Long hair

Wedding hairstyles for long hair: 15 beautiful hairstyles and styles for the bride with a photo


Long hair at all times was considered one of the main attributes of female beauty. Especially lucky brides with beautiful long curls. The choice of wedding hairstyles for them is limitless. Wedding hairstyles for long hair focus on the femininity, tenderness and fragility of the fair sex. They give a wide scope for imagination, both to the hairdresser and to the bride.

Wedding hairstyle looks best on long curls

Option 1: Hairstyle with weaving - assembled version

Weaving is an excellent component of a refined and delicate look. There are dozens of types of braids, so creating an exclusive hairstyle is not difficult. Braid can be braided along the entire length or only up to half. Weaving is ideal for a bride who wants to avoid additional volume at the temples or the back of her head. Both the placement and the style of weaving affect the perception of the hairstyle. Negligent braid emphasizes the exclusivity of an asymmetrical wedding dress. Weaving in the form of a crown will be a great addition to the dress in retro style. A volumetric braid decorated with flowers will make a memorable tandem with a wedding dress in the Greek style.

Option 2: Beautiful hairstyle with flowing hair

The basic advantage of this option is versatility. Such a bride's hairstyle for long hair will add to the image of naturalness. Some believe that loose hair is trite. But this can not be said about the conditionally loose hair with a double texture, which is a tandem of smooth and curled strands, separated by hairpins. Real wedding classics are loose curls.
Round tight curls - it's dolliness and elegance. Small curls give a touch of ethnicity. Consider how to create elegant curls in minutes.

How to make beautiful curls for the wedding hairstyle: master class

Experiments with styling does not always end well. Therefore, below will be presented step-by-step instructions on how to create a casual hairstyle with which every woman will cope.

  1. Cover wet hair with mousse.
  2. Dry your hair with a hair dryer.
  3. Divide hair into medium strands
  4. Create curls with styler.
  5. Formed locks secure stealth.
  6. After the hair has cooled, remove the invisible.
  7. Separate the occipital strand, form a bundle from it, and fasten it.
  8. Fasten other strands around the first bundle, leaving only a few locks intact.

The described method will allow the bride to look as natural as possible and not to worry about the safety of the created masterpiece.

Option 3: Hairstyles with a veil or a crown on long black hair

In this case, it is important that the veil chosen matches the overall style. You will have to take into account the type of veil, the shape of the face and the style features of the dress. It is worth working with different versions of images in advance. Wedding hairstyles for long hair can be hidden under the veil or, conversely, spread over it. An excellent tandem will make loose hair and a veil-cape, which is attached to the hair. This veil should cover the hair. A good alternative to this option is a short fluffy veil.

For the collected hair fit single-layer and multi-layered veils. In the first case we are talking about bouffants and knots. 2-layer veil is more suitable for strict hairstyles without additional details. Multi-layer veil requires pretentiousness. She does not interfere even overhead chignons.

Option 4: Hairstyle with bouffant and tiara or flower

These hairstyles are closely related to the style of retro. They look outside the box and solemnly. The bouffant at the top is especially popular. One of its most famous varieties is the babette. It is accepted to decorate it with ribbons, flowers and pearls. No less popular bouffant on medium hair, the basis for which are light curls. This style visually makes the bride taller and slimmer. It is worth mentioning the pile on the base of the braid, which can be supplemented with rhinestones. The owner of a short haircut can surprise those around with a scandalous coca with a pair of careless strands. Such laconic styling will emphasize the youth of the bride.

Option 5: Greek hairstyles with bangs without a veil on dark hair

An element of the image of the bride can be both straight and asymmetric fringe. She will decorate a hairstyle of any complexity on long hair. But the masters do not recommend cutting it immediately before the wedding, it is better to do it in 2 weeks, so that if necessary, return the original length. Straight bangs go well with both loose and collected hair. The main thing is that it should be smooth, smooth and not too thick.
With oblique bangs look great styling with a pile and various weaves.

Council Choosing a bang, it is important to pay attention to 4 factors, namely: the shape of the face, the style of the wedding image, the hair structure and the overall constitution of the bride.

Option 6: Hairstyle to the side

Choose your hairstyle and be happy

This option is ideal for owners of an oval and elongated face.
An outfit with open shoulders or a pronounced neckline will look good with him. The final touch to this image will be long earrings. To create this hairstyle, a hairdresser will need hairpins, a hair clip and a fixative (varnish or mousse). There are many options for ceremonial hairstyles to the side, the most common - curly strands, thrown on one side. Popular also enjoy braid, beam and tail on its side.

Stylish decorations for wedding hairstyles 2017

At first glance, wedding hairstyles for long hair with a veil do not require additional decorations. But practice shows that the right accessories can be exactly the accent that will give the image completeness. Today the most popular decorations are:

  • satin ribbons,
  • hoops,
  • Greek style scallops
  • Natural flowers,
  • reticulum.

Whatever decoration you choose, remember that it should be done in pastel colors and give an image of romance and tenderness. It is equally important that the chosen accessory is completely in harmony with the dress. So,
Jewelry in the spirit of Greece, stylists recommend to combine with long-fitting dresses.

Trends of wedding fashion

Particular difficulties arise when styling hair with unruly curly structure, which is why with great difficulty it is possible to create a smoothly laid symmetrical hairstyle. We hurry to please the owners of lush curls and report that this season, as in previous fashion shows, simple styling with specially created negligence remains in the trend. It can be low or high beams, all kinds of weaving and, of course, strands curled in different ways. In the latter case, the effect of "beach waves", supplemented by a hoop, decorative bandage or fresh flowers, gained special popularity.

We recommend that all lovers of minimalist style pay attention to fashion trends from Marchesa. On the world's catwalks, models showed an unusual image of a bride adorned with small details of a contrasting black hue. The girls' hair was pulled into a low or high horse tail with a black ribbon tied at its base. The additional emphasis was in the form of massive earrings inlaid with black stones.

Owners of long, flat strands do not necessarily prefer curls that strive to unwind. It is enough to straighten the loose hair, creating the effect of a mirror smoothness, and the front locks on the face fill up behind the ears. As accessories, use large earrings or trendy cuffs that adorn not only hair, but also other details of the hairstyle.

Among the advantages of this installation is to highlight several major advantages:

  • creating a hairstyle does not take you much time
  • no need to use studs, which cause a lot of inconvenience during the celebration,
  • any man is crazy about a feminine image with loose strands.

The easiest and simplest way when the hair is curled or straightened with the help of an iron.

Please note: only completely dried hair is treated with a hot device, additionally using special thermal protection. Otherwise, you subject the curls to serious injury.

You can make beautiful curls without the help of curling or ironing. You only need to pre-stock yourself with papilotkami, invisible and varnish medium fixation. The choice of curlers depends on what type of curls you want to get in the end. Velcro-curlers of large diameter are suitable for volumetric lush styling, and papillots for small playful curls.

The finished perm is sprinkled with a small amount of varnish and decorated with fresh flowers or a veil. For convenience, the front temporal locks can be twisted into bundles and fixed on the back of the head with the help of stealth arms. Before giving preference to loose hair, carefully weigh all the pros and cons of this styling. Despite the previously noted benefits, there is one major drawback - adverse weather conditions, whether it is wind or strong humidity, can negate all your efforts.

Options for simple wedding hairstyles for long hair

If you are a happy owner of a gorgeous long head of hair - congratulations! The richest choice of wedding styling (simple, complex), made with your own hands, you provided. So, what kind of styling for a solemn occasion can be done:

  • Light, air curls. Hollywood stars, celebrities choose the natural beauty of loose hair. Layed on one side, pinned up with delightful hairpins with rhinestones, gathered on the back of the head with the help of an elegant comb - these simple hairstyles emphasize the natural beauty of the bride, giving romance and tenderness to the image.

  • Brilliant, well-groomed hair without "special effects." Owners of thick hair can choose a simple hairstyle without additional tricks. The glossy shine of bluish-black hair in combination with a snow-white dress and veil of the bride will create a unique contrast, attracting everyone's attention with grace and simplicity.

  • Ponytail decorated with luxurious hairpins. Tightly gathered high on the top of the bride with gum hair will open the views of the beloved elegant line of the neck, visually lengthen the shape of the face, making a favorable emphasis on the line of the cheekbones. With simple bangs or without, this wedding styling will emphasize the elegance and good taste of the bride.

  • Loose bundle with released strands. Wedding fashion dictates the tendencies of simplicity and lightness: strands matched in a deliberately disheveled bun, curls released around the face, behind the ear.

  • Selected in the form of a beam or stabbed with invisible curls. The arranged curls of the bride look incredibly stylish and elegant. The simplicity of creation, the ability to use a variety of accessories - tiaras, hoops, hairpins - make the latter the leaders in choosing brides.

  • Retro hairstyles for a wedding: babette, classic bun. The fashion for minimalism and simplicity of the 1950s and 1960s revived a whole line of wedding hairstyles. The perfect combination with elegant dresses flowing through the body, discreet but very expensive accessories, will emphasize the aristocracy of the bride and groom and her "high" taste.

  • Unusual weaving and braids. The last few seasons are simple, complex, insanely complex wedding braids - at the peak of popularity. Rarely what a bride does without them. Free and tight, French, Dutch, ordinary Russian, reverse and multi-strand - spit attached zest, adorn the bride.

Most of the fair sex makes a choice in favor of wedding hairstyles, combining simple elements - braids, curls, bunches. Handmade, these hairstyles are unique and elegant. For example, a free herringbone, made in the fishtail technique on the horse's tail, will add variety, emphasizing the charm and brevity of the image of the young beauty.

Greek braid

A simple Greek braid symbolizes luxury and wealth. Bound by its origin to the beauties of ancient Greece, she gives the girl the image of an ancient goddess. The peculiarity of this simple hairstyle is that they begin to braid it along the edge of the hair. Wedding styling with a scythe do it yourself is not difficult. You will need: retainer, lacquer fixer, comb with a separator strands, studs, elastic bands to secure the braids, hairpins.

To make your own hands such a installation, use our step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb washed, dried hair with a comb. To make it easier to work with them, process the liquid-fixer. It is sold in specialized stores.
  2. Depending on the desired result, make a simple parting or fashionable oblique.
  3. Take a strand of hair, divide it into 3 parts. Begin to braid an ordinary three-strand braid.
  4. Add another strand of the total mass of hair to the weave. Repeat the "maneuver" on the other side. Use the chosen technique of weaving to the desired place - for example, to the ear.
  5. Secure the tip of the resulting braid with a rubber band. An elegant bundle wrapped with a Greek braid, decorated with a luxurious wedding hair clip with rhinestones will look stylish and simple.

If you like a wedding braid wreath, use the basic weaving technique until the braid is in a wreath. Hide the tip of the erased hair in the weave. Secure studs or stealth. The finished wedding braid crown can be decorated with fresh flowers, ribbons or bendy with his own hand-made accessory. It is a flat, easily bending wire, decorated with cloth, fur or feathers.

Curly strands

Long elegant curls will decorate the wedding hairstyle, emphasizing the simplicity and elegance of the bride. Large, loose strands of curly hair look delightfully in a simple hairstyle, decorated with a wreath of flowers, luxurious elegant hair clip or princess tiara. Slightly gathered on the back of the head curls give the ephemeral and fragile image of the bride.

To make your own graceful curls in a wedding simple styling you need hair curlers, a comb with a strand divider and a strong hold lacquer. If you want to get a long lasting result, leave the curlers overnight. Remove them in the morning, fix the uncombed hair with varnish. Then go over them with a comb, separating the strands. Your hairstyle is ready!

A bunch of two braids

The French, Greek, Dutch braid, braided on both sides of the parting, will look delightful and tender if you put it on its free ends in an elegant bun. Easy weaving, deliberate dishevel and simplicity of the image, air strands, as if accidentally dropped from the hair under a light breeze, will give a chic and stylish look to the wedding hairstyle.

Simple wedding hairstyles for medium-length hair

Choosing the style of wedding hairstyle, consider the style, model of the dress. Do not forget about the subject of the wedding. Agree, a tight bun in retro style will look funny with a lush bridal dress for the a la “princess” ceremony. Neat curls adorned with a diadem with a veil will suit such a dress - this will create a harmonious image of the bride and groom.

The simpler and more concise the wedding dress, the more elegant the styling is to choose: tightly folded hair, matched with a roller strand. Feel free to choose Babette wedding hairstyles and a bagel bun for vintage dresses. Loose hair, raised on the back of the head with a pile, decorated with a snow-white ribbon-bow harmoniously look.

Bohemian braid on one side

Want to make an air wedding styling with a scythe? Everything is very simple: choose an unusual weaving, braid a loose braid on one side. Secure the ends with a rubber band. Then fluff the hair in the weave so as to give it extra volume. Release individual strands, lightly curling with a curling iron. A gorgeous image of a Bohemian woman in this simple hairstyle for a wedding is guaranteed.

Babette's Wedding Hairstyle

Exquisite wedding babette decorate the young bride. Using a roller, patch chignon or simply combing a part of the hair on the back of your head, you can create an elegant hairstyle with your own hands. Decorative ornaments, hoops with precious stones, ribbon-bandages, elegant tiaras will help to create a bright accent. Modern options for such styling give fantasy to roam:

  • beautifully framed with braids
  • with the released curls on the back of his head,
  • with a simple beam, laid neat waves.

Roller in retro style

Fashion hairstyles retro-style covered all the podiums of the world. Wedding hair stylists offer newlyweds to create a unique, stylish and modern styling, using elements of hairstyles popular in the distant 60s of the 20th century. A special hairdressing roller, which can be easily attached to the hair, will help to give volume, lifting a shock of hair in the area of ​​the crown or the back of the head.

Create a simple hairstyle for a wedding in the form of a horse tail is not difficult for most brides. To make it more lush, use the same roller, sprinkling hair with a fixative and putting it in the traditional waves of the era. Unusual will be a combination of retro-style with bohemian pigtails, which will allow you to choose a hairstyle to a different style of wedding dresses.

Simple hairstyles for short hair

Underline the grace of lines, the grace of the bride will help wedding simple hairstyles for short hair. Gentle curls, decorated with a diadem, a short haircut “like a boy”, decorated with a bendy with a snow-white feather, or spectacular waves in the now fashionable “wet hair” style will add a zest, charm to a tender newlywed look. Wedding veil with tiara will give completeness, conciseness.

Retro waves

Beautifully arranged curls, carefully fixed with hairspray, immersed in the magical atmosphere of the 30s of the last century: elegant women, expensive cars, brilliant life, light jazz music. How easy is it to make retro waves? Twist hair on curlers. Dissolve them, laying out elegant curls. Secure each using stealth, fixing varnish.

Classic hairstyle shell

The refinement and simplicity of the classic shell makes it a favorite among simple wedding hairstyles. The conciseness of the lines, the inexplicable elegance of this styling emphasize the stylish taste of its owner. If you divide the hair into separate strands, putting it into the hair one by one, the shell will acquire delightful details of layering. Pearl comb, studs with rhinestones, a small precious tiara emphasize the bride's delightful beauty.

Wet hair styling

Not further than two decades ago, at the peak of popularity were styling with the effect of wet hair - small curls or curls, smeared with gel, mousse. The current fashion offers brides wedding hairstyles that use this technique. Gels with a twinkling effect will help with your hands to highlight individual strands, stacking elegant curls, waves, or emphasizing the unusual color.

Video: how to make a simple hairstyle for a wedding with your own hands

So, do you prefer hand-made wedding styling? Check the harmonious combination of every detail of the bride's appearance: dress, styling, shoes and other accessories should be designed in the same style. Prepare the necessary "tools" - curlers, comb and hair spray. Use soft curlers, because your lovely head will have to spend the whole night on them to secure the future result. The next morning, "free" hair. How then to lay and fasten the curls in a simple elegant hairstyle for a wedding? Watch our video with detailed instructions.

Photos of simple wedding hairstyles

A variety of simple bridal hairstyles offer tremendous choices. Having looked at the photo presented below, you will be able to decide on the option of laying. Do not forget to take into account the features of the shape of the face, the thickness and length of hair, your own hairdressing skills. Do not forget about the theme of the wedding celebration and features of dress.

Classic wedding hairstyle - style, which is always in price

The popularity of classics in the design of wedding hairstyles is not subject to either the time or the influence of actively changing fashionable trends. The classic composition on the head of the bride will be the embodiment of elegance and sophistication of her nature. Neat styling, distinguished by rigorous forms and modest details, will shift the focus to the makeup on the face. The traditional shell or knot of hair, as well as twisted and neatly laid curls emphasize the tenderness of the neck lines and the soft, feminine curve of the shoulders. Massive, elongated earrings, luxury necklaces and necklaces can serve as a stylish addition to the classic wedding hairstyle. If the hairstyle is made in the form of a highly raised beam, you can safely decorate it with an elegant tiara or hairpins decorated with rhinestones or pearls.

Romantic style of wedding hairstyle - the priority of tenderness and fragility in the image of the bride

In recent years, brides more and more often prefer the modest, romantic design of wedding hairstyles. In this case, the main criteria are the lightness and tenderness of the created image. The basis of the wedding hairstyle in a romantic style are soft, smooth lines and shapes. These include light waves, air curls or subtle, small curls. In this case, the hair can remain both loose and partially or fully selected. A wreath of small flowers or one large flower, a small veil and a neat, laconic hat are excellent accessories for decorating a romantic wedding hairstyle. Flowers are deservedly considered the favorite decoration of both brides and hairdressers. They can be both alive and artificial. If you choose to use fresh flowers as a decor, then do not forget to consult with the florist regarding which ones will live in your hairstyle the longest. A great alternative to natural will be artificial flowers made of silk. It is worth noting that the wedding hairstyle in a romantic style would be very appropriate if the wedding ceremony is preceded by a wedding ceremony.

Wedding hairstyle in the Greek style - solemn output of Aphrodite

For a bride who wants to feel like a real Greek goddess, a wedding hairstyle in the Greek style will do. As a rule, some variations are inherent in it - styling with strict parting, “Greek bundle”, a composition of several braids or a slightly careless braid, assembled below, weaving of hair, located on the side or on top, loose curly curls. A distinctive feature of the Greek hairstyle is naturalness and, sometimes, even slight negligence. For decoration, you can use flowers, tiaras, tiaras, headbands, pearls and silk ribbons.

Wedding hairstyle in retro-style - light vintage in the appearance of the bride

The frequent appeal of modern fashion to the past was reflected in the design of wedding hairstyles created today. The composition of the hair in the style of 50-60 years. - This is consistently high styling with the presence of laps or the use of overhead strands and chignons. Before proceeding to the retro hairstyle, the hair is smoothed with an iron or a hairdryer and brushing of a large diameter. In order to “try on” the original vintage hairstyle to your own face, you can experiment and make it at home on your own. To do this, we braid the classic horse tail at the bottom of the neck, using a rubber band in the hair color. In this case, front and sides leave released a small part of the hair. We curl the curls in the tail with a curling iron, then we interweave them together. The ends of the strands must be hidden. To do this, we wrap them under the tail and fix them with the help of studs. The curls that remain outside the tail are also curled and fastened in the region of the head with all the same pins. The final touch in creating a retro image will be one of the following decorations on the hair - a hoop, a comb, a small hairpin with feathers, flaunted on the side of the head, a laconic veil or a cap. One option for retro hairstyles can also be styling with cold waves or a smooth styling with bangs laid in a wave.

Wedding hairstyle with flowing hair: natural beauty is above all

Deciding to pay tribute to the natural feminine beauty, some brides prefer natural wedding hair, natural, not overloaded with intricate designs, loose curls. Beautiful long hair with voluminous curlicues is a trend whose strong positions are almost unshakable. Lively, literally flowing on the shoulders of the bride curls "sing" her beauty, romance and femininity. A natural wedding hairstyle “welcomes” in its design additional accessories, due to which it looks even smarter. Despite the relative ease of hairstyle in the form of loose hair, do not neglect the help of a professional hairdresser. Often, the wedding day happens only once in a lifetime, and it is quite obvious that the appearance of the bride should be marked in it by its flawless and magnificent performance.

Wedding hairstyle in the style of "glamor" - chic and pathos of Hollywood

The desire to keep up with the times, and sometimes the enthusiasm of Hollywood style icons, makes modern brides transform their own hairstyles with glamorous Hollywood notes. The gloss and luxury of the used accessories should deliberately emphasize the presentability and high cost of the appearance of the bride. There are various variations of the glamorous wedding hairstyle - wavy curls, smooth styling, light artistic mess or an intricate design. In any case, the main and extremely important principle remains accuracy without the presence of even a slight hint of negligent hairstyle.

Avant-garde style wedding hairstyle - erase existing borders

Avant-garde hairstyles will be especially liked by bold, self-confident brides who want to bring to their image a share of extravagance and charm. Making curls in a similar style, there is no need to adhere to strict rules and fashionable canons. Unexpected, original compositions, asymmetrical colored strands, torn edges and non-standard, striking gaze accessories - you can be sure that your avant-garde hairstyle will make a real sensation on the day of the wedding celebration.

In general, we discussed the main styles of wedding hairstyles for long hair. In continuation of the theme we offer to view vivid photos with ideas of the wedding decoration of luxurious, long curls.

Option 1: Hairstyle with weaving - assembled version

Weaving is an excellent component of a refined and delicate look. There are dozens of types of braids, so creating an exclusive hairstyle is not difficult. Braid can be braided along the entire length or only up to half. Weaving is ideal for a bride who wants to avoid additional volume at the temples or the back of her head. Both the placement and the style of weaving affect the perception of the hairstyle. Negligent braid emphasizes the exclusivity of an asymmetrical wedding dress. Weaving in the form of a crown will be a great addition to the dress in retro style. A volumetric braid decorated with flowers will make a memorable tandem with a wedding dress in the Greek style.

Wedding hairstyle for long flowing hair

This is one of the most simple hairstyle options that will allow owners of gorgeous hair to demonstrate all their beauty.

    Straight hair.
    Pros: naturalness, naturalness and the ability to do it yourself, straight loose hair will suit tall girls and owners of large facial features.
    Cons: hair should be in good condition, without a broken end, this hairstyle should not be chosen by full girls and girls of short stature.

Wedding hairstyle with weaving

The increasing popularity is gaining hairstyle with braids for long hair. Varying different weaving, you can create different images that blend harmoniously with the style of the wedding.

Pros: universality, practicality, showiness.

Minuses: It is difficult to braid beautiful, intricate braids yourself.

Collected hairstyles

Beautiful hairstyles for long hair, opening the neck, harmoniously go for a classic wedding, and for a more extravagant and extreme.

Pros: comfort with active movements, lack of dependence on weather conditions, look favorably with open shoulders, demonstrating the "swan neck".

Minuses: if you have a crotch around your neck, then it is better to refuse high styling, which bares the neck strongly, also large curls and volumetric styling will not work for girls with large facial features, they can visually enlarge them.

Options for collected hairstyles:

    Collected hair in tail - it is stylish and practical. The hairstyle will give an image of elegance and severity, and a few released curls, weaving and boucle will help to add playfulness.

It can be used in a haircut with flowing hair, and collected, it will give a statist and elegance. With this element you can make a charming hairstyle for a wedding for long hair in retro style. A pile is an integral part of a Babette hairstyle.

Pros: ideal for girls with sparse and thin hair, the additional volume at the back of the head will make the forehead higher.

Minuses: the hairstyle has an extra height, so the bride with an elongated face runs the risk of ironing absurdly.

Asymmetric hairstyles

The main idea is combed hair to the side, or beautifully arranged on one side and almost completely cleaned on the other.

Pros: combed hair on one side and falling on the forehead and cheek will visually reduce the nose, look spectacular with dresses that have an open shoulder line and a deep cleavage.

Wedding hairstyles with bangs

Choosing a wedding hairstyle with a bang, you should remember about the shape of the face. Girls with an oval face fit bangs of any shape, examples in the photo. With a triangular shape - long oblique bangs. A chubby brides is better to abandon it altogether, or to leave strands of hair near the face in order to visually narrow it.

Pros: hChristmas tree is perfect for girls with high forehead.

Minuses: it's hard to put a bang right if the hair is naughty Do you want to lay your hair to the side, but always wear a straight bang before? To get your hair used, brush them to the side for a few days before the wedding.

What should be considered when choosing a hairstyle for long hair and accessories to it

Faster and easier to choose a wedding hairstyle can be guided by several secrets:

  • Do not neglect trial installation. This will help the hairdresser on the wedding day quickly enough to do exactly what you want. And you will be confident in the final result. Planning your own hair - rehearse.
  • Choose high-quality styling tools and do not ignore the weather conditions. Note that in the hot summer will be uncomfortable with voluminous flowing hair that will fall on the neck.
  • Do not forget about the style of the wedding.
  • Chose a bang, then do not cut it a few days before the wedding, it may be too short, it is better to do it in a couple of weeks. Wedding hairstyle with bangs can be supplemented with a beautiful veil. If you have a complicated styling, then the veil should not be multi-layered, and if it is restrained, assembled, then the veil can also be lush.
  • Choosing a veil, remember that low brides should choose a short light, and full girls should not stop at a multi-layered veil.


Watch the video: Beautiful Hairstyles for weddingparty. Simple Hairstyles. Wedding Guest hairstyles (July 2024).