hair is long, they can be collected in a neat bunch. Short hair is permissible to leave loose.

Evening pin-up style hairstyles can be decorated with curls on both sides of the bangs. This style looks very elegant and festive. It should be understood that one hairstyle to create a pin-up image is not enough; you should also use appropriate make-up and clothing.

Sexy and uncommon pin-up hairstyles - step-by-step execution schemes

In the upcoming season of pin-up hairstyles, showing the image of a very sensual and feminine beauty of the 50s, once again gaining great popularity among fashionistas.

Such celebrities as Katy Perry, Betty Page, Kelly Brooke and Nicole Scherzinger enjoyed experimenting with various eccentric hair styles in pin-up, the latter favorably emphasized the sexuality and originality of the stars.

The article will showcase the most spectacular retro style styling and their step-by-step implementation.

Stylish pin-up hairstyles - photos of vivid images

The 50s of the last century donated pin-up hairstyles to the fashionable world. They are fraught with notes of temptation and temptation, sexuality and emancipation, and of course, cheerfulness, optimism and ease in everything.

The business card of a pin-up hairstyle is thick, elastic, straight or twisted bangs to the middle of the forehead, as well as hair, curled to the full length and strands laid in large waves. Such styling is so diverse that you can choose the right hairstyle for both long and medium hair, and for short.

Consider the most stylish and colorful images of the past.

Luxurious curls for long and short hair

Such a luxurious image is suitable for any length of hair.

Create it at home is quite simple.

To achieve elastic curls and a good volume, you must use curlers or tongs.

  • Twist alternately strands on curlers strictly in one direction you choose.
  • We comb the curls with a large round brush and carefully lay them in waves, twisting the ends of the hair inward.
  • Now align or twist the bangs, sprinkle it with varnish or spray for a strong hold. If you do not have bangs, then you need to model the hairstyle as follows: tighten the front part of the hair in the upper forehead area and build a beautiful, smooth, volumetric volume roller.
  • The rest of the hair should be beautifully dismissed on the shoulders or, if desired, you can draw a side high hairstyle.

Retro laying on the basis of harnesses

An excellent hair-style in pin-up style will be neatly twisted by two strands of hair, but they will need to be divided into 2 parts.

You can perform this styling and on long curls on a short length of hair, for example, up to the shoulders.

Two cute crests that run parallel to the crown, resulting from the completion of the styling, will be an excellent source of inspiration for the subsequent creation of the whole image in retro style. For example, you can leave your hair loose, and you can collect them in the tail. How to do this clearly shows a step-by-step photo of hair.

Receiving twisting bundles - rolls can only be used on one side, the image will turn out no less spectacular.

Pin-ups with a handkerchief

To create a summer retro hairstyle, girls often use a scarf or scarf. Pin-up style is distinguished by its crazy brightness, and accessories that complement the image should be appropriate.

Hairstyles using a scarf are perfect for medium and even very short hair. This image will look beautiful with bangs. If it is absent, you can create a false bang, wind the hair on the roller, or curl and release it outside.

How to create a hair-style in pin-up and beautifully draw a shawl on your hair, clearly demonstrate step-by-step photos.

Another way to design bangs is shown in the following photo.

Pin-up evening hairstyle

Just a couple of steps and a little imagination will help you create an amazing pin-up hairstyle that will fit all the fashionable trends this season.

Stages of creating such a package:

  • To begin with an equal horizontal line separate the front part of the hair by a few centimeters. If you wear a shortened bang, then you only need to twist its ends inward or just align them. The rest of the hair must be divided into two equal parts.
  • Now the strand of hair at the top of the head must be combed, but it must be done very carefully. After receiving the volume, this part of the hair is twisted into a tight bundle, after which we fasten the hairpins.
  • Next, the curls in the back of the head should be tied into a tall and smooth tail. Then the hair in the tail is whipped, smoothes the comb and wraps nicely in the shape of a shell.
  • The finished hairstyle needs to be fixed with small hairpins and sprayed with a spray or varnish of strong fixation.

You can decorate such fashionable and stylish hair style in pin-up style with cute accessories in the form of flower buds such as orchids, peony or chrysanthemum. Be sure to complement the image of a retro-style girl with elegant gold or silver jewelry.

Believe me, this hairstyle, and the image as a whole will make you much sexier, more feminine and more attractive! And, most importantly, do not forget that if the style of the 50s is chosen, then it should be traced throughout, and the styling should look harmoniously with outfit, makeup.


Watch the video: My Go To Quick Pinup Hair Style - Nasty to Classy (July 2024).