Tools and facilities

Nettle face masks


Chop fresh nettle leaves thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. the resulting mass and mix it with beaten egg white and a few drops of lemon juice. Abundantly apply the composition on the face and wash off after 10-15 minutes with cool mineral non-carbonated water. When combined skin mask is applied only on the forehead, chin and nose, that is, on the problem areas of the face.

Tightening mask

To prepare this mask, mix 1 tbsp. crushed fresh nettle leaves with the same amount of chamomile flowers and mint leaves. Add 1 tsp. Honey and 1 tbsp. cottage cheese. Fill the mixture with warm milk so that a creamy mass is formed. Apply the product with a brush on your face and wash it off after 10 minutes.

The benefits of nettle masks for face skin

  • Problem skin: dries inflammation, kills bacteria, heals wounds.
  • Dry skin: moisturizes, smoothes wrinkles, removes shells and irregularities.
  • Age skin: improves blood circulation, restores elasticity.
  • Pigmented skin: brightens freckles, evens complexion.
  • Combined skin: regulates the water-fat balance, protects against the effects of aggressive external environment.
  • Oily skin: has a slight matting effect, disinfects and prevents clogged pores.

Nettle mask compress at home

A tablespoon of dried nettle (you can buy at the pharmacy or do it yourself) pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour in a ceramic container. After that, strain, wrap the leaves in gauze and apply to the face for 10 minutes, and wipe the tired skin with a decoction - this will return it to freshness and tone.

Nettle Mask Recipe for Delicate Cleansing

Mix a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves, rose petals and chamomile flowers, grind everything in a coffee grinder and brew a small amount of boiling water to a state of soft gruel, which is applied to the face with a spatula and washed off after 20 minutes, gently massaging. The mask can be made several times a week, because it is soft and does not thin the skin.

Nettle: plant species and healing properties for the skin of the face

According to the standard classification, there are more than 50 species of nettle in the world. However, in Russia, its two most common types are stinging and dioecious nettle.

At the same time, nettle has the best healing properties, and for the preparation of homemade cosmetics it is best to use the shoots and leaves of young grass.

It is believed that May nettle is particularly useful - young shoots, warmed by the spring gentle sun, contain the maximum amount of healing substances.

So, fresh nettle leaf has a rich content:

  • Vitamin K, which maintains stable blood circulation. Accordingly, the use of nettle in home cosmetology helps to combat skin problems such as the vascular (capillary) mesh on the face, skin hyperpigmentation and dark circles under the eyes. In addition, nettle can be used as part of express masks for the treatment of small wounds and hematomas on the face.
  • Vitamin C - known as the “vitamin of beauty”. After all, ascorbic acid contributes to the production of collagen, which slows down the aging process of the skin, tightens the facial contour and helps to fight against premature wrinkles
  • Vitamin B2, which is involved in cell regeneration (renewal), improves the complexion and helps fight skin problems such as acne, eczema and dermatitis.
  • Chlorophyll, which is the strongest natural antioxidant and also contributes to the speedy regeneration of skin cells. It is chlorophyll that will help get rid of the infection, which is the root cause of regular appearance of acne and acne on the face.
  • Carotene, necessary for healthy complexion and skin protection from the harmful effects of aggressive solar ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, nettle is rich in pantothenic acid, histamine, protein substances, formic acid, and trace elements essential for the human body.

Contraindications to the use of nettle in home cosmetology

The main contraindication to the use of nettle masks for the treatment of problem skin of the face at home is the individual intolerance of the product. Before proceeding with the procedure, a standard wrist allergo test should be performed to ensure there is no allergic reaction to the components of the composition.

In addition, the use of nettle should be taken with caution:

  • With diagnosed thickening of the blood,
  • People with hypertension,
  • With thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

Cooking healing ice for the face of nettle

For the preparation of therapeutic cosmetic ice, it is best to use fresh nettle leaves, however, in the winter period, a properly prepared collection will be an excellent solution.

We will talk about how to properly collect and dry a healing plant later, and now some win-win recipes.

Basic healing infusion

For the preparation of basic nettle infusion will require:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped fresh nettle leaves (or 1 tbsp. spoon of dry collection,
  • 200 ml. boiling water (use only clean filtered or spring water).

Grass should be poured with boiling water, covered with a towel and allowed to brew for 30 minutes.

Strained broth stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

This broth can be wiped daily face as a tonic, or pour it into molds for the preparation of table ice and freeze. Natural cosmetic ice is stored for a long time, and it is recommended to use it as an expert tool to bring a person back to normal after a sleepless night, to combat eyelid swelling and bags under the eyes, as well as to maintain normal skin tone.

Cosmetic ice for eliminating puffiness around the eyes and fighting hematomas

Each of us remembers from childhood: if you accidentally hit (especially if you hit the face in the face), you must urgently apply a cold that will “relieve” the pain, and also eliminate the swelling and help to avoid the unpleasant bruise.

However, it is best if medical cosmetic ice “soaked” with healing substances will be used as this “cold”.

For its preparation in equal proportions, mix nettle, pharmacy chamomile and St. John's wort.

Prepare the infusion at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon dry mixture into a glass of boiling water, pour the strained decoction of silicone forms and send to storage in the freezer.

As a wellness massage, you can wipe the face with an ice cube daily, and for bruises and skin lesions, apply ice several times a day or make half-hour compresses from fresh broth (melted ice).

Other nettle ice recipes for the face

To combat the vascular mesh on the face, you should prepare a decoction of chamomile, nettle and horse chestnut (per 1. tablespoon of a dry mixture of herbs per cup of boiling water). To the finished tonic add 1 tablespoon of papaya juice and mix thoroughly.

The tool can be used as a lotion for daily rubbing of the skin, as well as pour into forms and freeze.

In addition, the basic recipe can be added in equal proportions:

  • Green tea is an excellent tonic,
  • Calendula - to combat inflammation of the skin,
  • Oak bark - to eliminate the inflammatory process,
  • A string - an effective disinfectant,
  • Rose petals - a rich source of vitamins for youth and beauty of your skin.

For dry and sensitive skin, you can use fresh milk instead of water for making tonic.

Healing Lotion

For the treatment of acne, acne, as well as eliminating the oily shine of the skin, healing nettle lotion is an excellent solution.

You can prepare it in two ways:

  1. A tablespoon of fresh nettle juice mixed with 100ml. vodka.
  2. Pour fresh nettle leaves with vodka (in proportion to 1 part of grass and 3 parts of vodka), insist for at least 10 days in a dark cool place and strain thoroughly (use only glass containers to make lotion).

Nettle Healing Masks: Top 5 Best Recipes

In addition to daily cleansing and various sparing peels, various natural masks play a leading role in home cosmetology.

And one of the win-win recipes in the arsenal of every beauty will be healing masks with nettles, the benefit of the main component grows in almost any garden, and it’s easy to stock up on grass for the future.

Single Acne and Acne Mask

To prepare the base mask, it is enough to chop fresh nettle leaves (you can crush in a mortar or grind in a blender until a homogeneous gruel) and apply the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes.

Alternatively, you can soak a gauze cloth with freshly squeezed nettle juice and apply it to the problem areas as a compress.

In the winter season, you can use a dry collection to prepare the mask. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of chopped herb with warm water until a slurry is obtained, and, stirring continuously, warm it on the steam bath for 10 minutes (use a glass or ceramic dish to make a mask).

For dry and sensitive skin, natural milk is recommended instead of water.

Vitamin nourishing mask for normal and dry skin

To prepare a nutritional mask to the basic composition add (per one tablespoon of “nettle gruel”):

  • A tablespoon of chopped spinach,
  • A tablespoon of instant coffee,
  • A tablespoon of oatmeal,
  • Five tablespoons of carrot juice.

Stir the composition thoroughly and apply on the skin for 10-15 minutes.

For fading skin, and it is worth preparing a softer tool. To do this in the basic recipe in equal shares, add:

  • crushed chamomile flowers,
  • gruel of mint leaves or melissa,
  • homemade fat cottage cheese,
  • natural buckwheat honey.

In the spring, you can add dandelion gruel to the recipe.

It is recommended to make a mask twice a week, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Nettle Acne and Acne Masks

To effectively combat acne at home, add to the base mask:

  • 1 part crushed leaves of plantain,
  • 2 pieces of natural orange juice.

Mix gruel from fresh nettle leaves and plantain, then add to the composition of fresh orange juice.

Apply the mask on problem areas of skin and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Real feedback on nettle and orange juice mask

Adolescence passed a long time ago, I already have two children, only now sometimes looking at my reflection in the mirror I still see a schoolgirl with pimples and blackheads on her face. Periodically they disappear, but then reappear.

I tried to use special cosmetics from different companies, but as such, I did not notice any improvements, in some cases there were even deterioration. So I finally decided to try a natural nettle remedy, a homemade face mask. All I needed was found on the lawn of the dacha — nettle itself, plantain leaves and in the fridge — an orange (I read in the book that it gives an additional positive effect on skin prone to acne).

The process of preparing the mask did not take me much time - it took only 5 minutes. Nettles and plantain washed and cut, piled into a cup from a blender, then squeezed out the juice from the orange there. All well crushed to a thick slurry. Then I put it on my face for 10 minutes, the feeling was pleasant, I did not feel any burning, although I thought that nettle would have such an effect. Washed off the mask with cool water.

After applying the skin to the touch is very soft and smooth, the inflammation on the pimples has decreased, I am satisfied with the result, I will continue to do this mask several times a week.

P.S. It is better to collect nettles in gloves)

In addition, in the treatment of acne and post-acne, such herbs as:

  • Chamomile,
  • Calendula,
  • Agarum (or aloe),
  • Hypericum
  • Sage leaves.

To prepare the mask for the basic nettle recipe, you can add crushed leaves of medicinal plants in equal shares (however, it is not recommended to combine more than 3 components). For viscosity in the mask, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

Useful properties of nettle for hair

Why is nettle so popular with manufacturers of cosmetics for hair? The fact is that it combines a whole variety of useful properties that effectively strengthen hair, make it healthy, strong, accelerate growth, give shine and smoothness. The leaves of this plant contain the following components:

  • Vitamin A in large quantities, useful for skin, hair and nails,
  • Vitamin K, which stimulates microcirculation in the skin, due to which acceleration of hair growth is achieved,
  • Chlorophyll, which helps stabilize sebum production,

Nettle mask looks like this

  • Formic, folic, acetic acid,
  • Essential oils,
  • Beta - carotene,
  • Calcium,
  • Magnesium,
  • Iron,
  • Vitamin C,
  • Vitamin B2.

Nettle - utility baggage

Vitamin K, increasing microcirculation, leads to the fact that the hair roots are actively saturated with nutrients from the blood and strengthened. Therefore, it not only accelerates the growth, but also stops or slows down the loss. Regular rinsing of the hair with nettle leads to a significant improvement in their quality, as the curls are actively saturated with nutrients from the blood.

Chlorophyll in the composition of the leaves makes nettle an excellent solution for getting rid of excessive hair dryness and excessive fat content. It is able to effectively control the production of sebum and, thereby, normalizes the condition of the hair. Due to the same component, a reduction in hair loss is also achieved, because often oily hair falls out precisely because pores are blocked in the scalp, greasy plugs are formed.

Healthy hair - as a result

After applying this tool curls more voluminous. The structure of the restored hairs become shiny and soft. They are easy to comb, good styling, shine and remain smooth.

Of course, there are contraindications, nettle for hair is not for everyone. In particular, there is an allergy to this plant. And for some girls, the hair becomes drier and the strands grow dim. Although, most often, in this case we are talking about the wrong recipe or its irregular use.

Broths for rinsing dry hair

As mentioned earlier, the pure chlorophyll contained in the leaves normalizes sebum production. That is, it can not only reduce its generation, but also increase it. It helps dry, thinned, weakened strands. Included in a suitable recipe, nettle can give a dry, loose hair a healthy appearance and vitality.

The easiest way to achieve an excellent effect and give shine to dry curls is to rinse their field of each wash with a decoction of this plant.

Dry hair is not a problem

Chamomile Recipe

To enhance the shine, heal and restore, protect the scalp, you can use a decoction of nettle with chamomile in the proportions 1 to 1. But with this method, be careful of blondes, because chamomile is quite capable of giving their strands an unpleasant yellowish tint. The decoction should be fairly concentrated. Approximately 1 cup of the mixture pour three cups of water. After that, boil and cool the composition, strain and apply for hair. It is better to take exactly dry herbs from the pharmacy.

Oak Bark Recipe

Connect the nettle broth for hair with a decoction of oak bark should be those who want to stimulate the production of sebum to protect the hair from external influences. The use of funds will not make the hair dirty, but only slightly increase their fat content. This composition should be used only brunettes, brown-haired and red, as the oak bark rather intensively dyes the hair.

Make a mask like this. In a decoction of oak bark, pour dry, ground to powder, nettle. Achieve a consistency sufficiently liquid to apply, but so that it does not drain from the hair. Apply the composition on the strands and leave for an hour. After that, wash it off. It is possible to add olive oil to this composition to facilitate the washing out of the grass particles from the hair and simplify combing.

Stepmother Recipe

A decoction of nettle and mother-and-stepmothers will help restore vitality to weakened hair. Mix the plants in equal proportions and cover with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 - 4. Boil the composition and leave to stand for several hours. After that, strain through a double layer of gauze (to a completely transparent liquid without mechanical inclusions). Rinse your hair with this composition after washing.

Mask with honey and sea buckthorn with infusion of nettle

Honey, nettle and sea buckthorn are components of an excellent mask for nourishing, moisturizing and strengthening weakened dry hair. Prepare three tablespoons of the nettle broth, mix into it one spoon of flower honey and add pureed sea-buckthorn berries to the composition. Bring the composition to the consistency of medium-thick sour cream and apply on the strands as a mask. Leave for an hour, then rinse. If you add lemon juice to the composition, it will help to lighten brown hair a little, to give them a golden hue. This process is completely safe.

A fairly concentrated infusion of nettle can be added directly to hair cosmetics - balms, shampoos, masks. In such a composition, you can drop a few drops of vitamins B12 and E. This will ease the combing of even curly hair, will add shine and healthy appearance.

For greasy hair

Nettle is suitable for oily hair. It effectively cleans them, reduces fat and normalizes the condition of the scalp. Prevents dandruff and loss.

Oily hair - nettle will help

Most popular masks:

  1. Nettle with salt. Half a glass of fresh nettle leaves, ground in a blender, mix with a teaspoon of sea salt. Stir the composition, wait until the salt is completely dissolved in the juice and apply it on the base of the hair. Wrap your head in mica and wrap up with a towel. Soak for 15 minutes and rinse the hair without shampoo,
  2. Prepare 100 g of concentrated nettle broth. Pour into it 1 yolk of a large egg and one milliliter of vitamins B1 and B6. Shake the composition and apply on all hair and its roots. Wrap your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Leave the composition for 1 hour. Wash your hair with shampoo. The benefits will be higher if you rinse your hair with nettle decoction.

The properties of nettle perfectly correct the condition of oily hair. Allow less use of shampoo.

Shampoo extract for growth and strengthening: with burdock and nettle roots

Many girls dream to grow long hair. But not many succeed. The question must be approached comprehensively. It is important not only to stimulate the growth of the strands, but also to strengthen their roots and hair so that they do not fall out and break off. Nettle extract will help with this.

  • The easiest option is to rub the juice of fresh nettle into the scalp and wrap the head with mica. After that, wrap hair in a towel and leave in this state for 60 minutes. Rinse the hair off the composition with plain water. Prepare the juice in a juicer, blender, and manually squeeze and strain,
  • Prepare broths nettle and burdock equal concentration. Mix them in the same volume. Rub the composition into the scalp after washing your hair with shampoo ... Dry your head. Do not rinse

  • Prepare the infusion. Pour 3 tbsp. powder nettle half a liter of boiling water and leave to stand in a closed container for 7 hours. Rub the mixture into the scalp after washing or daily,
  • Mix one spoonful of nettle leaves and one - its rhizomes. Grind them in a coffee grinder to a powder. Pour 200 ml of water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Then cool and rub regularly in the roots and scalp.

Several options for masks with yeast have also been developed, but they are not suitable for everyone. Some provoke tangling and excessive hair stiffness.

To nettle leaves for the hair brought the maximum benefit, it is important to collect them correctly. Harvest them only in ecologically clean areas. Residents of cities such a place is difficult to find, because it is better to buy herbs in a pharmacy. In terms of efficiency, dried nettle is not at all inferior to fresh. Moreover, for some recipes only it is applicable.

Dry the nettles, it is always useful.

Hair after application of the plant can become tougher and drier (in some cases). When using for the first time, be careful. Nettles may not be right for you. In this case, do not rinse the strands with it, but rub it into the roots.

When applied to light and bleached hair, it is possible to reduce the coloring ability of the juice by adding lemon juice. It also gives shine. Pick the amount of juice empirically. It is different for a particular type of hair and in a particular recipe.

Useful properties and chemical composition

When you touch the nettle, you can get a burn - this protective reaction of the plant is associated with scaring off of herbivores and various insects. During skin contact, a cocktail of allergenic substances is secreted, including histamine, formic acid and choline, which causes redness and subsequent blisters.

Young nettle contains more ascorbic acid than lemons and black currants and carotene than sea buckthorn and sorrel. In addition to masks for hair, nettle is used to treat rheumatism, with weak blood clotting, for dermatological purposes, cooking.

Interesting fact: On the ground more than 50 species of nettle grow. In Russia, only the burning and dioecious grows.

100 grams of the product contains:

How to prepare and when to collect

Nettle leaves are harvested in the summer during the flowering period June-August, the roots are harvested in spring or autumn.

Attention! The collection of leaves, rhizomes and nettle seeds should be carried out in environmentally friendly places, away from roads, cemeteries and landfills.

If you are collecting for cosmetic purposes, use only the top leaves of nettle and do not forget to wear thick gloves. When commercial blanks entrance leaves are with stems, roots and seeds.

For drying the plant, you can use the attic, or another room where there is little sunlight for the preservation of vitamins and nutrients. The leaves are laid out in an even layer and are dried over time. After drying, it is better to store the raw materials in a paper bag or in glass jars with a rubberized lid that closes tightly and does not get air.

Hair masks at home

When using nettle hair growth masks:

  1. You can get rid of dandruff - well helps decoction of fresh nettle.
  2. Itching and irritation of the scalp disappear,
  3. Fight against greasy hair - nettle helps to reduce the release of greasy fat, where masks, decoctions and rinsing are used.
  4. Strengthening bulbs.
  5. Stops hair loss - apply honey, egg yolk, sea buckthorn oil.
  6. Activate the growth of curls. - It is better to use here with burdock oil.

Mask recipes for healthy hair

Our great-grandmothers also used nettle-based recipes for hair restoration and growth, as well as a mask from falling out, when there was no cosmetic industry.

Mask for greasy hair from nettle and chamomile

  • 2 tbsp. spoon dry milled herbs,
  • 2 tbsp. chamomile spoons
  • Protein from two chicken eggs.

Stir together, give a few minutes to infuse and apply for 10 minutes, after which you need to rinse your head.

Yeast mask based on nettle against hair loss

  • live yeast -35 gr.
  • Nettle decoction - 2st. l
  • burdock oil - 1st. l

Mix the yeast with a nettle broth, let it stand in a warm place for 30 minutes and add 1 tablespoon of pre-warmed burdock oil. Applied to the roots along the entire length of the hair. Hold for one hour, then rinse.

Nettle with henna from gray hair

The first gray hair shocked almost every woman. This mask is suitable for anyone and dry hair.

  • Dry leaves of the plant - 100g.,
  • Henna colorless 15 gr.,
  • Egg yolk,
  • Boiling water - 200ml.

Nettle leaves and henna boil with boiling water, let cool, add egg yolk and mix. The composition is applied for 1.5-2 hours, after rinsing the hair.

Nettle, mint and kefir for strengthening hair follicles

  • 1 cup of kefir (better than 1% fat),
  • Leaves of fresh young nettle 40gr,
  • Fresh peppermint leaves - 25g.

Apply to the hair roots, hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

Nettle juice mask

To pick a bush of a fresh plant and skip through a meat grinder, you can also use a juicer or a blender. Gruel to wrap in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. The resulting juice should be rubbed into the roots of the hair with massaging movements. Then put a plastic bag over your head and wrap it in a towel. Keep for one hour after which wash.

Repairing mask "Floresan" for damagedhair "nettle and hop"

The stores sell ready-made recipe from nettle and hops, nourishes the scalp and stimulates hair growth, enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex. The composition of ingredients is applied to the hair with massaging movements and leave for 15 minutes. It is recommended to use these masks in the period of exacerbation of spring avitaminosis and hereditary alopecia.

Pepper hair mask with nettle

Pepper mask with nettle Orbit JV Sensicare - This is the care of all types of hair, ready-made composition. It contains cayenne red pepper extract, which promotes blood circulation, accelerates growth and strengthens hair.

Nettle extract prevents dandruff, brittleness and hair loss. Apply the composition for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

How to make a decoction for rinsing hair

For the preparation of the broth will need fresh leaves or dry collection of nettle.

  1. Take 100 grams of dry collection and pour a liter of boiling water.
  2. 30 minutes simmer on low heat.
  3. Filter out.

Rinsing process

A glass of broth is diluted with 1 liter of warm boiled water and we add soda at the tip of the knife to soften. After rinsing the hair for 5 minutes, rinse the hair. Give drain broth and wipe with a towel. The hair should dry naturally without being blow-dried. Also for rinsing use nettle with apple cider vinegar, burdock root and sea buckthorn juice.

Use nettle for skin

We have already spoken about the beneficial properties of nettle. The universality of nettle as a component of any face mask is that it has a rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effect at the same time, due to its composition, and does not lose its beneficial properties in a dry form. Therefore, nettles can be harvested for the future, for example, for the winter, collecting it in the middle of summer. It is best to dry the nettle leaves separately from the stems, for example, in the attic, and carefully put the dry in tissue bags, and then store in a dry and warm place.

The composition of nettles is really unique, sometimes it is not even believed that in such a simple plant, which many consider to be a weed, there are so many useful substances. Vitamin A, which is found in large quantities in the leaves of this plant, helps prevent the formation of acne and blackheads and actively fights against the imperfections that have already appeared, dries the skin, tightens pores, and eliminates the oily shine. That is why very often in masks for skin prone to imperfections can be found nettle.

Vitamin C is not less important for our skin, and in its nettle it is very high in comparison with other products and plants. It helps to heal wounds, promotes skin regeneration, smoothes wrinkles and increases its elasticity, reduces the number of irritations and pimples on the skin, stimulates collagen production, which helps the skin to remain elastic and beautiful for a long time, while signs of aging become almost imperceptible. The main thing is a systematic approach to skin care, then it will delight you with its beauty and youth.

The organic acids that are in the nettle line out the color of the face, help to make freckles and age spots less noticeable.

Nettle masks

In order for nettle to bring as much benefit to your body as possible, you must follow simple rules in its application:

  1. The mask with the addition of nettle can not be left on the face for more than 10 minutes, because the organic acids contained in the nettle can burn your skin and cause unpleasant sensations.
  2. Owners prone to irritation, sensitive skin should use face masks with nettle with great care. It is best to test the body's response to nettle on the arm, smearing a small area of ​​skin with a prepared mask.
  3. Nettle harvesting is best done away from roads and landfills. Or a good option would be to buy nettle leaves at the pharmacy.

Nettle Whitening Mask

If you are worried about pigment spots or freckles, which manifest themselves especially brightly in the summer sun, you can make a whitening nettle mask. To do this, to fresh or dry leaves, you only need to add egg yolk and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Such a mask will not only produce a whitening effect, but also make the pores on the face less noticeable.

Nettle mask for dry skin

Dry skin needs deep hydration, so for it we can prepare a simple and quick mask: nettle leaves (dry or fresh does not matter) finely chop and add water to make a mass similar to sour cream. Then bring it to the boil on the stove and remove from heat. Leave the cooled leaves and lay them on the face as a mask, and the resulting decoction can be used as a cleanser every morning.

Nettle Cleansing Mask

Nettle is not only able to tone up the skin, but also to clean it, because the organic acids in its composition help exfoliate dead skin cells and rid pores of impurities, a kind of natural peeling.

In order to refresh the face, it must first be cleaned. To do this, mix in equal proportions dry and fresh nettle leaves, one egg (you can only yolk) and quite a bit of warm milk. All components of the mask must be carefully rubbed to get a thick gruel, and apply on face. The pores will be cleaned and the skin of the face will become fresh.

Nourishing Nettle Mask for Fading Skin

Fading skin is prone to noticeable wrinkles that can ruin the shape of the face and the mood of its owner. Such skin needs to be helped, its tone is enhanced and the internal processes of cell regeneration are intensified. Add honey and milk to finely chopped young nettle leaves and you will be shocked. The skin will become more toned, and wrinkles less visible. With regular use of this mask wrinkles noticeably smoothed.

All plants must be mixed in equal quantities and pour a small amount of boiling water, and then cool. The resulting herbal "cream" is recommended to distribute on the face three times a week, if necessary, and more often, then the inflammation will appear less frequently, and already formed will be less noticeable.

Nettle has an excellent disinfecting effect in conjunction with plantain leaves (in equal proportions) and cucumber juice. This mask will help get rid of the oily shine that often accompanies skin imperfections and does not give rest to young girls.

Nettle mask with matting effect

To get rid of the oily shine in hot weather and give your skin a haze and ensure it is fresh all day, try the following recipe: chop the leaves of young nettle, add some yogurt or low-fat kefir and mix. Kefir will be able to provide nourishment to your skin, and nettle will have a tonic effect and remove oily shine from your face.

Nettle mask with anti-inflammatory action

During puberty, when hormones play in a young body and nasty acne and acne appear every now and then, nettle will come to the rescue. For a greater effect on the irritation lesions on the face, it is best to use it in conjunction with other medicinal herbs, for example, with rose petals and chamomile flowers, and calendula (marigold) flowers are also suitable.

Nettle lotion for face

Homemade lotions are always much more useful than those bought in the store. To prepare such a wonderful face care product at home, we need a small amount of fresh nettle leaves, a glass of water and a glass of alcohol.

Pour nettle with water and bring to a boil, then cool and pour the alcohol into the resulting broth, tightly close the lid and remove in a dark place for 15 days. Then in the morning and in the evening we wipe the filtered infusion face with a cotton pad. This lotion perfectly fights inflammation, improves skin tone and relieves it of oily shine.

Nettle Rejuvenating Mask

In my opinion, this is the easiest way to prolong the youth of the skin: you only need to mix the crushed leaves of nettle (preferably fresh) and some honey. The mask is ready, apply it on your face for a few minutes and a positive effect will not take long to wait, because both honey and nettle are a storehouse of vitamins.

Nettles are actively used for hair, read about this in the article Nettle from hair loss.

Use nettle for the face, make masks of nettle at home and be young and beautiful!

What is useful nettle for hair?

For a long time this plant has been valued by folk healers and home cosmetologists for its bactericidal properties. But this is not all the beneficial properties of nettle. The composition of this plant contains vitamins of group B, carotene, glycosides, tannins, various acids, chlorophyll, phytoncides and minerals. Due to these elements, the curls become silky, shiny. Nettle mask is recommended to use to eliminate dandruff, itching on the scalp. Also with the help of a plant you can heal split ends of hair. In addition, nettle in the composition of the masks stimulates the growth of strands, prevents their loss, normalizes the sebaceous glands, restores the structure of damaged curls, has deodorizing and disinfecting properties. From this it follows that masks based on this plant can be applied to any type of scalp and curls.

Rules for making nettle for hair

You can use both fresh leaves of a plant, and dry medicinal raw materials which are on sale in each drugstore. To prepare the mask, you must first brew nettle with water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon herbs to 1 cup boiling water. Allow the broth to sweat a little over low heat, then cool it.

Now the most important thing: to prepare the mask, use steamed mash from nettle leaves. And leave the broth for rinsing curls.

You should know that the mask of nettle applied to just washed hair with a shampoo without conditioner. The duration of the composition - 30 minutes. To increase the effect after applying the mask, you must put a plastic bag on your head and wrap with a towel. Rinse the mask with running water, and at the end of the procedure, rinse the locks with a decoction of nettle. After the first use of such medical cosmetics for hair, you will notice a significant improvement in the state of your hair.

For dry hair:

  1. Mix nettle gruel with burdock oil and honey to make a thick mixture. Apply to scalp, spread over the entire length. After half an hour, wash the curls with running water.
  2. Connect one chicken yolk with 150 ml of nettle decoction, add one ampoule of vitamins B1 and B6. All mix, apply on the hair roots and spread over the entire length.

For hair growth:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. Spoon nettle gruel with 50 g yeast, 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey and 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. Apply the mixture to your hair. Wash off in half an hour.
  2. In a deep container, mix together 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped mint, a glass of yogurt and 3 tbsp. spoons of nettle gruel. Season the mixture with 1 teaspoon of pepper tincture. Apply to the hair roots, hold for 25 minutes, rinse with water.

To strengthen hair:

  • Take 5 tbsp. tablespoons of dried nettle leaves and 4 tsp. of colorless henna, add boiling water, mix thoroughly and allow to infuse. In the cooled broth add the beaten egg yolk. Apply the mask to your hair, wrap your head with a towel, wait 20-30 minutes and rinse with water.

In conclusion, we recall that nettle masks are undoubtedly useful and effective, however

test the skin for sensitivity to the components of the mask. If there is no irritation, then boldly strengthen your curls with nettle cosmetics.

Nettle properties for facial skin

No wonder nettle for the face is considered the best way of caring for problematic skin. Almost all the components in its composition have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties:

☀ since the content of vitamin A in nettle leaves just rolls over, the masks of them have a tremendous anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, in a short time curing acne and acne,

☀ no other product can compare with nettle and the content of vitamin C, so that the funds from this plant can make the skin supple, have the ability to heal wounds and strengthen the walls of blood vessels,

☀ Vitamin K is another strong anti-inflammatory substance, which also fights successfully with facial swelling and freckles,

☀ carotene will make dry skin radiant, moisturizing it, therefore nettle mask is recommended for this type of skin,

☀ tannins have anti-inflammatory effect and smooth skin texture,

☀ flavonoids have a pronounced anti-aging agent,

☀ organic acids (formic, for example) have anti-aging properties and even out the complexion,

☀ potassium maintains a sufficient level of moisture in the cells.

Possessing such a broad spectrum of action, nettle for skin is an excellent cosmetic product: homemade, natural and practically safe, while observing all indications and recommendations.

Nettle Face Mask Recipes

Nettle nettle mask is a wonderful tool for cleansing and moisturizing the skin. For its production using fresh leaves of the plant in a crushed form, as well as juice and dry raw materials. This mask has a pronounced antiseptic effect and can prolong the youth of the skin of the face.

Recipes for nettle face masks can be very diverse. It all depends on the cosmetic goal. Sometimes you need to moisturize the skin, and sometimes - to rejuvenate or clear acne.

Universal mask for all skin types with a healing effect

Rinse five to six leaves of nettle and chop into mush. Next, fill them with boiling water (half a glass), then boil for an additional five minutes at minimum heat.

Strain slightly cooled broth. And then apply on the skin otsezhennuyu warm gruel from the leaves.

Keep the mask up to a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm water.

Nettle & Honey Wrinkle Mask

Two tablespoons of crushed fresh leaves of nettle mix with one tablespoon of honey. Apply the mass on the face and neck, cover with a cotton cloth and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then apply a nourishing face cream. This mask is recommended to be applied in spring and autumn, in a course of 10-12 masks once or twice a week.

Moisturizing and rejuvenating mask for dry and normal skin

Scalded with boiling water, nettle leaves grind in a blender. You can also finely chop it with a knife. Mix 1 tablespoon of crushed nettle leaves with egg yolk and add 1 tablespoon of warm milk. The mixture is applied to the face, the skin should be cleaned beforehand. Lie down calmly and after 15 minutes wash off the mask with warm water and then rinse your face with cool water. When mixed skin mask is applied only to areas with dry skin.

Nourishing and tightening mask for fading skin care

Take a tablespoon of fresh and shredded nettle leaves, as many fresh mint leaves, and a half article. spoonful of chamomile flowers medicinal. Add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, and enough milk to stir a creamy mass when mixed. Put it on your face, and after 10 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

Nettle Harvesting

Since nettle grows in our latitudes seasonally, that is, from May to October, and you always want to be beautiful, so people have long learned how to harvest nettle for cosmetic or culinary purposes.

According to popular belief, nettles are best collected in good dry weather. And astrologers generally believe that there are only a few days that are favorable for collecting nettle.

Nettle can be dried, spreading it on paper or hanging in bunches. Dries it necessarily in the shade. Nettle is considered completely dried if it is easily crushed when rubbed with fingers. Undried grass, which was removed early, can become moldy. Most often dried nettle leaves, but there are recipes where the roots and stems of the plant are needed. Nettle can be frozen, then it practically does not lose its beneficial properties.


From viburnum

From orange

From avocado

From raspberry



Watch the video: DIY NETTLE CLAY MASK. detoxifying and cleansing natural skincare recipe (June 2024).