Dandruff treatment

Klear Vitabe (Clear Vita Abe) Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Varieties for Women and Men: Proper Use and Efficiency


For prevention or to get rid of dandruff, there are many tools.

One of them is the Clear Vita ABE shampoo.

This brand on the shelves for almost ten years.

The appearance of this tool made a real sensation.

Now the Clear line has in its arsenal a lot of shampoos, both male and female, masks and balms.

But today we are interested in shampoos against dandruff.

How does Clear Vitabe shampoo against dandruff, we consider in the article, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • it foams well even in cool water
  • pleasant aroma, hair becomes soft, fresh, the product does not dry the scalp,
  • after the first use a positive effect is noticeable. And in two weeks you will forget about dandruff,
  • no masks and balms are required, because without them the hair is soft and silky,
  • cleans, moisturizes, nourishes.

  • many are disappointed not to see a large amount of hair,
  • some using once and without noticing the result, stop using this shampoo.

For women

All hairs are different, someone has dry or fatty on the contrary, may have oily roots and dry ends.

And it is very important for everyone to choose their means.

  1. "Balance of fat".

Needed for greasy hair. Eliminates dandruff, dandruff looks like large flakes of slightly yellow color. Removes excess fat from the curls, gives a pleasant citrus scent. "Intensive hydration."

This tool is suitable for dry hair. Cactus extract will eliminate the dryness of your strands, itching will pass.

"Basic care".

For all hair types. Clear Vita ABE Shampoo (or simply Klia or Clea inode) “Basic care” is suitable for normal hair in order to maintain this balance between dryness and fatness of curls. - “For damaged hair”.

If your hair is dry, often suffers from paints, irons, ploek, etc., then you need this shampoo, it will help to get rid not only of dandruff, but also give your curls a beautiful appearance.

For men

  1. "Control of freshness." This remedy is necessary for greasy hair and dandruff.
  2. "Deep cleansing." Shampoo will perform a protective function against fungi and bacteria, cleanse your skin.
  3. "The energy of freshness." Tenderness, softness, freshness is what is needed for a real man, all you get is if you use this shampoo.

With dandruff fighting such components:

  • zinc - kills bacteria and fungi,
  • klimbazol - component fights fungi, instantly removes itching, not allergenic. In addition, it calms.

As well as in the composition are: water, sodium laureth sulfate, cocamidopropyl betaine, dimethicone, xanthenic gum, cellulose gum, tocopherol acetate, sunflower oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, glycerin, zinc sulfate, panthenol, citric acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium benzoate, etc.,


You can not wash your hair with hot or cold water, only warm. Hot water greasy strands make it even fatter.

  1. Wet your head, press the right amount of money on the palm and warm it a little.
  2. After this, lather the hair, especially at the roots.
  3. Keep the product on the hair need 2-3 minutes.
  4. Then rinse with warm water.

This method is recommended by all experts.

If you poorly washed the roots and scalp, then your hair will quickly become dirty and you will not get rid of dandruff.


You will get the best result if you follow all the tips listed above, and the result will not keep you waiting long, just a week and you will notice the difference. It is necessary to use this tool regularly at least a month.

All reviews about this shampoo are mostly positive. If buyers buy Clear Vita ABE shampoo, many of them no longer take any other. These tools are used to combat dandruff, and for prevention.

A big plus is that all kinds of balms and masks are not required after such a shampoo, because without them the hair is smooth and soft. But if you are used to it, you can also use the air conditioner of the same manufacturer.

Dandruff Shampoo Clear Vita ABE

The Clear line is designed to get rid of dandruff on any skin type. Depending on the condition of the hair (oily, dry, oily at the roots with dry ends), an individual means is selected.

Clear varieties for women:

  • «Fat balance"Designed for hair prone to fat. Oily hair is easy to recognize by shiny strands. Dandruff flakes are large, resembling yellowish flakes. This shampoo eliminates excess fat and gives the hair fresh citrus.

  • «Intense moisturizing»Helps to care for dry curls. Cactus extract moisturizes the scalp. Dry skin is prone to irritation, itching. Hair brittle, split at the ends. Externally resemble straw.
  • «Basic care"For all hair types. Suitable for girls who have not too problematic skin, to maintain a balance in the intervals between the use of therapeutic agents.
  • «For damaged hair"Needed for dry hair, spoiled with coloring pigments, forceps, irons.

These and other shampoos, when used properly, help to permanently remove dandruff and improve the appearance and condition of the strands.

Varieties for men:

  • «Fat control"With oily seborrhea.
  • «Icy freshness"To combat itching."
  • «Deep cleansing»Helps not only effectively cleanse the skin, but also protect it from fungus and bacteria.
  • «Freshness energy"For ease and softness of hair.

Composition of Clear

Since Clear is mainly created to fight dandruff, their funds include zinc pyrithione and climbazole. Zinc has an antibacterial effect, and copes well with seborrheic dermatitis. Climbazol is an antifungal drug that does not cause allergies and effectively deals with irritation. It has a calming effect.

These compounds are contained in sufficient form to help dandruff. Wherein their content is less than in pharmaceutical preparations. Therefore, store shampoos can be used daily and for a long time both with oily and dry seborrhea.

Read tips about how to choose the right shampoo for men or women, as well as dry or oily dandruff.

Active ingredients

The main feature of Clear brand shampoos is the presence of the so-called PRO NUTRIUM 10 formula, which is different for men and women. For men, there are 2 main active ingredients that treat dandruff - zinc pyritonin and climbazole. For women - only zinc pyrithione.

Also, all shampoos of this brand contain a unique complex of vitamins, and by which they not only eliminated dandruff, but also actively care for the scalp and hair.

The basis of the composition

The range of shampoos of the Clear brand consists of more than a dozen different hair care products. Below is the basis of the composition of all products from Clear, and the variety is achieved by adding to the base components with a specific effect on the hair and scalp, which are different and are described below for a particular type of Clear shampoo.

  • Water.
  • Laureth sulfatesodium - foaming surfactant. It has a milder effect compared to the popular sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine - surfactant produced from coconut, which is responsible for cleansing the hair and scalp. It has a slight antistatic effect.
  • Dimethicone and dimethiconol - silicone polymers of similar action. Give hair shine, elasticity, facilitate combing.
  • Propylene glycol - humidifier, emulsifier.
  • Zinc pyrithione - antifungal component. The main active ingredient for dandruff.
  • Carbomer - thickener. It has small soothing, moisturizing and refreshing properties.
  • Perfume.
  • Sodium chloride - ordinary table salt in cosmetology is used as an exfoliant, thickener, antiseptic.
  • Sodium hydroxide - alkaline, exfoliating component. Takes part in the regulation of pH.
  • Hydantoin - preservative.
  • Lemon acid - preservative, pH regulator, facilitates exfoliation, opens pores, enhances the action of antifungal ingredients.

Due to the correctly selected proportion of all components, including active ingredients, the shampoo effectively fights dandruff and is suitable for regular use.

Products for men

Specialists have found that men are more susceptible to the development of dandruff, hair loss, as well as excessively active work of the sebaceous glands, which leads to oily scalp and unpleasant greasy luster. Therefore, the Clear dandruff line for men contains an additional component to combat dandruff, namely Climbazol, which kills the fungus and prevents the reproduction of myco-bacteria.

Shampoos 2in1 from Clear "Active" and "Deep Cleansing"

They are enriched with components such as mint and activated charcoal, deeply cleanse the scalp and hair of sebaceous glands and external contaminants and give a feeling of pleasant chill on the head.

Due to menthol and eucalyptus in the “Icy Freshness” shampoo, after regular use, itching and irritation disappear, and instead you will feel pleasant freshness.

A series of dandruff "Ultimate Control"

This line is designed for men who pay special attention to their hairstyle. The unique Nutrium 10 complex provides high-quality hair care, deeply nourishes and nourishes them with vitamins and trace elements, and also helps to create a neat styling.

For men who suffer from hair loss, the Clear brand has launched two products. This shampoo Clear "Phytotechnology" with extracts of Siberian herbs and Clear Vita Abe with ginseng. After regular use of these shampoos hair becomes thick and healthy.

Mode of application

All TM Clear products are easy to use and do not require special skills. Apply a small amount of shampoo to wet hair, lather it with gentle massage movements and rinse with warm running water. It is better to massage the head with the tips of the fingers without touching the skin with the nails.

Do not rush to wash off the shampoo immediately after application, as the active antifungal ingredients need time to act. But too long to keep the shampoo on the hair is not worth it, otherwise it may cause the opposite effect, and dandruff will become even more, and it may appear itchy and irritated.

To achieve a brighter effect in the shortest possible time, manufacturers recommend combining the use of shampoo with conditioner or hair balm. This is especially true for dry, damaged and dyed hair, as they need additional protection and moisturizing.

Clear shampoo has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components. However, in any case, before the first use is recommended to conduct a skin test. To do this, a few drops of shampoo need to put on the back of your hand and wait about an hour. With the appearance of redness, itching or rashes use this shampoo is absolutely impossible. If, after an hour, the skin remains clean, you can safely begin to wash your hair.

Clear shampoos are available in 200ml and 400ml plastic bottles. The average price for a small bottle of shampoo ranges from $ 3.5. Clear products can be purchased at almost any beauty store or supermarket.

Basically, reviews on the Clear brand products are positive.Buyers have noted a significant improvement in the condition of the hair and scalp in a fairly short time, and the first results are already visible after several applications. Also, owners of greasy hair, which previously had to wash their hair every day, can now afford to do it once in 3 or even 4 days.

Negative reviews of people whom the shampoo helped weakly or dandruff soon returned are less common. This concerns usually more severe cases of seborrhea, when only pharmaceutical shampoo will be used as the main treatment correctly.. But the Clear brand itself does not promise complete healing, but as they say on their official website, "removes visible dandruff with regular use."

Therefore, you need to be prepared for the possibility of an allergic reaction or irritation in extremely rare cases, and simply to the fact that this remedy will not give you any personal effect. This, again, may be due to the characteristics of a particular organism.

Short about the brand Clear

In 2007, the Clear Vita ABE anti-dandruff shampoo was released. This product quite successfully passed all the research in France. The main feature of this shampoo was the presence of a fundamentally new formula. Clear has an anti-dandruff shampoo that has an active element (zinc pyrithione) and useful vitamins, thanks to which the product not only eliminates dandruff, but also effectively nourishes the scalp.

This shampoo was a great success. Many consumers have appreciated the effect of Clear Vita ABE. But experts did not stop at the achieved effect. Additional studies were conducted, as a result of which it was proved that the scalp in men and women has significant differences. It was after this that the separate men shampoo was created for men Clear Men and for women - Clear Woman.

This brand has been operating in the market for more than seven years. During this time, not only Clear shampoo, but also other hair care products appeared on the market: various balms and masks. The company invites some celebrities who advertise its production. The face of the women's line of products of this brand is the famous model Miranda Kerr. And famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo advertises Clear Men - shampoo. Having made a bet on this popular footballer, Clear did not lose, because it is quite successfully representing its products to consumers.

Now the company is very famous and popular, it continues to work and develop. Very soon we will see new ideas of this brand.

What is dandruff and how does it appear?

Every month, or rather every 24 days, dead skin cells are removed from the surface of the scalp. The appearance of dandruff means that these cells exfoliate much faster, because of which small and sometimes rather large particles in the hair and on the surface of the clothes are formed. Very often, this overly rapid peeling process is complemented by the fact that the skin is very itchy and significantly overdried.

The causes of dandruff are varied. Most often it is formed because the hair is very often washed and subjected to heat treatment. Also, various chemicals contained in many hair dyes and shampoos can adversely affect skin condition. Another cause of dandruff is human health. Various stresses, inadequate hygiene and harmful foods - the condition of the scalp depends on all of this.

The main problem is that dandruff may appear again and again. Regular shampoos can not cope with it. Clear shampoo is perfect for this job. It will help remove dandruff for a long time and cure the scalp, and not just wash off excess particles from the surface.

Brief description of Clear shampoo from the manufacturer

The manufacturer in the description states that Clear shampoo contains zinc compounds in its composition, which, affecting the scalp, eliminate dandruff. It also contains a lot of vitamins and beneficial trace elements that care for hair and nourish it.This shampoo can be used every day because it has shown itself brilliantly in all studies.

Difference male and female lines of shampoos

The scalp of men and women is fundamentally different. The causes of dandruff and other diseases they also have different, and therefore need to be treated by different methods. Clear has developed completely different formulations of shampoos for dandruff in women and men.

According to statistics, dandruff often appears in men and has unpleasant consequences. The scalp quickly turns fat, and hair becomes prone to hair loss. Clear shampoo contains Pro-Nutrium10 with elements of zinc, pyrithione. These elements quickly eliminate the causes of dandruff, and at the same time fight against the consequences.

But in women, the consequence of dandruff is not oily skin, but rather dryness. Especially for women, shampoos contain a lot of useful microelements and vitamins that relieve dandruff in a short period of time, strengthen hair, make them docile, shiny and pleasant to the touch.

It is important to note that all Clear shampoos are aimed at the treatment of the disease and the long-term effect of the product.

How to choose a shampoo for men and women

In men's shampoo, there must be conditioning components, because men mostly wash their hair daily. But it is not necessary that there are many trace elements in its composition. Because of them, the hair will be much heavier. And this will adversely affect the health of the scalp. For men, the problem of hair loss is very relevant. Especially after the age of 30. Therefore, shampoo must strengthen the hair so that it falls out less.

As for women, it is very important for them that the curls are strong and shiny. The volume and sensations when touching the hair are very important. Therefore, you need to select a shampoo that will give your hair a healthy shine and volume.

Positive reviews of shampoo Clear

Basically, all consumers who used the shampoo Clear, have left positive feedback. Especially a lot of feedback from the female half of customers. The girls noted a good consistency, a pleasant, not pungent smell that remains on the hair even after drying. Shampoo foams very well, but it is completely easy to wash it off with plain water.

It should also be noted that the shampoo is very sparingly used, a large package lasts for several months. However, this opinion is subjective, since the expense of the funds depends on the length of the hair. This product does not desiccate the scalp and prevents quick salting of hair. The result of getting rid of dandruff is noticeable from the first use of the shampoo. Also, thanks to this product, the hair gets beautiful persistent volume. Hair is noticeably easier to comb, and they are no longer confused. It is pleasant to touch them, and they look strong and healthy.

As for men, they were also satisfied after using this tool. Also noted a pleasant smell and foam. Especially the masculine part of consumers liked the feeling of purity and freshness after applying the shampoo, which remains for a long time. Hair looks healthy and almost ceases to fall out. Dandruff goes away even after one application.

Negative reviews of shampoo Clear

Despite the fact that the shampoo copes with its intended purpose, some consumers still found it a few flaws. They argue that the tool is very irritating to the mucous membrane, if suddenly gets into the eyes. But this certainly happens because the shampoo contains active elements that fight dandruff, and therefore have a negative effect on the delicate mucosa.

Some men noted that after using this product, the hair began to electrify more. One of the main disadvantages of this shampoo, which was noted by almost all consumers, was its cost. The price is really quite high.But considering all the positive qualities of the product and effective action, we can say that it is possible to pay for such a high-quality shampoo. After all, it fully justifies all expectations.

Clear (shampoo): price

As mentioned above, the price of shampoo is quite high. In Ukraine, this product costs about 80-100 UAH, and in Russia - starting from 200 rubles for a small jar. But this shampoo has proven itself in the market, almost all consumers are satisfied with it, it copes well with its main task - eliminating dandruff. Therefore, for a decent quality - a decent price.

Summarizing all the above, we can say that Clear shampoo is very effective in the fight against dandruff. Almost all consumers were satisfied after using the product. And all the minor flaws completely overlap the positive qualities of this cosmetic.

Muratova Anna Eduardovna

Psychologist, online consultant. Specialist from the website b17.ru

- January 11, 2009, 15:15

We noticed that EVERYONE has its own reaction to shampoos and other care products, and they are selected individually.

- January 11, 2009, 15:33

I noticed that after the above shampoo, I have dandruff like snow, it never happened, it wasn’t even convenient. I did not know what to write it off, but if someone else had this problem, then it makes sense to think.

- January 11, 2009, 15:40

exactly! I myself was surprised. and I do not know what to do! Can Head & Sholders Try? or at the pharmacy something.

- January 11, 2009, 15:44

3. Here Head & Sholders is an excellent shampoo. Not immediately but dandruff will pass. Try it. Only now, if you stop using it then dandruff will be more than before you didn’t start using it. I had it that way.

- January 11, 2009, 15:52

darn. even worse!
maybe something else there. :-(

- January 11, 2009, 16:03

Noticed. I have never had such dandruff!
Try some pharmacy shampoo. Nizoral helped me. They say there is something similar in composition and action, but cheaper.

- 11 January 2009, 16:05

I did not notice. I got an itchy headache from him, and my hair began to be cool after washing.

- 11 January 2009, 16:09

- January 11, 2009, 16:14

choose a moisturizing shampoo or after any use hair creams, because dandruff is a piece of dead skin, you dried it.

- January 11, 2009, 16:17

my husband only Clear vita ABE and helped. I have already switched to other shampoos, but there was no relapse (ttt)

- January 11, 2009, 16:39

Try the Sulsen paste, and then go (at least for a while) to prof. shampoos They are not so aggressive. Londa for example inexpensive, costs less than 400 rubles. per liter bottle. Dandruff will not.

- January 11, 2009, 16:44

by the way, another itch appeared! I have not used it for several months, and my head itches horribly.
8, 1. Do you know how to pick up shampoos by name and even the first time? cool! Teach me too, if you are so knowledgeable!

- 11 January 2009, 16:46

and further! I used to have fatty roots, not that much, but fatty ones, now I don’t know. but from the middle dry.

- January 11, 2009, 17:49

and only this shampoo helped my husband. I tried a bunch of all sorts, including pharmacy. And then I decided to try and help. already a month no at all. TTT. Head washes daily.

- January 11, 2009, 18:16

Well, a man can wash his hair every day, but a woman does not.

- January 11, 2009, 19:11

my MCH after allergic shampoo allergy appeared - a small red rash on the face around the eyes (((and his sister has a terrible body rash in many places - chest, back. that's such a good shampoo !!

- January 11, 2009, 19:23

Do not speak! And I believed the advertising. Fool means. : - ((

Related topics

- January 11, 2009, 21:01

great shampoo! for my hair is perfect. long retain freshness, smell awesome, but about dandruff, it was not and no! after he tried to use others, but always came back to this particular shampoo.
naturally, for each individually selected.

- 11 January 2009, 21:05

and I am happy with it, dandruff was quite a bit, but it passed, and my hair is well
but I don't constantly wash them, after 2-3 times I use another shampoo so that the scalp does not get used or has no side

- January 11, 2009, 23:30

17, where does the advertisement come from? you do not come shampoo, but this does not mean that he is shitty.I repeat, I really, really like it)

- January 12, 2009, 11:14

Well, I'm happy for you! use on health.

- January 12, 2009, 11:45

I like it as a shampoo, but there is also a rash on the body and on the cheeks. Most dandruff shampoos, and mb and all, have the principle that dandruff first increases, and each time the type peels off and eventually disappears, so does the fryderm which thread works .. Pah-pah me left since she found the nature of Siberian, but her hair began to fall out, and cleavita abe gives a rash. Shampoo case is individual

- January 12, 2009, 11:59

mda, but to Head & Sholders what kind of balsam can I buy. Any?

- January 12, 2009, 14:40

My husband's head was pulled from him. Head itching mercilessly. Naturally, dandruff only intensified.

- January 12, 2009, 16:12

- January 12, 2009, 18:12

Mnu has dandruff from headheads and only nizoral helps

- January 12, 2009, 19:49

Nizoral OK, buy it. Now the itch seems to be gone, but for several months my head itched terribly. thank God!

- January 13, 2009, 11:57

I, too, from it all itched, dandruffed. Well, it nafig.

- January 13, 2009, 14:11

I bought dandruff for my daughter (she was 12 years old), and it turned out even worse. Already growths of this dandruff on the head. That's terrible! Hardly got rid of - sulsena and nizoral. Now I go around it a mile away, and I advise everyone.

- January 13, 2009, 14:37

Thank you very much.

- June 5, 2009, 22:16

Dandruff may be caused by improperly selected shampoo, or by its individual intolerance, which does not reduce its quality. Each person lives on the scalp Malasseziya fungus, because of which dandruff appears. If you smoke, are subject to stress, wear often hats that do not allow your skin to breathe, or hormonal failure, just a transitional age, weather, environmental conditions. All this affects this fungus, after which it is "irritated" and dandruff becomes more. The most common - people do not know their type of scalp and hair, and in fact it may differ from the skin on the body and face, so they choose the wrong shampoo. And then they wonder where the dandruff comes from. Good luck.

- June 5, 2009, 22:17

P. S itself I use Clear Vita ABE, and no dandruff, my hair began to look better, shine and less flow.

- June 23, 2009, 18:01

It did not work for me - it washes out badly, some kind of itching appeared. "Nizoral" really helps with dandruff, and if for daily or frequent washing - "Pregeyn" is sold only in pharmacies.

- 3 August 2009, 21:29

I almost did not have dandruff, quite a bit, so I decided to get rid of it! I decided to try a new then shampoo Clear vita ABE. first time everything was fine. and the hair was soft and during the washing on the head there was a feeling of an icy and strongly mint shower. but in all subsequent times there was nothing of the kind and the hair was like straw. What about you? tell me!

My young man had a problem with dandruff. Not even special shampoos at the pharmacy helped. And they decided to buy this one. And he helped. he still has no dandruff =) good shampoo.

- January 1, 2010, 6:54 pm

and I have the opposite. started using new then shampoo syos. There was a lot of dandruff, I tried clear and that's it! I really liked shampoo!

- January 1, 2010, 19:04

The author, well, go broke, buy at least a little Nizoral. One procedure is usually enough, then this bottle will stand with you until the next few times. I had 2 times in my life, both times I washed Nizoral once and that’s all. This five-year-old tube still stands.

- January 16, 2010, 6:13 PM

a razor will save humanity from dandruff but a new dust will appear :-D

- January 22, 2010, 13:32

Some say that after it appears a huge amount of dandruff. chuty would not be "flakes." And you try to think about it, why. so here I will answer you. This is dandruff from the previous shampoo. Clear removes it. I myself was shocked at first. but 4 months have passed. I continue to wash them.

- March 2, 2010, 15:05

This shampoo helped me, how many different ones I didn’t try, but it alone finally got rid of dandruff and now I can’t replace it with anything, dandruff is already gone, but this shampoo is the best! =)

- April 18, 2010, 12:39

And for me this is salvation. low bow to producers.

- April 18, 2010, 12:40

used to use head and shuldkrsom, then moved to the clear. for me it is almost salvation.

- 17 June 2010, 23:31

Head en Sholders ***.I have a bunch of dandruff from it. Klia Vita Abe cool shampoo. But it is better to rinse with chamomile or sprinkled.

- July 22, 2010, 12:52

CLEAR VITA ABE shampoo! Taxis! The young ladies are selected individually, for each type of hair, and for the scalp of each person, different secretions of the sebaceous glands and not only!

- August 6, 2010, 15:41

Yeah! How am I to all the people, to-th shampoo did not help, condolences. It helped me from the very first application. So was pleased with the result. )))))))))

- August 27, 2010, 6:43 pm

I used to use a pantine, and then once I tried a CLEAR VITA ABE for a young man. I had a little dandruff transferred from the IC as it were, but my hair became much better than from pantin. Although I was very pleased with the panther, but now I turn to Klear vitab, apparently my hair has attracted me more))

- August 3, 2011, 02:02

I had almost no dandruff before washing. I bought CLEAR VITA ABE not because of dandruff but because I liked the design of the label))
After a while I noticed a lot of coarse dandruff and itching.
I will not use it anymore!

- December 23, 2012, 03:21

Each person is all individually and one shampoo cannot suit everyone.

Feature means

Clear Vita Abe Shampoo is a healing product for the hair from the caring series, which is a popular global brand. Thanks to innovative components, it is directed towards the epithelium cells, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. The product not only eliminates seborrhea, but also prevents recurrence.

In the development of dandruff shampoo, scientists of the company based on the factor of sexual characteristics between the male and female. It is proved that the male half of the scalp is predisposed to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.

The female epidermis is prone to reduced sebum production. This is because the majority of women subject their hair to chemical and thermal effects: dyeing, curling, hot styling. Therefore, this drug contains additional caring components that relieve itching and eliminate dry skin.

Shampoo composition

PRO NUTRIUM 10 is a male formula of a product, saturated with perition of zinc and climbazole. Components actively resist fungi and other harmful microorganisms.

Especially for males developed a vitamin complex with the content of mineral and nutritional ingredients. Men's shampoos for fatty curls include products:

  • from greasy dandruff,
  • relieving itching
  • antibacterial and antifungal protection,
  • softening the hair.

NUTRIUM 10 is a female formula based on zinc perition. The composition includes a vitamin, mineral and nutritional complex, designed for women. The impact of nutrients is aimed at feeding the deeper layers of the epidermis. The women's series consists of the following products:

  • fatty strands, includes citrus ingredients, eliminates greasiness,
  • brittle strands, includes cactus extract, relieves itching,
  • problem epidermis.

Also read about Korean and antifungal shampoos for people from depriving.

All funds for a long time eliminate the fungus and prevent its re-emergence. The series has additional funds. For example, Clear Vita Abe protection against hair loss, reviews of which are positive.

For complete care, various innovative care systems have been developed:

  • Klear Vita Abe shampoo and conditioner-balsam for daily use,
  • nourishing mask is applied once a week,
  • intensive 7-day therapy, calculated on the use of 1 time per month.

The perfect result is achieved thanks to the program approach.

For the best effect, it is necessary to apply the means correctly:

  • you can not wash your hair with hot water
  • for dry skin, use warm water,
  • for oily skin, cool water is suitable,
  • the composition is massaged into the skin, as it must remove the horny layer,
  • the tool is kept for several minutes
  • with dryness, the frequency of washing 2 times weekly, with fat content - as far as pollution.

Advantages and disadvantages

The whole series of shampoos has excellent reviews, thanks to several advantages:

  • eliminates excess fat and dryness
  • makes combing easier, making the curls soft and docile,
  • restores the structure of the strands from the inside,
  • gives volume
  • contains a vitamin and amino acid complex that regenerates epithelial cells,
  • contains antifungal and antibacterial substances,
  • has a pleasant aroma
  • contains lemon extract, which makes the curls shiny and silky,
  • has antistatic properties,
  • A remedy for hair loss, judging by user feedback, provides protection against alopecia.

There are disadvantages:

  • people who are prone to allergies may have a reaction,
  • contains harmful components, therefore, it is in the category of moderately safe means,
  • contains preservatives for foaming,
  • Eye contact causes irritation.

Comparison with other dandruff products of a similar category: Clean line and Gliss kur.

Gliss kur and shampoo Clear Vita Abe can be purchased at almost the same price.

Shampoo Clean Line is much cheaper.

The effectiveness of 3 tools is rated by users equally.

The difference lies in the fact that the composition of the product Pure line in contrast to the first 2 options is more natural.

Experts advise to choose the means individually. What is suitable for one can be a disaster for another.

Customer Reviews

Used this shampoo against baldness. Strands fell like hail, so she pinned all hope on the tool. Helped great, worth the money.

I use shampoos of this brand for a long time, I tried the whole women's series. All cope with dandruff perfectly, made its permanent means. Qualitatively!

Bought dandruff shampoo. My case is running, nothing helped. After 1 month of application, the itch has finally disappeared, and dandruff gradually disappeared. I advise those who are tired to be treated.

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Dandruff Problems: Causes

Dandruff is one of the most frequent problems, bringing, in addition to an unpleasant appearance, and discomfort that appears due to the dryness of the scalp, or vice versa, its excessive fatness and recurring itching.

One of the main causes of dandruff is a violation of the scalp. This may be the result:

  • Stress, human disease.
  • Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins.
  • Intense exposure to UV rays or hypothermia.
  • Contact with bacteria Malassezii.
  • The use of many different cosmetics that impede the free circulation of oxygen.
  • Chemical dyeing and re-drying of hair with a hair dryer.
  • Pollution of the environment.

Problems with hair occurring in men and women are different: Men are more concerned about the constantly oily condition of the scalp and loss of hair. In women, excessive dryness of the skin and the occurrence of itching, followed by dandruff, is more common. It is with these negative consequences, judging from the advertising provided by the company, that Clear Vita Abe shampoo effectively fights.

Decision from "Vita Abe"

Experts from the company after conducting the tests believe that solving only the problem associated with the fungus that causes dandruff is not enough, it is also necessary to maintain the scalp in a healthy state. Shampoo "Clear" has become a comprehensive solution to the problems. Is he:

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate.These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • Destroys the fungus.
  • Maintains the scalp in a healthy state, nourishing and restoring it.
  • Prevents dandruff when re-infected with Malassezia.
  • Reduces transepidermal moisture loss while maintaining it at a consistently normal level.
  • Reduces the intensity of the sebaceous glands.

Due to the active nourishing and moisturizing ingredients, the Clear dandruff shampoo accelerates the production of proteins that restore cells, thus avoiding peeling of the epidermis and the appearance of white scales. In the men's series, special attention is paid to the elimination of an excessively greasy film, and additional moisturizing and soothing components are introduced into the women's complex.

"Clear Vita Abe" shampoo. Main cast

An important and effective innovation that manufacturers were given to Clear Vita Abe shampoo is the presence of the Nutrium 10 complex, which includes 10 different types of vitamins and mineral supplements that nourish hair and have healing properties. In addition to the medical complex, there are a number of auxiliary components.

Despite the fact that a large range of products is available for sale, the composition has a similar structure, with a difference in individual elements. Safe and therapeutic elements included in the Clear shampoo:

  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate is an effective degreasing detergent that can lead to loss of moisture.
  • Demethiconol is a safe drug that gives ease of combing and strengthens the structure.
  • Dimethicone is a component that results in a better and even distribution of the substance over the surface.
  • Laureth-23 - provides better cleaning of harmful pollutants deposited on the hair.
  • Carbomer is a safe thickener powder. Menthol is a cosmetic additive derived from natural oil.
  • Glycerin is a harmless emollient, useful in the right doses, and in case of overdose it can cause increased dryness.
  • Lysine HCI - an additive that prevents the decomposition of the substance, is an antiviral drug, is part of the proteins and stimulates tissue repair.
  • Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil - oil from sunflower seeds, has a healing effect, forms a film.
  • Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride is a preparation of synthetic origin, it regulates viscosity, exhibits antistatic effect, and allows film to form.
  • Polypropylene Glycol is a binding component.
  • Tocopheryl Acetate is a synthetically derived nourishing vitamin E.
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride - antioxidant B6, improves the regenerative function of the skin.
  • Panthenol, another name for vitamin B5, has a calming and nourishing function.
  • Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate - vitamin C, protection from free radicals.
  • Lemon Extract - makes hair shine.
  • Methylisothiazolinone is a standard preservative in cosmetology.

Components valid for use in cosmetology

  • TEA Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate: detergent, emulsifier. Valid only in low concentrations, as it can cause cancer.
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine: from coconut oil, necessary for the breakdown of fat cells, an allergen.
  • Zinc Pyrithione: active antimicrobial, allergen.
  • Laureth-4 - from coconut oil, has detergents, emulsifier, antistatic agent. Allowed in small doses.
  • Poloxamer 407 is an unsafe emulsifier.
  • Parfum - a component that gives flavor, an allergen.
  • Sodium Chloride is a binding component, for example, in small dosages.
  • Sodium Hydroxide - regulates the acidity of the PH and is a binder. Permissible drug in small doses, leads to irritation of the mucous surfaces.
  • Zinc Sulfate - has antiseptic and astringent properties. A dangerous drug for allergies, affects the reproductive system and the heart.
  • DMDM Hydantoin or formalin is an antimicrobial.

The line of products "Clear"

Clear Shampoo is available in two specialized lines that allow you to maintain healthy hair of men and women. It solves issues related not only to the appearance of hair, but also with the appearance of dandruff:

  • The series for men includes 8 types of products.
  • The women's line is 10 types of shampoo.

Clear varieties for women:

  • "Balance of fat" is intended for hair prone to fat. Oily hair is easy to recognize by shiny strands. Dandruff flakes are large, resembling yellowish flakes. This shampoo eliminates excess fat and gives the hair fresh citrus.
  • "Intensive moisturizing" helps to care for dry curls. Cactus extract moisturizes the scalp. Dry skin is prone to irritation, itching. Hair brittle, split at the ends. Externally resemble straw.
  • "Basic care" for all types of hair. Suitable for girls who have not too problematic skin, to maintain a balance in the intervals between the use of therapeutic agents.
  • "For damaged hair" is needed for dry hair, damaged by coloring pigments, forceps, irons. These and other shampoos, when used properly, help to permanently remove dandruff and improve the appearance and condition of the strands.

Varieties for men:

  • "Control of fat" in oily seborrhea.
  • "Icy freshness" to combat itching.
  • "Deep cleansing" helps not only effectively cleanse the skin, but also protect it from fungus and bacteria.
  • "Energy of freshness" for ease and softness of hair.

Each of the items presented for sale serves as a reducing and antimicrobial agent with good cleaning agents. The difference in formulations of Clear Vita Abe anti-dandruff shampoos also provides a solution to additional problems, such as:

  • Increased oily hair.
  • Hair fragility, loss.
  • Dry scalp.
  • Dry hair due to the negative impact of natural factors and chemical dyeing.
  • The embarrassing combing and tangling strands.
  • Weak and brittle hair structure, tip section.
  • Bad volume.

Reviews of shampoo "Clear Vita Abe"

Olga, Simferopol

I bought a shampoo Clear against dandruff. Everything was lovely. Foams well, the smell is excellent, there is no dandruff. But two weeks later, my head began to itch terribly, this has been going on for a month now, although I have not used it for a long time. I thought that it did not suit me, I suggested to my mother-in-law, she started the same after two washes, then her father-in-law complained about the itch, it turned out that he used it too. Only the husband uses and everything is fine with him. Choose you. But the itch is terrible.

Luka, Stavropol

Hello to all. My hairdresser advised me to buy this brand of shampoo, as a good remedy for dandruff. And really, I liked the shampoo. Frightened by the reviews, which told about how he did not fit, or about how in the morning there was a layer of dandruff on his head. In my case, nothing like that.
When washing my head with joy, I discovered that this shampoo had to be applied 2.5 times smaller than the one I used before. Only a third of the palm was needed for long hair. The head was a bit splintered, but for the sake of beautiful hair and a head without dandruff, you can suffer a little. I advise everyone to try this shampoo!

Hope, Syktyvkar

Hello everyone, I bought it means shampoo, I liked the smell, and my hair seemed to be no longer fat, all right, my face started to burn, I just did not change my mind (because of water) was my main option, the burning sensation changed the shampoo, but I didn’t pay attention to it, today I bought this shampoo again, I came home and washed my head, my face was burning again, now everything secret was revealed! all the same shampoo does not fit! people use with caution, by the way I am not allergic! all health!

Lucky, Krasnodar

Good day to all. My story is short, but important.
My mom started having dandruff problems. I saw an advertisement, I decided to buy this cheap shampoo. During the process, already in the shower, she felt that she was pinching the scalp and face. She came out of the shower. The face was all red, neck, shoulders, scalp ... I had to drink suprastin. Hour departed. In general, this shampoo is quite dangerous, because my mother is not allergic.
The aunt had a similar situation, but there was no suprastin. Head itched for two days according to her stories. That's all I wanted to say.

Yana, Kiev

Bought CLEAR for hair loss. I am on the 6th pregnancy and a couple of weeks ago my skin began to dry. Before that, I always used Jonsons Baby baby shampoo and had no problems, but it took me up to remove this light dandruff ... The next day I was in shock (At first I thought I had washed the shampoo badly, but after looking I was just horrified - my whole head was covered with dandruff, as if some kind of dermobolis, a white greasy bloom appeared at the roots of the hair, and darkness in the head was dark, still shoveling huge pieces of dandruff. I thought that it really couldn’t have washed it out - the second time it got worse and itchy. as to whom, but the result has grieved me Now I have a really strong dandruff, which I never had. I don't even know what to do (

Evgenia, St. Petersburg

Also bought, led to advertising. I had almost no dandruff, and after the first use, the next morning, all her hair was covered with it. I thought it was good enough, but after the second use it all happened again. The only plus is that the hair is not tangled and combed perfectly (I have it long), but even here everything is not so smooth — in the evening, the hair becomes as if licked and dirty. Frustrated

Leralove, Moscow

Snow dandruff after application. I have never treated dandruff with cosmetics, only drugstores, but I bought this shampoo when I read somewhere about their research in the field of dandruff treatment and I liked their scientific approach. However, my expectations were not met, even on the contrary, I was shocked, since I never had such a blizzard of dandruff on my head. I tried to eliminate a very slight peeling, and got a huge problem with itching and just snow dandruff. Apparently, everything is very individual, and since the causes of dandruff are different, then the means for each are different. I ended up returning to the Sulsen pharmacy treatment shampoo.

Ilya, Saratov

Bought a shampoo supposedly from dandruff, Clear bio-natrium with mint, tea tree oil and ginseng. After shampooing, the hair was greasy the very next day. Then the hair began to leave my head even worse and my hair became very fine (I used it for about a month) and there was no problem whatsoever. Now I am looking for a means to restore hair

P.S. Apparently not everyone is suitable.

I want to share my great joy. I am one of those “lucky ones” who are allergic to most of the chemical ingredients that are added to shampoos and balms. How can I get tired to rub egg yolk into my head or rinse with vinegar. Of course, all this helps a lot, but believe me, when most shampoos are not available to you, you begin to quietly hate popular recipes. And the joy is that I found just a great complex for hair care - Klear Phytotechnology. In this series, there is shampoo and balm, and they came up to me! The point is that there are a lot of natural ingredients in it and there is little chemistry. Hair shine, no allergies! Highly recommend!

Karina # 3 Moscow

Well, my eyes sting after any shampoo, you just need to rinse them well. In general, I really liked the Clear vita ABE shampoo, I use it all the time and I do not have dandruff, and it doesn’t itch, my hair is well washed out and easy to comb. Good shampoo can't say anything bad

Klear Vitabe (clear vita abe) - whether the mass market shampoo is able to get rid of dandruff

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
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Clear products (“Clear”) are an opportunity to quickly deal with the problem of the scalp, strengthen curls and preserve their beauty, strength, health. French brand almost 40 years happy quality products for the hair. Not less successfully the company fights against seborrhea. Klear Vitabe shampoo (Clear Vita Abe) allows you to solve the problem of "snow" in the hair, regardless of the type of scalp, it prevents dandruff in the future. The product for hair specified is approved by IACD (International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology). Its effectiveness has been proven by users - 90% of the participants after applying the dandruff shampoo recommended it to combat the snow-white defect in the hair.

About the properties of the drug

Dandruff can significantly spoil the hair, give carelessness and untidy to its owner. The symptoms of seborrhea also include itching of the integument, the hair quickly becomes fat or, conversely, dryness and brittleness appear. The main reasons for the problem with the head of hair are disruption of the sebaceous glands, the abnormal activity of harmful bacteria, microorganisms, fungi.

The Clear Vita Abe series of hair products is a comprehensive approach to combat this symptom.

What effect to expect from the product:

  • decrease in the activity and death of the fungus, pathogenic flora that provoked the development of seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis and other ailments,
  • visually reducing the number of dandruff scales in the hair,
  • getting rid of itching and discomfort,
  • decrease in production of sebum secretion
  • filling the weakened cells of the scalp and hair follicles with nutrients, vitamins,
  • normalization of the water-fat balance of the scalp, reduction of transepidermal moisture loss,
  • strengthening and restoring natural shine, strength of hair,
  • The unique composition of the product can prevent dandruff in the future.

Doctors recommend not to delay with dandruff and treat it immediately, with the appearance of the first alarming symptoms. Healing shampoo Clear Vita Abe cope with the task. You can notice positive changes after several uses of the tool. You can evaluate the final results of treatment in the photo before and after.

Series ruler

Experts of the company with understanding approached the solution of dandruff in the hair and divided the entire line on products for men and women.

Female shampoo Clear against dandruff has several varieties:

  • "Protection against hair loss" - simultaneously acts in several directions: reduces dandruff and stops hair loss by up to 98%. Formula means aimed at strengthening the hair follicles, ensuring full protection of the integument of the head from the aggressiveness of external factors. Recommended by dermatologists for weakened curls. Available in 400 and 200 ml.

  • “Restoration of damaged and dyed hair” - vitamin E and minerals are included in the preparation. The drug provides intensive nutrition of the epidermis of the head, enhances protection against aggressive external influences, strengthens and restores weakened locks along the entire length. Can be used every day.

  • "Intensive moisturizing" - will relieve from the snow-white problem and normalizes the water balance of the scalp. You will find cactus extract in the composition, it will fill the cells of the epidermis with nutritive components and relieve the itching and irritability of the integument from seborrhea. Well foams, easily washed off and guarantees high results in solving problems with hair. Ideal for dry-type hair.

  • “Maximum volume” - recommended for thin, weakened curls. In addition to 100% disposal of dandruff, the manufacturer promises to increase the basal volume, make the hair even more beautiful and luxuriant. Restrictions on the frequency of washing the head with this tool no, can be used every day.

  • The nourishing Shampoo Clear Vita ABE women Phytotechnology, in addition to the innovative technology Nutrium 10, the formula means is enriched with extracts of Siberian herbs, cedar oil. The advantages of the drug include the guaranteed elimination of dandruff and itching, intensive nutrition and strengthening of weakened curls. And also the prolonged effect. You can apply every day, regardless of the type of hair and scalp.

  • “Ice freshness with menthol” - recommended for normal hair type. Contains cooling mint extract. The unique formula of the drug allows you to accelerate the cure of seborrhea, return hair shine and elasticity. Safe to use, even when used daily.

  • "Basic care" - eradicates the problem of dandruff for a long time, thanks to the nutrient complex of vitamins and minerals. Suitable for everyone, regardless of the type of hair. Deeply cleans integuments from dandruff scales, has a destructive effect on bacteria and fungi, and also activates the natural protection of the skin from external aggressive factors.

To strong and confident men, the company offers a separate Clear product line to effectively combat dandruff. It includes:

  • Shampoo Clear Vita ABE men Phytotechnology - a unique formula means complemented by useful, nutritious extracts of plants and cedar oil. In the complex, they provide a 100% solution to the problem of male dandruff. The effect pleases for a long time.

  • "Strengthening" - will make hair strong and strong, will reduce loss to 98%. It is recommended to use regularly to achieve greater effect every day.

  • Shampoo for men Clear Vita ABE Men Ultimate control against dandruff. Quickly copes with the snow-white problem in the hair, improves the immunity of the cells of the scalp, enhances their protection against external aggressive factors. The tool takes care of the hair and gently, but deeply cleans the integument from the accumulated dandruff scales.

  • "Activesport" product created for active men, combines balm and nourishing shampoo at the same time. The unique formula helps to eliminate itching and discomfort, qualitatively removes dandruff, preventing its presence in the future.

  • "Icy freshness with menthol" - in addition to combating dandruff scales, the product refreshes, tones the skin and hair. Recommended for men with normal and bold type of hair. Mint extract is present in the composition.

Attention! The choice of shampoo is an important point for quick and high-quality recovery. If the product is chosen incorrectly, the symptoms may worsen.

Composition and benefits

The main advantage of Clear products is quality and a unique, high-performance formula. The creators of the funds are closely monitoring customer preferences. They develop and introduce new technologies to minimize unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the cause of the disease directly.

In proof of this, the innovative complex of minerals and vitamins Nutrium 10, which provides intensive nutrition to the top three layers of the scalp. Its main goal is to strengthen the mechanism of protection of covers from the negative impact of external factors, prevention of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

It is worth noting that the company's products received a high rating from dermatologists of the world.

The compositions of male and female shampoos are somewhat different due to the fact that men are more likely to develop seborrhea. Clear Vita Abe Men nourishing shampoo (male) contains 2 active substances: zinc pyrithione with climbazole, and only one female substance (zinc pyrithione). Both components have antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. They dry the covers and contribute to the death of disease-causing fungi.

As part of the proposed products you will also find:

  • Menthol (menthol), which is obtained from natural oil,
  • Lysine HCI - antiviral component, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues,
  • Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil is an oil extract that is obtained from sunflower seeds. In addition to the therapeutic effect, it creates a thin protective film on the surface,
  • Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride is a synthetic antistatic additive,
  • Tocopheryl Acetate (vitamin E) - strengthens the curls, prevents the appearance of dryness, increases their protection against UV rays,
  • Panthenol (panthenol or vitamin B5) - relieves inflammation and irritation of the integument, improves cell immunity,
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (vitamin B6) - accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged scalp fibers,
  • Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (vitamin C) - has high antioxidant properties, protects the scalp from the harmful effects of free radicals.

In addition to these components, the composition contains synthetic additives acceptable in cosmetology, which prevent the decomposition of the substance, are responsible for the viscosity and acidity of the product. These are various emulsifiers, aromatic additives, etc.


Clear Vita Abe shampoos are not recommended for children's skin. It contains strong and synthetic components that will adversely affect the condition of the baby's integuments.

To abandon the use of funds to be customers with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Neglect of this contraindication will only aggravate the problem, add dandruff allergic rash, irritation and a number of unpleasant consequences.

Open wounds, abrasions, sores on the head can also become an obstacle to the use of the product. How to deal with the problem in this case, consult with a dermatologist or trichologist. He will prescribe a topical ointment.

The use of shampoo during pregnancy and lactation is a moot point. The manufacturer does not limit the use of products, but for greater confidence and peace of mind, women should consult with their doctor. Changes in hormonal levels may affect the effectiveness of the tool and the final result.

Important! If you notice that dandruff does not diminish while washing the head with the Clear Vitabe shampoo, on the contrary, it becomes even more, or the itching intensifies, immediately refuse the preparation.

The pricing policy of the manufacturer is quite acceptable for most customers. For convenience, the shampoo is poured into large bottles (400 ml) and medium (200 ml). The cost of a large package varies between 250–350 rubles. The cost of a smaller package is not too different, the purchase will cost 150-250 rubles.

You can buy the tool in the supermarket and pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, to help will be the official website of the company or online shopping.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of shampoos Clear stands out:

  • the effectiveness of the product in the fight against boring dandruff, thanks to innovative and nutritional supplements,
  • most of the products are universal, do not limit the type of hair and the covers of the patient,
  • rarely causes allergies
  • in the composition there are moisturizing ingredients that prevents the manifestation of dryness of the integument as a side effect,
  • all products are approved by the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology,
  • shampoos are divided into male and female, their compositions are selected taking into account the peculiarities of the skin structure in women and men,
  • suitable for daily use
  • large selection of products depending on the desired additional action (for example, intensive hydration, nutrition, strengthening or toning),
  • minimum contraindications
  • acceptable price,
  • You can buy the product in a specialized cosmetic store, a pharmacy and even a supermarket,
  • the product smells good and foam well.

There are products and cons:

  • will be ineffective for the treatment of complex diseases,
  • There are synthetic additives, some of which can cause health problems if the dosage is violated,
  • with prolonged use may addictive body.

Instructions for use shampoo

We will discuss several features of using the tool to ensure maximum effectiveness of treatment:

  1. To correct the problem with the hair can only regular use of shampoo.
  2. Means is applied on the moistened ringlets.
  3. Be sure to massage the scalp as if rubbing the product for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Choose a product taking into account the individual characteristics of the user (type of scalp and hair, gender).
  5. Follow the recommendations of the manufacturer, do not violate the instructions for use.
  6. Before treatment, it is recommended to be examined by a specialist in order to identify the cause of the development of the disease.
  7. It is not necessary to apply balm after shampooing with Clear Vitabe shampoo. Nutritional and emollient ingredients have already been added to the product. If you decide to apply a mask, make sure that it was the same brand. In this case, get a greater effect.
  8. Take breaks or replace it with another between courses of dandruff use to avoid addiction. Later you can return to your favorite tool.
  9. During the period of treatment it is not recommended to use a hairdryer, curling irons and irons for drying or styling hair.

  1. Wet your hair with water.
  2. Rub a little Clear Vitabe shampoo in your palms, and then rub 1-2 minutes into the scalp.
  3. Spread the resulting foam over the entire length of the curls.
  4. After 2–3 minutes of exposure on the hair, thoroughly wash off the remnants of the product with warm or cool water.
  5. If desired, rinse with a decoction of herbs, apply a mask or a balm.

Important! Do not use hot water during the procedure, only warm water or herbal decoction. For oily hair, rinsing with cool liquid is allowed.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer does not prohibit the use of the tool every day, hair experts recommend the following frequency of procedures:

  • owners of a dry type of hair should be limited to 2-3 headwash a week. It is important to use shampoo for dry hair with a moisturizing effect.
  • If you suffer from high fat head, the washing procedure is carried out more often, mostly every other day.

The duration of treatment depends on the degree of illness, but on average 1 month is enough. Clear nourishing shampoo to relieve dandruff for a long time, if you use it once a week as a preventive measure.

Effect of use

Feedback from customers who have used the products of Klear Vitabe in the fight against an unpleasant cosmetic defect, mostly positive. Many praise quick recovery, without extraneous dryness, brittle hair, which are often present when using products of this kind.

Plus, the curls look healthy, become silky and elastic, played with a natural shine. Surprising users and low cost funds, along with high efficiency.

A noticeable result is felt after a week of regular use of the product.

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
Read more here ...

Consider, the primary task in the treatment of seborrhea - is to determine the cause of its occurrence. If these are minor malfunctions in the sebaceous glands, provoked by poor care, poor nutrition, activity of pathogenic microorganisms, fungi, then boldly proceed to treatment with the Clear Vitabe shampoo and enjoy a speedy recovery!

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Why does the scalp flake off?

Peeling of the scalp is most often a manifestation of the disruption of the sebaceous glands, which can be caused by a variety of factors: from the body's banal stress response to a serious disease that requires long-term treatment by a dermatologist. So, it is worth finding out what actually causes the detachment of scales, how to restore the balance of the scalp, and prevent the development of diseases.

Disruption of the hormonal system

The primary cause of peeling of the skin is a violation of the sebaceous glands, which can occur at any age, both in men and women. The largest group of people who complain of manifestations of dry skin and peeling of the scalp, in the form of dandruff, are teenagers (11-14 years old). What is more, problems of this nature are more often the norm than deviations from it. Since at this age a person goes through the stage of puberty, and the hormonal background changes dramatically, most systems and organs do not have time to restructure and adapt in a timely manner. After the "hormonal storm", as a rule, everything calms down and returns to normal by itself.

Violation of the hormonal background is accompanied not only by puberty, but can also occur in stressful situations, use of hormonal drugs, general tiredness and exhaustion of the body, lack of sleep and even malnutrition.

Problems with the scalp resulting from hormonal disruption require attention to the state of the body as a whole and are not an absolute sign of the presence of skin diseases.

Wrong hair care

The use of shampoos or hair care products can cause flaking of the scales on the head and help scaling the scalp. Either means strongly dry the skin, or contain components provoking an allergic reaction. To confirm or refute such a cause of the problem - try washing your hands with shampoo instead of soap, or apply a drop of money on the elbow bend, rub and leave. In case of dry skin, eliminate the remedy and try other shampoos. If there is a redness or rash - also get rid of the agent, but pay attention to the composition, the oil additives or the components of herbs, it is important to identify the causative agent of the reaction, in order to avoid a second reaction when changing the agent.

In addition to improper shampoo, we often harm our hair styling products, hair dryers, ironing, thermo-waving, and various chemical products. It is important to gradually introduce new means in order to give an adequate assessment of how they affect the condition of the hair and scalp. The slightest suspicion of hypersensitivity to the body to any product is a signal to immediately get rid of it, regardless of the price, declared quality and history of origin.


Disruption of the fatty balance of the skin and flaking of the scalp often becomes a consequence of unhealthy diet, namely the imbalance of vitamins and minerals in the body. Malnutrition includes fasting, an unbalanced diet, fast food, lack of food of plant origin, refusal from sources of natural vitamins and minerals. From food a person receives all the necessary trace elements that give strength and beauty to the hair and scalp, namely vitamins A and B.

The body's need for vitamins of group A can be satisfied by including in the diet of raw carrots, potatoes, fish liver, butter, yolk, dairy products and dark green vegetables. B vitamins of high concentration are contained in mushrooms, buckwheat, bran, yeast and legumes.

In addition to malnutrition, even the most balanced diet aimed at extreme weight loss will lead to hormonal disruption, which was described earlier and skin problems cannot be avoided not only on the head, but throughout the body.

Refusing to eat any food, it is important to remember that proper nutrition and eating foods with a rich vitamin and mineral complex is the key to health and beauty.

All recommendations given as anti-dandruff agents are not a panacea. Skin diseases should be treated by specialists, self-treatment can significantly aggravate the situation.

How to choose a treatment for peeling scalp

If, nevertheless, there is a problem that the scalp is flaky, then you can choose a method of treatment based on preferences: pharmaceutical preparations or preparations prepared at home.

  1. Pharmaceutical remedies for peeling skin

In pharmacies and stores that distribute certified products today you can find a lot of shampoos and products designed to get rid of the peeling of the scalp. In pharmacies and shops, consultants provide complete information regarding products submitted to customers.

Among the shampoos recognized and effective means are: Head & Shoulders, Clear vita ABE, Redken SCALP RELIEF DANDRUF CONTROL, Lush, Anti-Dandruff regulating from Vichi, Nizoral. Each of these drugs has established itself as a worthy and effective tool designed to eliminate the causes of dandruff. The difference is only in the manufacturers used components and price, respectively.

The main components used for the preparation of shampoos are:

  • Zinc pyrite - an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent,
  • tar - slows down the metabolic processes in the scalp, reducing the rate of renewal processes,
  • salicylic acid is used to remove already formed flakes, used in combination with moisturizing agents,
  • selenium sulfide - antifungal agent that slows down the process of skin renewal,
  • Ketoconazole is a powerful antifungal drug.

Self-selecting shampoo, it is important to understand the cause of the problem and attentive to the components.

  1. Scalp treatment at home

Burdock oil is perfect for dry hair, it moisturizes the skin and heals it, while it does not have an unpleasant smell and does not color the hair itself. Apply it before washing your head, carefully rubbing it into the skin, creating the effect of a sauna and keeping the oil for half an hour - wash your head with shampoo. You can repeat the procedure until the disease disappears.

For oily hair, kefir mask is suitable, which, like burdock oil, does not have an unpleasant smell and does not color the hair itself. Kefir is applied immediately before washing the head, carefully rubbing it into the skin, creating the effect of a sauna and keeping the oil for half an hour - wash your head with shampoo.

So, before proceeding to the treatment of dandruff and getting rid of the flaking of the scalp, it is necessary to find out the root cause, after which it will be determined how to fix the problem. If it is not possible to get rid of the peeling of the scalp on its own, or all of the means only worsen the situation, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist.

Author Kukhtina M.V.

How to choose a shampoo for colored hair?

Many people ask: "Do you need dyed hair in special shampoos?" The answer is unequivocal - of course! The fact is that any dye affects the hair structure and is not always positive (or rather, almost always negative). The components of the paint dry hair and scalp. Often after dyeing hairstyle has an unnatural appearance.It is easy to deal with this - it is enough to arm yourself with moisturizing masks, balms and systematically use them. If dryness is eliminated, another problem remains - color. This is where shampoo for colored hair comes to the rescue.

Main functions

The task of any shampoo is to remove dirt and grease from the hair. The mission of the means for colored hair is to preserve the color as much as possible. Do not cherish the illusion that shampoo for colored hair will make them healthier or moisturize. This is not his task. There are other procedures for this.

The functions of shampoo for colored hair are as follows:

  • to keep coloring pigments on hair from washing out,
  • to maintain the brilliance and brightness of color
  • protect hair from sunlight.

Any paint is exposed to fading in the sun, and the UV filters contained in the shampoo prevent this process. Therefore, choosing a shampoo, you should pay close attention to its composition and the additional features indicated on the label.

What to look for when choosing a shampoo?

It would seem that the choice of shampoo is a simple task, but in fact in such a simple procedure there are quite a few pitfalls that you need to know about. Understanding the composition of the means for colored hair will relieve from unwanted skin reactions, and also protect your new color for a long time.

So, what to look for in the first place:

Surface active agents (surfactants). It is these chemical components of the shampoo that gives it the main functions - to foam and clean. Surfactants can be not only of synthetic origin, but also extracted from vegetable raw materials. The most common surfactants on the labels:

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate, SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate). The most aggressive surfactant of all used in cosmetics. It has a very good foam educational and cleaning effect. Operates in cold water. It is used both in the cosmetic industry, and for automobile detergents. It has a strong effect on the scalp, it can dry out. Not recommended for people prone to allergic reactions and for children.
  • Sodium laureth sulfate (sodium laureth sulfate). Surfactant next generation. It acts effectively, but less aggressively than the previous one.
  • Lauryl dimethyl ammonium chloride (ammonium lauryl trimethyl chloride). It acts gently, rarely causes allergic reactions, but it does not foam well. It therefore requires the use of additional blowing agents.
  • Cocamidopropyl, cocoamphoacetate, kokomidazolin (cocamidopropyl betaine, cocoamphoacetate, cocomidazoline). Well proven surfactants of natural origin. Well foamed, efficiently wash off dirt and fats, have the ability to influence the hair, delivering active substances to it. Gently affect the scalp without irritating it.
  • Glyceryn monostearate (glycerin monostearate). Practically never causes skin reactions, but it foams very badly. Often used in conjunction with aggressive anionic surfactants. It makes hair silky.

Choosing shampoo for colored hair, you need to be guided solely by the condition of the scalp.

If it is healthy, not dry, not prone to allergic reactions, flaking and dandruff, then you can afford any shampoo of the most inexpensive brands and be calm. In the event that there are problems with dry scalp - you need to carefully examine the composition and choose the best shampoo that contains soft surfactants. If it is hot summer outside, a UV filter will be a necessary additional component of hair care products.

Available and clearly about the difference between regular shampoo and shampoo for dyed hair described in the video.

Rating the best inexpensive means for colored hair

Not everyone can afford professional hair care and expensive cosmetics. You can, of course, use homemade masks, shampoos and rinses, but this also does not always have time. So what to do? Just do not be afraid to buy hygiene products at the level of the mass market. Not everything is as bad as it seems.

Among budget shampoos there are quite decent ones in quality, and often they are not at all inferior to expensive premium ones. These are not always the means that are advertised and widely known. It happens that nothing inconspicuous jar contains a very high-quality filling. So, the ranking of the best available:

  1. WELLA ProSeries. This series includes shampoo and balsam-rinse. The composition contains only synthetic products and sulphate foaming agent. But, despite this, it acts quite gently, washes hair and skin well, does not cause irritation, does an excellent job with the task of preserving the color of dyed hair. More suitable for owners of oily hair.
  2. L’OREAL ELSEVE Color and Gloss. The composition of this shampoo also does not contain natural ingredients. Sulfates and silicones (aggressive substances) are present. The manufacturer has included hair nourishment to the main functions of washing and preserving color. The innovative formula of nutrient concentrate is responsible for this.
  3. Syoss Color Protect. The composition of the shampoo is filled with chemicals, but also includes oils of vegetable origin, glycerin and panthenol. This team copes well not only with the removal of dirt, but also struggles with dry scalp and hair follicles. The effect of color preservation is not perfect, but quite good for this price category.
  4. Gliss Kur "Protection of color". The manufacturer positions its product as a means to restore and protect hair color. It contains soft surfactants, but it foams well and washes. Silicone free. With the task of protecting color copes well, has a UV filter - 4.
  5. Clear Vita Abe "Restoration of damaged and dyed hair." Contains aggressive chemicals. But despite this, reviews of real buyers are very flattering in relation to this shampoo. It works more like a dandruff reducing agent. Washes and foams perfectly. Hair color supports.

The given rating is not absolute - Vella is suitable for someone, Gliss Chur is for someone. Which shampoo is the best - you decide on the general sensations and condition of the scalp. It must be remembered that no matter how good the shampoo is, you should not forget about other caring procedures, then your hair will always shine with health.

New on the forum

- December 23, 2012, 21:42

And to me, Clear vita ABE shampoo came up very well, I have been using it for two years and have not tried anything better yet. Hair became stronger, shine appeared, and dandruff completely disappeared. I recommend it to my friends, nobody has complained yet.

- May 24, 2013, 2:22 pm

I had almost no dandruff before washing. I bought CLEAR VITA ABE not because of dandruff but because I liked the design of the label))

After a while I noticed a lot of coarse dandruff and itching.

I will not use it anymore!

Your case once again proves that everything is individual, and you need to carefully choose a shampoo. I have a dandruff problem, and I tried a lot of shampoos, and Clear vita ABE is the only one that came up to me. For several years now, I have been coping with dandruff only thanks to him. I liked the shampoo.

- October 16, 2015, 13:01

I almost did not have dandruff, quite a bit, so I decided to get rid of it! I decided to try a new then shampoo Clear vita ABE. first time everything was fine. and the hair was soft and during the washing on the head there was a feeling of an icy and strongly mint shower. but in all subsequent times there was nothing of the kind and the hair was like straw. What about you? tell me!

After this shampoo, my eyes hurt very much and blinded the eyes even though you do not wash them and it lasts the whole day, it only helps you in the morning but helps you with dandruff

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