Tools and facilities

Shampoo Veda from lice and nits


When lice are detected, immediate treatment is necessary. This disease is caused by lice, parasitic on the scalp of the human head. There are quite a few remedies for eliminating this disease, but it is important to choose the safest and most effective of them.

In relation to children infected with lice, the choice of the drug is especially important, since the child is more likely to have adverse reactions in an older child. Shampoo Veda 2 is almost completely safe for humans, but disastrous for all varieties of lice, including ploshchits (pubic parasites). Consider how to properly use the medicine.

Features of funds

If you do not start the removal of lice in time, the risk of infection of all family members and loved ones increases significantly. At the initial stage of the disease, traditional methods of removing parasites can also be effective, but when the pathological process is already widespread, it is rare to get rid of the pediculosis in this way, it is better to use stronger pharmaceutical preparations. Shampoo Veda for lice is a fairly strong insecticidal drug.

This tool is produced in Russia, and the main active ingredient of the shampoo is permethrin, the quantitative part of which in preparations is 0.5%.

There are also additional components in the composition, which are emollients. The action of the tool applies to:

  • head lice,
  • pubic parasites,
  • underwear lice,
  • insects living on the body of animals, namely fleas and ticks.

Despite the relative safety of the remedy, there are still contraindications to the use. So, it is better to limit the use of the drug:

  1. Women in the period of carrying a child and lactation.
  2. People with individual intolerance to the active ingredients of the drug.
  3. Patients who have on the skin, where they are to be treated, have lesions in the form of wounds and deep scratches.
  4. Allergy sufferers that react negatively to any active chemical agents.
  5. Children under the age of 5 years.

When applying the Veda shampoo, you need to carefully watch that the foam of this drug does not get on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes or mouth. If this happens, the affected areas should be washed with plenty of water. Side effects of this medication are extremely rare, usually only when used improperly.

Possible adverse reactions:

  • rashes on the skin of the treated area,
  • burning and itching sensation at the site of contact of the drug with the skin,
  • swelling of tissues.

The drug is available under two names: Veda and Veda 2. The difference is that the first version of this drug has a lower concentration of the active substance, about 0.4%. The second option is a more modern tool and contains 0.5% permethrin, as well as additional excipients that protect the scalp from burns. Thus, the effect of the shampoo has become much better, and the skin is more protected.

Mode of application

Pediculide shampoo Veda is fully ready for use, it is not required to be diluted or prepared. The liquid from the bottle is applied to the hair immediately. Each product package includes instructions for use, following which you can remove lice quickly and safely. How to process:

  1. Hair should be clean and well-combed before applying.
  2. Moisturize the strands before applying the product.
  3. Apply the shampoo on a cotton swab and rub into the skin of the scalp. It is impossible to determine the approximate amount of consumption of the drug, it all depends on the length of the hair and the degree of development of the disease.
  4. Further, the agent is whipped to obtain a foam and applied in this form to the hair along the entire length. It is necessary to hold such a frothy cap for 10-15 minutes, after which a plastic bag or cap should be put on the head.
  5. The approximate time of action of the shampoo is 30-40 minutes. After that, you need to rinse your hair with running water.
  6. Without letting your hair dry, sprinkle it with a solution of vinegar and water. Dilute such a solution with normal cool water (1: 2).
  7. Wait for about 7-9 minutes for the acid to help break down the adhesive substance with which the nits are attached.
  8. Comb your hair thoroughly using a comb with fine teeth, thus combing out the nits.
  9. Again, wash your hair, using conventional shampoo.

Sometimes it is necessary to use pediculicides as a preventive measure. Often, this situation develops in kindergartens and schools. If several children have lice in a child’s class or in a kindergarten group, then prevention measures should be taken urgently. Shampoo Veda is suitable for these purposes.

In order for the child not to become infected with these parasites, it is necessary to put this drug on his hair, but after washing his head. The shampoo is not whipped beforehand, but is used as usual. Dry hair without rinsing. It is necessary to carry out such manipulations 2 weeks, after each washing of the head. Thus, even if the louse gets on the head, it will not be able to attach to the scalp.

When treatment of the genital area is required, when ploshchits appear, the method of using this means is different. Shampoo is rubbed into the skin of the intimate area in a clean, undiluted form. It is necessary to apply means carefully, without passing sites, even small. Leave the shampoo on the body for up to 15-20 minutes, then rinse the area well with water, trying not to get on the mucous membranes.

It should be borne in mind that if a person has a permanent sexual partner, then he must also go through the procedure of treatment of intimate zones.

Using the tool, you should not expect that all parasites and their eggs will die from a single use of this drug. For safety it is necessary to repeat all the manipulations. Mature lice will die the first time, but some nits can stay alive. If the lice are completely removed, then the manufacturers of the Veda shampoo guarantee complete safety of the person from re-infection within 2 months.

The composition of the tool

Shampoo Veda from pediculosis is an insecticidal antiparasitic agent of domestic production. Its basis is permethrin, which is a synthetic analogue of natural pyrethrins. The active component acts on the sodium channels of the membranes of nerve cells of the lice, which inhibits the process of their polarization and leads to paralysis. The consequence of which is the inevitable death of insects.


Anti-parasitic shampoo should not be used in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the composition,
  • inflammatory diseases of the scalp,
  • children's age up to 5 years.

Side effects

When using the drug may cause allergic reactions - edema and skin rashes. These symptoms are due to hypersensitivity to the components.

There is also a chance of developing local reactions:

  • burning sensation
  • increased itching
  • erythematous rash,
  • paresthesia.

The active substance is permethrin: 0.4% in Veda and 0.5% in Veda-2. This is the main difference between drugs. Also included in both shampoos are additional emollients.

Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics

Veda and Veda-2 - antiparasitic agents. They have 2 pronounced effects - insecticidal and anti-pediculosis.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability of the active substance to violate the permeability of Na + channels of the membranes of insect nerve cells and inhibit the process of their polarization (repolarization). This causes a paralyzing effect.

The tool destroys nits, larvae and mature individuals of head and pubic lice, fleas, ticks (including scabies), as well as other ectoparasites from the family of arthropods.

After a single treatment of the skin area affected by head lice, the effect lasts for 2-6 weeks. For the treatment of scabies is usually enough one procedure.

Shampoo low toxicity to humans. When properly used in accordance with the instructions, it does not have a skin-resorptive, sensitizing and local irritant action.

special instructions

It is necessary to ensure that the shampoo does not fall on the mucous eyes, nostrils, mouth and external genitals. They should be protected with a cotton swab, and in case of accidental contact with the product - rinse with water.

Shampoo Veda, as a means of treatment of pediculosis

Today, pharmacies have a wide range of drugs that fight lice and nits. Shampoo Veda is different from other affordable price and ease of use.

Pediculicidal shampoo Veda belongs to the group of insecticidal drugs, although it is considered a cosmetic. It is effective in combating arthropod parasites:

Lice parasitize exclusively on humans. They do not live on animals, as they do not replace their normal habitat. Therefore, lice cannot exist outside the human body.

Instructions for use pediculicidal shampoo Veda 2: price and quality in one bottle

Shampoo against lice Veda is not toxic to humans. It can be used by adults and children, because it does not injure the skin. Available in blue liquid form in a 100 ml container. The average price of shampoo for lice Veda ranges around 100 p.

This remedy is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. Possible allergic reactions to the active ingredient of the drug - permethrin. If there are inflamed or damaged areas on the skin, you should carefully apply the shampoo so that it does not get on them. This also applies to areas covered with a rash or redness.

Among the side effects of the drug are reactions at the site of application. It may be itching, angioedema, blistering rash. Allergic symptoms manifested in the form of a rash, swelling.

Before treatment, sensitive parts of the skin and mucous membranes should be protected. To do this, the patient's eyes are closed with cotton swabs, the airways - with a gauze bandage.

The process of getting rid of lice in 4 stages

Instructions for use shampoo Veda 2, as Veda, includes 4 stages:

According to consumer reviews, one-time consumption of shampoo depends on the thickness of the hair coat at the treatment site and ranges from 20 to 60 ml. They note that when live parasites are found after using the shampoo, the procedure should be repeated a week later.

Doctors recommend using shampoo in the street or in a well-ventilated room. And at the end of treatment, rinse the rod and thoroughly wash open skin, especially in contact with the drug (hands, face, neck, etc.).

If the product has been accidentally swallowed, the stomach is cleaned by washing. It is better to do this in a hospital and under the supervision of doctors.

5 tips for reliably getting rid of parasites

Get rid of parasites on time

From pediculosis today no one is immune. They can be infected in any public place. Therefore, do not be afraid and panic. It is better to immediately purchase an insecticidal drug and carry out the treatment.

Remedy for lice Veda 2 - reviews

  • Recently we were visited by the real misfortune - the child became infected with pediculosis in the kindergarten. I have never encountered this problem myself, my relatives and friends also did not know how it is treated, why we didn’t go to the doctor, I will write below. General information about the tool. Price: about 200 rubles. Volume: 100 ml.
  • I already wrote a review about a tool for getting rid of Pediculen's spray lice. My review on the link Now I came across a shampoo and decided to write a review about it too.
  • All my childhood I had long hair to the waist and I never had a louse, but it all happens once for the first time! So this fate overtook me, in 20 years of becoming infected with lice! One fine summer day the godfather calls me and says that her daughter has lice, and I combed her hair with one comb!
  • Somehow, my children dragged lice from someone unknown after picking it up. At that time, we used this tool for breeding lice, which turned out to be very effective: irecommend.rucontentvse-manipulyatsii-s-e ...
  • Hello! Once a daughter from school brought lice. I ran to the pharmacy for a pediculosis remedy. I was offered pediculicidal shampoo "VEDA-2". The price is acceptable. Easy to use. I was delighted. I decided to take. But it was not there…
  • Why this shampoo did not suit everyone, I think, I understand. People who have never come across such a thing hardly know that any remedy for lice should be kept for at least 40 minutes no matter what is written on the label.
  • Good luck to all readers of my review of the day. I think that everyone faced such a problem as lice. My child brought lice from the kindergarten and on examination we found a bunch of nits.
  • I know this tool, it also didn’t help me much, washed my head with it several times, and all the lice appeared. Then I spat on all this and bought an anti-scallop, not quite cheap, but in terms of quality and results, it exceeds all the tools I have tried, and I also saw Dr. Roshal's reviews from the Research Institute about it ...
  • I recommend from my own experience not to use insecticide-based products. Choose drugs that violate breathing, for example, based on dimethicone. Veda 2 has chosen because of the ease of use, very long hair is difficult to wash from oil solutions.
  • The problem of lice fell like snow on the head, first on a schoolgirl’s daughter, and then went straight to the youngest one. It was a shame to go to the pharmacy, but as it turned out, half the school was already there and the entire kindergarten was there, so the choice of means for pediculosis was not particularly large.
  • I do not know the reason for the origin of these parasites; we are sitting on maternity leave with a young son. The Pope did not find insects! The first time I ran into them myself! We bought it on Wednesday, I washed my head, my parents brought pure kerosene, they processed it additionally!
  • My children brought lice from the kindergarten, the first time I encountered this problem. The first time I saw them live. Such disgusting ... They began to poison, bought a spray, but it did not help, bought our shampoo, Russian, costs about 100 rubles. The composition includes the active agent-permethrin and simple shampoo.

Shampoo Veda for Lice (Pediculosis): reviews, instructions

The problem of lice is familiar to any parent. Every year, practically, in every school and kindergarten an epidemic of pediculosis occurs. Because it is so important to start the fight immediately after the discovery of the first parasites.

They rarely go to the doctor, because both adults and children do not want to announce such a delicate problem. Where to go in such cases? To pharmacy. Consultants institutions will advise several drugs that have their own advantages and disadvantages.

One of them - Veda, head lice shampoo.

What is dangerous disease

You should never ignore the seriousness of the situation when detecting nits in a person. After all, if no action is taken to treat this disease, then the situation can be brought to serious complications in the form of the appearance of the following diseases. For example, typhoid fever, eczema, allergieswill begin to fall out in large quantities hair.

The most effective shampoo for nits

During the selection of a detergent for the body and head, it is necessary to specify not only its price and comfort in use, but also its composition, effect, and also, whether toxicity of the components entering into shampoo is high. So, for example, if you apply kerosene, then, indeed, lice and their eggs are destroyed, however, and human health will be damaged by toxins. In addition to detergents, there are also all sorts of sprays, powders, pencils and other products that may not always work. Therefore, we give 5 most effective shampoosdesigned specifically for safe human use to get rid of nits.

  1. Shampoo Manufacturer - Russia.
  2. Form of manufacture of the substance - soap liquid.
  3. The active active ingredient is permethrin (0.5%).
  4. The volume of the bottle is 100 ml.
  5. The effect of exposure occurs within half an hour, and after 40 minutes, the parasites are completely destroyed. To destroy the nits have to use shampoo again or hold on the hair for about 50 minutes.
  6. For the complete death of all insects and their eggs, the procedure should be repeated. in 12 days or in 2 weeks. Only in this case, the shampoo is kept on the hair for a maximum of half an hour.
  7. Apply shampoo to the hair roots, scalp and everything, foaming to spread over the entire length of the hair.
  8. Approximate cost - 250 rub.


Good day! My name is Elena. I have a child who goes to school. He is already 10 years old. A month ago, brought lice from school! I already thought that this problem was left in the past and would not affect us anymore. No, after kindergarten - again twenty-five, again nits! She sent her husband to the pharmacy, with the money that he had only enough to buy Veda 2. We decided to try. And where to go? We decided to use the entire bottle not only for the child, but also for ourselves. I want to note the main drawback - hair dries terribly from this tool! It is necessary to feed and restore hair after it. By efficiency, I would put 3-ku! Some nits remained alive. That's why I would not recommend this drug to anyone.

  1. Manufacturer country - Belgium (OmegaPharma company).
  2. Available in sprayed liquid.
  3. The volume of spray - 100 ml.
  4. The active substance in the composition of the drug - clearol (mineral oil).
  5. The liquid is supplied by pressure in the form of a spray. This is very convenient, because as you can quickly distribute the substance as the entire scalp, and the entire length of the hair.
  6. The time of action on the destruction of eggs (nits) about 15 minutes after application. If you hold up to 30-40 minutes, then 100% result is achieved.
  7. The principle of work means - do not destroy the lice and nits as insecticide does, getting into the intestine of the insect, and envelops the individual, suffocating him.
  8. Great for children because it is completely safe due to the complete absence of chemicals.
  9. Approximate cost - 650 rub.,


Paranit personally helped me the first time! They came up with a scallop and put it in a box, otherwise I wanted to look for it somewhere else. Whiskey and the back of the head were constantly scratching. I asked my mother to check and found, so to speak, unexpected “guests” - lice and nits. The peculiarity of this tool is that it foams very strongly when you begin to wash it off. And when soaping there is no such foam. The instructions say that you need to carry out the treatment of the head 2 times, but I decided to use 1 time for my hair, and everything turned out!

Using Paranit:

  1. Producing country - Bulgaria.
  2. It is produced in the form of a soap liquid.
  3. Capacity - 120 ml.
  4. Active ingredients - permethrin, acetic acid for softening nits and peeling them off from hair.
  5. Due to the content of acetic acid, a tingling or itching sensation can be seen on the skin. Skin substance can irritate only if it is hypersensitive.
  6. Matured soapy shampoo about 30 minutes.
  7. After processing, be sure to comb out the dead insects and their eggs with a frequent comb.
  8. Children are encouraged to use exclusively from 5-6 years.
  9. Average price - 200 rub.


  1. Production - Russia.
  2. Make in the form of soap liquid.
  3. The volume of the bottle - 250 ml.
  4. Active natural component - permethrin - 10.0 mg.
  5. Its most striking effect is the treatment of the scalp, the integrity and healthy appearance of which was impaired. Therefore, such a shampoo, in addition to destroying parasites, also relieves the symptoms of pediculosis and treats the scalp.
  6. Approximate price - 200 rub.


Good morning to all! The NIX tool helped my family once very well! And the price is acceptable for such a product. Maybe because we all rushed in time and the insects didn’t have time to breed quickly on the heads. Because for some reason, my girlfriend NIX did not work at all, but ordinary hair dye with vigorous dye worked. I learned this later and was surprised a lot. We soaped our heads, held it for as long as necessary according to the instructions, and then we combed it out long and tediously, but we got rid of lice and nits!

  • Production - Hungary, pharmaceutical plant "Teva Private Co Ltd".
  • Form - release in the form of a plastic bottle with creamy orange contentwhich has a rather peculiar smell.
  • The volume of the bottle - 115 ml.
  • A complete set - a box, a bottle and the instruction.
  • Active substances - permethrin 1%.
  • Shelf life - 2 years.
  • Hazard and Toxicity Class - IV, that applies to low hazard substances.
  • How to apply - first, the hair is washed out with regular shampoo, then apply Nittifor cream and leave for 10 minutes.
  • What to do next - you need to wash off with warm water with shampoo or soap, and then, once again rinse your hair with 5% vinegar solution. The hair dries and comb the dead nits and adult insects with a special comb.
  • Contraindications - pregnant women, nursing mother and children under 5 can not be used.

Issue price - 350-380 rub.


Hello! My name is Pavel. He found nits in himself, and then lice on his head. It's good that my mother is a doctor, called her, and she immediately advised a new drug, Nittifor. It was not very convenient to use it due to the fact that the cream does not flow out well from the bottle. The cost is inexpensive, the smell is nasty, but does not linger on the hair for a long time. After 2 times washing with shampoo and a weak solution of vinegar, the smell was almost not felt. The tool really helped a lot at once. I combed all the nits with a special comb - it's good that the hair is short.

  • Production - USAIt is sold in pharmacies.
  • The kit consists of three components - repellent spray shampoo that facilitates combing of hair and special comb for combing nits and lice.
  • Spray volume - 30 ml, shampoo - 120 ml.
  • The composition of the shampoo or repellent is not aggressive chemicals, everything is created on a natural basis.
  • Shelf life - 3 years.
  • How to apply spray - spray on the hair with partings at a distance of 30 cm from the head. Shampoo just wash your hair after the spray.
  • What to do next - repellent is kept on the head for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with a shampoo from the kit, after drying, the hair is combed out with a comb.
  • Non-toxic, does not irritate the gastric mucosa, eyes, if inadvertently gets.
  • Contraindications are non-toxic, therefore can be used on small children, but for pregnant women, use is recommended only after consulting a doctor.

Issue price for repellent - 1100-1200 rubles., Shampoo - 1200-1300 rubles., Comb - 800 rubles., a set of shampoo, separator strands and comb - 1600-1700 rubles. The cost varies depending on the point of sale.


I didn’t even know that among American drugs there is a separate line that specializes precisely in the effective removal of lice and nits. I used a set of drugs for myself. Loved to use. Everything is convenient, packaging, bottles, scallops. In one session, all lice won! It was difficult to comb out long hair, but still, with diligence, you can achieve excellent results.

  1. Manufacturer country - Slovenia.
  2. Available in the form of a soap emulsion liquid.
  3. Capacity - 100 ml.
  4. The active ingredient is malathion (5 mg).
  5. The principle of the substance - penetration through the shell of insects and their eggs.
  6. Suitable for children.
  7. Non-toxic for pregnant womenif they do not have an allergy to the active substance in the composition - malathion.
  8. Average price - 250-300 rubles.

Review of the most popular shampoos from pediculosis:

Shampoo Veda: what is it?

The drug is presented exclusively in the form of shampoo. The main active ingredient: permethrin (0.4%) with a wide spectrum of action.

The product is suitable for the treatment of pediculosis, but is effective against other parasites:

  • bed bugs
  • fleas,
  • ticks, including scabies.

In other words, it affects arthropods. The active ingredient paralyzes and kills insects. Effective against lice and nits, however, the effectiveness against the larvae is much lower. Insecticide weakens the grip of young individuals.

I drive the child to the kindergarten. After bathing, I found two lice in my head and combed them out. And then pieces 7. I realized that I need to solve the issue radically. Kerosene applied afraid not to burn his head. The pharmacy advised Veda. Washed, combed and all! I learned from other moms that lice were found in the group for another 2 weeks, but my son is clear!

In what cases is used

The tool is used to combat parasites that live in the scalp and pubic zone. Destroys the scabies of mites, paralyzes the fleas. In the process of application, the harmful insects fall off themselves, and for individuals lingering in the hair, they use a small comb. The effect is achieved after the first use, but if after a week there are new parasites, the procedure is repeated.


Head lice spread by direct contact. Even very clean people can become infected, therefore, when detecting head lice one should not be embarrassed or scold children for carelessness. The first measure of prevention lice - avoid contact with infected by people.
The secondwash and wash in hot water (55º С and above) any person wearing things and accessoriesthen using most hot drying cycle for at least 20 minutes. Shampoo treatment Veda as much as possible efficiently and safely eliminate parasites and prevent re-infection. Apply shampoo need to strictly according to directions on the label.

Our son brought lice from school, I was terrified! God forbid, this infection would have spread to my whole family. I immediately sent the child to the bathroom, and my husband to the pharmacy for the remedy. My husband brought Veda shampoo. We tried this tool for the first time, kept it on the hair for 40 minutes, then combed his hair with a comb. The second time was applied in a week to fix the result. The tool really helped, the problem was solved. Shampoo has become our salvation from stress and many troubles.

I had to deal with lice at the age of 10 in the 80s. I then experienced a vile, self-serving attitude to myself. Adults even wanted to cut my hair, but managed to get the lice out with a soap soap. Apparently, then no one thought whether the tool was safe or not, but now it is prohibited. When the situation recurred with my daughter before going to summer camp, I was greatly relieved when I saw what a large selection of drugs was being offered by the pharmaceutical industry. Thank you for having such a shampoo Veda - it helped to easily cope with the tedious and extremely unpleasant task in the safest and most reliable way. Excellent remedy for lice. Very pleased

I worked in a school commission that checked children for pediculosis. We had cases when we sent children home from school every week. Parents said that drugs are ineffective. Yes, maybe head lice become resistant to modern methods of treatment, but the bottom line is that if one product does not work, try the second. Another reason for treatment failure is using less time. Or the treatment does not repeat after 7-10 days to kill the nits that survive the first treatment. What I know, if not lucky with insecticide treatment, is to try Veda shampoo - the drug is justified if you apply it according to the instructions.


To date, the Veda tool is somewhat outdated, it was replaced by a new version - Veda 2 shampoo from lice. It is distinguished from the previous variation by the substances additionally introduced into the preparation, which have a softening effect on the skin. Both pediculicides are popular with the consumer, since their advantages are:

  • Efficiency - the death of head lice occurs after half an hour after treatment. Shampoo Veda 2 is effective against many arthropod ectoparasites, including linen lice and pubic lice. It affects both mature individuals and their eggs (nits).
  • Security - both shampoo low toxic to humans. If the manufacturer's recommendations are followed, they do not irritate or cause skin resorptive action, as a result of which they can be used both for adults and for removing lice in children.
  • Long period of validity - even with a single application, the residual effect is maintained for 2-6 weeks.
  • Low cost - the price of Veda shampoo is within 150-200 rubles.

Security measures

In order to avoid negative consequences when processing shampoo Veda 2, you must follow some rules:

  • Treatment with insecticidal shampoo should be carried out in a well-ventilated area.
  • It is necessary to prevent the ingress of the solution on the mucous membranes. For protection, you can use a gauze bandage or cotton swab. If this is still not avoided, the place on which the insecticide has got is washed off with plenty of water.

You can buy Veda shampoo against lice at the pharmacy chain or order it online.

My long and thick hair at all times was my pride, I always tried to keep them in perfect condition. But once it happened that a nephew from the kindergarten brought lice, after which the parasites also appeared in me. It is impossible to describe in words the state of shock in which I was then. How many lice products I tried, but every time I found all the new nits. Until once again, I did not wander to the pharmacy, where Veda 2 shampoo caught my attention. When applied, the soap did not cause burning sensations or allergic reactions on the skin. After the first treatment, it was possible to get rid of a large number of lice and nits. But for the purpose of prophylaxis, I nevertheless did a repeated treatment, after which my hair acquired its former appearance. I recommend Veda 2 as an effective pediculicidal shampoo. And besides, it is quite inexpensive.

I used to think that lice are a problem of the last century. I had to make sure of the opposite, when the son from the camp brought a “surprise” in the form of lice. I was so upset that I didn’t know where to start. Sister advised pediculicidal shampoo Veda 2, which I purchased. I treated their son's head to them, and for the purpose of prophylaxis, also to myself and my husband. My son managed to get rid of lice after the first treatment. My hair is a little dry after this product. In this connection, they had some time to recover. Well, if specifically from lice, the shampoo coped with its task quickly and efficiently.

Treatment of pediculosis and 5 tips to improve the effectiveness of Veda shampoo

Author Oksana Knopa date May 23, 2016

Modern man meets with lice very rarely. However, there are plenty of places for infection with head lice today.

At risk are public places and transport, as they are used by all citizens, including the homeless and unclean. In the risk group there are also children's groups and sports that provide for constant contact of participants.

The reason for the spread of lice - first of all, non-compliance with preventive and San. normal

Lice are parasites and take off should be fought with special shampoos.

Shampoos Veda and Veda-2

There are no analogues on the basis of the same substance, but there are other means for pediculosis:

  • Medfoks,
  • Here
  • Pair Plus
  • Parasidosis
  • Paranit
  • Full Marks,
  • Chemerichnaya water.

Average price online *, 158 p. (100 ml)

Where can one buy:

Pharmacy sales terms

(Leave your feedback in the comments)

su_quote cite = "Yasya, Kurgan" Since my childhood I have been proud of my long and thick hair. They were always in perfect condition, but suddenly at 20 I had lice. It turned out that my little niece caught them first, and I already got infected from her through a common comb.

I asked my mother to examine my head. There was no lice, but there were nits. I panicked and ran to the pharmacy, and there they began to advise me expensive shampoos. I refused and in the end I was offered Veda. This drug had a reasonable price, so I chose it.

After the first time I combed out a lot of nits, but the live ones still remained in my hair, as it turned out. Therefore, a week later, I once again washed my head with Veda and held it longer on my head. A few days later my mother examined me and said that everything was in order.

In short, the shampoo is inexpensive and effective. / su_quote

su_quote cite = "Dina, Kemerovo" I have twins. Once they brought home lice - I don’t know where they could pick them up. I had to buy something that would help us get them out. I read reviews on the Internet and decided to try Vedu-2.

I soaked the heads of the children, thoroughly smeared them with shampoo and tried in every way to make the children stay 20 minutes in the bathroom. I didn’t notice the time, but I think it took about 15 minutes; I no longer had the patience for more. That was enough for us to recover. Shampoo foams well, cleans hair.

Then I also brought out fleas in cats, also with the help of Veda-2. Now there are no parasites in our family. / su_quote

* - The average value among several sellers at the time of monitoring is not a public offer.

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Operating principle

The active ingredient permethrin effectively destroys any arthropod parasites. It effectively kills lice and nits, disrupts sodium permeability in the membranes of their nerve cells. As a result, the parasites are paralyzed, and then die. Cosmetic and hygienic basis of the shampoo does not wash away the nits, only slightly weakens the strength of adhesion to the hair.


Hair comb. Liberally moisten. Apply x shampoo and lather. When using shampoo Veda soaped head is tied with a kerchief. Shampoo wash off 40 minutes later. For shampoo Veda 2 is not enough to tie a kerchief. Wash off shampoo in 10 minutes. Practice has shown that shampoo Veda 2 is preferable to wash off after 20 minutes.

The amount of shampoo used individually. Usually the bottle is enough for two or three procedures. Acids soften the glue, which nits are attached to the hair, so it is recommended to additionally rinse the hair with diluted (50/50) 4.5% vinegar. Vinegar does not wash the nits, but simply contributes to their easier combing.

Proper use of shampoo gives complete death of the parasites. It is recommended a week later to inspect. If lice are needed, re-treatment is required. If the probability of re-infection with head lice remains, the product is applied to the hair. Do not rinse shampoo, let hair dry. Newly caught lice for 336 hours will not be able to multiply, eat.

Shampoo Veda more often than 2 times a month can not be used.

Precautionary measures

For humans, permethrin is a little toxic. The recommended concentration does not cause skin reactions. It is recommended not to let the shampoo in the eyes, nasopharynx, in the oral cavity. If you accidentally hit, immediately rinse your eyes and rinse your mouth. Use shampoo indoors well ventilated.

Shampoo Veda from pediculosis: how to apply and whether it helps?

When lice are detected, immediate treatment is necessary. This disease is caused by lice, parasitic on the scalp of the human head. There are quite a few remedies for eliminating this disease, but it is important to choose the safest and most effective of them.

In relation to children infected with lice, the choice of the drug is especially important, since the child is more likely to have adverse reactions in an older child. Shampoo Veda 2 is almost completely safe for humans, but disastrous for all varieties of lice, including ploshchits (pubic parasites). Consider how to properly use the medicine.

Come to the aid shampoo from nits and lice - instructions!

Choose an effective shampoo from nits and lice - the main task in the fight against parasites. If you notice an unpleasant itching of the head, a feeling of stirring in your hair, a rash and a desire to itch regularly, most likely you have pediculosis. When lice appear in children, they begin to act up, scratch their heads, become more restless and do not sleep well, because at night lice are especially active.

Briefly about pediculosis

It is worth knowing that pediculosis can only be infected by contact with a carrier of lice, nits cannot pass from person to person, as they sit too firmly near the hair roots. Contrary to all myths, lice can neither fly nor swim. They can only crawl from the hair of one person onto the hair of another.

The risk of such contact is very small in public places, usually it happens at home or in kindergarten or school. Naturally, sleeping together with a carrier of lice exposes a person to a great risk of becoming infected.

But the use of one cap, hairbrush or headphones, despite all the prejudices, rarely leads to infection with lice (but you still should not risk it).

Facts about nits and parasites

  • Adults live outside the scalp for a maximum of 24 hours.
  • Lice do not live more than three weeks.
  • Lice appear from nits in about a week.
  • Cats, dogs and other pets can not be carriers of human parasites.
  • Lice can not be located and keep on slippery, polished or just smooth surface, their legs are adapted exclusively to human hair.
  • Although lice and do not tolerate any diseases, including infectious, but their long stay on the head of a person is not good.

How to get rid of lice

There are several ways to deal with parasites:

  • shampoo,
  • spray,
  • special comb,
  • lotion,
  • other liquids.

Which of the above methods is the most effective and safe? Perhaps the most logical answer would be shampoo.

Properly selected shampoo against parasites will kill both lice and nits in just one - two treatments. In addition, it is quite gentle way to get rid of children from parasites.

Many manufacturers have a special baby shampoo that helps get rid of lice and destroy nits.

There are folk remedies for getting rid of lice, but it is not recommended to use them, because they can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children. However, any new tool before use, whether it is home or purchased, it is better to first test for allergies so that there are no unpleasant consequences.

The procedure for getting rid of lice with shampoo

  1. How should comb the dry hair carrier lice comb.
  2. Carefully read the instructions for shampoo.
  3. Apply shampoo to dry hair for the time specified in the shampoo instructions.

After the appropriate time has elapsed, brush your hair with a frequent comb to remove dead lice and nits from the hair. Wash your head with ordinary shampoo, and then rinse it with a two-percent solution of ordinary table vinegar to destroy the adhesive substance, due to which the nits are held in the hair.

  • Comb your hair with the comb again.
  • After the procedure, ventilate the room and thoroughly wash your hands and surfaces that could be covered with shampoo.
  • Brush your head every day for a week to remove any nits from your hair.

    If lice is found during this procedure, it means that the remedy did not suit you or the instruction was not followed.

    When working with shampoo there are a number of limitations and precautions:

    • Virtually any shampoo can not be used by lactating and pregnant mothers, children under three years old, people with bronchial asthma, diseases of the scalp. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, it is recommended to consult a doctor for the selection of an individual problem solution.
    • Do not use the drug three times in a row for the same person. If the tool did not help twice - do not use it more.
    • Never mix different shampoos or other products. The consequences of such experiments are unpredictable.
    • The person applying the agent must work with gloves.
    • When wearing contact lenses, before carrying out the procedure it is better to remove them. Make sure that the tool does not fall on the mucous membranes of the skin, it is recommended to tie your head with a bandage so that the shampoo does not run down on your face.
    • Do not eat or drink during the procedure.
    • Any means of pediculosis in the house should be kept away from children and not stored with food.

    What to choose shampoo from nits?

    There are many shampoos on the modern medicine market. The information below will help you understand the variety and choose the best shampoo from parasites for yourself or your loved ones.

    • "Parazidoz" - shampoo French manufacturer. Its main active ingredient is phenotrin. It should be within 300 rubles. Includes a comb. It is contraindicated for children under 2.5 years old. The market is full of fakes, so when choosing a shampoo, be careful. Reviews of shampoo "Parazidoz" very controversial. Some he helps from the first time, others, in general, do not see any result.
    • Shampoo "Hygia". A Bulgarian remedy for parasites costs a little more than 300 rubles. Azithromycin is its active ingredient. Contraindicated in children under 5 years. Many people note the burning of the skin during the application and a very specific unpleasant smell. Feedback about this shampoo is dominated by negative.
    • Shampoo "Veda" and "Veda-2". The active substance is permethrin. These two types differ in the concentration of the active substance: in Veda - 0.4%, and in Veda-2 - 0.5%. Available in Russia. Standard contraindications: it is undesirable to apply on children under 5 years old, to use for people with allergic reactions, as well as with diseases of the scalp. The price of this tool is kept around 150 rubles, which makes this product quite competitive. Reviews of "Veda-2" are varied, but the mild effect of the shampoo on the scalp is felt by almost everyone. Negative reviews may be due to insufficient time holding the shampoo on the head, as it should be kept for at least 40 minutes.
    • Paranit is a Belgian remedy. The motto of this drug: "Safety - above all." It is considered harmless for both children and adults. The active substance is mineral oil Clearol. Allowed for use by children from three years. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It has a very high quality comb included. It costs about 850 rubles. Most often the price is its only drawback.
    • Tar shampoo. It is produced in many countries, including Russia, however, Finnish tar shampoo is most famous. It has a peculiar smell that remains for some time on the hair, but it still becomes the choice of many people. Its cost depends on the manufacturer. Despite the presence in it of substances that are unbearable for lice, tar shampoo cannot be called an effective way of getting rid of lice, rather only an adjunct.

    Thus, we can say that the best shampoo is for everyone. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions and follow it from beginning to end. Many do not wait for the allotted time, and then they sin on the inefficiency of the shampoo. Of course, it is also not worthwhile to strongly overexpose a remedy on the hair, so as not to provoke side effects.

    And remember that lice - it's not scary, do not panic. They can start in any person, regardless of age and gender (although in men they still occur less frequently due to short hair).

    Finally, you can watch a video explaining in detail the causes of lice, common myths and how to get rid of lice with a hair conditioner and a toothbrush.

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    Shampoo Veda 2 against lice: instructions, contraindications, effectiveness

    It is believed that compared with other methods and means against lice, shampoos - the most gentle option.

    They contain oils, softeners and moisturizers for hair, plus substances that kill parasites.

    Some of the shampoos do not even contain insecticides, but lead to the death of lice due to Dimethicone, which has a beneficial effect on the hair and destroys the bloodsucker mechanically.

    But among the shampoos, not all have solid pluses. Many of them have to be used repeatedly, and the use of some leads to scalp irritation and allergic reactions. However, this does not detract from the degree of effectiveness of such tools, so that they are popular with those who have ever had to use them.

    Domestic pediculicidal shampoo Veda contains the insecticidal substance permethrin (a group of pyrethrins). Now it can still be found in the pharmacy, but less and less, since it is somewhat outdated. It was replaced by a new version of the drug - Veda-2.

    This preparation differs from the previous Veda in the amount of permethrin in the composition: if the outdated version of this substance contains 0.4%, then in Veda-2 it is 0.5%. And although the basic composition of the new shampoo is preserved, the permethrin dose is increased, the additional substances added to the product significantly soften the effect of the chemical on the scalp.

    Veda-2 is able to get rid of head and pubic lice (ploschits), has not only an anti-pediculosis, but also acaricidal and anti-parasitic action. Thus, this shampoo will help get rid of scabies and mites and fleas.

    The product can be purchased at a pharmacy, it is sold in bottles of 100 ml and costs about 250 rubles, which is not the most expensive option among pediculicides. The shelf life of the shampoo is 1.5 years.

    Drug efficacy

    The principle of action of Veda and Veda-2 shampoos is paralytic: when permethrin enters the body of an adult louse or larva, it disrupts the nervous system and leads to paralysis, after which the parasite dies.

    Those who have used this shampoo note the pros and cons of the drug, which is useful to know before deciding to buy any of the versions of this tool. So, the pros:

    • relatively inexpensive price
    • convenient to use
    • shampoo foams well
    • it is easily washed away
    • can be bought without a prescription,
    • long shelf life
    • the shampoo does not have a strong odor
    • quickly relieves adult lice and larvae,
    • dilutes the sticky composition, which the nits are attached to the hair,
    • easy to use.

    But there are some disadvantages:

    • does not kill nits (not able to penetrate their shell),
    • most often requires reapplication,
    • can cause allergies (rarely),
    • the time specified in the instructions for keeping the shampoo on the head is not enough to achieve the desired effect (often requires 3-5 times more).

    As for the first minus - the ineffectiveness of anti-nits, this is also characterized by almost any other pediculicide shampoo (and many other means too), which no longer allows me to consider I am leading the worst. But re-use in this case also requires not only Veda.

    Many dissatisfied failed to achieve the desired result due to violations of the instructions, despite the fact that it is simply elementary. Another option - insufficient quality combing after using the drug.

    About allergic reactions have nothing to say, it's all very individual. It is never known in advance what new substance and how the organism will react, therefore, this shampoo can hardly be reproached for this.

    As for the exposure time of shampoo on the hair, then the question is controversial.

    Most still have enough time specified in the instructions, and who does not - no one can forbid to keep the tool on the head, as long as it takes, if there are no negative feelings because of overexposure.

    The only thing here is important: in no case should you exaggerate time if you are processing the head of a child. Tender baby skin should not be too long in contact with the chemical, if such a possibility is not specified in the instructions.

    Instructions for use and precautions

    As already mentioned, the use of Veda is very easy, and many users note this:

    1. wet hair and comb well,
    2. apply shampoo to hair, beat into foam,
    3. keep 10 minutes (on the advice - 30-50 minutes, but then with caution, listening to the sensations),
    4. after time, rinse with running warm water.

    Then everything is done as usual: rinse the head with a weak solution of vinegar and carefully comb the hair, strand by strand, washing the comb from the parasites remaining on it. By the way, it is the acetic solution that will additionally weaken the “grip” of nits, thereby enhancing the effect of shampoo on them.

    Re-processing to hold as needed after 8-10 days, when the remaining and the surviving nits mature.

    The use of Veda and Veda-2 is unacceptable more often 2 times a month!

    Both versions of this shampoo are not too toxic for the human body, but it is still necessary to take certain measures. They are pretty standard:

    • use a tissue bandage along the contour of the hair to prevent the product from getting into the eyes and mucous membranes,
    • those who wear lenses must first remove them before starting treatment,
    • if shampoo gets on the mucous membranes or in the eyes, rinse it off with plenty of running water, rinse the mouth additionally,
    • carefully examine the contraindications, preferably before the time of purchase.

    Although Veda is sold without a prescription, it is not at all superfluous to first consult with your doctor, taking into account the small, but still present in the preparation amount of insecticide.


    Watch the video: What are Head Lice? Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention (July 2024).