Work with hair

How to boost hair


Oh god Girls! Don't make this boost up! I went from June to Moscow to go to the master! The result is one-hair and where this corrugation is left just break and fall out, just half of the hair is gone, it’s not worth 2-3 months I, too, the master was tempered that there would be no bad thing and the paul mitchel brand of the tube, I also twisted the skewer in my hands! The result is one-hair clumps climb, and they are long to me too. not worth it that!

Hello. I want to share my impressions of the boost-up procedure. It's horrible! Hair became not alive, without shine, stand on end, I don’t know what to do with them now. piss them constantly and smooth

They did it for a long time, they turned it for an hour, they kept it for about 15 minutes, then they took all those "twists" for another hour, then only the master said that I had thick hair, so at first it might not be very good.

In general, for myself, I concluded that if my hair is sooo liquid, then you can try to make a boost-up, and if your normal hair is not worth it. I hope someone will come in handy my review.

I really wanted to do this procedure, I read reviews here and I began to understand a little bit about what might or might not be worth it, but decided to ask the master I found about everything. She answered my experiences that I should not read these reviews. Around the master of soyouchki, here they do a chop-up, this volume does not spoil the hair, with time the hair grows, the volume slips and straightens. She conducts training and issues certificates. Well, I calmed down and went. I have my own hair, pretty strong and thick. Posta procedure of course the effect was struck, but. after the first wash, I realized that I did not need such happiness. Rinse at the roots is impossible, they are dry there, tangled. When combing it began to break off so much hair in the area of ​​these curls just. I have never seen such amount of hair on a comb, they just probably will break off in these places. Horror, almost crying. Although I use professional hair cosmetics, a complete set, nothing helps. No spray can be combed at all. The most interesting thing is that in the area of ​​this corrugation the color has become lighter than the length, they are thin and dry there. Now it has been 3 months after the procedure, I do not straighten anything, it all just slips to the bottom and is sooo noticeable, it looks scary. By the way, this master had an anti-bus-up procedure. Although she assured me that will develop itself. Yeah, a solid pull of money. And what is interesting is this procedure, again chemistry will poison the hair. And after it will probably offer keratin. Of course, first she finished my hair, and now it was as if to treat me. Write in the comments who did the anti-boost-up what is the procedure and whether to do it, I'm afraid that the remnants will break off. Or maybe someone else coped with this problem. I would be grateful. I hope my review will save you from such an error.

Hello! Probably many have already heard about such a procedure as "basal volume for a long time." Now the list of these services has grown. At first there was boost-up, fleece, now there was a buffer, long style. All the masters promise that the hair will not deteriorate in any way, the volume decreases with growth and blah blah blah. Before doing this procedure, think 100 times if you need this volume for 2 months !?

How I decided on the procedure Boost up.

Have I have a greasy scalp, so my hair quickly became dirty and “piloted”, to put it mildly, it is not aesthetically pleasing and I am tired of bathing my hair and styling every morning. Then I stumbled upon an announcement about the new service “basal volume for a long time,” which promised to save fat from the roots. Perhaps this is the main reason why I decided to make myself a boost up.

How was the procedure.

HI signed up with a master who works at home, because she took for the service less than in the salon. Then I paid 3500 rubles. Everything was a little painful, t, c. the roots of the hair pulled to wind the hairpins on them. The composition, which was applied not groin, there was no discomfort. I regretted all the same that I came to the master myself to the house, I had to call her to me. She, firstly, had a small child who interfered, secondly, a terrible bathroom, and we washed our head twice, thirdly, the master HAS NO DISPLEASE TOWELS! She wiped my hair with her own. it's just awful! But I said nothing. The procedure lasted 3.5 hours. The volume was immediately visible and the corrugation at the roots was also noticeable (

Effect of the procedure and why I do not advise it to anyone?

UhThe effect of basal volume was noticeable for 2 months, in these two months it was less likely to wash the head, because fat content really became less. But 2 months flew by quickly, the roots grew back and the corrugation began to creep up to the ears. Then I realized that it was a mistake! They promised that the corrugation would straighten smoothly, but nothing had passed even a year later. I did keratinizing after boosting up 2 times and nothing straightened out. Zalomy was very strong, the hair in these places broke off, became like a spring (It took a little more than a year after the procedure, the hair grew back and I decided to cut it to a square so that all the corrugation and damaged hair would not upset. Sorry for the length of the hair, of course, but it’s for me the lesson is not to go to dubious masters at home and not to do procedures not tested on friends, at least to listen to advice from them.

My rating is 2! I do not recommend this procedure! Especially if you have long and healthy hair)

my hairdresser forbade me to fear "uvivuprebryunalyso if it does not fall off itself," he said that he himself would not do such a procedure for any price



I am the owner of thin unruly hair. In my experience, a lot of disappointment after perm dyeing, now added and boost up.
My hairdresser recommended this procedure. and here is happiness! long-awaited luxury volume. then I boasted and recommended to my friends. When I read negative reviews, I thought that the master of those girls simply could not do it.
I made 5 bustaps and after the last hair just fell off YES! they really fell off! not for one moment, they broke down intensively within a month. until the hedgehog stayed in some places 5-10 cm.
girls, it's a stress, a nightmare. Now I use the tongs for gafre, and thanks to this experience, I take my hair very carefully.



Do not do it. Do not do it.
Just as many dreamed of a steep volume! Well, I went, the master assured that there is nothing bad, but after 2-3 months you will need to repeat the procedure, as the hair will not straighten and the volume will not.
And now what? Scribe. Did 5/07/17 right now 5/02/18 7 months have passed! He is not straightened, already descended on his ears and I walk with a square head! Pleases at least one. What is 5-7 centimeters only in this waffle. Right now I grow hair, I make masks, I hope that I will get out.
Lovely girls, as if you would not want a voluminous hair, do not do it. It is not worth it. Better time to spend on that. In order to make an iron waffle for two days, while without much serious harm to the hair, do not relieve yourself to ease the time for three months, and then it is not known how much to suffer from the various consequences of this procedure.
All the best)))
And beautiful, healthy hairs. )))

Neutral reviews

Clients after boost up, made by grief masters come to me almost crying. In places where there were curls, hair breaks. It forms a kind of radical cap, and then there is no hair. I do not know how to do the procedure. Girls, choose real professionals. Or, better do the volume with forceps or curling iron. Do not take risks. The more domestic manipulation. It is very difficult to restore hair after unsuccessful procedures.

It is interesting of course, but some doubts arise: they made the procedure, and after a month their hair grew and the roots of 1-2 cm turned out to be new, fresh and unaffected - how, due to what will they keep the volume?

I somehow aimed at basal chemistry, but the master for the same reasons (fragility and regrowth of the treated area) dissuaded ...

I really wanted to do this myself. but the master dissuaded. hair below priests, she said that there would be no effect. and my sister did it for her short, the volume turned out, she looked good, her hair did not deteriorate. then his post was gone, there were no special wards ... it was necessary to talk with the master in order to be advised.

I spent two years flashing until the master left. Now I can not decide to do someone is not verified. Regarding the hair, my three perdinks well perceived this procedure, hair neat, did not break and did not stink. Regarding the boost-up, there is another preparation, and as it grows, the hair begins to hold a square shape. I really want to repeat the flashing, but I need to find a good master with recommendations.

Two and a half months ago, I decided to boost up. There have been a lot of reviews on the Internet, most negative ones. But I so wanted to find a means to get rid of the eternal "icing" of my hair, that I decided to take a chance.

The procedure itself is painless, if the master is neat. My hair was spun on my hairpins neatly, but for a long time - almost 3 hours (this is for sparse hair). After this, a special compound was applied for 30 or 40 minutes. After I was washed off this line-up in the barber shop and the styling was done, the hairstyle was gorgeous, the hair was voluminous. Feels like - hair at the roots as after the corrugation.

Nothing that frightened me happened to me. Hair did not fall out. The head also did not hurt after the procedure. But there is a huge "minus" - I myself have never been able to put my hair so that they were as voluminous as immediately after the procedure! I realized that on my hair took bad. I do not know why. That pomp I had dreamed of did not receive.

But there is a big "plus", because of what I would recommend this procedure. I used to head soap every day! Now I do it in 3-4 days. The hair is not so greasy and there is no “lickiness”, which has always existed before, even after washing the head. The photo was taken 2 and a half months after the procedure, on the second day after the next shampooing.

The price of the procedure in Belgorod is 3000 rubles.



I do boost up for the third time, and this is what I can say:
The trouble is that the masters wind the studs creating the shape of the head according to one scheme, although the structure of the skull is different for everyone. As a result, girls often have a square head. Just as they were taught in the studio of L. Glinka according to the same scheme, they twist, but they don’t want to think.
I like this procedure, BUT if you adjust it to your head shape, otherwise it is ugliness. The other day I made a boost again, and here's the result: it is flattened on the top of the head, and on the sides is super volume, the square is neither more nor less. Moreover, I told the master that I only needed the top of the head, no, she screwed up 4 coils on the sides! Nightmare.
Just do not believe the information that henna straightens boost up, no fig. How was it worth it.
In general, boost-up is not bad if you need volume, but think where you need volume, in which place of the head and demand it right there from the master, otherwise it will be like me where there is little need, and where it was even more so.
And yet, if you have less or less good head, then do not boost up, it still spoils the hair, this is a weak chemistry.



Hair became brittle in the field of curling

After the first procedure, Boost Up, I was delighted with the resulting effect. With my hair far from thick, the effect was stunning. The impression was that the amount of hair increased by at least three. The specialist promised me that the effect would last from 4 to 6 months, but with my rather fast growing hair it lasted only two months, the volume decreased in the third month. I went to the second procedure, after which I was happy about the volume for another couple of months. But no matter how they say about the safety of this procedure for the hair, it is not. Hair partially began to break in the field of curling. The effect after the procedure is really amazing, but I’d hardly decide on it again, because healthy and beautiful hair is much more important and more pleasant for me than volume hair.

Positive reviews

here is a week since I did a boost up. girls is just unreal cool procedure for hair. volume keeps constantly. no zapar now that you have a hat or a hood minus the hairstyle that has been tortured for so long in the morning. wind? --- no question. everything ideally remains. I'm happy and glad I did it. hair as if twice as much. I am delighted.

very pleased with the fleece. The hair is thin and dry. Always a problem with pomp. By recommendation she turned to an excellent master. Everything turns out to be so simple. Quick and beautiful. All winter, every time I take off my hat, I’m delighted with the fact that the styling does not lose its shape at all. I want to try to do it myself next time.

I am the owner of thin and straight hair. Constantly put them hair dryer. I saw on the Internet about the procedure of fleece - the volume at the roots. I reread a lot of information and reviews, I found a master in the city who deals with this procedure. Made up her mind and decided, I will go, the hair is not teeth, grow back. So. Master once again talked about the procedure. And it began. First, the hair is small strands, well combed and roots, then put the composition (terribly smelly), by the way not a strong smell lasted for about 3-4 days, you sit with this composition for about 40 minutes, then you all wash off and the second stage begins, disassemble, then what have you combed Comb and already on wet hair mini volume is visible. Then the standard procedure for drying and styling. Yes, the volume was, but without styling, again, quickly lost, but not as before the procedure. The effect lasted for about a month and a half. Although when 3 months after the procedure I came to the master to cut the tips, he said that there was still a residual effect, but for me, I didn’t notice it anymore. The duration of the procedure is 1.5 hours. The cost is 20 Bel. rub ($ 10). After the procedure, the hair did not float, did not become a washcloth, were soft and shiny, the only thing that peeled off was the paint at the roots. Tip do fleece before dyeing.

I am delighted with this procedure. I did it for the first time in September, now it is the beginning of March, but my hair is still going full "wave." Only now the gaffer is just below the back of the head. The composition is not washed out. (6 months have passed).

I can not say that the hair falls out more than usual. I’m so naughty about them, so I’m used to it, they fly off of my head, get confused, and so on. Boost up did not add me any problems. But something still helped to cope ..

  1. Fatty head gone. Now, when the hair again became dirty on the second day, I realized how I miss the previous, bustapovsky effect.
  2. No need to suffer with styling. Whatever hairstyle she did - looks good.
  3. Volume is by itself.

In St. Petersburg, I do a boost up for 2000. Therefore, I can’t afford to afford it. I will continue to do so.

A friend did bio chemistry for volume, that’s how her hair looked, and after fleeing, both she and I, on the contrary, have no creases and even the smallest curvature of the hair, because one would-be master did that push up Head before the procedure of soap every day, and now in a day or two, I think this is a plus, maybe for dry ones and not an option, but for fatty ones

I have already done Bust Up two times and I really like it, because without it, the view is not at all, hair thin styling with a hair dryer is useless to do, under a hat everything is crushed, well, by the evening it is even sleek, and then there is beauty. You just need to get to a good master, now many are doing what they want, they do not save time as they should.At my place and at work the girls did everything and everyone is happy.


Volume up to 6 months, preservation of volume in all weather conditions, perfect styling after a simple blow dryer.


My review will be addressed, most likely to girls from Minsk (Belarus). She was trained to do basal volume in the school of beauty Florio. In general, the training was satisfied, but this is not the point. I do now my clients and everyone is happy. I work with materials of the American brand ISO. I believe that everything depends on the skill of the master, how he was taught and how he treats his clients. I am very pleased with the skills that I gained in Florio, respectively, my clients are satisfied with me.


The volume is simply gorgeous


a lot of masters without a license, and with bad drugs.

Good day to all readers. I want to tell you a little about the procedure Boost Up. Always dreamed of volume without debilitating procedures, that he would always be. And then I learned from my friends that there is a licensed specialist in our city, and without hesitation I made an appointment. When she arrived, at first the master asked me a series of questions, whether she dyed her hair several days before taking it, whether there was any allergy or irritation. After all the questions, we proceeded to the procedure itself. She certainly took a lot of time, but it was worth it. When I got up from the chair, I saw the ideal volume that can be corrected by itself, without the aid of varnishes or gels. the next morning I arrived in utter delight, the volume remained the same as it was done, I just had to fix it a little with my hands and everything, the perfect hairstyle was provided.
6 months have passed since the procedure, the hair has grown back a bit, and the volume has remained the same as it was on the first day. Next week, I will go for a second procedure.
+ Excellent professionals ready to answer all your questions.
+ high-quality cosmetic products for the procedure
+ price
+ lasting effect
Girls who dream about the volume without problems, I recommend to try this procedure.

What is the procedure for hair boost up

The boost-up procedure is shown to all the fair sex who strive to perfect their appearance and are not afraid to apply innovative methods for this. The author of this technology in Russia, St. Petersburg, Elena Glinka, developed it primarily for sparse curls, for which it is absolutely impossible to give a beautiful volume otherwise.

The name of the procedure “boost up” (“helping to rise”, English) consists in its main meaning: to make hair more voluminous at the roots, to lift it, to facilitate independent daily styling, to make it more durable.

Consider how hair needs biohaving technology to improve appearance:

    Long, thick hair. Heavy strands do not want to fit into the hair, do not keep bouffant.

Long hair. A variety of haircuts on the hair of medium length look perfect if you give them the necessary pomp. Especially the hairstyle of the caret wins, after the boost up it practically does not require styling.

Short hair. Short haircuts also give volume, but here it is necessary to approach the work very professionally and painstakingly.

  • Rare hair. It is recommended for women who have little hair, and they want to improve their visual density without the help of an ordinary perm.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of boost up hair

    The feature of the boost-up procedure is the ability to perform it on any hair - long and short, sparse and thick. The main thing is that they are healthy, not brittle. Curling can be strong, medium or light depending on preference.

    Benefits that are inherent in the hair-up boost procedure:

      Thin, sparse hair will visually look thicker.

    Long-lasting durability of lush hair is provided - the effect will last several months.

    The visibility of freshly washed hair removes the need for water treatments. For fatty strands, washing ceases to be a daily inevitability, no greasy icicles.

    Morning manipulations to give a well-groomed look to your locks will speed up a lot. It is enough to dry them with a hairdryer.

    Hairstyle will not be afraid of adverse weather conditions. After a rain, wind, removal of a headdress it easily restores the former form.

  • The volume of the hair can be given in the right place, for example, only on the back of the head, and the desired degree of severity.

  • The technology is practiced relatively recently, so the final result depends on the artist's art in many respects. All the negative consequences are associated with poor preparation of the hairdresser and the lack of a special quality composition for boost-up in the salon. On the website of Elena Glinka you will find a network of craftsmen who have the appropriate certificate (diploma) in each city of Russia and many other countries.

    We list the possible disadvantages of performing the procedure boost up for hair:

      To get the natural splendor hairstyles with amazing volume, you need the hands of a real master. Finding a bona fide professional is not easy even in a megalopolis, not to mention a small town.

    This technology is not cheap. The price varies in the range of 3000-16000 rubles, depending on the status of the salon, the qualifications of the master, the region, the thickness of the hair.

    If you are dissatisfied with this procedure, you will have to be patient and wait until the radical corrugation straightens out over time.

    The execution time depends on the length and density of the hair. It takes about 3 to 6 hours.

    There is the possibility of deterioration of the hair. There is a certain risk, as technology implies the use of chemical composition.

    Laying after boost-up should be neat, so that the basal corrugation does not look out.

  • Corrugated hair can get confused, grow back, lose shine, break.

  • The advantages and disadvantages exist in approximately the same amount. Therefore, deciding on this not simple service, it is necessary to weigh and consider everything. Those who dared to make a biowave will support the following positive points: hair grows, and the next time a new hair section will undergo corrugation, frequent use of a hair dryer and curling will be no less harmful than the procedure every six months.

    How much keeps the root volume of hair boost up

    The boost-up procedure is a permanent basal corrugation of hair. The firmness of the effect of a thick head of hair, as if from a pile made in a hairdressing salon, is one of its main advantages.

    Girls with thin sparse hair or thick and heavy spend hours at the mirror, laying curls, beating and lifting them on the back of the head with gels, foams, curling irons or hair curlers. As a result, after 1-2 hours, the effect of labor is reduced to zero - no laying. Especially in wet weather or in the winter, after long wearing hats.

    After performing boost up for the hair, their stunning volume and fluffiness last from 3 to 6 months, for some even up to seven. It depends on the different parameters of the hair: condition, thickness, length. In addition, the professionalism of the master, the quality of the applied eco-means are important.

    Over time, the strands will grow back, straighten, the composition will be washed out of the hairs without a trace, and it is not forbidden to repeat the biowave repeatedly. After 2-3 months, you can come to the salon for correction.

    During this period, you should continue to care for your hair and perform the usual actions: dyeing, lightening the hair roots, toning, milling the strands, treating them with keratin, laminating, trimming the split ends, making masks. Boost up perfectly with these procedures.

    In a situation where the client was not satisfied with the service provided, she believes that this hairstyle is not for her face, and decided not to wait half a year until her hair is straightened naturally, and their restoration is paid for with a special composition. Strands straighten and take the same form after keratin treatment.

    Contraindications for boosting hair volume

    Permanent perm perm is recommended for almost all types of hair, it is especially suitable for problematic strands - thin, greasy, not thick. But there are exceptions. Going to the salon, you should know what contraindications are available.

    A hairdresser may refuse to boost up a client for the following reasons:

      Short hair. The result will be a gorgeous hairstyle or strands sticking out in different directions, like a tousled sparrow. It is better if the hair length is more than 12 cm.

    Bleached hair. Means for biowave is considered soft, not aggressive, close in composition to keratin. But still there is a risk of harming the hairs already affected by chemistry.

    Chemical hair straightening. Naturally curly mane is tamed with the help of permanent straightening. The structure of the hairs has already been processed and broken.

    Highlighting. Dyed more than 50% of the hair strands. Clarified and natural strands react in their own way to the perm, there may be noticeable differences.

    Dry, brittle hair. The poor condition of the vegetation and skin of the head requires prior treatment, restoration.

    Allergy. The master should be warned about your allergens so that he can do a preliminary test on the skin inside the crook of the elbow.

    Pregnancy, lactation, menstruation. Although the biowave repellent is considered harmless, it is worthwhile to suffer and not to put at risk the health of the child, especially since hormonal changes in the body during these periods will still not allow for a good, stable curl.

    Hormones, antibiotics. At this time, the hairs are particularly disobedient, and the service rendered will not be of high quality.

    Henna or Basma stain. The result can be unpredictable. The hairs dyed with natural products are very capricious, therefore either the corrugation will not lock or the strands will behave differently. Hair color may change.

    Malaise, temperature, hair loss, stress. Curling can "not take", there is no guarantee that the curl will not reset too quickly.

  • Recent operation. In the postoperative period, biowave will not turn out stable and steep, as the preparations containing morphine were used.

  • The wizard will tell you what preliminary care procedures should be done for your hair, will explain why you should not resort to boost up at the moment so as not to aggravate her condition.

    Visit only proven salons, go to the master, whom you trust. It would not be bad to observe the result of his work in advance. If the procedure seems cheaper than you thought, feel free to inquire about the certificate for the line of tools used by the salon for boost up.

    How to make boost up for basal hair volume

    This certified master for the procedure of perm perm is strictly individually. After the hair is diagnosed, the composition of a special product for styling and fixation is selected. The direction of the curls and the volume zone is chosen by the client.

    The procedure for creating the root volume of hair boost up consists of a number of the following steps:

      Training. This item includes washing curls with shampoo. Boost up should be done on clean strands, so it is best to wash them a couple of times.

    Spinning strands. The client herself decides where she wants to give her hair pomp. Usually it is the top, the back of the head, the temples. The top layer of vegetation is moved aside and fixed. The bottom curls are divided into small strands, each of which is wound into several special smooth studs in the root zone. They need about 120-150 pieces. The resulting construction is fixed with foil. This is the most time-consuming and long waving phase.

    Cosmetic treatment. The salon itself chooses which eco-composition to use to provide the boost-up service. That is what determines its value. The most popular brand in Russia is Paul Mitchell and ISO. The basis of the mixture is cystamine, harmless to hair, a beneficial effect on the curls of propolis extract, there are no harmful acids and ammonia among the components. The composition is applied without touching the scalp and hair, not subject to perm.

    Flushing. After 20-30 minutes (the time is chosen individually), the foil is removed, and the hair is washed with water.

    Fixing. On the washed up strands the fixing structure from the same ruler is applied. The fixative is left to act for 5 minutes.

    Completion of the procedure. Hair is thoroughly washed again with shampoo, hairpins are removed. Apply mask, balm, everything is thoroughly washed off.

  • Drying. Drying hair with a hair dryer is an important point. At this stage, the master removes curls, so that the corrugation does not show through.

  • The result of the basal corrugation will be visible immediately. After visiting the salon on the head instead of a thin tail or a sleek haircut, a luxurious shining mane with a stunning effect of a persistent fresh fleece.

    How to care for hair after boost up

    Hair care must start immediately after curling. Possible problems with their condition are eliminated by conventional means for dyed or weakened curls. Then they will not suffer, and the long-awaited volume will hold the allotted time.

    To maintain the beauty and health of the vegetation of the head, the extension of the effect of volume should follow these recommendations for hair care after boost up:

      It is not necessary to pin the strands, lay them behind the ear, do the hairstyles for the first three days after curling. Ideal - to comb and dissolve the hair or not firmly pull silk tape.

    Adjust the color of the curls no earlier than in a week, and preferably in two weeks with high-quality dyes. Do without henna and basma.

    With each hair wash, use a mild shampoo that does not contain the complex SLS, with a low pH. Do not do it too often, it is enough 2 times a week, do not forget to easily massage the scalp to improve blood circulation in the blood vessels.

    After washing, be sure to apply balsam, rinse aid or serum with argan, silicone, keratin to strengthen the roots so that the hairs are smooth and less confused.

    Periodically make nutritional masks with natural herbal ingredients, preferring oils such as sea buckthorn, castor, burdock, coconut. Broths of herbs (nettle, chamomile, burdock) - the best natural conditioners.

    Do not twist hair, and slightly blot with a towel. Comb them wet after washing, you can sprinkle with a special spray for easy combing. Dry, tilting your head down, laying naturally - slightly smoothing and beating with your hands.

    You can put the hair style using brushing, pulling the curls with a hair dryer so that the corrugation is invisible. Forget about lacquer and ironing, give your hair a rest. Do not overdry them with too hot air.

    When bathing in natural waters, wear a hat or apply a protective cream.

  • Use food that strengthens the hair. The following foods rich in calcium, iron, and vitamins are recommended: fatty fish, nuts, legumes, eggs, green vegetables, whole grain bread, oysters, dairy products, carrots.

  • After a correctly executed boost up, the hair is easily restored. If the texture of curls deteriorated, do not despair, stress will only complicate the situation. Everything is fixable. Follow all of our recommendations, and the hairstyle will once again become your pride.

    How is the root boost up - see the video:

    Boost up or thick up, what is it?

    Such a spectacular name immediately reveals the essence of this action. Everyone remembers the time when fashion was perm, then literally everything was done. Women took turns at the hairdressers in the morning and spent several hours waiting. Yes, and the procedure itself took a lot of time. As a result, satisfied clients acquired magnificent head of hair, which was necessary to be laid with the help of curlers, otherwise they were ordinary curlicues. Although such an option, many arranged.In addition, they made a perm perm, which is similar to the one we are talking about. No wonder they say, everything new is forgotten old. So, thick up - a friend was used 20 years ago, his technology and formulations were designed for a modern motive and again launched into the salon services. Do not be afraid, it is really beautiful besides modern in all senses.

    Boost up is a procedure for lifting hair from the roots. The author of this technology is the master from St. Petersburg - Elena Glinka. It was she who improved this procedure, which made many people happy. There is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, why not give a second chance to really worth things. Long-term styling, which lasts about six months, sounds very tempting and justifies its popularity.

    This procedure is performed exclusively on the root of the head, not including the upper part of the curls. Due to this, the appearance of styling takes a natural easy way.

    On long hair:

    How much does Boost up?

    The term depends on your master, if the order of his actions corresponded to the technique, the composition he uses is of high quality, then you will be satisfied from 4 to 6 months. I can definitely assure you that we faced the problem of high humidity on the street, when the hairstyle with which we were carrying half a morning turned into a “settled biscuit”, and so the effect of pushing up hair does not change its appearance in the rain or other factors. Confidence in their impeccability under any circumstances, captivates agree.

    Pros and cons of Boost up

    1. Bio composition does not harm the hair and scalp. Scares the most how hair will look after. They will remain in order, provided proper care.
    2. Suitable for any type. The only nuance can be very, very short hair, which may not be able to attach a single card.
    3. It gives curls a natural shine. The goal - to make them look healthy, the result - is justified.
    4. Regulates oily hair. You do not have to wash your hair every day, even if you used to do just that.
    5. Nothing can damage the styling, except the mistakes of the wizard during its creation. From now on, neither rain nor wind will cause discomfort.
    6. Saving time in the morning. No longer have to spend a few hours at the mirror. It is enough just to blow dry your hair after washing or combing.
    7. Long lasting durability. As already mentioned, the styling keeps its shape until the hair grows back.

    Boost up, photo 5 month:

    Boost up before and after and after 3 months photo:

    The changes are already visible, but overall, everything looks pretty good.

    1. The parting should remain as it was when laying during the procedure. It is not desirable to change it.
    2. It is worth contacting only to professionals, as it will take a lot of time to fix errors, up to 6 months.
    3. Price. Although depending on the cities and regions, the cost varies. The main thing is not to choose an inexperienced master because of the lower rates.
    4. Allergy to the components of the composition. Without fail, before starting work it is necessary to conduct a skin sensitivity test. So to say, beauty is beauty, and safety is above all.
    5. It is best not to do the procedure while taking antibiotics.

    Types of basal hair volume

    The founder of this procedure abroad is Paul Mitchell. Hairdresser born in the UK. He created the system (chemical composition) John Paul Mitchell Systems. Pretty successful in their field of activity. The technology arose some time after the procedure of Boo stup.


    • You get a very natural look.
    • For 3 months, get rid of the daily marathon at the mirror.
    • It is harmless, cares for hair.

    Analog, only somewhat simplified. Here the creators stepped on, decided to try to make styling faster. It is carried out with the help of a pile, without the use of curlers. The process of combing itself is unpleasant. The result looks natural, but holds less than after the above techniques.


    • Ability to send hair in the right direction. Unlike Boost Up, the location of the parting can be changed.
    • Soft volume Laying will not look too elaborate, like Marie Antoineta.
    • The effect lasts up to 2 months.


    • Cost
    • After the procedure, you can not wash your hair for a while.
    • The process itself takes a lot of time.
    • Not a very long result. When compared with other technicians.

    Eco volume

    The procedure has similarities with the ogiginal technique. It is carried out with the help of special pins - crimped. The result is a natural volume with a virtually invisible corrugation.


    • The result lasts up to 3 months.
    • Natural result.


    • The price is substantial.
    • The procedure is long.

    Creator technology company ISO. Alternative replacement procedures Boostup and Bouffant. Will be performed without flute and pile. It is carried out with the help of the root wrap on curlers. As a result, we have perfectly straight fluffy hair.


    • Laying lasts up to 4 months. Some technicians promise a longer time, but there are other advantages to compensating for this.
    • The procedure is missing bouffant and piping.
    • Suitable for short hair.
    • Naturalness It’s not fashionable to look artificial now, because everyone wants to be as real as possible.


    • Cost The price of any procedure depends on the cost and quality of materials used by the specialist. Be happy that he does not save on you, because it depends on his choice how you will look, at 100% or 90%.
    • Time. Beauty takes time, but this time you take for yourself once and for several months.

    Can I do Boost pregnant?

    This installation is suitable for most of the fair sex. Particularly pleased with the result of the procedure for owners of thin hair. Just imagine, your weak hair, constantly sticking to the head, which you were so ashamed of, get lush. There must be no limit to delight. Everything is fine, but if you are in a position, it is not for you.

    Contraindications for pregnant women:

    • Not recommended for pregnant and lactating breasts. It is a matter of components that contain formulations. they can be smoothed out by the pleasant scent of the product, but girls in anticipation of the child should not breathe them anyway.
    • Having done the procedure during menstruation, the result can be unpredictable due to the play of hormones.

    Lovers of perfectly smooth hair need to know that the curled part of the hair, though slightly, is visible. Therefore, in order not to make a complaint to the master afterwards, think it over several times. Why spoil the mood of yourself and others?

    How to make the root volume of hair Boos tup in the salon?

    For perfect results, it is recommended to wash and dry your head before the procedure.

    1. At the first stage, the roots are fixed with metal studs, after which a special composition is carefully applied. The choice of composition depends on the type of hair: hard, thin, dyed and so on.
    2. Then you want to wait for the exposure time, which also depends on the properties of the curls.
    3. After the required period, the composition is washed off.
    4. At the last stage, the hair is dried, using brushing to slightly stretch the curled part of the hair.

    The surface of the hair remains smooth due to not all strands. Therefore, others will not be able to suspect you of unnaturalness.

    Photos of the basal volume before and after saloon options:

    Large volume from roots on dark hair and medium length:

    Is it possible to make long-term basal hair volume at home?

    The idea of ​​a home obdomichik is not very good. Because it is not known how this will end. You do not work with compositions as a master, in spite of the descriptions of materials, the master knows their nuances in the business, which are not always indicated by the manufacturers. Moreover, the assistant you still need it, you must be sure that the curlers, as a version of the lock worn flawlessly.

    But if you still decide, look at how and what the wizard does in the video volume:

    What is boost-up

    The procedure of boost-up - a kind of long-term styling. The master with the help of a special apparatus processes strands at the roots, creating a basal volume. At the same time, preparations fixing the result are used. The effect lasts up to six months and helps to maintain the volume of hair without daily styling.

    During the procedure, the upper part is not touched, and the lower strands are treated with a device with a corrugation nozzle. Therefore, the hair at the roots is lifted and the effect of volume is created. The procedure is considered safe and suitable for any type of hair. It does not harm even brittle and thin curls.

    Boost up is not recommended for very short strands, because the result can be unpredictable.

    How to care for hairs after you have made Boost so that they look beautiful for a long time?

    Having a decent result, of course, I want to keep it as long as possible. And it is quite real. Difficult care is not required, just follow a few rules and recommendations:

    • The first three days after going to the salon is not desirable to wash your hair.
    • You should use gentle masks and shampoos without silicone.
    • As with other types of curls, henna and basma staining are not acceptable. The remaining possible methods of painting are taking place.
    • It is allowed to use various styling products, there are no restrictions.
    • You need to comb your hair gently so as not to confuse.

    How to remove Boostup?

    What to do if long-term basal volume of hair tired? So to say, I tried, I was glad, I got tired.

    In this case, the use of a special composition for straightening the hair after the Boost Up appliances is inevitable. Professional tool from the Japanese and German manufacturers does not harm the curls, but rather contributes to their restoration and reconstruction to the original form. The composition can be applied on any hair and even dyed.

    In conclusion, I want to say that trying to look good is wonderful, but you should not try everything at once. Many procedures and new techniques will adversely affect your curls, and healthy natural hair will always be in fashion.

    Try to experiment with minimal or choose something less harmful, such as haircuts and dyeing. Believe me, they sufficiently emphasize your individuality and originality. The most important thing is to find and take care of a hairdresser, who will not only serve you, but take care of your hair, give good advice, and not advertise useless price services.

    Volume up - what is this procedure and how to do it

    The procedure is a special technique of waving, in which the basal hair volume becomes larger without affecting the upper layer of the hair. The perm on the head is not visible, the strands remain even as they were, but with a noticeably better volume. The validity of the procedure is half a year, now in the morning you can not worry that you will be late for the robot due to the long styling, or that the hairstyle will not work.

    Bottom volume of hair boost up is safe for any type of hair:

    • Weakened
    • Thin,
    • Lomky,
    • With split ends,
    • Curly
    • Not obedient, and others.

    Effects on short hair

    Your hairs hold volume after
    Boost up procedures, even if you use a varnish, mousse, foam or gel during styling. Do not be afraid that wet hair will lose its splendor, wet and wash them without fear!

    Advice: it is not advisable to do the basal volume on short hair for the reason that such length will lift the strands too much and it will get unsatisfactory, “shot”.

    Bottom Straightening Technology

    The procedure for the volume of hair will take about 120 minutes, and the result will please you 100%. In addition, you will immediately see the attention of the men, and the friends and acquaintances of the girls will not cease to pester with questions about how it happened!

    1. Separating the top strands using a horizontal parting, this part of the hair with technology boost up is not used.
    2. Putting on the roots next to the parting the right amount of substance for biowave.
    3. Drying, styling.
    4. After finishing, the top layer of strands is lowered into place, and you observe
      long-term volume at the hair roots for 6-7 months.

    The composition of the mixture and the price of technology

    The composition for boosting up is a harmless, active component of cystiman, which affects the structure of each hair and raises it, gives it pomp and vitality. Those components that are found together with the active component, restore the hair, protect from UV rays, reduce to a minimum the irritation and itching after the technology.

    The average price for boost up for hair is 1000 rubles, it depends on the mixture, which costs from 780 to 1800 rubles, and on the price of the services of the master in the salon.

    The procedure at home: is it possible?

    Technology boost up at home is impossible. As we have already said above, such a procedure requires special mixtures and certain knowledge, as well as practical implementation. But you can make strands lush in a different way.

    To make the root volume of hair at home, which is similar to boost-up technology, use the tips:

    • Take an iron for styling with a nozzle for small waves and foam,
    • Comb the hair and the hairbrush comb to separate the top layer, slaughter so that it does not interfere,
    • Apply the foam on the roots,
    • Warm up the iron and hold it for a few seconds on each strand near the parting

    As you can see, it is possible to make basal hair volume without the help of hairdressers and trained craftsmen, it takes 15 minutes and is not worth a penny!

    Before and after pictures

    In order for you to better understand how girls look before and after boost-up, here are a few examples.

    The girls, who made the volume at the roots of the boost up, were 100% satisfied, their hair gained a healthy and beautiful appearance, pomp without special tools, and saved them from laying in the morning for 6 months.

    Cons of the procedure

    The boost-up procedure for hair is quite gentle and does not harm the hair, so you should not worry and boldly go to the master, who will impose beauty on the head. Radical volume of hair is made with a special agent with cystamine, a derivative of an amino acid.

    But the pros and cons of boost up are still there. Positive sides:

    • Strands for six months, lush and voluminous,
    • No need to do styling, which takes constantly not enough time,
    • Chic appearance
    • Recuperation
    • The radiance and shine of the strands,
    • Giving vitality.

    • Lack of qualified craftsmen with the necessary skills
    • The procedure is expensive, and not everyone can afford it,
    • Long work time,
    • With an unjustified result, you will have to walk with such a hairstyle for half a year, until the hair becomes the same as before.

    Some women who decide to add volume to their hair turn to professionals, but they refuse them. Why it happens? The fact is that strands are too dry or brittle, short, or just discolored, in which case the procedure should be delayed for several weeks. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are those who are contraindicated technology until a certain point.

    Advice: if you are one of those who can not make beads, use the above advice on giving hair pomp, you will save both time and money.

    The procedure for strands of different lengths

    Bottom volume looks gorgeous on hair of any length, but it is not recommended to boost up for short hair, it is a question of very short haircuts, in such cases the result is terrible. Haircuts longer for the procedure are suitable.

    If we talk about the strands on a bob haircut, then in this case we recommend to make a keratin straightening, cut off split ends, and start the procedure on healthy and prepared curls.

    Owners of long hair were more lucky - there are no problems with their length, and the result is simply stunning.

    What you need to conduct technology

    The technology is simple for every woman, be beautiful

    In addition to the special means with cystamine, you will need studs for boost-up, which are sold in a box in the amount of 100 pieces, the average cost is 1,100 rubles. Studs have a number of positive qualities:

    • During the procedure do not oxidize, unlike other metals,
    • They are easy to fix on the strands thanks to the latch,
    • Reduce the time spent
    • Easy to take off, do not get confused.

    Specificity Boost Up

    Experts use a biowave, filled with active life-supporting components - cystamines. This element is a derivative of keratin amino acids and at the same time it is the basis of the hair structure. The substance in contact with the structure of the strands instantly has the effect:

    - reduces the porosity of the hair structure,
    - smooths out bumps.

    For better results, beauticians mix the resulting liquid with propolis extract - anti-inflammatory therapeutic element. It has a general healing effect on the scalp.

    The composition used for the procedure does not include chemicals, toxins and dyes. This makes the event safe for health and harmless, since it is based only on useful, life-supporting and therapeutic components. However, this applies only to qualitative compositions, so the wizard must be chosen very carefully.

    For whom is Bust up suitable?

    1. It is advisable to use this procedure for owners heavy and thick hair. Since by themselves such strands are not capable of keeping their weight, the volume at the roots Boost Up will help to cope with this task without resorting to shearing and thermal tools.

    2. Boost up also fits for thin hair without volume. The owners of thin curls know firsthand what a lack of volume is, the hair is too weak, so they usually hang like icicles and quickly grow fat on the roots. Boost up perfectly copes with this problem, it dries and raises them at the roots.

    Thus, a long-term volume can be obtained without resorting to the use of destructive instruments and chemical preparations. But in order for the result to really hold up to 6 months, you should properly care for your hair.

    Hair Care after Boost UP

    The first time it will be unusual to observe that even after sleeping it is enough to comb your strands so that they look decent. As a rule, combing is best used with a wide comb. It does not stretch and does not injure the hair follicles, but at the same time brings strands to a normal position.

    Washing your head will not cause difficulties. Beauticians say that it is not necessary to change shampoo after this procedure. The reason is the absence of chemical elements and reactions to them. Owners of Boost UP can continue to use familiar shampoos, balms and conditioners and not worry about the state of their styling.

    Because composition for volume dries hairtheir need nourish and moisturizetherefore periodically apply a balm or mask directly on the roots to avoid overdrying of the strands.

    The long-term volume is done specifically in order not to suffer further with styling, but for those who can not part with their usual curling, hair dryer and heated hair rollers also do not need to fear for the health of their hair. even after applying all the styling tools, Boost Up does not disappear, but continues to delight you with volumetric styling.

    The only thing you should avoid is hair tension - collection in the elastic tail beam. By themselves, such hairstyles harm the bulbs, and Boost UP works exactly on the root zone. This will negatively affect its manifestation - an uneven volume will appear.

    Pros boost up

    ✓ After the procedure, a long-term hair volume is created at the roots for 4-6 months,

    ✓ The hair is a little dried, as a result of which the washing procedure can be performed less frequently, it “gets fat” more slowly.

    ✓ You no longer need to do styling, just dry your head with a hairdryer and you will get a volumetric styling.

    ✓ The volume is maintained even in bad weather or after wearing a hat.

    ✓ The shag looks thicker and lush, this is true for fine hair.

    ✓ Suitable for girls with any type and long hair.

    Cons of basal volume

    ✓ Difficulties in finding a good master (since Boost is a relatively new cosmetological technology, not all were able to learn it in a professional degree). From the master depends not only the effect on the procedure, but also the health of your hair. Failure to comply with the technology or the use of low-quality materials for the volume may begin to fall out or breakage.

    ✓ High cost for the provision of a cosmetic procedure, as well as the duration of the procedure. Now the cost for long-term volume ranges from 3 to 10 thousand rubles.

    ✓ At the end of the event, if the effect is not satisfactory, the procedure cannot be redone.

    ✓ It is impossible to make a short strand of boost up, the length of hair should be from 15 cm.

    ✓ Corrugated strands can be seen, so it will be difficult to achieve the main styling.

    ✓ Hair can be dry and confused.

    ✓ At regrowth, the volume “slips” and it does not look natural.

    Naturally, Boost is not the only cosmetic procedure of its kind, providing the effect of long-term volume, an alternative to the boost up procedure Buffant. What is the difference between these two procedures?

    What is the difference between boost up and buffering?

    Boost Up and Bouffant - these are two different techniques for creating a styling volume, which have a similar effect: they allow you to create volumetric styling of the desired diameter and is an absolutely safe procedure for hair in both cases.

    The differences are as follows:

    1. By the time of the event (Bouffant is done in 3 hours, and Boost Up 4-5 hours).

    2. The result is different in appearance (in Bust up, the root perm should be masked, since all twisted strands are obvious in the first two weeks. The buffering allows you to make the volume more natural).

    3. Different formulations for the procedure, but both are safe and harmless to the hair follicles.

    4. Duration of effect (Boost up to 6 months, Buffant up to 3 months). At the same time, both events cost almost the same.

    Performance Technology Buffant

    1. Hair should be clean and dry. Next, a strand of hair is separated and a pile is made, so the upper part of the hair is processed.
    2. Then the hair is treated with a special composition and fixed on the curlers.
    3. After the required time has elapsed, the composition is washed off, the pile is unraveled and the head is dried with a hairdryer.

    Buffant also has its drawbacks:

    Combing can damage your hair
    Buffant can cause hair loss,
    Buffant can cause dryness and brittleness.

    How to remove boost up?

    Naturally, Boost Up is an event that requires the availability of professional equipment and tools for its creation, and therefore the master’s hand is also needed to remove it. Usually, You can get rid of this volume with special solutions.. They are available in almost every beauty salon providing services of the basal volume.

    These funds are uniformly applied to the section of the strands, after which you must wait 20-30 minutes and wash your hair thoroughly. This technique of removing the basal volume ends.

    If the girls themselves want to get rid of this effect, they will have to wait up to 6 months until the volume disappears on its own, or to do the lamination.

    Execution technology

    In beauty salons, a boost-up is performed by masters who have undergone special training. Technology implementation consists of several stages:

    1. First, the master separates the top strands and fixes them on the crown.
    2. The roots of the lower part of the hair are treated with a special tool that is necessary so that the styling is held for a long time. The main active ingredient is cystamine. Also in the composition there are ingredients that restore damaged hair and protect curls. And propolis prevents irritation of the scalp.
    3. Then the master alternately makes a biowave of the lower strands with the help of a special apparatus with a corrugation-type attachment.

    The whole procedure takes about two hours. As a result, the hairstyle becomes voluminous. In this case, the hair remains straight, but slightly lifted at the crown. Because of this, the effect of volume is achieved, visually it seems that the strands became larger, the density increased.

    Boost up can not be done on hair extensions. Capsules at the roots will interfere with the work of the hot apparatus. Therefore, extended strands must be removed before the procedure.

    It is advisable to contact the proven masters. Be sure to ask for a certificate of training. The wrong technology of the procedure is fraught with problems - the hairdresser can overdo the perm, and the hair will begin to break off at the roots. Or underexpose - then the volume effect will not last long. So do not hesitate to ask questions, read reviews.


    Dear ladies, if nature has not rewarded you with lush hairs, you try to give them extra volume, spending precious time on it in the mornings, instead of basking in bed before a difficult working day, do straighten strands and enjoy your hair for a long time. Straighten, wash, dye and curl - boost up will not interfere with this!

    Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

    At first glance, the boost-up procedure has some advantages:

    1. The effect lasts for a long time - for half a year you can forget about daily styling.
    2. It creates an excellent basal volume - the hair becomes visually larger, they look thicker.
    3. The ideal solution for thin hair, for the disobedient, who do not keep styling.
    4. Saving money - no need to buy foams, mousses, to daily make volumetric hairstyles.
    5. Biowave is performed only at the roots, while the scalp is not affected and the length is less harm from aggressive chemistry.
    6. Hairstyle looks natural, but strands remain straight.
    7. Oily scalp decreases - you can wash less often.
    8. Neither the rain nor the wind will not damage the hairstyle.

    All this promises advertising procedure. It would seem excellent - you can sign up to the salon and enjoy the excellent volume of hair. But there are also disadvantages:

    • Boost-up does not suit girls with short hair - strands will stick in different directions
    • High cost - in a good salon you will have to pay a lot for the procedure.
    • The risk of getting to an unqualified master who ruins the hair
    • If the result does not suit you, you will not be able to redo the installation - you will have to wait for the chemical fixing agents to finish.
    • Many girls write that after the boost-up procedure, the hair begins to break off right at the roots.

    Any perm is harmful - the hair has to be treated and restored for a long time. Boost-up is no exception, despite the promises of masters that the procedure does not damage the strands. So think carefully before you decide on such a long-term styling. If you get a bad master, then you will have to cut your hair short, because it is unlikely that you will be able to restore the “dead” and broken off after boost-up strands.

    Is it possible to make a boost up at home

    If you do not have money for boost-up in a good salon, but you want a voluminous hairstyle, you can try styling at home. Long-term effect will not be achieved - for this you need special professional tools. But to create an excellent basal volume, which will last until the next shampooing is quite real.

    Do not try to buy biowave products and try to boost your home. You risk completely ruin your hair. To perform long-term styling correctly and do not harm the curls, you need to own the technology. To know in what proportions to mix drugs, how long to withstand them, how to properly flush.

    To make a boost-up at home, you will need an easy styling tool - mousse or hair foam. You also need an iron with a nozzle for the hair of the corrugation. Preferably with the smallest - it makes the strongest volume.

    Then begin to induce beauty:

    1. Wash and dry hair. They must be clean and completely dry.
    2. Separate the top strands and secure at the top of the head so as not to interfere.
    3. Treat the hair roots with a fixative. Do not use it a lot so that the strands do not stick together.
    4. Then gently, with the help of tongs for the corrugation process alternately strands at the roots.
    5. Release the top strands and comb your hair.

    Done! After combing hair will be very voluminous. It is important not to overdo it so that the styling looks natural, and the corrugated strands are not overlooked. From the first time it may not work, but gradually you will learn, and the result will be perfect.

    Do not do this styling too often. Still, the corrugation harms the hair, if you use it every day, the strands will break off and dry.

    Departure after session

    Hair care after any perm should be very careful to prolong the effect of the procedure and keep the curls healthy. Use the following guidelines:

    • use mild sulfate-free shampoos. They gently cleanse the scalp and less wash styling-fixing drugs,
    • once or twice a week make nourishing masks. It is advisable to use professional tools that are sold in hairdressing shops,
    • do not do homemade masks with oils - they will reduce the effect of the procedure and boost-up will have to be done more often,
    • use heat protection agents if you dry your hair with hot air,
    • use indelible silicone products - sprays, serums, creams, emulsions. They will make the hair shiny, smooth, protect from external influences,
    • After washing your hair, be sure to use moisturizing balms.

    It is important to follow the drinking regimen, drink vitamins and follow the diet - it must be balanced. External care with the help of cosmetics maintains the beauty of the hair, but if the body does not receive enough water and nutrients, none, even the most expensive masks will not help.

    Rinsing hair: benefits and recipes for different types of strands

    Read more about modern men's haircuts, read here.

    For more details on the booster technique, see the video below.


    There are several technologies that pursue the same goal as boost up. They differ in technology.

    • Fleece At the heart of fleece - environmentally friendly products - plant extracts. The chemical composition is applied to the pile in the root zone. Then he wears a cap. After 15-20 minutes, the composition is washed off the hair and combed out. As a result, less basal volume than from boost-up, but safer.

    • Buffant With the case of hair, the hair is brushed and fixed with soft hair curlers on velcro, and when boosted, they are wound onto hairpins. Buffant keeps on hair less, only 1-2 months. But there are no creases during regrowth.

    • Corrugated. Requires special irons for small corrugation. They can curl the root zone of the hair, where you need volume. This provides temporary styling. In this way, you yourself can make the desired hairstyle.

    The procedure consists of several stages.

    Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, you will have to spend in the salon from 2 to 5 hours.

    • Master washes his head with a special shampoo.
    • Splits hair into zones, which will be applied to the chemical composition. Part of the hair that can not be processed are retracted into a bun.
    • The hair from the work area is divided into very thin strands and wound around the hairpins several times.
    • The chemical composition is applied to the curled hair. Exposure time - 20 minutes. To prevent excess funds from getting on the skin, a cotton pad is placed under the studs.
    • The chemical composition is washed off with running water for 3-5 minutes, after which the fixer is applied. The exposure time is 5 minutes. After that means is completely washed away.
    • It is necessary to put hair dryer and brushing. Thus, the corrugation is partially removed, but the volume will remain.

    Hair care

    So that the effect of the procedure pleases you for a long time, and the condition of the hair does not deteriorate, follow the simple rules. Hair styling products can be used after 2 days. The first three days it is necessary to exclude washing of the head, and further to use nutritious masks, oils and non-sulfate shampoos. Minimize the use of hair dryers, pleyos and other styling devices.

    Useful tips

    When can I dye my hair?

    It is recommended to dye hair 2 weeks after the procedure. Otherwise, the composition applied to the hair, lighten staining to tone. You can use any means other than henna.

    Is it possible to make a boost up at home?

    Yes, it is quite real. The main thing is to turn to a competent specialist and buy the necessary components.

    Is it possible to make the procedure on the bangs

    It all depends on the specific bangs length. If it is less than 15 centimeters, then it will be hard to reel on a pin. If the length still allows, wind only the bottom strands of the bangs. This is necessary in order to cover the corrugation.

    How to remove boost up?

    You should contact the beauty salon: there you will be made chemical hair straightening, otherwise called anti-bustup. The price of the procedure is high and it harms the condition of the hair.

    It is impossible to get rid of disliked volume at home. You can also make keratin hair straightening. Corrugation will not only stretch out, but also heal the strands. Minus: does not completely remove the corrugation.

    The boost-up procedure is able to transform “slick” hair, giving them a basal volume. But like any perm, it can not become a guarantee that your hair will not be brittle and weak.


    Watch the video: BOOST YOUR HAIR (July 2024).