Building up

How to properly care for hair extensions


Gorgeous, long hair is the dream of many women. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to implement it for a number of reasons: poor diet, body characteristics, stress, not an ideal ecology, etc. It was a long time ago. Today, almost every woman can become the owner of thick, long curls, thanks to modern building technologies.

There are two types of capsular extension: hot and cold. The basis of the hot type - donor strands attached to the family, at a temperature fixed capsules on keratin (English, Italian technology). With the cold method, the fastening takes place with the help of a special glue, which brightens after drying, which makes this method preferable only for blondes. Which way to choose, you can decide after consulting an experienced master.

A serious approach to the process is required not only from the wizard to create a new image. It is very important to preserve the result of his work, so that as long as possible your curls look natural and attractive.

This requires careful care: strengthening the roots, eliminating damage to the connecting areas, as well as maintaining the gloss and silkiness along the entire length.

Proper wash

Special attention is paid to the washing process, as it is very important to prevent tangling of the strands. Compliance with the following rules will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

  1. Modern capsular extension allows you to wash your hair immediately after the procedure. But, despite the strength of the connecting capsules, the process should be as careful as possible.
  2. Before washing gently comb the strands to reduce the risk of tangling.
  3. Perform the whole procedure in a vertical position. Leaning forward and throwing back the head is not recommended, it will lead to obfuscation.
  4. Wash your head with cool or warm water. Avoid high temperatures.
  5. Before applying shampoo, balm or conditioner, dilute them with warm water.
  6. Choose shampoos with a neutral pH (indicated on the package). Anti-dandruff shampoos, as well as cosmetics for dry hair care are prohibited. The proper use of special detergents.
  7. Apply shampoo gently, along the entire length of the strand, gently massaging the scalp. Then flush without leaving a long time.
  8. Apply balsams and other caring cosmetics (masks, conditioners) only along the length of the strands. Leaving the product on the capsules, it is possible to provoke their damage (the exception is afar-wrinkling and Japanese technology, after these techniques, the caring cosmetics can be applied to all parts).
  9. Refrain from going to baths, saunas, solarium. High temperatures adversely affect keratin compounds. If the trip is unavoidable, be sure to wear a special cap to reduce the risk of overdrying of the strands. The ban also applies to visiting the pool: highly chlorinated water can destroy and weaken the joints.
  10. After washing, gently blot the strands with a towel. Do not twist them in a towel; this may cause damage to the fasteners, followed by combing the strands.
  11. Comb necessarily already dried hair. Otherwise, both artificial and curls suffer.
  12. Do not go to bed with a wet head. In the morning, combing will become a real problem because of the resulting tangles. Combing them without damaging the individual strands will be impossible. Therefore, before going to bed, be sure to wait for complete drying and braid a weak braid.

Of course, in the case of single instances of non-compliance with the above rules, you will not lose the entire volume at once, but a systematic violation will inevitably degrade the appearance and reduce the service life.

Proper combing

The goal of this phase is still to prevent the strands from tangling:

  1. Combing hair can begin after they have dried completely.
  2. Hairbrushes buy only special. They should be with wide teeth, soft enough, without balls at the ends, which can cling to the attachment points of the strands, damaging them.
  3. We first brush the tips, carefully gathering the strands in the tail.
  4. Next, comb the middle, grabbing the tail with your hand, closer to the roots.
  5. The most important part - very carefully comb through the roots.
  6. Repeat the procedure at least 3 times a day.

Staining procedure

If after building up there is a desire or need to paint new curls, then it is important to remember a number of rules:

  1. Paint or reagents should not touch the elements of the connection of natural and artificial strands.
  2. In any composition for coloring the content of ammonia should be reduced.
  3. Do not perform staining too often, because after each procedure, the curls become more rigid, problematic in styling.
  4. Try to turn to professionals, it is safer than experiments at home.

Use of nutritional masks

Since the hair is taken from the roots, it is only necessary to feed them. Artificial various masks will not bring any positive effect. Quite the contrary. Often they contain active ingredients, such as organic acids, which can have a destructive effect on keratin capsules. But natural hair still needs nutrition, so professionals give some tips to strengthen the roots:

  • Choosing a nutritional mask, you should pay attention to the composition. Spices (mustard, cinnamon), citrus products, as well as spirit tinctures should be excluded from it.
  • Give preference to specialized products of cosmetology.
  • Apply the mask exclusively to the roots, avoiding its contact with the connecting areas.

The owners of the updated image should visit the beauty salon (craftsmen) about once every 2-3 months for the correction. It lies in the fact that the places of their joints and donor strands are transferred closer to the hair roots.

Every six months, it is recommended to take a break. To do this, remove the artificial strands, be sure to in the cabin, using a special solution. After removal, it will be useful to undergo a regenerative course for your hair and scalp.

Be sure to get from your master a detailed consultation on how to properly care for new curls. Not all technologies require strict adherence to the above rules, respectively, the features of care should be considered separately in each case. If you carefully follow the instructions of professionals, the beauty and attractiveness is guaranteed for a long time.

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How to wash your hair

Spiked hair is no exception, pay attention to them, and they will thank you. The primary task is to learn how to properly wash your hair without harming the strands. Failure to follow simple rules will affect the appearance of curls, and, consequently, your appearance. Do not forget what the master warned you about. Tangle of hair is unacceptable. Understand the main points of washing the head, and there will be no problems.

  1. First, gently comb your hair. Pick up the detergent. If shampoo thick consistency, dilute with warm water.
  2. Tilting the head or tilt when washing can not. Water should flow down the hair and not whip them. Therefore, it is recommended to restrict the shower.
  3. Shampoo, conditioner and other drugs should be distributed over the entire length of the hair, and not rubbed as with ordinary washing. Rinse off immediately after application.
  4. Wiping is also required with care, wetting with a towel to remove moisture.
  5. To avoid entanglement, wait until the strands dry out naturally, and only then can you go to bed. The use of a hair dryer is undesirable.
  6. Sponged hair is harmful to hairs, so refrain from visiting the sauna and bath.

Tips for combing hair

All measures for the care of extension hair are aimed primarily at protection from tangling. Get a special comb or pick up another option, but with rare teeth and no balls at the ends. And then follow the proven technique of combing.

  1. Wet or even slightly damp hair is not allowed to comb.
  2. While holding the curls at the roots (you can collect the tail for convenience), first comb the tips without tugging them.
  3. Go higher on the collected hair and intercept the neck. Pressing with one hand, comb the middle of the tail.
  4. At the very least, proceed to the roots, only very carefully.

It is recommended to do combing three times a day.

Features daily care

After the hair extensions master should devote you to the subtleties of proper care for a new hairstyle. Many points depend on the technology of capacity. Some methods prohibit abrupt changes in temperature. Sometimes you can wash your hair after two days. And other techniques caution against maritime procedures.

But all the extension hair is required to periodically comb. To do this, use a comb with rare teeth and rounded tips. At bedtime, strands must be carefully combed and braided into several not very tight pigtails. This installation will protect against tangling.

Extra care
Like your hair, the acquired curls require additional care with certain features. If in their natural state, the masks feed the hair follicles, then they are unnecessarily for extended elements. Moreover, some cosmetics negatively affect their condition due to the content of active substances. But own hair should not suffer, therefore professionals advise:

  • purchase special gentle masks,
  • in the manufacture of homemade nutritional compositions exclude alcohol components, citrus fruits, as well as cinnamon, mustard and other spices,
  • you need to put masks on your roots, avoiding contact with fixing places.

The surest way is to consult the master who performed the procedure, because he knows the characteristics of care, depending on the method of extension.

Hair extension coloring

Coming up with a new way, women often think about changing hair color. It is better to think about this issue before building up, then it is easier for the master to perform coloring of individual strands. But if the desire came late, contact the specialist who increased your hair. He quickly and accurately select the coloring composition and perform the procedure itself.

Deciding to do hair painting yourself, keep in mind some of the nuances. The acquired curls, unlike natural, are painted brighter, and the exposure time must be reduced. Make the coloring composition with a lower concentration and apply it, avoiding contact with the fasteners. If this moment is ignored, the fastening strips may soften and hair loss begins.

The use of tinting shampoos also has its own subtleties. Apply, as in the classic care, a thick layer can not be. Experts advise to dissolve the tonic in a glass container and walk along the strands with a brush, bypassing the attachments. After dyeing, by all means dry the hair at the roots.

Features styling extension hair

Regardless of whether native hair or acquired, female nature requires a change. Experiments with artificial strands have their limitations, which must be strictly observed. This is due to the fact that in the total mass it is necessary to hide capsules and other linings, therefore, such manipulations must be learned as naturally as possible.

There is some restriction in the choice of hairstyle, most often the basis is loose hair, which is also not bad. Simplicity and elegance will emphasize the well-groomed length and beautiful shine of the hair. It is better, of course, if this is done by a professional who has completed the build-up, since he knows all the details of his work. Without such an opportunity, proceed to self-styling, following the basic rules.

  1. When the washed hair is dry, comb it with a round comb, using a hairdryer with a mode of cold air. To add additional volume, light mousses and products that do not contain aggressive components are suitable.
  2. Curly curls on artificial strands can be created using curlers or curling. The main thing is that the temperature of the device for laying is not too high.
  3. "Horsetail" - one of the affordable and stylish styling options. Gently gather the hair on the top of the head, secure with a rubber band. Highlighting the order of the total mass, wrap it at the base of the tail. You can sprinkle a little varnish.
  4. Spit also diversifies daily hairstyles. When combing, try to keep natural and extended strands mixed together.

Option hairstyle can be chosen, despite all limitations. Just avoid bouffanting, stiff hairstyles and heavy hairpins. And remember that hot irons will destroy the mount of the capsules. In addition, the choice of laying depends on the method of elongation, more precisely, the methods of fixation.

Hair care is a tedious process with specific features. But imagine the admiration of others for your unusually beautiful and well-groomed curls. Now you understand that your efforts justify themselves.

The difference between artificial hair and natural

When choosing a hair there is a risk to purchase a fake. How to distinguish natural hair from artificial? For this you need to conduct an experiment. Unlike money, hair smells. A small shred of hair (you can take 2-3 hairs) set on fire. If after burning it smells like scorched wool, and the ash is pounded under the fingers, then you are dealing with natural hair. Artificial hair smells like burnt plastic, and the ashes are not pounded.

Hot method

Capsule (Italian) extension is carried out when native hair is strong and dense. The technology of this extension is that the capsule is first heated, then it is attached with special tweezers or twisted with fingers. The latest developments make it possible to achieve the best melting point. After the procedure, a certain haircut is made, which allows you to hide the attachment points. The disadvantage of this type of extension is some discomfort during sleep (artificial strands prick a little and interfere with sleep). In addition, the use of air conditioning is not recommended for capsular extension. It softens the capsules and the hair falls out.

English capacity. The procedure is carried out using a pistol, glue and resin. Donor strands are attached tightly and worn for a long time. The disadvantage of this method is the negative effect of glue on the hair.

Ultrasound hardware extensione. This method allows rapid elongation by the hot method.

Cold method

Tape building. The density of its own strands corresponds to the density of artificial. On two sides on the adhesive tape (tape) sealed native strand of hair donor strands. This type of building is considered the safest, because hair does not undergo thermal action. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to pick a hairstyle.

Clip buildup carried out with metal clips. But customers feel a foreign body in their hair.

Afro-weaving. This type is suitable for all types of hair. It is the main salvation for those who have thin or liquid hair. This technology begins with the weaving of a thin African microcosm and hair is attached to it in a certain way.

The best part is that the client can braid a high tail, and no one will guess about the hair extensions. This type of extension is the most harmless and environmentally-friendly, suitable for repeated use. The advantages also include the absence of a ban on the use of care products, coloring, styling. The disadvantage is the restriction of visits to baths, saunas, pools, the sea, and the choice of hairstyles is limited.

Adhesive buildup (Italian method). This is the most difficult to perform. It is carried out with the help of microcapsules, which are fixed with glue and fixer. The glue is matched to the hair color. The life of donor hair is quite long.

South Korean capacity. This method involves the use of aluminum or silicone rings, tongs and hooks.

Elongation tressami pins. This method will help to instantly lengthen the hair by attaching the tresses with hairpins. More details about the cold method of hair extensions can be found here.

How to wash hair extensions

  • The first time washing the head is done 3-4 days after the procedure.
  • Hair should be washed in the direction of growth under the shower, i.e. standing up When washing, do not throw back the head, tilting it forward under the faucet. It is necessary to understand the full significance of this rule and in no way neglect them. The head can be turned over only if the extension hair is collected in a low tail, and the top of the head is washed under the tap. This will allow you to quickly and safely refresh your head and give a neat look. In addition, washing in the shower will prevent tangling of strands.
  • Wash with warm water.
  • When you visit the pool, bath, sauna, you must wear a special protective cap.
  • With some methods of building (Italian, African) water procedures are contraindicated.
  • Hair drying is carried out very quickly with a cold air dryer.
  • In the absence of a hair dryer, the hair is dried in air, collecting them in a free tail.


  • It is necessary to comb only a soft comb from natural pile. It is not recommended to use plastic or wooden combs, as protruding teeth can injure the place of attachment of the capsules.
  • For straightening hair, you can use the iron, but the hot platform should not touch the capsules.
  • At least twice a day it is recommended to carefully comb your hair.

Hair should be laid carefully, without touching the roots, using a soft comb and a hairdryer with cold air. Laying should not be tight.

Shampoos, conditioners

  1. Developed special shampoos used in the care of artificially long strands.
    It is recommended to use only pH-neutral agents. Brand Shampoos Estel, Concept, Keune and Natura Siberica specially adapted for this hair.
  2. The use of balsams and balsams shampoos should be excluded, because they destroy capsules.
  3. Concentrated shampoos must be diluted.
  1. It is necessary to use masks after washing. It is necessary to apply throughout all extensible hair, excluding the area of ​​attachment to your own. At the roots of any fatty oils, balsams and masks are not applied.
  2. Be careful to apply masks own cooking. Here are some recipes for homemade masks.

Recipe 1: Beat the egg, add yogurt (5 spoons) and linseed oil, mix and apply for half an hour to the hair. Wash off with shampoo.

Recipe 2: Mix yolk, castor or burdock oil and a little heated honey. Apply the mask for 40 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Recipe 3: A mixture of sea buckthorn and vegetable oil is heated in a water bath, and then applied to the hair for an hour.

Hair care during sleep

  • At night, hair is recommended to braid in a tight tail or braid.
  • At bedtime, wet hair must be dried.

By following these simple rules, you will wear hair extensions for a long time and with pleasure. Let your hair will always be stunning!


Watch the video: Hair Extensions: Care and Tips. Luxy Hair (July 2024).