
Hair Vitamins in Shampoo


Various cosmetic companies, fighting for leadership in their niche, are developing new and new products, conducting research, development, and improvement of preparations. No matter how interesting promises may seem, innovation will not replace the life-giving power of natural ingredients. Any industrial tool can be supplemented, enriched by yourself at home. To take care of your hair, you just need to enhance the beneficial properties of regular shampoo with the help of miraculous natural ingredients.

The best supplements for regular shampoo

Although manufacturers claim that their product eliminates dandruff, strengthens, nourishes hair follicles, you should not naively trust marketing tricks. Any shampoo is created primarily for effective cleansing. Often, to achieve the main goal of the composition include not the most useful substances.

To reduce the negative effects of various components of the shampoo, as well as to saturate it with useful substances, it is recommended to make various additives. It can be:

Any of these funds can have a beneficial effect on the state of hair.

There are several groups of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on hair:

Any of these vitamins is available at the pharmacy. It is extremely easy to use as a supplement: you only need to add a few drops of the drug to the usual detergent (it is better if it is initially soft, sulfate-free, natural basis).

Vitamin A known as a strong antioxidant, and, therefore, can neutralize the action of oxidative processes (important for bleached hair). Contributes to the development of the main building material of hair - keratin. Vitamin enhances the regeneration processes of various structures. Accelerating the metabolism of lipids, it provides regulation of the sebaceous glands.

The drug is added to the shampoo to improve blood circulation, normalize nutrition, growth. Helps to eliminate dandruff, protects against adverse external influences. The hair becomes strong, elastic, elastic.

There are 2 forms of the drug that can be added to the shampoo - an oil solution and an ampoule concentrate. The latter is not recommended for persons prone to allergic reactions, it is not used in its pure form.

To obtain the necessary result, a course of procedures is carried out: twice a week for a month, then a break of 3-4 weeks. After the deadline can be repeated.

Vitamin C Perfect for “tired” hair. It will strengthen the bulbs, preventing the loss. Increases blood flow, helping to improve the nutrition of hair follicles. The hair due to the impact will be brilliant, will gain vitality. Vitamin C contributes to a slight lightening strands, so if such an effect is not needed, it is better to make the drug intake.

Means suitable for external use, sold in a pharmacy. Choose powder or ampoules. Add 1 pc. in shampoo, mix, put on strands, churn, stand for 2 minutes, wash off.

The opened substance is very quickly oxidized and loses its useful properties, therefore, open the drug immediately before use, do not prepare any means for storage.

Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6, B12) best suited for the care of hair. They accelerate the regeneration of the damaged rod, "revitalize" the cells of the root structures. The skin heals, regularly updated. As a result, the curls gain strength, shine. Vitamins of this group help to fight dandruff, accelerate hair growth.

The drugs are sold in the form of ampoules. Enough 1–2 pcs. for preparation of a single portion. Shampoo is recommended to be enriched in a similar way 1-2 times a week for at least a month. Mixing different vitamins of the group is impractical because they are able to block the action of each other.

Vitamin E copes with the update system at a deep level. It normalizes hormonal balance, slows down age-related changes. Normalizes the movement of blood, lymph, oxygen transport in the hair part of the head. Promotes collagen renewal, retains moisture in the hair rods.

The hair becomes elastic, smooth, stops the formation of a section of the tips. Thanks to the normalization of the follicles supply, hair loss is reduced, new hair growth is stimulated. The use of vitamin helps to combat dryness, dandruff, itching.

The drug is used in oil or ampoule form. To enrich the shampoo enough 1 dose or 2-3 teaspoons of solution. At least 2-3 times a week during the month will be enough to achieve a lasting effect.

Learn more beauty recipes with oil vitamins A and E in our article:

Essential substances for health and beauty

Before you begin the vitamin enrichment of your usual shampoo, you need to know which vitamins will bring the greatest benefit to the locks.

The most important and beneficial for curls are the B vitamins. It is they who provide intensive nutrition to both the hair and their roots, as well as to the scalp:

  1. Thiamine or as it is called, B1, is responsible for the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and acids in the scalp and the hair itself. That is, this vitamin B is directly responsible for the complete nutrition of the hair part of the head.
  2. B6 is responsible for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, for the correct synthesis of trace elements in the skin, as well as the correct balance of hormones in the body. In case of its shortage, the curls begin to thin intensively, dandruff and split ends appear.
  3. B12 is not responsible for hair nutritionBut it is enough of this vitamin that allows locks to receive the necessary portion of oxygen regularly.
  4. B5 or pantothenic acid helps to extend the life of the hair, strengthens its structure and improves the appearance and health of the hair in general.

  • Vitamin PP also plays an important role in the nutrition of strands. Its shortage is expressed primarily in a sharp and intense hair loss, as well as an increase in their fragility and the appearance of split ends. Therefore, it is very important that the curls receive this feeding regularly.
  • Retinol (A) actively restores damaged strands, and also stimulates the renewal of skin cells.
  • Vitamin E or tocopherol, is responsible for the youth and beauty of hair, protects curls from ultraviolet radiation, and also normalizes the water-fat balance of the scalp.

Mixing rules

If you decide to provide additional nutrition to your curls, then for enrichment with the substances described above it is better to use not the usual customary shampoo, but it is worth buying a special soap base. If this is not possible, then you should give preference to cleansing detergents with a minimum amount of additives and not containing any vitamin complexes. The excess of these nutrients can affect the hair as negatively as their lack.

At the same time, the components described earlier should be added to the bottle with shampoo or to a small amount in the palm of your hand. Where exactly these substances are added depends on the intended purpose. Some types of vitamins quickly lose their use when exposed to air.

When making such a vitaminized shampoo at home, be sure to consider the compatibility with each other of the vitamins that make up it. It is not recommended to combine with each other vitamin C and favorite substances from group B. Bad B12 and C, B3, E, B1. Experts do not recommend also combining B1 with the other vitamins from this group, except B12.

All other previously described vitamins are perfectly combined with each other. But before you begin to enrich the shampoo with them, you must consult a doctor. He will help to choose the right complex, indicate the correct dosage, and also be able to determine if there is an excess of any vitamin in the body to avoid unpleasant side effects.

It is best to purchase such supplements in pharmacies in special glass ampoules or in the form of oil capsules. Be sure to remember that open packaging is not subject to storage, however, as well as enriched shampoo. In addition, ampoules containing one substance or a whole vitamin complex are commercially available, which saves time and energy for making the correct complex of a vitamin supplement in shampoo.

Cooking recipes

Before you start making homemade vitamin shampoo, you must purchase the appropriate substances in ampoules at the pharmacy. In order for the vitamins to work correctly on the hair, it is necessary to observe all the nuances of its preparation and use.

Remember that shampoo enriched with such additives can not be stored for more than 14 days, then all its benefits simply disappear.

The use of ready-made shampoo in all cases is the same. It is applied to wet hair, massaged into the roots, then rinsed well. It is imperative to reapply it, only in this case, the foam rests on the head and strands for three or five minutes, and then washed off with cool water.

  1. In order to stop sudden hair loss, as well as get rid of the itching of the scalp, Supplements such as lidocaine, thiamine, soda, water, pyridoxine, sodium, and cyanocobaline should be purchased. One ampoule of each substance must be added to a 500 ml shampoo container. You can do even easier and immediately purchase the whole complex of a similar additive called “Combibipen”. In this case, 3 ampoules are consumed for a similar amount of detergent for curls.
  2. To speed up the growth of strands, vitamins B12, B6 and B1 are added to the shampoo. In this case, the proportions of them should be the same, that is, each substance is taken in one ampoule of the same capacity. This amount of additive is designed for 250 grams of shampoo.
  3. For recovery and intensive feeding curls It is necessary to add three drops of vitamin A and E to 100 grams of shampoo.

By combining such useful additives with each other, you can prepare a new healthy shampoo each time. But it is worth remembering some of the nuances:

  • In order for such a beneficial cleanser showed its maximum performance, it must be used at least 10 times with breaks of one or two days.
  • You can combine all the vitaminsexcept those described above.
  • If you doubt the dosageit is better to purchase a ready-made vitamin complex in a pharmacy, as a rule, one ampoule is designed for 100 g of shampoo. Or detailed information about the dosage can be found in the instructions.
  • Oily liquid vitamin supplements It is better to add two capsules per 100 g of base.

You can learn more about hair vitamins from the following video.

You can go the other way, that is, buy ready-made vitamin shampoo.

Overview of the best ready-made tools

Counters of shops and pharmacies are full of a variety of vitamin shampoos. In order not to get confused in this wide range and get a really useful and effective tool, we offer you a brief overview of the most popular tools that have received positive feedback not only from buyers, but also from experts:

  1. Librederm "Vitamin F" will help to quickly and safely nourish the hair with essential elements, return them to health, beautiful appearance and beautiful shine. This tool not only nourishes the hair, but also moisturizes the scalp, prevents the appearance of dandruff, and normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, thereby reducing the fat content of the strands. Ideal for extremely sensitive scalp, will become an indispensable tool for the care of brittle, thinning curls.
  2. Kallos "Multivitamin" contains such vitamins as C, E and a complex of almost all B vitamins. Shampoo of this brand not only cleans curls first-class, but also stimulates their growth, returns natural shine and strengthens their structure as a whole.
  3. Vitamin shampoo "Eared nanny" has almost natural composition, perfectly cleanses the hair, making them soft, silky and shiny. The presence of a vitamin complex helps the locks to get the necessary nutrition and hydration for normal growth.
  4. Mirrolla Onion Hair Cleanser - Shampoo, perfectly relieves curls from dirt and excess fat, and also strengthens them and accelerates growth. Due to the well-chosen combination of onion extract and a complex of vitamins, this shampoo still intensively nourishes the strands, relieves the scalp from dandruff and itching. The result of using this product will be a healthy, lush and well-groomed hair.
  5. Collistar Multivitamin ideal for daily use, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and cleans strands well from all types of pollution. In addition, a properly created complex of vitamin enrichment helps not only to clean the curls, but also to moisten them and nourish with all necessary. Experts consider this tool universal, that is, both shampoo and conditioner at the same time.
  6. Garnier "The Power of Vitamins" as well as the other means described above, it helps not only to clean the hair well, but also to charge it with energy, strengthen it, accelerate growth, restore the damaged structure and restore the beautiful appearance and natural softness of the curls.

What vitamins to add to hair loss shampoo?

Vitamins will restore beauty, strength to your hair. But not everything can be used and combined, they also need to be able to. To strengthen the hair, use these vitamins: E, A, B1, B6, B9, B12, PP.

Vitamin A saturates cells with nutrients., and hair receive necessary moistening. As a result, the scalp, strands heal.

If itching is present, then it leaves, and when the skin is very dry, you give the hair a balanced care. It is sold in a pharmacy, in liquid form, it has an oily base.

Tocopherol is a strong antioxidant.. Applying it regularly, you will get rid of dry hair and make hair a luxurious, shiny, well-groomed.

Retinol is very necessary for the skin. It promotes cell regeneration. If it is wrong to use this vitamin or when it is lacking in the body, the skin flakes off, moisture comes out of it.

Therefore, you need to combine this vitamin with tocopherol. Both substances are beneficial to the dermis. Therefore, they are often used together.

Hair health depends heavily on group B vitamins. When they are lacking in the body, the strands lose their power and become less elastic.

Thanks to B6, the scalp heals, dandruff goes away. The use of B1 stimulates the growth of new hair. And vitamin B9 fights gray hair, baldness. With the help of B12, split ends are prevented.

Vitamin B6 is incompatible with B12because they degrade each other's properties. Do not use B1 and B6 together; their symbiosis harms the strands. Using B1 and B12 can cause severe allergies. If you use these vitamins, then only separately.

A nicotinic acid very important for hair. When PP is not enough, strands grow slowly. This vitamin must be used in shampoos. But if you exceed its rate, you get the opposite effect, the hair will fall out.

Nicotinic acid retains moisture, makes hair elastic and resilient. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, choose a pharmacy tool in ampoules.

Vitamin C will relieve dryness, breakage. It nourishes the hair, restores their structure, helps prevent their loss.

Ascorbic air collapses in the air, so it should be applied immediately. BUT store no more than half an hour.

Ascorbic can damage your hair, therefore it is better to take this vitamin insideand not add to shampoo.

Learn more about the effects of B vitamins on hair:

How to prepare means

For treatment Take store, pharmacy or homemade shampoo. To prevent hair loss, add to the soap solution. No need to use all the ampoules at the same time.

To add vitamins to hair loss shampoo, you must:

  1. Take a separate container, pour into it a shampoo for one wash.
  2. Open the ampoule, pour. Mix it up. Apply on head, lather. After a couple of minutes, wash off. Repeat a couple of times a week.
  3. The result will appear in 15-25 days. The hair will shine, its density will please.

One course lasts a month. If necessary, repeat the treatment after 2 weeks.

Pharmacy drugs are cheap. Using them is easy. But it is better to apply them inside, then they will be even more effective.

If there is silicone in the shampoothen it envelops the surface of the curl, which is why the strands become dirty more quickly, because film collects dust and dirt. Silicone also makes hair thin, dries it. Therefore, it is important to study the composition before assessing the state of their hair.


Now you know what vitamins to add to shampoo against hair loss, but there are a few more important rules.

Shampoo better to take without preservatives, flavors, dyes. Such funds are sold in pharmacies or specialty stores.

Often, natural shampoos can be found in retail outlets that sell products for a healthy lifestyle. No need to save on headwash. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of money on the restoration of hair.

Do not pour the product into the shampoo package. Simply add vitamins every time you wash your hair. One capsule is enough for a length of 10-15 cm.

Wash the dirt out of your hair for the first time.. Then apply the product on the strands and skin, massage, hold on the hair for 5-7 minutes and then wash off the shampoo.

You can buy a special soap base for shampoo. It does not contain impurities.

Want to choose the right, effective tool? Check with the trichologist. The specialist will offer you the best option for the improvement of the scalp.

Also remember that:

  • pharmaceutical vitamins are available, their cost is moderate, they are safe (if you use them moderately and course),
  • do not mix B vitamins,
  • vitamins are quickly destroyed. Therefore, it makes no sense to keep an open ampoule,
  • if you want a good result, add them to the masks,
  • instead of pharmaceutical preparations, use expensive remedies or lotions for hair loss (Optima, Simone, Ducray, etc.),
  • shampoo is used to cleanse the skin. If you dilute the tool with some substances, the effect of cleansing may be reduced,
  • no need to keep shampoo on your hair for a long time, because it dries them out. Exceptions are fungus medications (Nizoral, others),
  • good shampoo contains few ingredients. Various extracts, oils, vitamins, amino acids in their composition - a simple marketing ploy.

The result will be noticeable after 3-5 weeks of use.

Want to get a good effect from the use of ampoule vitamins? Just pour them on your head. One today, another tomorrow. Do not mix them.

Apply to clean skin and hairbecause if there is fat on the surface, the vitamins are not absorbed. The procedure must be done before bedtime. It is also important to adjust your diet, take a multivitamin and mineral complexes.

Vitamins + shampoo

There are many shampoos with different properties: moisturizing, regenerating, etc. But its main function is to cleanse the scalp of impurities. And after this process, a regenerating mask, balm or conditioner is applied.

One of the methods shampoo enrichment - adding vitamins to it from glass ampoules or in capsules.

Such an uncomplicated method can be made from the cleaning composition.

Retinol perfectly cares for the scalp, fights dryness and flaking. Useful in the treatment of dandruff. When added to shampoo, or in a mask, you need to apply the product directly on the head itself. On the hair, the effect will be insignificant. Sold in capsules. A lot of positive feedback was received by the Aevit complex, which combines A and E.

Vitamins of group B

These include the moody B1, and perfectly compatible B6, B12. They treat hair loss, strengthen and restore the structure of the curl. The main thing is to combine them correctly. Sold in ampoules. It is important not to use in a concentrated (undiluted) form.

Vitamins in ampoules are not immediately added to the bottle of shampoo, take a single portion and mix it with the drug. If you can not decide which group to try first, feel free to choose B. After all, they are already a component of shampoos. balms, masks, and an indispensable tool for the care of hair.

B1 in the language of physicians and pharmacists - thiamine, AT 6 - pyridoxine, AT 12 - cyanocobalamin.

  • Eliminate itching and peeling.
  • Moisturize the scalp.
  • Stimulate hair growth, awaken dormant bulbs.
  • Strengthen and restore hair lengthwise.
  • Appearance becomes noticeably better.

Vitamin PP

At the pharmacy, you can ask for nicotinic acid - this is the second name for PP. This is the best helper for hair loss or to accelerate their growth. Sold in ampoules. It is synthesized by the body but in insufficient quantities. Therefore, the phenomenon of lack of vitamin PP in the body - the phenomenon is not uncommon.

It is added to strengthen and grow curls. Contained in almost all shampoos and masks, so the dosage is very small. It will be enough 4x drops for a single portion should be remembered that it has protective properties, which is important when laying and sunny weather.

Strengthens the walls of capillaries. Reduces the effects of sodium sulfate. If the hair is weak, it falls out very strongly, then ascorbic acid therapy should be carried out. Sold in ampoules. When in contact with air, it quickly loses its beneficial properties. Open the ampoule immediately before use.

Combination of vitamins

Many drugs are quite capricious, and when mixed neutralize each other. Others can cause allergies. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to take into account the interaction of vitamins.

  • Vitamin C is not mixed with group B.
  • B1 should not be used with B6 and B12.
  • B12 with vitamin E.

Good combinations will be:

  • Vitamins A and E.
  • Vitamins B6 and B12.
  • Group B with aloe extract.

There are vitamin shampoos, complexes, many salon procedures based on them.

Vitamins will be a great addition to shampoo or mask. Even in the most severe cases, after several applications, the result will be visible. But we should not forget that our appearance is a reflection of the state of the body. It is important to monitor your health, eat right, and enjoy your reflection.

What vitamins do hair need?

Hair reacts primarily to adverse conditions and health problems. Negative impact of bad ecology, aggressive solar radiation, too high or low air temperature, the use of hair dryers, irons and hair curtains for hair styling. Also, hair can become weak and fall out with some diseases and constant stress. But most often the damage to the hair brings a lack of vitamins in the body. Hair becomes brittle, dry, faded and strongly fall out. To avoid such problems, it is important to maintain the level of vitamins in a normal state in the body. First of all, a person must eat properly in order to receive the necessary amount of nutrients daily. It is necessary to help the hair from the outside. For example, adding vitamins to shampoo, you can very quickly return the strands of health.

What vitamins for hair health add to shampoo:

  • A (retinol). The substance is very important for the skin, as it is responsible for cell regeneration, eliminates peeling and inflammation of the skin, nourishes moisture, makes hair stronger. Retinol is especially useful for dry and weak hair.
  • E (tocopherol). Vitamin improves blood supply, promotes saturation of hair cells with nutrients and moisture, returns shine to curls, heals the skin - eliminates itching and dandruff. Being an antioxidant, tocopherol protects hair from harmful environment.
  • C (ascorbic acid). It improves blood flow to the vessels in the scalp and nourishes the follicles, protects the hair bulbs and hair from harmful factors and damage, makes the strands strong.
  • D (calciferol). Provides the scalp, follicles and the hairs themselves with all the necessary substances, stimulates growth, makes the hair surface more even, gives them softness and shine.

What kind of B vitamins can be added to shampoo:

  • B1 (thiamine) is able to penetrate deep into each hair and repair any damage. After using it, hair becomes much stronger. Penetrating into the follicles, thiamine nourishes them, which greatly accelerates hair growth. The substance helps moisturize the scalp and helps in the fight against dandruff.
  • B2 (riboflavin). If the hair has become brittle, weak and lifeless, then you can correct the situation with the help of vitamin B2. It normalizes sebum production, nourishes hair follicles with nourishing elements and stimulates hair growth.
  • B3 (PP, nicotinic acid). It supplies oxygen to the hair cells, restores damage, prevents fragility of the strands.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) is able to quickly restore beauty and health to curls, as it takes an active part in many metabolic processes, is responsible for the synthesis of fatty acids, improves blood circulation, lowers harmful cholesterol, improves immunity and protects against stress. A lack of vitamin B5 leads to the appearance of early gray hair and dandruff.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) in the best way moisturizes the hair from the inside, strengthens and brightens the curls. Pyridoxine is also able to relieve pruritus, reduces inflammation and irritation, and normalizes fat metabolism. Vitamin B6 is added to the composition of many anti-baldness remedies, as the substance slows down the aging process and the dying of the follicles, stimulates the growth of new hairs and promotes the nourishment of hair follicles.
  • B8 (inositol) can be added to the shampoo for any dermatological problems - itching, dandruff, peeling.
  • B9 (folic acid). Effectively fights gray hair and hair loss.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin). Stops the process of hair loss and stimulates the growth of new hairs, prevents the cross section of the tips, regenerates hair, improves blood circulation.

Vitamins useful to hair can be got in a drugstore in capsules or ampoules. When making shampoo or hair conditioner with your own vitamins, you need to know that some active substances work better together, while others cannot be combined at all.

The method of use of vitamins and medicines

Among the inexpensive pharmaceutical preparations, many affordable products are no worse than expensive professional cosmetics for hair. Vitamins, drugs, biological supplements, as well as various oils can be purchased at an affordable price, add to your shampoo and enjoy luxurious curls.

Moreover, a lot of useful tools for hair are in our kitchen at hand and can please us no less than the effect of specialized shampoos.

Regardless of which remedy is chosen, the calculation will be carried out on 50 ml of hair wash.

Wash your hair with the mixture you need no more than once a week for 2 months. Then the additive in shampoo can be replaced and used according to the old scheme.

Most recommendations indicate that ampoule preparations are diluted in 100 ml of shampoo. Do not worry - the ratio of 50 ml components is quite acceptable. Since the calculation is made on the most dense head of hair.

Vitamin C - an active oxidizing agent in combination with hair care products adds shine and well-groomed appearance to curls. Owners of dry, damaged and bleached hair should refrain from the use of this substance.

Pharmaceutical vitamin C

  1. Ampoule pharmacy product is added to the container with shampoo.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Apply to hair evenly from root to tip.
  4. Wash off with warm water after 7-10 minutes after application.

Fact. Vitamin C neutralizes the action of the sebaceous glands on the scalp and is suitable for women with oily hair.

What vitamins can be added to shampoo?

What groups of vitamins or other beneficial ingredients can be added to shampoos? In fact, there are a lot of nutrients that are added to various hair and scalp care products. Reviews of high-quality and effective preparations speak for themselves, because if the vitamins did not act, beautiful ladies would not so uncontrollably search for the same elixir for creating luxurious curls.

Unfortunately, quite often the girls, without waiting for the results, quit trying to restore the rods or hair roots, or switch to another drug or, in general, mix everything up for an "explosive" vitamin cocktail. Accordingly, such actions rarely lead to a positive result, since there are many nuances on the use of even vitamins.

It is necessary to take into account the structure and type of hair, as well as the scalp to achieve maximum results. Moreover, in some cases it will be useful to consult with an experienced trichologist or a dermatologist, who may additionally prescribe the intake of vitamin complexes orally for a more productive process.

  1. Retinol (A). The lack of such a vitamin will tell you dry, itchy and scaly scalp. With the use of this beneficial substance, the integuments are moistened and begin to regenerate more actively, bringing the root zone to a proper state.
  2. Thiamine (B1). This vitamin serves as a conductor of acids, carbohydrates and proteins. With its help full saturation by all useful elements is carried out.
  3. Riboflavin (B2). The substance is simply necessary for owners of fatty roots and dry brittle tips, since this vitamin B provides additional oxygen to the cells of the scalp, improving blood circulation.
  4. Niacin or nicotinic acid (B3, PP). A broad-spectrum drug that promotes hair growth and strengthens the follicles, thereby preventing loss. In addition, the substance is able to slow the appearance of gray hair.
  5. Pantothenic acid (B5). Vitamin has wound-healing properties, as a result, contributes to a longer life cycle of the hair. This component is actively used in almost all means against hair loss.
  6. Pyridoxine (B6). The vitaminized substance is responsible for the proper processes of the glands of external secretion, as well as for the regular synthesis of various substances in the cells of the skin and hair.
  7. Biotin (B7, N). This drug is used most often in beauty salons during mesotherapy. Using your own hands liquid vitamin, you can reduce fat formation in the root zone and increase blood circulation in the cells of the scalp. In connection with this increase the flow of keratin in the hair shafts, giving them elasticity and elasticity.
  8. Folic acid (B9, M). This remedy is often prescribed to women during pregnancy for the full development and growth of the fetus. But, in addition, the substance is also used during intense baldness or hair loss.Also, the vitamin is able to help those who have split ends, eliminating brittleness and dryness.
  9. Cyanocobalamin (B12). Like other vitamins of group B, this tool strengthens and restores the structure of the hair shaft, as well as promotes the access of oxygen to the bulbs and active blood circulation.
  10. Ascorbic acid (C). A potent drug that must be used in extremely small doses, and immediately after opening, because when interacting with oxygen, vitamin C loses its beneficial qualities. In addition to improving blood supply and strengthening the structure of the curls, the liquid preparation is able to lighten the hair by 1-2 tones. Therefore, “ascorbic” is better to use for girls with blond hair in order to avoid an unexpected reaction.
  11. Calciferol (D). A good intake of vitamin into the body by the oral method or by smearing the hair with shampoo will provide the hair with smoothness, moisturizing, shine and elasticity.
  12. Tocopherol (E). Being an antioxidant, vitamin promotes not only active regeneration, but also prevents the aging process in the skin cells. Due to its oily structure, the drug is added to the shampoo in very small portions.
  13. Essential fatty acids (conditional term - vitamin F). Useful fats include Omega-3 and Omega-6, which can be found in almost any vegetable oil, as well as in fish and seafood. These fatty acids nourish and moisturize the hair from root to tip, regardless of the method you choose.

Absolutely all the vitamins can be bought at the pharmacy in ampoules, capsules, tablets or vials at fairly low prices. Liquid preparations can be used for topical use, that is, added to shampoo, and orally.

Like any concentrated drug, vitamins have some contraindications that you should read carefully reading the instructions.

Mixing technique

Apply a certain method of mixing for a reason, because it is still organic and chemical compounds, which together give different indicators. When using vitamin preparations, one should also take into account the fact that the healing process can last at least three months, if the state of the follicles, cuticles, rods or root zone is unsatisfactory. Also, not all vitamins go well with each other, so if you see a complex of absolutely all nutrients on the finished product, then such a cosmetic product will bring little benefit.

Making homemade shampoo with a vitamin composition, should be considered:

  • B12 is not recommended to combine with B2, since riboflavin will collapse under the action of cobalt,
  • B1 also should not be mixed with B2, because thiamine tends to oxidize,
  • B6 cannot be used simultaneously with B12, otherwise pyridoxine will simply collapse,
  • also B12 is completely capable of destroying ascorbic and nicotinic acids,
  • Cyanocobalamin is not used with E and B9, since they all have different pH,
  • Vitamin C cannot be mixed with A, because the metabolic processes of ascorbic acid are disturbed,
  • D and A act on each other as neutralizers,
  • Vitamin D oxidizes tocopherol.

Some of the vitamin formulations are already available in combination with other substances, which not only combine perfectly with each other, but also give a more positive result. An example of such a complex is the drug "Aevit", which contains in its composition, perfectly complementary vitamins E and A.

You should be careful in case of adding vitamins to professional shampoos, since they are already initially saturated with some of the above preparations.

Correct proportions

Having decided on the appointment of vitamins, you should calculate the correct proportions of the medicinal composition to the desired volume of detergent. Most often in combination with shampoo use liquid water-soluble vitamins in ampoules or fat-soluble - in bubbles.

There are also ready-made complexes of drugs, which additionally contain collagen, protein, keratin and other additives.

To prepare the optimal vitamin portion of shampoo you will need to do the following:

  • pour into the small container so much detergent that it was enough for one use for washing the head and hair,
  • shake well, then open the fortified vial and pour into a portion of shampoo,
  • first rinse the hair thoroughly with regular shampoo, and then wash off the foam,
  • after that, spread the vitamin mixture over the head and over the entire length of hair and leave for 15 minutes,
  • at the end of time, wash the foam thoroughly and apply additional funds.

If you use vitamins on an oil basis, then they should be added no more than 3-4 drops and more thoroughly mixed in shampoo. This composition will have to be washed off more intensively, because the fat structure of these vitamins has a dense consistency. Therefore, everyone needs to individually determine how much to add those or other vitamins to the desired composition.

Abuse the wellness procedures should not be, otherwise you risk oversupply the skin of the head and hair shafts and get the opposite result. The frequency of shampoo with the use of vitamins should be carried out no more than 2 times in 7-10 days. And when properly applied, the result will be visible by the end of the month.

For active growth

In order to achieve active hair growth very often you have to completely reconsider your lifestyle and nutrition. It is not always possible to save the situation with some masks or balms, therefore, as in any other case, you should initially seek help from a specialist who will point out the missing vitamins in the body.

If everything is in good order with your health and there are plenty of nutrients inside the body, then quickly effective vitaminized shampoos are what you need. Of the vitamins for such a procedure, you can highlight ascorbic acid, which is involved in the formation of collagen.

Also beneficial to the growth of drugs containing B12, B1 or B6, with indications for the prevention of hair loss. In addition to pharmaceutical vitamins, for enhanced growth, you can use burdock shampoo, which is famous for its life-giving properties. Or a detergent with pepper, its microparticles actively irritate the hair bulbs, as a result of which blood and oxygen flow in, and, over time, abundant growth of the hair shaft.

From falling out

Shampoos or masks with vitamins are also used for hair loss. Such means create a firming layer in the follicles and keratin scales, making the latter more dense and smooth. In addition to vitamin formulations, additional ingredients are used to strengthen the bulbs. Quite often, you can find ready-made shampoos with rosemary or lemon oils, as well as with beneficial fatty acids. Serial brands such as “Liberdurm” and “911” onion shampoo make extensive use of oils, herbal decoctions and fatty acids that prevent baldness.

To strengthen the hair, such series are also suitable, but in this case it is necessary to carefully prepare recipes for vitamins, because ready-made medicated shampoos already contain certain types of nutrients.

One of the best options against loss is vitamin PP from group B, which is synthesized by the body, but in very small quantities, therefore it is often considered a deficiency. When using this drug should be extremely careful, as an overdose of a substance can adversely affect the root zone of the hair.

Before using the revitalizing complex, you should take into account such nuances as contraindications, which include:

  • children up to 12 years old
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • various cardiovascular diseases,
  • damaged skin of the head,
  • menstrual cycle and a few days before it.

It should also be borne in mind that nicotinic acid is a substance that increases the production of sebum, so when using shampoo, owners of oily hair should be prepared for the fact that curls look slightly untidy and oily. Alternatively, it is worthwhile to look for other options for treating loss, and leave the RD for women with a dry type of hair.

As in previous recipes, vitamin is added to shampoo just before direct use. The ampoule can be poured whole into a portion of the detergent. Apply the drug no more than two times a week for a month, after which they take a break for 2-3 months.

Choosing the right detergent

The right choice of a suitable detergent makes it possible to more effectively improve the structure of the hair and scalp. First of all, you should select shampoos in accordance with the type of hair, besides the best effect can be achieved with the use of organic products.

Health shampoos should not contain sulfates, silicones, parabens, phthalates, fragrances and dyes. Organic chemicals without chemicals on the shelves of supermarkets are almost impossible to meet, such mixtures will still contain a minimum amount of chemical components that will not cause special harm to the scalp. The only natural product will be a mixture prepared with her own hands from herbal decoctions and other plant components.

Shampoos on a natural basis, you can choose in accordance with different price categories, and if you could not find a suitable tool, then in extreme cases, you can buy shampoo from high-quality children's series.

In order to get the maximum benefit from the vitamin components, you need to wash your hair especially carefully, massaging the root part for at least 10 minutes. And properly selected or home-made products will bring additional benefits to your curls in the form of excellent condition and appearance of hair.

How to add a mummy

Mountain pitch has no analogues in the pharmaceutical industry on the content of the vitamin-mineral complex and is ideal as an additive in shampoo


How many tablets mumie add to shampoo:

  1. Pound 1-2 tablets mumie into powder and mix with shampoo until smooth.
  2. Apply to hair for 15-20 minutes, and then wash with warm running water.

Fact. Shampoo with the addition of mummy is suitable for all, fill the most damaged hair with vital force, stop loss and wake up “sleeping” hair follicles.

Essential oils

Essential oils suitable for the type of hair have a positive effect on the structure, growth and quality of the curls:

  1. For normal oil suitable chamomile, orange, neroli, lavender.
  2. Citrus, peppermint, eucalyptus and geranium oils have a positive effect on oily hair.
  3. The structure of dry hair will improve ylang - ylang, rose, jasmine, sandalwood.
  4. Mixed hair type suitable oil of pine, fir and tea tree
  5. Chamomile and lemon oils have a brightening and drying effect. Essential oils of tea tree, lemon, mint will relieve dandruff.

Essential oils for hair

  1. 3-6 drops of oil mixed with shampoo.
  2. Along the entire length of the hair evenly distribute the aromatic mixture.
  3. Leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse with running water.

Council The effect will depend on the selected oil and hair type. All essential oils can be used for shine and ease of combing unruly curls.

Is it possible to add glycerin

Glycerin envelops every hair and retains moisture. This pharmacy tool will suit owners of damaged and brittle hair.

Glycerin for hair

  1. We add 1-2 drops of glycerin in 50 ml of shampoo.
  2. We distribute part of the mixture to the tips of curls and leave for 7 minutes.
  3. The remaining mixture with glycerin is applied to the roots.
  4. We are waiting for another 2 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Smooth and docile hair will stop breaking and will be easier to comb.

Hydrogen peroxide 3%

The tool has a lightening, drying, antibacterial effect and will relieve dandruff. But it is necessary to apply peroxide with caution, as it is possible to damage the hair structure.

Hydrogen peroxide

  1. 10-15 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution mix with shampoo.
  2. Apply the mixture first on the hair roots, and then on the ends of the curls.
  3. Wash off after 5 minutes with warm water.
  4. Wash hair with hydrogen peroxide should be no more than 1 time in 10 days.

It should be remembered about the brightening effect of peroxide and with caution to use the drug to owners of dry and damaged hair.

The benefits of aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid, which is also aspirin, in combination with hair products has a stimulating effect on the hair follicles, accelerates growth, and relieves dandruff.

Aspirin for hair

  1. 2 tablets of aspirin, ground into powder and add to shampoo.
  2. Apply the mixture over the entire length and wash off after 10 minutes with warm water.

After the first use you will enjoy a healthy look of hair. After 2 months you will get smooth, long, shiny curls.

Soda and salt

Salt and soda can be used both in combination and separately. Salt improves blood circulation, by mechanical action on the scalp. Soda is best used to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Add 1 teaspoon of soda or salt to shampoo.
  2. Apply to the roots, leave for 5 minutes, then distribute over the entire length of the hair.
  3. Massage the massage into the scalp, rinse with water after 2 minutes.

Fact. Salt and soda have a drying effect, make curls soft and airy. After applying the hair will be airy and voluminous.

Lemon and Vinegar

Lemon juice and vinegar solution have a drying effect on the scalp, prone to seborrhea.

Lemon and Vinegar

  1. 3-5 drops of lemon juice or 9% vinegar mixed with shampoo.
  2. Apply to hair and after 5 minutes can be rinsed with running water.

After applying the mixture of shampoo in combination with lemon juice or vinegar, the hair will become smooth, the secretion of the sebaceous glands will stop.

Vodka for hair growth

40% alcohol product is suitable for improving blood circulation of the scalp, enhancing hair growth and for the volume of hair.

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of vodka with 50 ml of shampoo.
  2. Apply to the hair roots for at least 15-20 minutes, then distribute along the length.
  3. Wash off with cool water.

Council The recipe of shampoo with vodka will help with strong hair loss and help from dandruff. Use the recipe 1 time in 14 days.

We have discussed in detail what to add to the shampoo for hair growth, so that the hair becomes more attractive and has a healthy look. All funds can also be added to the balm. At this I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to update the blog and follow the information on social networks.


Watch the video: Longer Hair By Just Shampooing?! Nourish Beaute Vitamin Shampoo For Hair Growth Review (July 2024).