
Keratin hair curling: description of the procedure, reviews


Keratin hair curling is considered one of the newest methods for obtaining luxurious curls for hair. The use of keratin makes it possible not only to create a new image, but also has an instant positive effect on the structure of the strands. Not so long ago, this procedure was carried out exclusively in the salons, but now it can be performed at home without much effort and expense.

What is

In the 80s of the past century, perm was the peak of popularity. All followed the new fashion, without even thinking about the negative consequences for their hair. Subsequently, the hairstyle lost its natural shine, hair became fluffy and dry. Fortunately, cosmetology does not stand still.

Today, the newest technology has been developed, which will present truly beautiful curls for a long time and at the same time completely preserve the structure of your hair. This is a keratin curl.

The main component of this technology is cysteamine hydrochloride. It is an analogue of human protein, so it does not cause any harm to curls. Such a feature It makes it possible to make a perm even on dyed or streaked hair.

Important! The preparation used for the procedure does not contain any harmful substances. It makes it possible not only to create curls along the length of the strands, but also increases the basal volume.

Another advantage of keratin curling is its smooth convergence. That is why the difference between grown and curled hairs will be almost imperceptible.

Types of Curling

To create curls with keratin, three main types of substances are used:

  • alkaline - these compositions are suitable for owners of gray or hard hair,
  • acidic - choose girls whose curls are too thin or light,
  • exothermic - will help curl dyed and damaged strands.

How much is

The price of the procedure in the salon directly depends on the length of your curls. If you are the owner of medium-length hair, the perm will cost you 2.5–3 thousand rubles. To curl strands, the length of which is to the waist, you will need to pay about 5-6 thousand. Well and, of course, those who walk with a short haircut will need the least money.

Curling at home will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, because you will not need to pay for the wizard. The only thing you will spend is a product that suits your hair type.

Procedure at home

It is possible to create an ideal image at home. This task is not easy, but quite doable. With patience and a little effort, you will undoubtedly get an amazing result, made with your own hands. Having done the keratin curl yourself, you will not only save your money, but also gain invaluable experience in cosmetology.


  1. Before you begin the procedure itself, you must thoroughly wash your hair. To do this, use the shampoo that thoroughly cleans the root zone and curls along the entire length. This preparation will provide an opportunity to break down hair scales, which will accompany the best absorption of protein.
  2. Then dry a little curls and put keratin on them. The procedure resembles staining. It is necessary to separate the hair into strands and thoroughly fluff each of them. Begin to lubricate the back of the head and gradually move to the forehead. After all the keratin is on the curls, you need to sit with him for about 15 minutes and only then proceed to the next step.
  3. We start to wind small strands on curlers. Independently, sometimes it is difficult to do, so you can ask someone for help.
  4. To better fix keratin on the hair, it is necessary to perform heat treatment. At home, it uses a hot air dryer. Strands after the hair dryer should remain slightly moisturized, otherwise you will dry out the hair, which does not affect the future hairstyle very well.
  5. At the end, the entire composition is rinsed with running water. To complete the creation of a new image, you need to make a styling.

Conducting a keratin curl at home, you can independently adjust the size of the strands. According to many women, the ideal result lasts for 4–5 weeks.

If you do not forget about proper care, then you can enjoy luxurious curls for at least 2 months. In some cases, curly hair can make you happy for 4-6 months.

Attention! In order for the keratin effect to last as long as possible, you need to use special shampoos and gels that do not contain sulfates.

Hair styling and care after

In the process of keratin curling, after the curls have acquired the desired shape, it is necessary to remove the curlers and rinse the head with water. Washing helps to remove excess keratin, with the result that there will be no effect of severity or shine on the hair. Having dried your hair again with a hairdryer, you need to style your hair beautifully. What form you give strands when laying, so they will hold on for a long time.

After keratin perms do not recommend washing your hair for three days. During this time, keratin will continue to infiltrate the hairs, thereby providing a therapeutic effect.

Further hair care is not particularly difficult:

  1. Use only sulfate-free hair care products. Shampoos and balms containing keratin will help to prolong the current state of your hair.
  2. In the summer, try to apply a special balm that will protect the curls from sun exposure.
  3. You can use different elastics and barrettes to create new hairstyles. There are no restrictions on this account.
  4. After curling can not highlight or dye your hair. First, it will lead to the destruction of the protein, and, secondly, the effect obtained will differ significantly from the desired one. If you decide to change the color, it is better to do it a couple of weeks before the perm, then the result will delight much longer.

The benefits and harms of the procedure

Among the main advantages of keratin perm we distinguish the following:

  • the most gentle method of creating long-term curls,
  • after the procedure, combing hair becomes much easier
  • such a perm has no strand length restrictions,
  • a large selection of formulations, which makes it possible to choose the tool specifically for your hair type,
  • additional protection from the effects of external environmental factors.

Note, Keratin is able to improve the appearance of your hair, and also has a sealing effect on the cut hairs.


  • this is not the cheapest procedure,
  • regardless of the selected drug, it necessarily contains formaldehyde. This is a rather harmful component that can penetrate the body through the skin. In large quantities, it can trigger the development of cancer.

As a result, I would like to note that keratin can give you truly chic curls that will delight you for a long time. In today's world there is no analogue to this procedure, which makes it one of the most popular and sought after.

Biowave is another method to enjoy curls without aggressive chemical exposure and daily cheating. Learn more about it from the following articles:

Useful videos

Biosystem for creating soft curls with keratin and a complex of fruit acids.

What is biowave?

Keratin: a word familiar to modern girls

Beauty salons are now actively offering their clients various treatments for hair and modern hair curling. With their help, you can restore the curls from the paint curls, naturally dry and brittle hair, etc. The keratin treatment is the most popular. The bottom line is that a special preparation is applied to the head of hair, it needs to be aged for a while, and then dried and stretched the hair with the help of irons. It is clear that this is the very keratin straightening. From his hair for several months remain smooth, smooth and beautifully mirror. Keratin hair curling works on the same principle. The only difference is that the curls curl into curls, and not straightened.

Who needs keratin

It is believed that this component - the basis of the natural structure of the human hair. Modern rhythm of life, stress, as well as merciless procedures (including curling, hair dryers), literally "weed out" it from our curls, making them dry, split and ugly. Keratin hair straightening or straightening is a treatment that will restore the natural structure of the hair, make it pristine beautiful and healthy. For those who already have beautiful and well-groomed hair, this component does not hurt. With it, you can curl curls for a long time, or straighten hair. Immediately, we note that the first procedure is less common so far.

The specifics of the procedure

In comparison with straightening, the wave is done a little differently, and, it is worth saying, it takes more time. It also depends on the type of curls that you choose for yourself, and, of course, on the work of the wizard. As for the latter, not only the speed of the work, but also the quality is important. Many women note that if everything is done correctly, the result obtained is held for more than six months. When the keratin hair curling is done with errors, the tool is incorrectly applied, poor quality curlers are used, or they are incorrectly curled, you can enjoy a new hairstyle a maximum of a couple of months. So it is best to contact the competent masters, who will perform all at the highest level and will leave you satisfied. Now we will proceed directly to the consideration of the process itself in stages.

Cleaning first

So, in your salon keratin hair curling is appointed. Description we now present to your attention. The treatment begins with a special cleansing shampoo. This tool maximally opens all the scales on each hair, and keratin itself will be absorbed in the future. It also cleanses the scalp, which contributes to the rapid growth of hair, improving their condition and healthy appearance. Often, the client's head is treated twice with a cleansing shampoo so that keratin is fixed in the curls stronger and the result lasted as long as possible.

Application of the treatment drug

After washing, the hair is lightly dried with a hair dryer or propped with a towel so that it absorbs all the unwanted water. From this stage, it can be said, keratin hair curling begins directly. The hair is divided into small strands, and each of them is richly lubricated by the master with the healing substance. The procedure is similar to staining, each segment is processed gradually, starting from the neck, ending with the forehead. After application, you need to sit with keratin for 15-20 minutes, and then proceed to the next step.

Creating curls

Now we come to the main question - how to wind the curlers, fix them and not damage the hair. For keratin procedures in the salons there are special devices that are fundamentally different from those that we use at home. Of course, their structure is identical, but the tuck itself is designed so that it does not touch the hair. Thus ideally smooth and identical curls are formed, which lay down literally one to one. Immediately, if you are doing all this at home, you should learn in advance from specialists how to wind the curlers yourself, and buy a professional and high-quality product. While the hair is twisted, they are dried with a hair dryer. It is important not to completely dry the strands so that they do not dry out, but leave them slightly moist.

After the curls are fixed with hot air, the client goes to wash his hair. Abundantly applied keratin is washed off so that the hair does not become too heavy and "oily." After that, the hair is dried by a hairdryer again, and professional styling is done, one that will last a long period of time. It is important to note that after keratin procedures the head cannot be washed for three days. Although there are already means that allow you to wash on the second day after curling, it is not recommended. This is due to the fact that during these three days keratin continues to be absorbed into each hair, enriching it with useful components and completing the recovery process.

Keratin VS Chemistry

Again, let us return to the painful one - to the chemical perm, which, one can say, just recently left the leading position among the procedures-favorites in salons. We all remember very well that after the "chemistry" you can get one result - the "mutton" curls. They were formed on the hair of any type, color and length - such a procedure. As a “bonus”, another unpleasant moment was given - new hair grew straight, and the difference between small curls and natural roots was very noticeable.

Nowadays, such procedures are still done in salons, and, oddly enough, many women are interested in how much hair perm costs. The price of it starts from 1,800 rubles and ends at 3,000. But for comparison, we now consider the pricing policy for keratin. This wellness and aesthetic procedure will cost you 3000-6000 rubles, depending on the length of your hair. That is, if the hair is up to the shoulder, then count on 3500 approximately. If they reach the hips, then the price will be twice as much. After numerous studies, we conclude that this overpayment is fully justified. Moreover, the result, which can be obtained after keratin perm, may be what you want, and here's why.

Types of curls

This procedure allows you to form curls of any thickness and structure. Initially, you choose your own styling, and then the master “customizes” it to your individual characteristics and performs hair curling. Large curls on medium hair - the most popular request lately, but here there are some peculiarities. Depending on whether your hair is healthy or damaged by paint, their natural structure is thin or thick, more or less large curls will be formed.

In fact, a variety of curls is very large. They can be like the models of Victoria’s Secret, can be “beach”, natural, small or very large and at the same time structured. It is the shape and size of the curler that affects the final curling of the hair. Large curls on medium hair, small on short or bulk for long - it all depends on your wishes. But just do not forget to consult with the master, because his advice may allow you to make the result more durable and more beautiful.

Keratin hair curling: reviews

The negative impressions left by the few women who have experienced this method are largely dependent on the incompetence of the master. The very substance keratin can not damage the hair. Most girls leave positive reviews, indicating that keratin has greatly improved the condition of their locks. Someone laying lasted two months, someone - six months.But in any case it did no harm - only benefit.

What is keratin curling

This is a type of long-term styling, which, according to the technology of execution, refers to a cold permanent. The presence of amino acids in the drugs used, translates them into the category of biological agents, however, keratin compounds are superior in many respects to them.

What is keratin and how is it involved in the perm? - this is the protein that the hair is made of. Keratin breaks down into several amino acids and can be of plant and animal origin. Goat's hair is the closest in composition to human hair, therefore, keratin of an animal base is synthesized from it.

Keratin in goat hair breaks down into 18 amino acids, and in human hair, to 19. Due to the lack of one amino acid, preparations based on goat keratin are only temporarily inserted into the structure of human hair for 3-5 months and then gradually washed out . Vegetable keratin lasts even less - 2-3 months, since it contains only 12 amino acids.

The duration of the wave, as well as its price, depends on keratin, on the basis of which the lotion is made - it is cheaper on a plant basis, because the technology for its production is simpler.

Advantages and disadvantages

Keratin perm is a procedure that nourishes the hair during curl formation. Thanks to this combination, this type of biowave has many advantages.

  1. Suitable for all hair types.
  2. Allows you to create curls of different sizes.
  3. Does not require an additional procedure to remove hair.
  4. You can do it often - 3-4 times a year.
  5. Fills keratin damaged areas of the hair.
  6. There is no clear line between the grown roots and the curled rest.
  7. You can do it yourself at home.
  8. The resulting curls look natural.

Despite its delicate effect on the hair structure, keratin curling keeps its shape well and is suitable for precise texturing strands. And the use of different stylers allows you to show imagination.

The disadvantages of keratin curling can be attributed only to its relatively short duration - the effect lasts about two to three months.


If the basis of the cosmetic procedure is the chemical reaction of the drug on the body, then it will in any case be contraindicated. Who should refrain from doing keratin perm?

  1. Persons under the age of 18. Hair in adolescence is not fully formed, its scaly layer is not yet able to hold the drugs in the medulla.
  2. In the period of hormonal instability. During pregnancy, on critical days, during lactation, hormonal medication - the reactions in the body proceed unpredictably. Keratin perm may be less intense or not at all taken. In this case, damage to the structure of the hair occurs more strongly, since the neutralizer contains hydrogen peroxide.
  3. With individual intolerance. To identify the presence of an allergy to the chemical agent used, a test should be performed. To do this, drop the keratin lotion on the inner fold of the elbow and leave for half an hour. If there is irritation, itching or redness, then it is better to refuse to use it.

And also you need to avoid contact with chemical compounds on the mucous membrane. If signs of intolerance appeared during the procedure, then an antihistamine should be taken and the drug should be immediately washed off with plenty of running water. If within 20 minutes the symptoms do not go away, then you need to seek medical help.

Used formulations

Means for keratin perm are alkaline and exothermic. Each of them is designed for different types of hair, although they have similar components. Alkaline lotion is used for gray-haired, hard and difficult to curl hair, and exothermic - for bleached, weakened and thin.

How do they act?

  1. With keratin curling with an alkaline agent, the formation of disulfide bonds occurs due to the complex reaction of amino acids in the hair with similar substances in the lotion.
  2. Preparations for exothermic curling contain keratin and fibroin, which constitute polypeptide chains that form disulfide bonds. When interacting with oxygen and sulfur in the human hair, these substances release heat and curl is formed from the inside.

Exothermic keratin "chemistry" can be attributed to permanent curls, since the creation of curls occurs due to heat.

Technology performance keratin hair perm

How is the keratin perm?

  1. The preparatory stage - the head is washed with deep cleansing shampoo, and then a protective agent is applied to wet hair.
  2. Further, the strands are wound on the stylers, treated with keratin lotion lotion and the time specified in the instructions for the preparation is waited.
  3. Then the lotion is washed off, without removing the stylers from the hair. Excessive moisture should be wetted with a towel.
  4. The neutralizing phase is applied in two steps. First, the twisted hairs are processed, then the stylers are removed and they are re-applied along the entire length.
  5. Wash off the neutralizer and process the resulting curls with balsam.

hair dryer with a nozzle "diffuser"

After completing the keratin curl, it is necessary to do the styling, since initially after washing the hair, the hairstyle looks shapeless. To consolidate and extend the effect of keratin curling, the first installation after the procedure should be done with hot air of a hair dryer and a nozzle “diffuser”.

Features cheat for different lengths of hair

The choice of the size and shape of the stylers depends on what diameter the curl should be obtained in the end.

  1. Keratin perm for short hair is made with small and medium bobbins. Large curls on such haircuts will not be visible, since the length of the strands is not enough for a full curl around thick curlers.
  2. For average hair length, I use stylers of any diameter. For the effect of Hollywood styling, strands on the temporal areas are wound from the face.
  3. Keratin perm for long hair is most often done in large waves. To do this, take the curlers one size smaller than the expected curl, since the natural weight of long strands stretches the curls.

When curling hair extensions need to avoid contact with the drug on their attachment. If capsules are used to build resin, the perm must be canceled.

Features run at home

You can make a keratin curl yourself at home. The technology is no different, the procedure is carried out as in the beauty salon. However, keep in mind that the living space does not meet the standards for working with chemicals.

To keratin perm turned out, the ambient temperature must not be below 20-22 ° C. And the room should be well ventilated.


To perm kept longer need to use care products on keratin basis. They will fill the voids in the hair and return the elasticity of the cuticle.

And also you need to wash your hair with only shampoo for frequent use - without sulphate, and use balm. Once in 7–10 days it is good to make a mask of deep nourishing action.

Keratin perm is a long-term styling procedure that, along with curl formation, heals hair and fills it with vitality. Its only disadvantage is the relative short duration of the effect. However, the procedure is repeated several times a year. Therefore, if there is a desire to become the owner of curls without harm to the hair, the keratin curl is the absolute choice.

The principle and stages of the procedure

The procedure for curling hair with keratin can be carried out on both healthy and damaged hair. This is due to the fact that the substance is able to fill the hair, forming a strong frame. The composition that treats hair includes oils, each of which bears a specific function, for example, protection, nourishment or moisturizing. Under the influence of heat, the oils in the solution retain keratin, which performs an active regenerating function.

Keratin perm involves several steps in its execution. They are as follows:

  1. Shampooing with deep cleansing shampoos
  2. Easy drying strands
  3. The application of a special composition containing keratin,
  4. Heat treatment and modeling of curls.

To get the most close to the desired result, it is necessary to show the master of the photo of the form of curls that is needed. This will prevent unwanted effects and, as a result, frustration.

After the procedure, the hair must be washed again, and then - to make the desired styling. The result can be assessed immediately, leaving the salon. This effect lasts up to several months.

Benefits of the procedure

Keratin hair perming is fully capable of competing with other hair restoration and hair styling procedures. First of all, this is due to the presence of a number of advantages:

  • the ability to choose the size and shape of curls,
  • keratin hair curling can be made on any type and color of hair, regardless of the extent of their damage,
  • safety procedures
  • long-term result, allowing for a long time not to use the services of a hairdresser,
  • Solves the problem of dryness, fragility and split ends of hair.

It should be noted that keratin curling is really the best option for those who want to get curls with the desired shape, thereby restoring the hair structure.

Keratin Wash Care Recommendations

Despite the spectacular result, keratin curl implies further care of the hair. She does not exclude the possibility of styling. For its implementation, it is necessary to use special styling products that can be advised by a specialist who has done the perm.

For cleansing the scalp is best to use shampoo special direction. As necessary, you should use masks and balms, however, reviews of practitioners of the procedure suggest that you can do without additional care.

The term, which is able to keep the hair on his head, is a period of from three to six months. The duration of the effect can also be affected by the degree to which the hair is located in such procedures. But, more often, the final result is greatly influenced by the qualification of the hairdresser. Therefore, the process of choosing a salon should be treated with the utmost responsibility. Photos from the portfolio of the wizard will clearly show what kind of results can be expected, and the reviews of real people will help to make the final choice.

Keratin hair perm - a great option for those who do not have time to build a hair with curling or curlers. Positive feedback, safety for health and parallel hair care are essential reasons for getting curls in this way.

A little bit about keratin curling

After perm, there have been many attempts to create the most gentle means for forming luxurious curls. The real sensation was keratin strands, because the new compositions differed in the content of cysteamine hydrochloride, which is an analogue of cystine - natural hair protein. Biochemical hair curling is one of the most fashionable services in beauty salons, and keratin eyelash curling is the next most popular trend.

Cosmetic companies produce several types of products for curling, in the name of which the prefix "bio" is used.

Such compounds are usually 3 types:

  1. Alkaline composition. For thick or gray strands.
  2. Exothermic. For normal, dyed and dried curls.
  3. Acidic product. For rare and thin or light strands.

All about the procedure

Photos of luxurious curls after the procedure

Note! The procedure is best carried out not at home with your own hands, but in the beauty salon of an experienced master. Only he will be able to assess the condition of your hair and use the right composition, because the use of an inappropriate product may adversely affect the health and appearance of the hair.

The procedure can be carried out even on damaged strands, because keratin fills the scales, making them more attractive and lively in appearance. The composition of the products used can also include medicinal oils that do not allow keratin to evaporate from the hair during chemical and temperature processing. The biowave is curls without harm for hair.

Professional formulations for biowave contain fluids that are able to glue the tips on brittle and dry hair.

The procedure itself takes place in several stages.

Tip! If you want to improve the effect of biowave and extend the life of your curls, use special cosmetic products that help to keep keratin in the structure of the curls. Such a tool can be a sulphate shampoo.

Perfectly strand straightening: keratin straightening

Keratin hair straightening is a procedure that is very popular among girls with wavy strands.

Despite the recent appearance of this procedure in the market of services, it enjoys particular popularity. Most likely, it became famous due to the duration of the effect and the gentle effect on the curls. Keratin straightening after a perm can be done, but between procedures a considerable period of time should be maintained.

Keratin is a natural protein found in nails and hair. Preparations for straightening consist of synthesized keratin, which is not much different from natural.

If you wish to conduct a keratin hair straightening after a perm and keep the strands in good condition, then the procedure should be carried out by an experienced master.

The price of the procedure depends on the length and thickness of your hair. The process of straightening the curls takes 2-4 hours, depending on their length.

The procedure can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Preparation of curls for straightening.
  2. Application of the product on keratin base.
  3. Hair straightening iron.

After applying the iron, the master rinses the curls with warm water, puts on them a special mask, holds for 5-10 minutes, dries the strands and puts them. Curls turn into perfectly even locks for at least 1 month.

Note! After the procedure, you can not wash your hair for 3 days, use tight hairpins and elastic bands, do styling. If you ignore this rule, straightened hair can turn into curls again.

Many girls ask themselves: is it possible to curl hair after keratin straightening? The answer is this: it is possible, but not recommended, as there is a risk of damaging the structure of the strands.

The harm and benefits of keratin

  1. The most gentle method to get curls or even strands for a long time.
  2. Strands are easy to comb.
  3. You can carry out the procedure on the head of any type and length.
  4. The ability to choose the composition that is most suitable for a particular type of curls.
  5. Fills hairs with keratin. Visibly improves the appearance of the hair. Thanks to its special components, it seals the cut hairs.
  6. It protects the curls from the negative impact of the external environment.

  1. The high cost of the procedure.
  2. In any preparations for procedures with keratin contains formaldehyde, which is quite harmful and can cause cancer.Such a substance affects both the client and the master, enters the body through the skin, is able to accumulate in it, which can affect the respiratory tract, skin condition, eyesight and nervous system.

Voluminous hairstyle will accentuate the beauty of your hair!

Now you know about the benefits and dangers of keratinizing your hair and body. If you wish to preserve the health of your hair - for the procedure, contact an experienced specialist.

Let your hair be beautiful and healthy, and the video presented in this article will be the best assistant for you.

Any questions? Ask them in the comments!

Benefits of Keune Curling Keratin Curl

The main difference of this composition from the means for classical curling is the high content of keratin - a natural protein that provides the strands with softness and silkiness. Other advantages of Keune keratin curl from Keune include: 1. The presence in the composition of a moisturizing complex, which during the simulation curls has a protective, softening and regenerating effect. Due to this, the curls do not dry out and retain the natural silkiness to the tips. Moisturizing complex affects the hair at the cellular level, providing a durable and visually noticeable effect. 2. Natural origin of keratin. Keratin is included in the composition of the product and is made from cropped New Zealand sheep's wool. The molecules of a substance have a structure identical to that of human keratin and are so small in size that they instantly penetrate into the very depths of the hair structure. There they are embedded in damaged areas and help restore the smoothness and strength of the strands. 3. Nutrition and growth stimulation. The tool for waving includes a carefully balanced complex of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids, which nourishes curls in a complex and promotes their intensive growth. 4. Can be used on hair with any structure. Intensive care effect allows you to recommend curling keratin curl even with loose, thin and badly damaged hair. The procedure not only opens up new possibilities in the modeling of hairstyles, but also helps to significantly improve the condition of the strands. 5. Creating curls of any shape. With soft and gentle care, the carving tool allows you to create aesthetic curls of any shape - from fine African curls to soft flowing waves. Regardless of how dramatically you decide to change your hairstyle and which particular image you choose, the Keune curl keratin curl will help to make the most original idea a reality.

Whom do we recommend Keune keratin curl curl?

Based on the long-term experience of using this tool for carving in our beauty salon, we can confidently recommend the procedure:

- women with hair of any structure, including damaged and weakened,

- men with a disobedient and difficult to style hair,

- owners of short haircuts who wish to make the strands as obedient and flexible as possible to styling,

- to all connoisseurs of curly curls who want to save time on daily curling up strands with curling iron or curlers.

If you want to radically change the hairstyle, try on a new image and get playful curls instead of absolutely straight curls, we invite you to keunein curl in our beauty salon in the Keune curling procedure. Qualified stylists will help you choose the length of hair and the shape of curls, and experienced masters will professionally perform all the steps of the procedure to achieve an excellent result. Use the phone numbers listed on the website to record for consultation and the procedure.

Slightly about keratin curling

After chemical waving, there were a huge number of attempts to make a more benign remedy to form chic curls. The true sensation was the curling of keratin strands, because the new compositions differed in the content of cysteamine hydrochloride, which is an analogue of cystine - natural hair protein. Biochemical hair curling is one of the most prestigious services in beauty salons, and keratin eyelash curling is the next most popular trend.

Cosmetic companies produce a number of types of products for waving, in the title of which the prefix "bio" is used.

Such compounds are usually 3 types:

  1. Alkaline composition. For dense or greyish strands.
  2. Exothermic. For ordinary, dyed and dried curls.
  3. Acidic product. For the rarest and thin or light strands.

Totally Smooth Strands: Keratin Straightening

Keratin hair straightening is a procedure that is very popular among women with wavy strands.

Despite the recent occurrence of this procedure in the services market, it enjoys particular popularity. Most likely, it became famous due to the duration of the effect and the gentle effect on the curls. Keratin straightening after a chemical curling can be carried out, but between procedures a large clearance of time must be maintained.

Keratin is a natural protein found in nails and hair. Preparations for straightening consist of synthesized keratin, which is not much different from natural.

If you wish to conduct a keratin hair straightening after a chemical perm and keep the strands in good condition, then the function should be carried out by an experienced master.

The cost of the procedure depends on the length and thickness of your hair. The process of straightening curls takes 2-4 hours, depending on their length.

The function can be divided into 3 steps:

  1. Preparation of curls for straightening.
  2. Application of the product on the keratin base.
  3. Hair straightening iron.

After the introduction of the iron, the master rinses the curls with warm water, applies them to their special mask, holds for 5-10 minutes, dries the strands and puts them. Curls are converted into completely even strands for at least 1 month.

Pay attention! After the procedure of 3 days you can not wash your hair, use tight hairpins and elastic bands, do styling. If you ignore this rule, straightened hairstyle can reincarnate again in curls.

Many girls ask a question: is it possible to curl hair after keratin straightening? The answer is: you can, but it is not recommended, because there is a risk of destroying the structure of the strands.

The harm and usefulness of keratin

  1. A more gentle way to get curls or even strands for a long time.
  2. Strands just comb.
  3. You can perform the function on the hair of any type and length.
  4. The ability to choose a composition that is more suitable for a particular type of curls.
  5. Fills hairs with keratin. Visibly improves the appearance of hair. Thanks to its special components, it seals the bitten hairs.
  6. Protects the curls from the negative effects of the external environment.

  1. The highest price of the procedure.
  2. All products for procedures with keratin contain methanol, which is quite harmful and can cause cancer. Such a substance will affect both the client and the master, enters the body through the skin, is able to accumulate in it, which can cause the respiratory tract, skin condition, eyesight and nervous system to suffer.

A big hairstyle will profitably emphasize the beauty of the hair!

Now you understand the benefits and dangers of keratinizing your hair and body. If you wish to preserve the health of your own hair - for the procedure, refer to the most experienced specialist.

Let your hair be beautiful and awake, and the video presented in this article will be your best assistant.

3. Curl KIS NeutraWave

NeutraWave is a very delicate bio-perm for creating lush spiral curls and medium and large diameter curls, for texturing carving in the form of soft large open curls, as well as for modeling stylish wavy textures. For the natural, dyed, melirovanny, clarified, decoloured, including thin hair.

4. Gentle keratin curling KIS + bio-structuring

Sparing keratin curling KIS, combined with the procedure of bio-structuring - for weak, thin, damaged, bleached, bleached and melirovanny hair.

The KIS hair bio-structuring procedure allows us to perform truly chic, sparing chemical and bio-curling, long-term styling on loose, damaged, dyed, bleached, bleached or discolored hair.

The KIS bio-structuring procedure restoring the structure of damaged hair perfectly combines with any kind of chemical and bio-curling, reliably protects and strengthens the hair during the curling process and makes it possible to get excellent natural results even on heavily bleached and damaged hair.

There is a special technology for performing the procedure of bio-structuring hair directly during a chemical or bio-perm hair.

The undeniable truth: the better the initial state of the hair, the better the final result of the curling.

The keratin hair bio-structuring procedure restores the ideal natural balance of moisture and proteins, returning the hair to its healthy natural state within 20 minutes, and also perfectly prepares the hair for further chemical action.

Restored, healthy hair is the ideal base for perm.

After the KIS bio-structuring, the curls are lively, elastic and voluminous, gaining healthy elasticity and glossy shine. The wave, made in combination with bio-structuring, is distinguished by an ideal curl uniformity along the entire length of hair and increased durability, and also retains the radiance of the color of previously dyed hair.

Keratin bio-structuring of KIS hair in combination with a perm is a restoration and reliable protection of hair during curling and a guarantee of luxurious healthy curls.

Benefits of KIS Keratin Curl

- Keratin bio-curling KIS is based on the Keratin Infusion System exclusive keratin moisturizing complex with a patented formula that provides strengthening, protection and restoration of hair in the process of curling.

Due to this unique complex, KIS products can restore the natural balance of keratin and moisture in damaged hair, instantly returning them to a healthy state. The powerful therapeutic effect of KIS cosmetics is based on a carefully selected combination of keratin and herbal ingredients that restore and retain moisture in the hair.

- All KIS curlers contain exclusive hydrolyzed keratin, which is 100% natural and is harvested from the cut wool of New Zealand sheep.

Keratin KIS is absolutely identical to keratin of a healthy human hair and, due to its extremely low molecular weight (MW 150) and double positive charge, instantly and completely penetrates into the hair and is firmly fixed in its damaged areas.

- KIS curling compositions contain a powerful moisturizing bio-complex with a maximum concentration of natural plant extracts that can compensate for the lack of moisture in the hair and hold it, as well as a carefully balanced vitamin, mineral and antioxidant complex with nourishing oil extracts.

- The innovative keratin curling formula KIS allows you to create exclusive individual cocktails for working with weakened and thin hair.

Additional enrichment of the KIS curl with special protective and firming “hair extensions” allows the composition to be adapted as much as possible for specific hair with a particular problem.

- For bleached, discolored and melirovanny hair with damaged structure, a repeatedly enhanced program for the protection and active restoration of the hair structure during curling is proposed - bio-structuring of hair, combined directly with the curling procedure.

The unique 5-step hair bio-structuring program is the pride of the KIS brand and allows you to dose the hair with moisture and / or proteins and allows you to have a strictly individual approach to hair restoration and perm in accordance with the individual needs of a particular client's hair. The procedure of bio-structuring, combined with the procedure of hair curling, allows us to get luxurious volumetric curls even on bleached and damaged hair.

- The pH of all KIS products coincides with the natural pH level of hair and skin. Thus, the therapeutic effect of KIS hair products is manifested to the maximum.


Watch the video: Keratin Hair Treatment: Before and After Curly Hair Experience (July 2024).