
What natural remedies will help to completely get rid of lice


Vegetable oil is used for lice along with other household and pharmacy products that are offered today. To assess its level of effectiveness, you need to understand how the substance acts on the louse.

It is considered that folk recipes do little to help with infection with blood-sicking insects and are capable of scaring but not destroying them. This is a misconception, as some home remedies do kill insects, but only if they have a basis similar to pharmaceutical preparations.

The principle of oil on lice

Pediculosis can occur in both adults and children. At different ages, you need to use certain means. For example, most pharmaceutical drugs are not recommended for the treatment of young patients under the age of 2-3 years. Whether they are suitable for babies depends, of course, on the brand. But in general, less toxic drugs have been developed for children.

Among the folk remedies especially distinguished vegetable oil. It is not toxic and has no impurities, so it can be used for the treatment of pediculosis in children. It is characterized by a dense structure, but is well distributed. When processing the hairy areas of the body, vegetable oil acts on lice and nits.

Adults kill the substance, but the parasite eggs survive, but thanks to the fatty base they are much easier to remove from the hair. The fact is that the protective shell does not let through either liquid or chemical substances, which makes nits practically invulnerable. Even highly toxic drugs have almost no effect on louse eggs. For this reason, it is recommended to simply remove them from the hair. No need to seek to destroy the embryo that is inside.

It would seem that the food product (vegetable oil) can not affect the parasites, since it is non-toxic and, at first glance, harmless. However, if the oil gets on the chitinous integument of the insect or, even worse, covers its head and mouth apparatus, it will clog its airways, blocking access to air, and the pest will suffocate. The dense shell does not allow air, and this means that the lice will die soon enough. As a rule, in a few hours almost all adults will be destroyed.

The advantages and disadvantages of this tool

If we consider vegetable oil as the main medication for head lice, there are several significant advantages:

  • no risk to human health,
  • ease of use
  • It has a positive effect on the skin and hair, especially if you use linseed, corn or olive oil,
  • high efficiency, but with proper use, and if the treatment has been carried out especially carefully, as it is important to cover all the lice with oil,
  • affordable price,
  • the possibility of pediculosis treatment not only in adults, but also in children.

If we compare vegetable oil with other folk remedies, then we note its superiority due to the possibility of the destruction of parasites. The fact is that almost all recipes are designed to scare away insects. An example is the essential oils, garlic, mint, pomegranate juice. Thanks to these substances, unacceptable conditions for the life of the parasites are created, and they will leave their owner as soon as possible (if there is a healthy person nearby).

Other folk recipes are not recommended because of the danger to human health: such are, for example, kerosene, turpentine, and cemeric water. These drugs can cause burns, provoke poisoning and allergies. Vegetable oil is preferable to use, because it acts gently, does not contain toxic substances, does not accumulate in the body, and therefore does not lead to the development of an allergic reaction.

There are disadvantages of this tool.In particular, the processing procedure is not very pleasant. It is necessary to lubricate the hair with abundant oil, and over the entire length, it is also important to cover the skin. After treatment, the agent must be washed out for a long time, using shampoo in large quantities, since fat cannot be removed in a single approach. Have to wash my hair a few times. It takes a long time. Also note the need for a long-term exposure to lice. And yet - this tool does not affect the attachment of nits to the hair. Parasite eggs are removed from the head due to fatty basis.

How to use butter?

Fat-based remedies must be used correctly, otherwise lice can survive. Processing Instructions:

  1. Vegetable oil of any kind (sunflower, olive, corn, burdock, etc.) is applied to the scalp. It needs to be evenly distributed, covering both skin and strands over the entire length. The tool is taken in large quantities, as it should be applied abundantly. This condition ensures high efficacy of treatment.
  2. The head must be covered with a plastic bag or cling film. Such a measure helps to enhance the effect. Impermeable coating does not pass air. If the film is wrapped around the head as tightly as possible, the lice will be destroyed.
  3. The tool is left for 3 hours, then rinsed with shampoo. However, it is necessary to remove the fat for several approaches.

Using vegetable oil is recommended to remove the head lice. Destroying wreckers in this way will not work, since they do not live on the skin, and moreover do not appear on the hairy areas of the body and head. These parasites live on clothes and regularly bite a person, drink his blood. In this case, it is recommended to do the cleaning of clothes. Pubic lice are also problematic to remove with vegetable oil, as in the groin it is difficult to cover all infected areas with film.

Using vegetable oil for the treatment of pediculosis, it is necessary to make the combing of nits and dead lice from the hair. If this is not done, after a certain time a new generation of parasites will emerge from the eggs. So, we should expect re-infection.

For this reason, it is recommended to remove the nits with a comb.

How to carry out combing?

It is necessary to understand that the main task for pediculosis is the destruction of adult individuals. You can, of course, immediately go over the hair with a comb, but in this case there is no guarantee that the parasites will stop breeding. Every day, the female lays about 10 eggs. For this reason, at first they destroy mature individuals, for which they use either pharmaceutical preparations or folk remedies, in particular vegetable oil. Then they proceed to the second stage of treatment - the procedure of combing with a special comb.

In the old days used a regular comb. We chose the one whose teeth were located as close as possible to each other. However, this method is characterized by low efficiency, because the nits freely fit between the teeth and remain on the hair. To improve the performance, created special ridges. Their teeth are very close to each other. The distance between them is much less nits.

Popular brand comb: AntiV, LiceGuard, RobiComb. The last option is an electrical device, equipped with a comb. In the process of combing parasites in contact with metal teeth and die under the influence of current. However, the effectiveness of this device has not been confirmed, so it is difficult to say whether insects are really dying. But, if a special comb is provided in the design, one can count on good results, which is caused not only by the close arrangement of the teeth, but also by their rigidity (they are made of metal) and considerable length.

Instructions for use:

  1. First, wash your head with an anti-pediculicide. At the same time adults die.
  2. Then it is recommended to use any substance that promotes the destruction of attachment of nits to the hair. Chemeric water, vinegar and cranberry juice perform this function. But not all are suitable for treating children. For example, chemoremic water is not recommended for patients under 12 years of age.
  3. On the floor you need to lay out a white sheet so that you can see the falling parasites.
  4. Comb out nits. In this case, it is necessary to act consistently: from one temple to another. That part of the hair, which will be cleared of parasites, is held in the hand, the remaining strands are grabbed with a hairpin.
  5. Periodically, the comb is disinfected with vinegar or boiled.
  6. After cleaning each curl, the tool is cleaned with a napkin, for reliability it also needs to be moistened in vinegar.

Comb nits recommended 4 to 10 times. This is done in order to remove the eggs of parasites that go unnoticed during the initial processing.

What is lice and how does the infection occur?

Before you find out how to remove liceLet us better study our “adversary” and its various types with which you can come into contact.

Head lice - tiny insects (2-3 mm), greyish brownwho are attacking people in different parts of the body. They do not have wings, so lice can only be infected by direct contact or through the indiscriminate use of accessories for the hygiene of infected people.

  • Head lice are the most common species. They live on the hair of the head and secrete a liquid that causes itching when they sting the scalp to get nutrients from the blood. Nits - the eggs of female lice, which she lays about 10 per day and up to 300 per life cycle, are attached to the hair at the level of the nape and behind the ears. The transfer is carried out by contact or exchange of items (brushes, combs, bed linen, hats, hairpins) in an infected person.
  • Lice of the body, as a rule, appear in people with poor personal hygiene. They live in the seams of clothing, where they lay eggs and can tolerate diseases such as typhoid.
  • Pubic lice (pubic lice) settle in the genital area.

The possibility of infection with head lice today has increased significantly, given the greater inclination of modern people to visit crowded places, such as schools, gymnasiums, or public transport. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many people try to fight lice on their own without asking for help from specialists.

Lice life cycle

Lice life cycle lasts about six to seven weeks and is divided into three stages:

  1. The female lays up to 300 eggs (nits), which hatch within 10 days.
  2. Laid eggs give life to nymphs (lice larvae), which feed on blood and pass through successive forms of development.
  3. After 10-15 days, the nymph becomes an adult, which lives for about 30 days.

Typical symptoms of lice infestation

In case of lice infestation, relatively specific symptoms appear:

  • itching (although not always encountered)
  • reddened skin
  • swollen lymph nodes behind the ears and on the back of the head.

With a careful examination of the head and combing with a very frequent comb, on the back of the head and behind the ears, you can see eggs that are easier to detect than the lice themselves, as they are oblong, white or light brown in color. Eggs are distinguished from dandruff by their ability to firmly hold onto hair or cloth fibers (in the case of body lice).

Natural Lice Remover

There is some pretty effective drugs against pediculosiswhich are applied for 10 minutes and then removed with water.

At the same time, it is possible to get rid of lice with the help of natural remedies, which are more preferable, since synthetic substances contribute to the formation of resistant lice, the elimination of which will require more labor.

A radical means of combating head lice is shaving hair! Louse, if expelled from the scalp, will die within a few hours. However, it is important to remove not only the lice, but all the eggs that are more resistant due to the adhesive substance that allows them to adhere to the hair or fibers of the fabric.

Essential oils against lice

Thyme, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus and cinnamon oil are irritating to lice. The most effective is lavender essential oilwhich makes it difficult for the parasites to eat, that is, prevents sucking blood.

Particularly effective against lice exhibits tea tree essential oil, also called “tea tree oil”. It is produced by distillation from the leaves of melaleuca alternifolia, a plant of Australian origin, called tea tree (due to the aroma of the infusion is very similar to classic tea).

A few drops of tea tree essential oil, diluted in 100 ml of shampoo, are enough to get rid of all the lice, thanks to the ability of the oil to block the movement and respiration of parasites.

Neem oil against lice

This vegetable oil is produced by cold pressing from Azadirachta Indica seeds, a tree from the Melia family, typical of India and having many medicinal properties.

This is an effective "natural pesticide", environmentally friendly and non-toxic to humans, but very useful for combating parasites.

In the case of neem oil, it is enough to apply a few drops on the scalp and rub it into the hair and skin to get rid of the lice, blocking their respiratory system. At the same time, neem oil is an excellent tool for protection and hair care.

Use of vinegar against lice

Rinse the hair thoroughly with vinegar and warm water, and comb it with a very thick comb, so you can remove all the lice and nits. Dipping the teeth of the comb in a hot vinegar solution will help remove nits even from the hair, as acetic acid dissolves sticky substances.

It will take several such treatments, repeated once a week. It is also important to disinfect combs, clothing and bedding to prevent re-infection (enough treatment in water at high temperatures).

How to protect against lice infestation

No treatment, even on a shampoo basis, is capable of prevent lice infestation: due to poor hygiene, anyone can face this problem.

It is enough to observe several preventive measures and intervene as soon as possible before the lice start laying eggs:

  • Regular examination of the hair and scalp.
  • Combing with frequent teeth.
  • As far as possible, avoiding contact with people suffering from lice and their personal belongings.

Properties of essential oils

Essential oils against lice and nits are widely used in the treatment of pediculosis, as they have insecticidal, antibacterial and even antifungal properties. At the same time, they are practically safe for humans, which cannot be said about the preparations of chemical composition:

  • Oils have a positive effect on the beauty and health of hair, giving them strength, shine and silkiness.
  • The principle of action of oils based on the structure of the tool. Treating the head with a viscous mixture causes a choking attack on insects, as a result of which they die.
  • Do not like lice and sharp rich flavor that scares insects.
  • A mixture of essential or any vegetable oil with an acidic medium (vinegar or lemon juice) will be destructive not only for lice, but also for nits. This compound dissolves the shell of the eggs, and also dilutes the cement with which they are attached to the hair, which facilitates the process of combing nits.

The only side effect that essential oils can cause when applied is the occurrence of an allergic reaction in people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance.

The most effective results with lice are demonstrated by such types of essential oils as:

  • lavender, anise,
  • burdock, bergamot,
  • eucalyptus, castor.

You can also include sunflower, tea tree and geranium oil in this list. When selecting a therapeutic oil, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the properties of the product itself.

Burdock oil for lice and nits is one of the most popular natural remedies for eliminating hair problems. Excellent effect it has in the treatment of pediculosis. The oil not only heals the skin of the head, but also creates a protective film. That it contributes to the difficulty of feeding and movement of parasites.

The head treated with burdock oil is wrapped in a plastic bag. After an hour, the hair is washed with running water using a mild shampoo. After that, the dead lice and nits comb pediculicide comb. This treatment is carried out for 3 days. To achieve the maximum effect, as well as for the purpose of prevention, the treatment is repeated every week.

Tea tree

Another effective remedy is tea tree oil for lice. It gives a stunning effect in combination with alcohol. In addition to the antiseptic effect, this mixture affects the dense chitinous integuments of the parasites, destroying them.

For the preparation of a therapeutic mixture, it is necessary to mix 30 g of tea tree oil with 50 g of ethyl alcohol. Then add 50 g of distilled water. The resulting solution is treated with the scalp for 5-6 days.

As a preventive measure, tea tree oil can be added to the shampoo, as well as applied with a point method in the area of ​​the temples, the crown and in the area of ​​the ears.

Apply tea tree oil for lice advised me to a neighbor. I decided to use this method, as I considered it to be the safest compared to pharmaceutical preparations. She treated her head with oil for 4 days, then combed it out with a comb. I managed to completely get rid of lice and nits. But this method did not help the sister - either the treatment was of lower quality, or a high degree of infestation with parasites.

Lavender oil for lice is another preventive measure against pediculosis. It has antiseptic, analgesic, and sedative properties. Many insects are afraid of lavender aroma, lice are no exception. A rather pungent smell weakens activity, slows down the development and reproduction of lice.

However, to achieve complete destruction of lice only this mixture will hardly succeed. But its combination with eucalyptus oil, rosemary or tea tree will help not only to heal wounds and get rid of dandruff, but also to destroy lice. In addition, such a plant combination will help protect against the bites of midges and even mosquitoes.

Pediculicidal agent can be done on alcohol. It is enough to mix it with lavender ether and distilled water in the ratio 5: 3: 5. The resulting cocktail is rubbed with a cotton swab into dry hair. Head wrapped cellophane package, and on top of a towel. After 20 minutes, the hair is washed with water and combed with a comb. To get rid of lice completely, a similar procedure should be repeated at least 4 times.

Lavender oil is not recommended for people with sensitive skin and suffering from allergies. It is undesirable to use it during pregnancy and lactation.

Once I tried to remove a child's lice with lavender oil extract. However, one hundred percent result was not possible. As a deterrent, it can and is effective. As for me, without pharmaceutical drugs with such a problem as pediculosis, can not cope.

Anise oil for lice is not a complete drug. But it is a good addition to the main pediculicidal agent.The oil composition slows down the reproduction of lice, restores the skin and relieves irritation symptoms after using chemical preparations. Anise is effective against fungi.


Vegetable oil is also used in the fight against head lice. It produces a stifling effect on lice, filling their spiracles. Sunflower oil does not harm the skin and hair, so its use is perfectly safe for children or pregnant women. However, the process of removing lice in this way takes more than 10 days.

The product is applied to the hair and scalp with massaging movements, after which the bag and towel are used similarly to the previous methods, and left in this state for 30 minutes. Then they act in the same way: they wash and comb it out with a comb.

Geranium oil is another herbal remedy that has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is often used as a preventive measure to scare away lice. On nits, oil does not produce an impact. Therefore, they can be removed only when combing.

A good effect gives a mixture of oils of geranium, tea tree and anise. A few drops of each component, taken in equal quantities, mixed with any fatty oil and rubbed into the head. The mixture is kept on the head for at least 1.5 hours, then washed with shampoo. Dead lice and nits combed comb.

The use of pure geranium oil for the treatment of lice in children under six years of age is not recommended. To avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction, a tolerance test should be performed.

She removed the lice to the son of geranium oil, mixing it in equal quantities with sunflower. The resulting mixture is applied to the head, soaking all the hair and skin. She covered the bag and on top with a towel. This "greenhouse" left for an hour. After that, the hair was thoroughly washed several times with regular shampoo and combed out with a comb. 2-3 such procedures (depending on the length and thickness of the hair) and head lice no longer remember.

Whatever essential oil from lice and nits you prefer, get rid of parasites at home it is only capable of prolonged use.

How fat helps get rid of lice and nits

Lice choose those parts of the head that wash most often - there is less fat. Unpleasant insects do not like fat, as it prevents the piercing of the skin layer and the suction of blood from there.

In addition, the oily mixture applied to the affected areas tightly covers the skin and hair, as a result of which the lice suffocates from oxygen deficiency and they die.

What oils are suitable for the fight against pediculosis, and how to use them correctly

The best vegetable oils to get rid of parasites in the hair are:

These tools not only kill lice and nits, but also improve the condition of the hair - make them shiny, smooth, silky. Before using oil masks, you need to check the reaction of the body, as a strong allergic reaction is possible. To do this, apply a drop of the product on the wrist or behind the ear and leave for a few hours - if there is redness, irritation or other unpleasant symptoms, it is better to refuse to use this remedy.

Burr oil

It can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is inexpensive, but is very effective for healthy hair. When applied to the scalp, a thick film is created that prevents the parasites from moving, feeding and multiplying.

It is required to apply the agent in its pure form to the hair, having well smeared the roots. Then you need to wrap your head with plastic wrap, you can additionally wrap with a towel on top. In this state, you need to leave the mask for 1-2 hours, after which it is required to wash off with shampoo.

Sunflower oil

This product can be found in any home - it is he who is successful in preparing various dishes. Well it also helps in the fight against parasites.

The principle of action is the same as with burdock - apply it on the scalp and curls with massaging movements, wrap with food film and a towel. Leave the product on the head for 30-60 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly using shampoo.

You can also use it in combination with vinegar (it is important that the percentage of vinegar does not exceed 9%). It is required to mix both products in equal proportions, put on the strands, carefully processing the roots. This tool should be kept on the hair for no more than 1 hour, then wash them and comb the dead parasites from the head.

Aromamasla in the fight against parasites

Essential extracts of plants help in the fight against parasites due to its bright aroma, which is not tolerated by blood-sucking insects.

To combat them, you can use aroma oils:

In the fight against parasites, these funds are divided into 2 types: those that kill lice and nits, and those that help prevent pediculosis.

Before use, it is necessary to test for individual sensitivity, since esters can cause severe allergies due to active substances.

Tea Tree Ether

Tea tree ether has many beneficial properties: bactericidal, regenerating, anti-inflammatory. He is able for 2-3 procedures to save a person from pediculosis.

50 grams of ethyl alcohol is required to dissolve 30 drops of tea tree ether and add 50 ml of pure water. Mix thoroughly, shake and distribute the hair. It is better to do the procedure at night, in the morning you should rinse your head thoroughly with water. After the strands have dried, they need to be combed with a comb and remove the dead parasites. Due to the effects of alcohol, the mixture has a detrimental effect on the chitinous shell of insects, as a result of which they die. The procedure is preferably carried out 1 time in 2 days until the complete disappearance of insects.

Lavender Ether

Lavender ether is not able to save a person from pediculosis, as it does not have strong killing properties. But it is widely used for the prevention of lice and the healing of wounds left by unpleasant insects. The smell of lavender is pleasant for humans, but not tolerated for lice, so if a person smells like lavender, insects will not fall on him.

If a person infected with pediculosis appears in the home, at work, in kindergarten and other institutions, lavender aroma oil can be applied in small amounts on the area behind the ears and on the temples to prevent infection.

If the pediculosis is already removed, but the unpleasant symptoms still remain - redness, burning, wounds, then the affected areas can be treated with a spray with lavender ether:

  • In 50 ml of warm boiled water, stir 10 to 15 drops of lavender aroma oil, pour the mixture into a container with a spray bottle and sprinkle on the scalp. You need to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day for a week.

Lavender ether can be added to shampoos and balms - this will improve the condition of the hair and help prevent the occurrence of harmful insects.

Why are anti-lice oils used

The use of essential and vegetable oils for the treatment of pediculosis has long been known. Their main advantage is complete safety for humans, in contrast to chemicals, characterized by their aggressiveness. Essential products have a rich odor that can lead to the paralysis of the blood-sucking. They are known for their antibacterial, insecticidal, antifungal effects.

Herbal remedies are distinguished by viscosity, which can cause asthma attacks in parasites. This leads to the death of the insect. In addition, their structure can lead to the dilution of cementitious substances. Through which nits are firmly attached to the hair.

If you mix any vegetable or essential oil with vinegar, you can not only destroy adults, but also the larvae. Since such a combination is able to dissolve their durable shell.In addition, they have a positive impact on the health of hair, give them strength. Facilitate combing lice and nits along the entire length of the curls.

Note! Acting as the key to complete recovery, the oils help not only to get rid of parasites, but also to improve the skin and hair in general.

How to use oils

The use of oils to eliminate lice is easy. Therapy is carried out three times with a frequency of 2 days. You can combine with other therapeutic measures. General recommendations for use:

  1. Apply only warm agent, preheated to room temperature.
  2. Distribute evenly over the scalp and the entire length of the curls.
  3. Top cover with a plastic bag, a warm scarf.
  4. To sustain the applied agent within an hour.
  5. Rinse off under running water.
  6. Carefully comb comb.

Precautionary measures

During the use of oil compositions should adhere to safety regulations. Because they are toxic, which can harm the body weakened by parasites. You must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is necessary to use drugs with unexpired shelf life of well-known manufacturers.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the components do not fall into the esophagus. Since they can lead to poisoning, stomach pain, vomiting, hallucinations.
  • Should follow the recommendations in the recipe. Since a large concentration can lead to burns.
  • Essential substances should be used only in a diluted state.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the composition does not fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • It is forbidden to carry out treatment on an empty stomach. Inhalation of essential substances may worsen health, cause dizziness.

We recommend to read: how dangerous lice, what diseases suffer.

Important! If, after applying the mixture, an unbearable burning sensation appeared on the head, then you need to quickly wash it off with warm water.


It is strictly forbidden to use oil treatment in the following cases:

  • People who have an allergic reaction to the selected funds.
  • For the treatment of children under 5 years of age.
  • Pregnant women. How to get rid of lice during pregnancy, you can find out on our website.
  • During lactation.
  • People with skin diseases of the head.
  • Patients with asthma.
  • With a lot of parasites. Since scratching and sores are a contraindication to the use of essential components.

Before applying the mixture of oils, you should check for supersensitivity. To do this, on the wrist need to put a few drops of the finished solution. If after half an hour, there is no burning and itching, then it is allowed to use.

We recommend to read: a review of effective means of lice for children.

Advantages and disadvantages of combating lice and nits with the help of folk remedies

Today, there are many different methods of removing lice. All these methods can be divided into three categories: chemical, mechanical and folk. We will talk about the latter now. But, before proceeding to the description of various recipes, let us figure out what are the advantages and disadvantages of folk methods of lice control.

So, the undoubted advantages of grandma's recipes are:

  • minimal side effects, since most methods use only natural products: berries, decoctions, salt, oils, etc.,
  • compatibility, thanks to which one can be guided simultaneously by several methods of excretion of these parasites,
  • availability of methods, because most of the necessary ingredients are in every home or they can be easily found at an affordable price.

In fairness it must be said about the existing shortcomings of the popular methods of removing lice:

  • The time required for the complete removal of parasites.Unfortunately, it requires more than using chemical agents, which means you need to be patient.
  • Systematic. The use of folk recipes implies multiple repetition of procedures to achieve the desired result.


Sunflower oil is prohibited to apply independently, as it will not bring the desired result. It is recommended to use in combination with essential components. It has an enveloping effect, not allowing adults to fix the larvae on the hair. This mixture should be kept on the head for 2 hours.

Recipes on the basis of natural oils

The use of various oils on the surface affected by lice and nits of the skin blocks the access of oxygen, which, in turn, leads to the death of parasites. In addition, the thick and rich aroma of essential oils repels insects. If you add lemon juice or vinegar to them, then it will be detrimental to nits, because the resulting acidic environment destroys their shell and facilitates the process of removal from the hair. In addition, essential oils have a beneficial effect on the beauty of the hair and nourish the skin.

Prescriptions for the treatment of pediculosis with the help of this tool are many. Before you prepare the right mixture, you need to pick up the base oil, preferably with a light texture, so as not to clog the pores. These include:

  • apricot,
  • peanut,
  • grape,
  • jojoba,
  • hemp,
  • almond
  • peach

Some of the base oils themselves are suitable for combating pediculosis:

The most universal recipe is the following:

  1. Take the oil-based.
  2. Add essential oil in a 2: 1 ratio. The total volume of the mixture should be enough to apply to the scalp and the entire length of the hair.
  3. Cotton swab to apply the resulting mass on the scalp.
  4. After that, distribute the mixture over the entire length of the hair.
  5. Put on a plastic bag or cap on your head. This measure is necessary to create an oxygen starvation environment.
  6. Leave everything for 1.5-2 hours.
  7. Remove the cap and small comb thoroughly comb through all the hair, removing insects and nits.
  8. After all the manipulations, wash your hair with shampoo, in which you can add a few drops of tea tree oil, which will strengthen the effect of the mask.

It is important to know. The method as an independent means is ineffective; it should be used as an auxiliary along with the main method of removing lice and nits.

The aroma of oils scares off parasites, so if you apply it to the temporal and occipital part of the head (necessarily with the base), this will be the prevention of infection with pediculosis during outbreaks of epidemics, for example, in school or kindergarten.

It is worth remembering that any concentrate can cause an allergic reaction. Before applying the method, conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply the mixture to the inner bend of the elbow and leave for 2-3 hours. If you do not find any redness, irritation or itching, then you can proceed to action on the instructions above. For children under 12 years old, it is better to use only those oils that do not require dilution. In any case, buy them only in pharmacies and read the instructions before use.

Reviews on the use of essential oils to solve problems

I know that anise oil is a good thing, only you won't get enough of it, especially for long hair. As it is not practical it turns out.

So, I bought tea tree oil and added a few drops to all the shampoos (just in case): adults and children. Spoofed. Smell of an amateur, but we all washed our hair with these shampoos. We really didn't get infected then.

Put a drop of rosemary oil behind your ears and on the back of your head - it really scares the lice. Rosemary oil add to shampoo.

Essential oils alone do not relieve lice. To use them as an independent and the only way should not be.It is better to use oil as a prophylactic.

Getting rid of lice with soap

The alkali contained in the laundry soap has a detrimental effect on the parasites, while relieving itching and discomfort in a patient with pediculosis.

For laundry soap to help get rid of lice, you need:

  1. Thickly apply it on wet hair, paying particular attention to the roots. It is best to take the soap with the highest percentage of fatty acids - 72%.
  2. After applying, wrap the head with cling film or plastic cap.
  3. Cover with a towel.
  4. After 30-40 minutes, rinse the hair thoroughly with water and then comb it over with a fine comb. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times a week, but at the same time you need to comb lice with a comb at least twice a day.
Do not forget that the soap strongly dries the scalp

The laundry soap, as well as the previous means, has no 100% effect in the fight against pediculosis. But it is a great helper in solving related problems: it soothes itching, dries and disinfects minor wounds, soothes the skin. Alkali in the composition of such soap spoils the protective shell of nits and chitinous cover of lice.

Frequent use of the product can cause the following problems: changes in the acid-base balance, allergies due to the addition of essential oils and other flavors to the soap, destruction of the natural microflora of the skin. Therefore, daily use of soap is not recommended.

Reviews on the use of soap for solving problems

Laundry soap from lice does not help. Better normal lice medicine buy in the pharmacy.

Previously, while there were no shampoos head wash host. including soap, but it did not get rid of lice. Better special equipment.

Found - shampoo on the head. Mine We dry. We comb. Again under the shampoo for 10-15 minutes. Dry it again - comb it. Were alive - they became dead. From adults got rid of. We clean the nits ... In the evening, again under the shampoo twice with intermediate drying at the heat (without a hair dryer) and combing (we try to remove the nits as far as possible). Then again butter. And so we do during the week. If it is possible, it will be days 9. In this way, our grandmothers got rid of the lice, but instead of the shampoo there was laundry soap (which, by the way, enhances the effect).

Laundry soap - a safe but ineffective tool in the fight against pediculosis. It is better to apply it after the main treatment instead of shampoo to soothe the skin and get rid of the itch.

Getting rid of lice with turpentine

Turpentine has long been known as a remedy for many ailments, including lice. Ointment based on it is a relatively cheap drug for the treatment of pediculosis.

Turpentine ointment - undeservedly forgotten, but effective means of dealing with pediculosis

The procedure for getting rid of lice with turpentine ointment is as follows:

  1. Rub into the scalp and hair. The amount of product varies depending on the length of the strands and their thickness.
  2. A plastic bag or film should be worn on the head.
  3. Wrap a towel and leave for 2 hours.
  4. Carefully comb the strands with a fine comb, remove all nits.
  5. Rinse hair well. Repeat the procedure after a few days.

This tool has one major drawback - it is badly washed off and leaves an unpleasant smell. After treatment with pediculosis with turpentine ointment, the hair should be thoroughly washed with shampoo twice with the addition of any fragrant essential oil.

Should not be used for pregnant women and young children. Before use, be sure to read the instructions in the package of ointment, it contains comprehensive information.

Reviews on the use of turpentine ointment to solve the problem

I smeared with turpentine ointment, two hours under a towel — all lice died (and there was their sea). nits really stayed alive, but were removed easily.


No chemical products or folk remedies (turpentine ointment) helped in the fight against pediculosis. I ordered a comb


There is a proven tool - this is turpentine ointment! In the indications for use, nothing is said about breeding lice, but the method is proven! And it costs a penny. Mom treated us in childhood, and a year ago my daughter brought home from school, so we immediately recovered!


... found advice, use Turpentine ointment. It took one and a half tubes for each head ... And the nits are very easily removed, apparently the ointment softens them ... So, at a time, I brought out the lice from three long-haired nymphs)). Cheap, angry and efficient.


Turpentine ointment can be used in the treatment of pediculosis. This tool is non-toxic, and therefore the method is safe, but it is worth remembering about individual intolerance.

Lemon Juice Recipe for Pediculosis

Lemon - a universal remedy for the treatment of diseases, skin whitening and hair and nail care. It is not surprising that this fruit can help get rid of pediculosis. Lemon juice is best used as an additional tool in the fight against parasites.

So, to get rid of pediculosis:

  1. Take three lemons.
  2. Cut them into slices.
  3. Fill with one liter of water.
  4. Boil for 15 minutes.
  5. Apply over the entire length of the hair.
  6. Lemon can be used together with other means of combating pediculosis. To do this, only after all the procedures and shampooing rinse the hair with the resulting decoction.
Lemon decoction simply and easily removes only nits at home and is used as an additional treatment for the disease.

It must be remembered that lemon juice contains a large amount of acid. And because this tool can not be called absolutely safe. Citric acid in large quantities corrodes the skin, and if it gets into the combs and cracks that are inevitable with pediculosis, then a strong burning sensation will begin.

Remember that the patient may be allergic to lemon or citrus. In this case, this method can not be applied. It is not recommended to use lemon juice for the treatment of children up to 12 years old: their skin is more tender and sensitive.

Feedback on using lemon juice to solve a problem

Lemon juice, which (after getting rid of the insects themselves), should be lubricated from the nits, should be lubricated and closed for half an hour under a plastic bag (like a cap). If necessary, repeat this several times.

Chernyavsky Vitaly Maksimovich

And such a mask on the hair: lemon juice breaks down the gluten nits, they are uncoupled from the hair ... Then I combed it with a small comb and didn’t find any more live or dead nits and lice.

... lemon juice softens the shell of eggs, and this is also not a therapeutic, but a palliative remedy.

Lemon as an independent remedy for lice does not give a good effect, but it will definitely help to destroy the nits. Therefore, like many other folk remedies, citric acid should be used as an additional method for the treatment of pediculosis, for example, to rinse their hair.

Use henna for breeding nits

The chemical composition of henna softens the adhesive substance that holds the nits on the hair, and it becomes easier to remove them.

To get rid of lice you need:

  1. To boil water.
  2. Take a glass bowl and pour henna into it.
  3. Pour boiling water over the powder so that it turns out a mass resembling thick sour cream.
  4. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes to cool.
  5. Add natural ground coffee (non-granulated) in a 1: 1 combination to henna.
  6. Cover your shoulders with an old towel or other cloth so as not to stain your clothes.
  7. Apply the mixture to the strands from the roots along their entire length. It is better to use a sponge or brush to dye hair.
  8. Leave on for 20–30 minutes.
  9. Take a small hairbrush and comb through it all the hair.
  10. Remove the nits.
Henna is more commonly used to get rid of nits, rather than lice themselves.

This method does not give 100% of the result.Since the nits are firmly attached, it is difficult to remove them.

Important to remember. Henna colors the hair, and this is not for everyone. However, if you still planned to paint them and just caught the lice, then you can combine the cosmetic procedure with the treatment, at least in order to reduce the number of nits.

If you have blond hair, then the result of dyeing can be unpredictable, so you should not experiment. Henna is considered a safe plant, but do not forget about individual intolerance.

Feedback on the use of henna to solve problems

Mix henna and ground coffee 1: 1. Next, smear the head, as when dyeing hair, from the roots and along the entire length. And now we take a comb or a frequent comb and begin to scratch. The bottom line is that after exposure of acid to nits, they are poorly retained on the hair, and the lumps formed by henna and coffee strip the nits from the hair. 100% of the result did not work, but they became significantly less.

My mother painted me with henna at the age of 5) and lice no matter how it happened 🙂

Not! This is complete nonsense! Lice is such rubbish that many lice drugs do not take, but here henna ... (I know not by hearsay, my work unfortunately is connected with the fight with them)

As can be seen from the reviews, the result of using henna is ambiguous. Can be attributed to this tool in the fight against pediculosis to ineffective.

Pediculosis treatment with kerosene

Kerosene to get rid of lice used for a long time. The tool is very aggressive, so you need to be careful.

  1. Before use, the substance must be diluted with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied to the scalp and spread over the entire length of the hair.
  3. Wear a plastic cap.
  4. Wrap a towel or handkerchief to keep warm.
  5. After two hours, rinse your hair with shampoo.
Kerosene is still one of the most popular ways to remove lice.

Kerosene leaves an unpleasant smell and spoils the hair, therefore it is better to add a couple of drops of any fragrant essential oil to the washing liquid. You should choose the one that is commonly used in the treatment of pediculosis.

Important to remember. Kerosene is flammable and must be used away from sources of ignition. Do not use kerosene to treat children under the age of 12, their skin is still very tender and more at risk of getting burns. Do not use it and pregnant, because there is no data on the possible consequences for the fetus.

Kerosene is really effective in fighting nits and lice. However, it should be used in the most extreme cases when there are no other means of treatment and the possibility of their acquisition is excluded. This method spoils the hair very much, but it's not so bad. Pediculosis is accompanied by itching, which leads to damage to the skin, the formation of small cracks and wounds. If kerosene gets on the damaged skin, it causes a burning sensation and pain. At the same time reviews on the Internet left most of all about kerosene. Opinions are very different: from positive to sharply negative. Disputes do not arise about the effectiveness, but on the issue of security means.

Reviews on the use of kerosene to solve problems

kerosene them, kerosene! (c) I'm serious, by the way. At the time of my deep childhood, maman made me a “hair mask” with a kerosene + vegetable oil cocktail in a 1: 1 ratio. The first time was enough, but Mom for safety had another preventive session, and a little did not keep the proportions in favor of kerosene.

For the second month, I wash myself and my older children with all pharmaceutical ointments and sprays, and all that remains is to treat everyone with KEROSIN. Once at age 12, my mother saved my long hair from the very first application!

I was taken out in two ways in my childhood - a quick one - to smear my head with kerosene, all evil spirits die at once, but to wash Pts for a long time and unpleasantly and then stink them until it stops.

I had lice, a class at 7 and another classmate. Mom washed my head with kerosene, called an ambulance, burned all the skin on my head

The use of kerosene is an effective, but dangerous method. Do not risk your health, it is better to turn to other means.

Vinegar for getting rid of lice

It should be immediately warned: vinegar in its pure form is dangerous to health! Especially the essence. Be careful! For its safe use as a means for removing lice, it is necessary to dilute this acid with plain water. Before applying the vinegar solution, apply a small amount to the elbow bend and observe the skin reaction. If within 10 minutes there will be no signs of irritation and discomfort, then proceed to the procedure without fear.

Care must be taken to safe breathing. To do this, the procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area or on the street (if it is a warm season). Lice with vinegar can be disposed of as follows:

  1. Prepare the room. Open the window or window, make sure that the air flows freely into the room. If it is warm outside, then perform the procedure outdoors.
  2. Prepare the solution. The proportions are as follows: essence (70% and above) is diluted in the ratio of 1:16, table vinegar (9%) - 1: 2, apple - 1: 1. The concentration of acetic acid in the amount of 4–5% is safe for the skin.
  3. Moisten the comb in vinegar and comb the hair strand by strand, periodically wetting the comb in the mixture. You can use the sponge. It is important to touch the scalp as little as possible. Pay particular attention to hair.
  4. Wrap your head with cling film or put on a plastic cap, tie a warm shawl on top. It is necessary to create not only an oxygen-free environment, but also to raise the temperature under the film above 36 o C.
  5. Keep a bandage on your head for at least an hour, and even longer if there are no discomfort.
  6. Immediately after removing it, carefully comb the head with a small comb, remove all nits.
  7. Then wash your hair or rinse it well. The procedure should be repeated within 2–3 days until complete removal of the lice.
Vinegar must be used diluted for pediculosis.

Vinegar relieves sexually mature lice and is quite effective in fighting nits, as it eats away the protective membrane of the eggs, softens the adhesive substance that attaches the parasites to the hair. Splitting glue, acid facilitates combing nits. Apply it with great care, be sure to dilute with water. It is important to remember that vinegar causes a strong, even unbearable burning sensation if there are scratches and wounds on the surface of the skin.

There is a risk of chemical burns. Vinegar pores are dangerous for the eyes, so do not use on small children (up to 5 years) to avoid irritation of the eye mucosa. Individual intolerance to fluid components can cause an allergic reaction. Before applying the method, test the finished solution on the crook of the elbow.

Reviews on the use of vinegar to solve the problem

I brought a child after swimming in a career. Vychesyvala every day and rinsed in water with vinegar. Nothing, everything is gone and long hair did not have to be cut. But it is necessary to comb out OOOchen small scallop.

Nadezhda, thank you very much. As you said, the girl screamed vinegar with her hair and scalp, it smelled awful and pinched her eyes, but I made her suffer 20 minutes. Then several times I washed my hair with shampoo and combed out her hair for an hour. Pts left many dead lice and ***. After a day I looked at the hair like nothing, and the hair either from vinegar became shiny and silky.

As a child, I was brought out by smearing hair with vinegar and then putting the bag on for some time + combing nits + trimming to facilitate the process. I don't know where the recipe was borrowed from. But I remember that after removing the package, lice stuck to it did not show signs of life.

I tell them for free how to remove all the nits, they somehow were at the daughter in junior school, brought them from the camp. You take vinegar, any, I had an apple, after the remedy you put on the washed hair, supported it a little and all the nits on the frequent comb remain. the recipe itself found in the internet then.

I had lice when I was a child, my mother used them for vinegar.

Vinegar can be used as a remedy for pediculosis, but care must be taken.

Cranberry Juice Recipe

This method involves the use of cranberry juice in large quantities, so you need to stock up on the berries in sufficient quantities. Remaining after squeezing juice can be boiled and take the resulting decoction inside to strengthen the immune system, which will contribute to the speedy cure of pediculosis.

To get rid of lice with cranberries, you must:

  1. Take a couple of handfuls of northern berries and carefully squeeze out all the juice (it is better to grind everything in a blender).
  2. The resulting drink must be rubbed into the scalp to moisturize the hair roots.
  3. Wear a plastic cap or food film.
  4. Throw a thin hat on top or tie a scarf.
  5. It is necessary to wait for complete drying of the head. It will take a lot of time, so the procedure is best done at night.
  6. In the morning carefully comb your head with a special comb and remove the nits.

The course of treatment is a week.

Cranberry is one of the most ancient and effective remedies against pediculosis.

Cranberry juice is better to use at the initial stage of infection, because it contains acid, which gets into small wounds and scratches. They, unfortunately, necessarily arise because of itching after a day or two after the appearance of lice. It is the acid that eats away the chitinous cover of the nits and ruins the mature individuals.

Cranberries are non-toxic berries, but individual intolerance to the constituent chemical elements of the plant can be observed. Do not use this tool if you are allergic.

Reviews on the use of cranberries to solve problems

I know that there is a recipe with cranberry juice. The safest and best remedy for lice. Take a cranberry, squeeze juice through gauze and smear the juice well and tie it, juice, and lice will die, and ***, this is a proven remedy.

As a result of the use of cranberry juice, the nits die and are easily washed off the hair. I, however, did not remove the package 3 times. And the cranberries in a blender missed, so convenient. Cons: bleached hair dyed, but not for long, and the bath turned dark in places (it was not new, the roughness was, so they darkened). Masks did 2 times during the treatment period and removed the nits with my hands anyway.

We had exactly the same problem, looking for a safe tool because the child had many birthmarks on his head. Believe it or not, cranberries helped us. It turns out this is a folk remedy for lice))). When she did not believe that she would help, but the result is simply wonderful.

She poured cranberries and heavily smeared her hair, then covered her head with a bag, then with a towel and so walked for about 40 minutes or a little more. To consolidate the result, just in case, I still dyed my hair with ammonia-free paint (especially, and it was necessary). Everything in the complex gave a positive result.

Cranberries can be used in the fight against lice and nits. The effect is not 100%, but still it is quite high. In addition, cranberry juice is a source of vitamins for hair, so it will be useful for your hair.

Getting rid of lice with vodka or alcohol

To use this method must be guided by dexterity and speed of action.Since alcohol vapors evaporate almost instantly, you will need an assistant. It is better to use a pure product, but if there is none, then we take vodka. When working with alcohol solutions breathing is difficult, so you need to stock up on an elongated tube or wear a mask. It is the inability to breathe in an environment of abundant alcohol vapor and helps to destroy the lice and get rid of pediculosis.

To get rid of lice with alcohol or vodka, you must:

  1. Provide free air access to the room or go outside (if it is a warm season).
  2. Wear a mask or take a tube in your mouth to breathe safely.
  3. Moisten a cotton swab in vodka and apply with quick motions to the hair in the amount necessary for abundant moistening of all the strands, paying particular attention to the roots.
  4. Then quickly put on a plastic cap or cling film.
  5. Tie a handkerchief or towel tightly on top so that the alcohol does not evaporate.
  6. Leave a compress for half an hour.
  7. After 30 minutes, remove the bandage, be sure to carefully comb the hair with a small hairbrush, remove the nits.
  8. To wash hair.
Observe precautions when using vodka compress.

This method can be dangerous, first of all, for the respiratory organs. It can be used only by adults with the necessary precautions: to ensure safe breathing, not to use alcohol in its pure form to avoid burns, the procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated room or in the open air. Pores of alcohol irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, so do not use the tool on children (up to 5 years).

Reviews on the use of vodka to solve the problem

In general, after two months, when there was no longer any moral strength, I read somewhere about the method that helped. Plentifully poured hair with vodka, pulled a bag on top and sat there for half an hour. Then all washed away. After 5 days, repeated. And everything went. Good luck to you!


wore a bag or disposable cap, on top of a towel. Try a vodka compress. We are really Greek vodka - raki brought out! 🙂 But after months. combing and buying any means, even folk remedies scoured in the internet! This method really worked.

Fairy Violet

Spread alcohol-containing head (vodka) and wrap in polyethylene and a towel, walk like that for half an hour and wash off with shampoo. after 3 days, repeat.

Valentina Kapralova

Better smear vodka, put a packet on your head for 10 minutes, and then wash your head, I did it to my daughter, does not bake, does not hurt and does not spoil the hair, and lice all sdyhayut for one use, I have processed it again after a week for prevention everything.


The recipe with vodka is effective in combating sexually mature individuals and nits. But be sure to be careful.

Getting rid of lice with mayonnaise

As in the case of oils and alcohol, this recipe eliminates pediculosis due to the suffocation of insects.

To get rid of lice with mayonnaise, do the following:

  1. Liberally lubricate their scalp.
  2. Spread the product over the entire hair length.
  3. From above put on a rubber hat or a food wrap, and then a scarf.
  4. Leave overnight. The oxygen-free environment you have created will kill all the lice.
  5. In the morning, comb your hair thoroughly.
  6. Wash your head, and then be sure to remove all the nits.
Means from mayonnaise sauce can be fearlessly used for the treatment of adults and children

Mayonnaise contains acid (acetic acid or citric acid) that destroys nits, as well as oils and fats that make it difficult for air to enter, which cause lice to die. This product is harmless and safe for hair and skin. There are no contraindications for children and pregnant women. Do not use mayonnaise if it contains ingredients that cause you allergies.

Reviews on the use of mayonnaise to solve the problem

also how *** die in an acidic environment! before processing mayonnaise click, and after processing all dry, do not burst! checked and more than once, my children often wear something from school, then from kindergarten. I already fought with these reptiles enough to understand how they can be erased


Spread mayonnaise on your head, then put on a polyethylene cap and roll it over with something else, and so sleep at night. The idea that all lice suffocate, then comb them out. The main thing is that it turned out that this moisee is like a mask for hair :), the daughters have just amazing hairs of steel, kka in advertising show


Cover your hair with fat and mayonnaise or a similar substance. Theoretically, it will suffocate lice and nits, although there is no scientific evidence that this method works.

Alexey Slesarenko

Which of these methods are suitable for children.

Children's skin and the body as a whole are more sensitive to the aggressive effects of various acids and other substances. Therefore, it is necessary to remember thatnot every folk remedy for pediculosis is applicable to a child.

Despite the fact that children's pediculosis refers to those diseases that you want to save your child more likely, you should not use any treatment method without thinking.

If your child caught parasites, you can use the following methods: natural oils, soap, mayonnaise, cranberries, lemon juice (from 12 years after the test on the elbow of the child). You can practice the recipe with vinegar and vodka (but not for children under 5 years old).

It is impossible to apply pure alcohol, turpentine, kerosene to children. For children's skin, it will be too aggressive methods, and also dangerous for breathing.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the use of essential oils from pediculosis

Essential oils have long been used in order to get rid of lice and nits. The most important advantage is their in absolute safety for human healthyou can not say about the drugs created on the basis of aggressive chemicals.

Possessing a very expressive, saturated and usually sharp aroma, essential oils able to completely paralyze parasitesand also to thin a special cementing substance, with the help of which louses firmly attach their nits to the hairs.

As a result of this debilitating effect it becomes much easier to comb out parasitic insects together with their hair larvae.

  • Do lice infest dyed hair and what are the specifics of treatment and selection of anti-pediculosis drugs?
  • How to bring nits and lice from long hair, without resorting to a haircut "under zero"?
  • How do lice and nits look on a person's head: are white grains on the head - dandruff or pediculosis?
  • muddy pool of your eyes, or lice on the eyelashes,
  • what to use to combat parasites on the head: what are lice and nits afraid of?
  • treatment of pediculosis in pregnant women, as well as in a nursing mother: how is it safe to remove harmful parasites?
  • pediculosis in adults: the causes of infection and how to treat lice and nits?
  • the best of the best: the means for the prevention of lice,
  • What are the consequences of lice?

What oils are recommended?

The best results in combating the manifestations of head lice are demonstrated by such types of natural oils as anise, sunflower, burdock, lavender, castor, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, bergamot and geraniums.

To choose the right therapeutic oil in each individual case, you need to familiarize yourself with all their basic properties and characteristics of the impact.

Burr oil is one of the most popular natural remedies for eliminating many hair problems. It has also proven itself in the treatment of pediculosis.

This tool is very affordable - at any pharmacy you can buy it at the lowest cost. At the same time, the effectiveness of burdock oil from lice and nits is always on top.As a result of the application, positive changes occur:

  • the skin of the head is getting better,
  • a protective film is created on the surface of the skin, which significantly complicates the further movement of parasites, as well as their nutrition.

Preheated to room temperature burdock oil should be applied in large quantities on hair and scalp. Then wearing a polyethylene cap on your head, you need to stay in this condition for at least an hour. After this, rinse hair thoroughly.

Often used sunflower oil from lice. It brings the best effect in combination with the essential oils of eucalyptus, geranium, lavender and bergamot, acting as a base. Cooked oil mixture thickly applied to the hair and intensively rubbed into the skin of the head. Then cover the head with polyethylene and leave the mixture for several hours.

Anise oil also brings positive results. Due to its enveloping effects, it slows down the habitual vital activity of bloodsucking parasites. The aroma of anise slightly scares lice and prevents the development of their larvae.

It is very simple to apply essential anise oil from lice - it is necessary apply on hair and scalp, hold for 1-2 hours, and then wash off with plenty of water. It is famous for its antimicrobial action.

Successfully applied Castor oil from lice, which is one of the most common and affordable. Him action like burdock.

It is required to apply a copious amount of oil on the hair, rub in it thoroughly, cover it with a cellophane cap and wash it off after a couple of hours. Upon completion of the procedure, the weakened lice with nits must be combed using a special comb.

Lavender oil in its action can be compared with tea tree oil.

The main advantages of lavender oil should be attributed pronounced healing and antimicrobial effect. In order to prevent, lavender oil, like tea tree oil, can be added to shampoos, balsams and hair masks.

Effective recipes for the use of essential oils to combat head lice

There are many recipes for the use of essential oils in the treatment of pediculosis. We offer the most effective ones.

Pre-school children An absolutely safe recipe will do. It is required to prepare an oil mixture from:

  • 30 ml of fat base oilFor example, sunflower or castor,
  • 3 drops - lemon, lavender, tea tree and rosemary oils.

Mixing all the ingredients, you need to apply the resulting mass abundantly on the scalp and rub in carefully. Wear a plastic cap on the head, and after 1-2 hours, wash the hair and comb it with a comb, combing the weakened parasites together with all their larvae.

At school age Children are recommended to apply the recipe on the basis of oils:

3-4 drops of each oil must be mixed with oily base oil and used as in the previous recipe.

Adult patients Anise oil and oregano are ideal for the treatment of pediculosis. They can be used both independently and in combination with other essential oils.

Perfectly established a mixture of oils:

  • thyme,
  • thyme,
  • rosemary,
  • oregano,
  • citronella.

As an effective supplement to the main treatment you should regularly comb your hair with a special comb, as well as consume vitamin aids that have a positive effect on the immune system.

The principle of the impact of essential oils on lice

Essential oils are highly concentrated and extremely potent. They can not be used as an independent tool, and you only need to add to other bases for the treatment of hair.

High-quality esters have antifungal and antibacterial properties, help to kill harmful insects.They also help to soothe the itching of the scalp, gently restore it, and a light scent has a beneficial effect on the upset nervous system.

For the treatment of pediculosis at home using aromatic essential oils of tea tree, geranium, lavender.

There are several ways to dilute essential oils:

  • tea tree oil is added to shampoos or spirit tinctures,
  • geranium oil is mixed with shampoo,
  • lavender essential oil is added to olive oil.

The principle of the impact of essential oils on lice is based on insect intolerance to a bright, pronounced odor. This is explained by the fact that their olfactory organ is the main one. Therefore, the appearance of a large number of aromatic molecules around contributes to loss of orientation, and lice tend to leave a dangerous place.

But nonetheless, even stunned by a strong smell, insects cannot lose their owner, because they feed on his blood and spend most of their lives clinging to hair. Only carefully washing and subsequent rinsing with water and vinegar diluted in it will help lice to unhook from the hair.

  1. Procedures with essential oils to get rid of lice must necessarily be carried out by the course. The minimum number is ten sessions in 1-2 days. Or until complete elimination of symptoms.
  2. After the procedure it is necessary to comb out the hair with a special comb with frequent arrangement of the teeth.
  3. Nits (lice eggs) are not completely removed using procedures. They must be removed manually after a visual inspection. Otherwise, the benefits of the procedure will be minimized.

The procedure for getting rid of lice may be different. Here are some recipes to help you get your home treatment.

Methods of use against nits

Lavender oil is considered the most effective in the fight against pediculosis.

  1. Add 3-5 drops of lavender essential oil in 100-150 grams of warm olive oil.
  2. Apply a mixture of oils to the scalp with abundant coat, rub into the epidermis, and distribute on each strand.
  3. Tightly wrap the head and hair with polyethylene so that the air does not get inside.
  4. Stay with this mask for at least 3 hours. Do not leave the mask on your head for longer than 8 hours.
  5. Carefully wash off the mask with any cleanser at least two times.
  6. Rinse hair with diluted vinegar. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water.
  7. Wet combed hair with frequent teeth.

Same You can add another essential oil instead of olive oil, such as tea tree oil or geranium oil.

  • The mask can drain on the forehead and eyes, so put a comfortable bandage on your head.
  • You can dissolve the hair cleanser in the pelvis and wash the mask in it. This will help see the result - dead lice.
  • When combing, divide the hair into four parts and fasten each one. This will help you carefully comb each strand.

Alcohol based tincture oils

In addition, with odorous essential oils can be made alcohol tincture. For this you need:

  1. in 50 ml of alcohol, add 50 ml of distilled water and 30 drops of essential oil of tea tree,
  2. rub the tincture into the scalp and hair,
  3. rinse thoroughly with water.

Repeat this procedure should be daily until complete disposal of all lice and nits.

You can make a softer composition, adding, for example, 10 drops of geranium oil in shampoo. Apply the composition to the hair, wrap the film and leave for an hour. After rinse and comb, as we said earlier.

  • Do not take essential oils inside,
  • Avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, the skin around the eyes and into the eyes,
  • Do not apply undiluted oil to skin.

Pediculosis is an insidious disease. All are subject to it - adults and children, socially active and leading home lifestyle. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. He will adjust your treatment, including essential oils at home.

The use of pregnant women, children may be contraindicated for individual indicators. They definitely need to consult a specialist before using essential oils.


Castor oil is allowed for independent use. It has a similar effect as sunflower. To do this, it must be heated in a water bath, spread on the head. The average price in Russia is 50 rubles.

Effective coconut oil, which feeds curls. It has antiviral, antibacterial effect. Helps eliminate the infection caused by parasites. This drug is approved for independent use. A good effect is obtained from the complex with tea tree oil. For this it is necessary to add 4 drops of the ether component to 30 ml of coconut preparation. On average, the drug is in the range of 450 p.

Burdock oil is considered the most popular remedy in the fight against head lice. Since it forms a film that impedes the movement of lice, which does not allow them to feed. The drug helps to improve the structure of the hair, as it nourishes them with nutrients, fats, vitamins. It should be applied every day for 4 days. Next comes a two-day break. After which the course must be repeated. This is an affordable tool, the price of which in Russia varies from 39 to 45 rubles. The cost of the treatment course is influenced by the length of the hair. Usually requires 2 bottles.

Anise oil has a distinctive aroma that can scare off adult parasites, does not allow further formation of nits. Due to the enveloping property, the life cycle of the bloodsucking is slowed down. The anisic agent is also known for its antimicrobial effects, making it a more therapeutic composition, contributing to the rapid healing of wounds. Its price is 150 p.

Note, After the treatment course, prophylactic treatment should be carried out for 2 months. For this it will be enough 2 procedures.


Lavender oil is used as an aid. It is known for its antiseptic, anti-depressive, analgesic properties. It is usually added to accelerate the healing of scratching. The price of the drug varies from 300 to 340 p.

Tea tree

Tea tree oil is an effective remedy for eliminating lice. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Alcohol mixture is especially known for its effectiveness. To do this:

  1. take 50 grams of medical alcohol,
  2. 30 g of tea tree oil,
  3. to mix everything,
  4. add 50 g of warm boiled water.

The resulting solution for 5 days to process the skin and hair. If necessary, until the complete disappearance of parasites, you can repeat the course after 2 days. The cost of funds - 95 p.


Eucalyptus oil is known for its spicy scent that repels lice. It promotes healing of wounds, prevents the development of infection. A few drops of eucalyptus component is added to any plant based. After rinsing, parasites can be combed out and 2-3 drops of this agent applied to the comb. It costs about 190 p.


Bergamot oil is famous for its abundance of vitamins, minerals. It improves hair structure, epithelium, heals wounds, prevents infection, accelerates regenerating processes. This tool is allowed to use in tandem to the main. To do this, in 30 ml of vegetable base, add 3 drops of bergamot, which costs about 150 r.

Sea buckthorn

Used as a detergent against lice. Sea buckthorn oil is rubbed into the skin, left for some time, and then washed off. Pharmacies average price of sea buckthorn oil is 100 p.

Therapeutic mixture

Essential substances must not be used in pure form. They come as a supplement to the basic tool.A faster result can be obtained when using tandems based on several types of oils. Making the mixture you need to follow a few recommendations.

  • the mixture is made using one main component and 2 additional in the ratio of 30 to 3. The basis is vegetable oil. Most often for these purposes use burdock, castor. The supplement usually comes with lemon, rosemary, tea tree,
  • the resulting mixture is heated in a water bath to room temperature,
  • then evenly distributed over the head, hair,
  • keep for 2 hours.

Council To get more efficiency, it is recommended to apply a medical mixture at bedtime, leaving until morning. This will help to have a more detrimental effect on lice.

Mixtures with an acidic environment

An acidic medium is used as an auxiliary component, which helps remove nits and makes combing easier. Due to its aggressiveness, it is known for lice-fighting vinegar. It is in the complex composition leads to increased results. For cooking means should take:

  • 9% vinegar in equal amounts with the main component,
  • vegetable base,
  • 5 drops of flavoring
  • put on your hair, put a plastic bag on top,
  • after one hour, rinse under running water with detergent,
  • blow dry,
  • comb out nits and paralyzed lice.

Oil compositions

The most popular complex tools include the following tandems:

  • 20 parts tea tree oil to 4 parts clove,
  • equal ratio of lavender and olive oil,
  • burdock with bergamot 1: 1 ratio,
  • in equal parts of campfire and eucalyptus,
  • children up to 7 years old can use a composition of 30 ml of sunflower oil, to which 3 drops are added. lavender, lemon, rosemary, tea tree,
  • school children are allowed to use the following complex: 30 ml of castor with 3 cap. Tea tree oil, rosemary, thyme.

Advantages and disadvantages

Essential and vegetable oils have several advantages. Among which are different:

  • environmental friendliness
  • loosening the grip of parasites, which makes combing easier,
  • hair saturation with microelements
  • high performance.

The disadvantage of treatment is the presence of allergic reactions in people who have a tendency to them.

Essential and vegetable oils are affordable and safe means for the treatment of lice. When using them, it is important to observe proportions in order not to harm the body.

Proven folk remedies for lice and nits:

  • laundry soap,
  • dust soap
  • tar soap,
  • vodka, alcohol,
  • hair dye,
  • cemeric water.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to Get Rid of Super Lice (July 2024).