
Hair loss during pregnancy


I encountered hair loss when I was waiting for my second child. Then tests showed incipient anemia, and most likely the reason was precisely in her. I drank a course of iron supplements, vitamins and at the same time applied the DOVE "Fight against hair loss" mask and burdock oil. Two months later, the hair stopped falling out, and so flew right in tatters. I can also advise you to change the comb to a more delicate.

Natural sunflower oil to help you. What is inside, what is outside. Inside make more salads not with mayonnaise, but with butter. Outside make masks.

Strength of hair depends on the content of keratin in the body. Your child ate it all for himself, make up for it. Eat cartilage, jelly, gelatin, jelly and the like.

From the iron content, also depends on the strength of the hair, they should eat well with blood. Iron is found not only in apples, but also in the liver (it is not recommended for pregnant women), but most of all it is in beets, dried apricots (without sulfur) and in persimmon. Iron is absorbed only in the presence of vitamin C, so do not forget to lubricate all this with currant jam.

It may be hormonal disorders, because during pregnancy is a sharp adjustment + vitamins or trace elements may not be enough. But often the pregnancy hair does not fall out on the contrary at all, but after giving birth it falls out in crowds. In your case it is better to consult with the gynecologist-endocrinologist. I think that there may be a hormonal imbalance, the endocrinologist should advise how to behave in such a situation. In order for the baby and mother to receive vitamins, microelements and be healthy, do not self-medicate - contact the specialists who will prescribe the treatment appropriate to your situation! Be healthy!

My hair was just awful. I did not even know what to do. I especially do not trust shampoos, as this is a solid chemistry, and it is hardly possible for them to improve the condition of the hair.

On the advice of my mother, began to use folk remedies.

Smeared her hair with burdock oil, rinsed with decoction of nettle, chamomile, plantain. She made hair masks from eggs.

It is necessary to separate the proteins from the yolks. Beat the yolks in a separate bowl, dilute with warm water, so that the consistency is not too thick. Apply to wet hair along their entire length. Cover your head with a towel and keep this mask on the hair for 15-20 minutes. After thoroughly rinse with water. As far as I know, this mask is not harmful, and you can apply it as often as you like.

Thanks to these means and perseverance, my hair did not fall out like that anymore, and after giving birth, I continued such hair care and was able to put it in order. Although during pregnancy they looked very depressing.

Causes of hair loss during pregnancy

According to statistics, pregnant women have less hair than usual. On the contrary, they become stronger and thicker. This is especially noticeable after 12-16 weeks of gestation, because the placenta is already fully operational.

When the hair falls out, it is an alarm. Such a problem may be due to some diseases or pathologies. Leaving the alarm without proper attention can not be. You must inform your gynecologist about hair loss, and he will schedule an unscheduled examination of individual tests.

What exactly can signal an unusual amount of hair on a comb of a pregnant woman? You may have recently had an infectious disease (flu, acute respiratory infections, intestinal infection) or severe stress. And the cause of hair loss may be a deficiency of zinc and iron in the female body. To diagnose iron deficiency is quite possibly an ordinary blood test. If the diagnosis is confirmed after it, your doctor may prescribe an additional iron supplement in a dose of 40-60 mg per day. Sometimes iron deficiency is a consequence of zinc deficiency. In this case, your doctor will recommend zinc. Usually in such cases, it is prescribed a dose of 15-20 mg per day. Such appointments must be performed, because the above-mentioned symptoms can be not only the cause of mom's cosmetic problems, but also the cause of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the fetus. This, in turn, provokes a delay in its development.

A possible cause of hair loss in a pregnant woman is the lack of calcium. Then your gynecologist or therapist will prescribe special vitamins for hair, and may recommend to enrich your daily diet with dairy products. They contain enough calcium.

There are other, more serious causes of hair loss in expectant mothers. This may be androgenic alopecia against a background of hormonal changes. If the reason is in it, then the treatment will be more difficult and the trichologist will already deal with you (a doctor specializing in hair problems). Then, in addition to testing, additional examinations will be needed: trichoscopy and phototrichogram. A pregnant woman, as a rule, is recommended to collect, if possible, the hair that falls out, and to observe their number and length. Thus, long hair falling out may indicate a physiological loss of hair, and a large number of short hair may indicate their thinning. With good test results of a woman and the absence of other causes of the problem, the above symptoms just indicate the presence of androgenic alopecia.

Sometimes in pregnant women hair loss occurs, which is called diffuse. This problem is characterized by strong hair loss all over the head and is the result of a violation of their development cycles. With diffuse hair loss, both internal and external factors are important. The reasons in this case may be stress, thyroid disease, chronic diseases, use of certain medications. The doctor prescribing the treatment of diffuse hair loss necessarily takes into account all these factors. You can cure the problem, you only need to consult a doctor in time to avoid losing a large amount of hair.

Causes of hair loss during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a restructuring of the body, in which all organs and systems work in an intensive way to provide the child with all the substances necessary for development.

In early pregnancy, the hair falls out, because the fetus needs more nutrition.

At this time, the formation of organs and bone tissue. The child compensates for the lack of calcium and other trace elements through the mother’s body (for changes in the female body during this period, see article 1 in the first trimester of pregnancy >>>).

Therefore, at the beginning of pregnancy, some women note severe hair loss, brittle nails and teeth, joint pain caused by a lack of minerals.

Let us consider in more detail why hair falls out during pregnancy. The most common reasons are:

  • lack of vitamins and trace elements such as: zinc, calcium, iron, silicon,
  • recent illness,
  • severe stress, negative psycho-emotional state,
  • reduced immunity
  • poor nutrition (by the way, about nutrition, to have information on this issue, be sure to read the article Nutrition in early pregnancy >>>),
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Regardless of the reasons, a woman needs to visit a therapist or a trichologist. Any disease is better treatable at the initial stage.

Know! Only a trichologist will be able to determine how much hair falls out, for what reason it happens and is it a pathological or normal process.

After testing, the trichologist will give an opinion to the obstetrician-gynecologist who is leading the pregnancy. Based on the results, the doctor will prescribe a treatment or give recommendations on how to deal with the problem of hair loss.

Do not self-medicate and drink vitamins, exceeding the norm. This can lead to a deterioration in the health of not only the future mother, but also the baby (read the important article on this topic: Vitamins in early pregnancy >>>).

Experts say that slight hair loss is completely normal. Completely get rid of the problem is possible only after the birth of the child, when the balance of hormones will return to normal.

Causes of hair loss after giving birth

The reasons for which hair falls out in the early stages of pregnancy and after childbirth vary. Many women note that the state of the curls during pregnancy has improved significantly: they have become thicker and stronger, noticeably the industry.

But with the birth of a child, the situation changed: the hair began to fall out badly. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, due to a malfunction of the sebaceous glands or hair follicles, the hairs did not fall out at the right time.

In humans, normally, there is a daily renewal of hair.

By the way! The norm in women is: update from 50 to 150 hairs. No treatment is needed in this case.

How to keep the beauty of hair

What to do if hair falls out during pregnancy? In addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can maintain the health and beauty of the hair yourself. This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Eat right,
  • Revise your diet by eliminating fatty, fried foods,
  • Add foods that are rich in vitamins, microelements, proteins, etc.,
  • Also, for the health of the body you need to drink enough pure water.

About nutrition during pregnancy, read the book Secrets of proper nutrition for the future mother >>>

  1. Use special hair care products. Pick up shampoo, balm and mask, the action of which will be aimed at strengthening and protecting
  2. Folk remedies can help. Burdock and castor oil perfectly strengthen and restore the hair structure. You can rinse your hair with herbs decoction. Best suited: chamomile, burdock, nettle,
  3. Avoid stress. Strong stresses negatively affect the state of the whole organism and are transmitted to the child. Get rid of the source of stress, relax more, take a walk in the fresh air,
  4. Get enough sleep. In order to sleep was healthy, you need to air the room room.

To understand how to properly prepare the body for childbirth and to feel calm and relaxed, see the course Five Steps to Successful Childbirth >>>

  1. Do not abuse the use of a hair dryer, ironing, curling, hair-dyes,

This only increases the problem of hair loss. Ammonia dyes will harm not only the hair, but also the child. Give up paints with an aggressive composition, replacing them with ammonia-free paints or henna.

It improves blood circulation, increasing the nutrition of the roots, reduces tension and headache. You can optionally use fine salt for peeling or oil for moisturizing.

Mask with egg and brandy

Egg yolk helps to strengthen the roots, cognac has a warming effect, thereby improving blood circulation. For the mask we need:

  • egg yolk,
  • 1 teaspoon oil (suitable olive, burdock, coconut),
  • 3 tablespoons of brandy.

All ingredients need to be mixed and applied to the hair for 1-2 hours. You can additionally wrapped in a towel, for a stronger warming effect.

Chamomile for hair loss

For rinsing hair after washing your head, herb extracts are perfect. Composition:

  • 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile (read on: Chamomile in pregnancy >>>),
  • a glass of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the grass and leave for a couple of hours to brew. Rinse need clean hair, do not need to wash off the broth.

Important! If you have allergies, before using the decoction, you should consult with your doctor.

Burdock Mask

Burdock oil helps to stop hair loss, improves the growth and structure of hairs. For the mask you need:

  1. 3 tablespoons of burdock oil,
  2. egg yolk,
  3. 1 tablespoon honey.

All components mix until smooth. Apply to hair and leave for about 1-2 hours. It is advisable to wrap a towel. After, be sure to rinse with shampoo.

Hair loss during pregnancy is a temporary stage. With good care and proper nutrition, it will definitely pass.


Competently made diet of a pregnant woman is a guarantee of good state of health and a beautiful appearance (especially hairline). You can save shine and elasticity of curls, as well as prevent baldness, following some dietary advice:

  • eat fully and regularly
  • Do not forget to include in the menu dishes of meat and offal,
  • dairy products (cheeses, cottage cheese, milk) - an integral part of the diet of a pregnant woman,
  • seasonal fruits and vegetables should always be on the table,
  • total rejection of alcohol,
  • sweet, flour and canned foods can be consumed only in limited quantities.

Vitamin complexes

There are many vitamin complexes permitted for use by pregnant women.

The most popular and effective:

  1. Vitasharm - B vitamins activate new hair growth, nicotinic acid strengthens the hair follicle.
  2. Elevit - A full complex of vitamins and minerals, allowed for use during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  3. Alphabet - saturates the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, strengthens hair, returns shine and elasticity to curls.

Attention! Vitamin complexes can not be a full replacement for healthy eating. They greatly overload the liver. The use of synthetic vitamins is limited in time and strictly controlled by a doctor.


Shampoos, masks, lotions for hair strengthening can be purchased at any pharmacy. Like drugs, Cosmetics for pregnant women are selected under certain conditions:

  • the composition of the shampoo or balm should not include lauryl phosphate,
  • preference is better to give means with a composition of natural ingredients.

Deserves special attention Onion shampoo - cosmetic against hair loss. It contains onion extract, B vitamins, green tea, birch, sage, chamomile and nettle extracts.

Folk recipes

Only under the condition of complex use of store cosmetics and compositions prepared according to popular recipes, can the problem of baldness be solved quickly and without negative impact on the health of a pregnant woman.

A few popular recipes:

  • Rye bread is soaked in warm water. The resulting liquid is filtered and carefully rubbed into the scalp.
  • In a glass of sour cream dissolve two tablespoons of dry henna powder. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath, add a vial of vitamin B6. The resulting mass is evenly distributed over the strands, after which the head is covered with a towel. After half an hour, the hair is washed with ordinary shampoo.
  • Rinse from onion peel, train, hop, nettle and coltsfoot not only strengthens the hair follicles, but also gives the head of hair a pleasant reddish tint.
  • Sea buckthorn and burdock oil (1 tbsp.) Is mixed with an ampoule of vitamin B6 and the yolk of one egg. The resulting mask is applied to the curls and leave for two hours, wrapped his head with a towel. After the hair is rinsed thoroughly with water.

An important point! Before using any product created according to national recipes, it is necessary to conduct an allergotest.

General rules of care

Respecting hair care rulesYou can not only stop the active loss of hair during pregnancy, but also to preserve the beauty of the curls after childbirth.

  • Wash your hair properly. During pregnancy, the skin glands begin to secrete more secretion, with the result that the curls grow fat very quickly. Wash your hair regularly, at least once every two days. Shampoos are selected only with natural ingredients.
  • Use a rinse. Instead of purchasing hair conditioners, it is better to use herbal decoctions (chamomile or nettle) during the period of carrying the child. They not only saturate the hair follicles with nutrients, but also help to save money.
  • If the ambient air temperature allows, it is necessary to dry the curls in a natural way, without using a hair dryer. When drying, use only fresh towels. Otherwise, there is a risk of bacteria transferring from stale towels causing dandruff.
  • Limit the use of a hair dryer, as dry heat quickly dries the hair, destroys the hair follicle, provokes active loss.
  • Doctors do not recommend to apply chemical dyes to the hair during pregnancy. In exceptional cases, use natural dye - henna.

Active hair loss during pregnancy (especially in the early stages) is a reason for additional consultation with a doctor, who, based on the results of certain studies, determines the causes of this process. Only a timely response to baldness and an integrated approach to eliminating this process (including traditional methods) will preserve the density and beauty of the hair.

Useful videos

An effective mask from an experienced cosmetologist Anna Galitsina will help to keep hair healthy and thick during pregnancy.

Why pregnant women lose their hair, experts say.

A bit of theory

In order to understand why hair falls out during pregnancy, it is worth figuring out what happens in the female body during this period. The restructuring of internal processes begins with an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood. It ensures the normal functioning of the uterus and the development of the fetus. Moreover, this hormone has a beneficial effect on the state of the locks. Thus, pregnancy is a great time to grow long and thick hair.

By the third trimester, the situation may change dramatically. As the fetus grows, the body begins to feel an acute shortage of microelements, because all the reserves are directed to the normal development of the baby. Naturally, this happens to the detriment of the maternal organism, and hair, nails and teeth are the first to suffer. That is why in the second half of the term it is recommended to pay special attention to nutrition.

If hair falls out during pregnancy, it is much more noticeable than in the usual state. The fact is that during the period of gestation, all resources are directed specifically at the development of the baby, and their own regeneration processes stop. So, at the site of each dropped out hair a new one does not start to grow. These processes will begin to work again only some time after delivery.

Hair condition in the postpartum period

Pregnancy is a joyful, but at the same time difficult period (both emotionally and physiologically). It would seem that after giving birth the situation should improve. However, even after pregnancy, hair falls out strongly. This is largely due to changes in hormonal levels (reduced levels of estrogen), as well as the composition of the blood. As for minerals, they are redirected to the enrichment of breast milk, but not to strengthen the hair follicles.

Do not forget about the stress factor. Often there is such a thing as postpartum depression (especially if it was for the first time for a woman). In addition, the baby “establishes” its “orders” in the house, and therefore there is a catastrophic lack of time for sleep and rest.

Thus, hair loss after pregnancy is a completely normal process. It can last from 6 months to 2 years, until the body is fully restored.

Why does hair fall out after pregnancy?

Having understood the theory, it is necessary to clearly identify the causes of hair loss after childbirth. These include:

  • lack of nutrients (if during pregnancy they were directed to the development of the fetus, then after giving birth - to the formation of the optimal composition of breast milk),
  • depression, nervous stress,
  • insomnia and lack of rest,
  • changes in hormonal levels (a sharp decrease in estrogen levels),
  • malnutrition.

Herbal rinses

When hair falls out during pregnancy, there are plenty of ways to strengthen it. The most effective of them is rinsing with herbal decoctions each time after washing the head. The following recipes are most popular:

  • Two handfuls of dried honeysuckle need to pour a liter of water. Put on the fire, bring to a boil and protomit with the lid closed for another quarter of an hour. And after half an hour, the finished decoction will need to be drained.
  • Take a tablespoon of coltsfoot and dried nettle. Boil and immediately remove from heat. The decoction should be infused for about an hour, after which it must be filtered.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of calamus roots, burdock and hops. Fill the raw material with a liter of boiling water and let it stand for a few minutes. Put the vessel on the fire to boil for 5 minutes. When the decoction has cooled, it must be drained.

Useful tips

It often happens that during and after pregnancy hair falls out strongly. What to do to prevent this? Take the following useful tips:

  • reduce to the minimum amount of sweets consumed, preservation, as well as smoked and spicy foods,
  • Regularly “refresh” hairstyle, cutting the split ends,
  • give up on extreme temperatures during shampooing (water should be warm),
  • choose products for hair care with the mark "Intensive Care",
  • pay attention to natural shampoos (they should include ginseng, tea tree oil, panthenol, rosemary extract, etc.,
  • during pregnancy and lactation completely refuse to blow-dry hair, as well as thermosetting,
  • get a comb with wooden teeth or with natural bristles,
  • and in the cold and in the hot season, hide the curls under a headdress.

Women's Tricks

If hair falls out during or after pregnancy, what to do will be prompted by the women themselves, who have already felt this state on themselves. You can find the following tips on women's forums that will help keep your hair healthy:

  • if the second half of pregnancy occurs in the summer and autumn, the basis of the diet should be vegetable food (we are talking about natural vegetables and fruits, which can be purchased from summer residents),
  • Purified water should be poured into a small container with a sprayer and several drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E should be added (in the summer heat or in winter, when the air in the rooms is too dry, you should regularly spray curls with the resulting composition),
  • just before washing your head, add oil vitamins to the shampoo (you can alternate them or you can add the whole cocktail at once),
  • If you are only planning a pregnancy, you should protect yourself from the problem in advance by organizing an intensive course of taking vitamins and minerals.

The severity of the problem

If you lose your hair during pregnancy, this is not a reason for panic. Of course, it is unpleasant to see negative changes in appearance, but it is worth understanding that this is a natural process. However, sometimes hair loss is so severe that it’s just not possible not to panic. In some cases, you really have to ask for help from the trichologist.

To assess the state of the curls, remove one hair from the comb and carefully examine it. The bulb should be light. If it is dark, consult a doctor.

If you have not found any negative changes in the state of the bulb, but the number of falling out hair still worries you, you should make sure that this is really a problem, and not the suspiciousness of a pregnant woman. To do this, you can perform the following test:

  • don't wash your hair for a couple of days
  • in the morning, without combing, gather the hair in your palm and gently pull up, sliding your hand over it,
  • the hairs that remain in the hand, set aside,
  • repeat this manipulation 2 more times,
  • count the hairs that fell out
  • if they are 15 or less, everything is within the normal range, and if their number significantly exceeds this number, there is reason to contact a trichologist.


Unfortunately, for the happiness of becoming a mother sometimes you have to pay an attractive appearance. One of the most important problems is that hair falls out during pregnancy. What to do? Of course, it is necessary to form the resources of the body at the planning stage of conception, taking vitamin complexes. As for the period of pregnancy, it is important to reconsider the ways of hair care, as well as to properly organize food.

Why is this happening

Note that usually in future moms intensive hair loss is not observed. Especially when the term is already 12-16 weeks (2 trimester). Most often, an unpleasant surprise is presented by the body after delivery.

Hair loss in any trimester may be due to a number of external causes. By removing them, you stop the loss of strands. However, sometimes some diseases are manifested. Therefore, a woman should not neglect this symptom.

What to do if hair falls out during pregnancy? First of all - notify your doctor or gynecologist. They will prescribe additional tests. And, of course, try to figure out for yourself what could have so worsened the condition of the strands.

External causes

First of all, it is advisable to exclude or confirm the presence of external causes that could lead to hair loss. Leading among them is an incorrect selection of shampoos and other cosmetics care. To spoil the curls can be too frequent or, conversely, a rare shampooing.

Strands will also crumble because of the constant use of thermal devices: a hot dryer, a rectifier, a curling iron. Of course, pregnancy is not a reason to completely forget about styling. But to do it in this position should be sparing methods.

Poor quality cosmetics - one of the factors that provoke loss. Therefore, in the waiting period of the baby should use only proven tools. Preferably on a natural basis.

To learn how to choose a suitable shampoo or balm, you will need:

  • understand the composition indicated on the label
  • learn the techniques of masking harmful ingredients resorted to by manufacturers.

Internal factors

There are many reasons why pregnant women fall out of their hair. But most often this problem is provoked:

  • iron deficiency anemia (low hemoglobin),
  • metabolic disorders due to lack of vitamins,
  • hormonal imbalance (concerns, in particular, the ratio of estrogen and androgen),
  • by stress
  • an infection
  • autoimmune disorders,
  • chronic diseases that cause baldness,
  • some drugs.

All of the above reasons are a pretext for compulsory visits to the doctor, who will prescribe pregnancy-adjusted treatment.

How to recover

If you notice that your hair has started to fall, do not panic. In most cases, everything is fixable.

As a rule, future moms decide to wait until the birth, and plan to do hair only after the baby is born. However, it is important to understand that it is very undesirable to postpone treatment for the postpartum period. After all, it is associated with the process of lactation, when the female body undergoes regular changes. The problem of losing strands can be exacerbated. And then you have to choose between her successful decision and the preservation of breastfeeding.

Today, there are many tools that allow you to treat bad hair during pregnancy. It is recommended to start with the correction of your diet.

Diet correction

To stop hair loss, being in an interesting position, you should make a number of adjustments to the usual menu. First of all, it is necessary to increase the presence in it of products enriched with vitamins of group B. It is, in particular, beef meat and legumes. You will also need to more often include in the diet foods rich in silicon, and dishes made from them (for example, bread toasts and oatmeal).

Of course, we must not forget about the need to constantly replenish calcium stores - regularly use any milk and sour milk.

Many prefer to just take some kind of vitamin and mineral complex. However, it is impossible to self-will during pregnancy. After all, completely harmless drugs do not exist. Therefore, before taking any pills, you should consult with a doctor who observes you.

Treatment methods

As already mentioned, hormonal changes affect the condition of the hair during the period of gestation. Sometimes - not the best way. If the strands began to fall out, the weakened curls of the future mom can be treated with special masks or folk remedies.

But it is better, of course, to try to just wait for the balance of hormones. Then the fallout will stop by itself. If this does not happen, be sure to visit an experienced trichologist.

Unfortunately, to prevent physiological hair loss in pregnant women is one hundred percent impossible. But to improve the condition of the hair will certainly help:

  • vitaminization,
  • rational diet
  • picky selection of makeup cosmetics,
  • perform simple procedures.


The best option is to completely abandon any medication before childbirth, and even better - until the end of lactation. In no case do not take special preparations for hair restoration. Almost all of them are prohibited for pregnant women.

Often the cause of alopecia in future moms is a deficiency of nutrients. The body reacts to a lack of vitamins and minerals.

The problem is successfully solved by correcting the diet and taking a multivitamin complex designed specifically for pregnant women (the doctor can write out "Teravit-pregna", "Vitrum", "Elevit" or others).

The drug "Perfectil" - one of the few that are allowed in the period of carrying a baby. It improves the condition of the body as a whole and, naturally, has a positive effect on curls. The result of taking this medication is the normalization of blood circulation and cellular metabolism. And this, in turn, leads to the acceleration of hair growth and strengthening of their follicles.


Waiting for the birth of a child, it is highly undesirable to use customary cosmetics to strengthen the strands. Some components of their composition can provoke an allergic reaction that can harm both you and your baby.

To minimize hair loss is recommended to use special care products. The most useful drugs are considered to be on the placental basis.

Remember that they must be produced by companies with an excellent reputation. Special treatment and sterility of such cosmetics will allow the scalp to assimilate all the proteins, hyaluronic and nucleic acids, vitamins and coenzyme Q10 contained in it. Trichologist will help you to choose the most suitable product.


In addition to the basic care of curls, special attention should be paid to massage the scalp. Hair roots must be massaged every day. It is recommended to do it with olive or burdock vegetable oil.

Excellent effect can be achieved by using a laser comb. It provides stimulation of hair growth and suspends the process of hair loss. Use a comb is permissible without a prescription.

There were no serious contraindications for pregnant women and side effects. The duration of the course with a short-term loss of strands is 4 months (15-minute sessions three times a week). With chronic - six months (three times a week), and then once a week for life, to consolidate the result.


Watch the video: Pregnancy Myth Buster (July 2024).